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The hover on the entire pagelist line feature is a little buggy. It's a little sporadic, but if you open a branch and then collapse it, the hover no longer brings up the action buttons. Let me know if you can't reproduce and I'll try to investigate.

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  On 1/20/2017 at 8:09 PM, tpr said:

Are you sure it's AOS? I can reproduce this when AOS is disabled but maybe that's not what you wrote. Which AOS feature is it (classname?) and which admin theme?


I am on the default theme. I can't reproduce without AOS. It's not consistent, but it's also not a huge deal :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @tpr Can you please somehow make it optional the CKE stuff in AOS? I mean I do not want to use it, so it is just a waste of resources to have the CKE folder around with its hefty 903 files (5.6MB).

For the time being can I just delete the whole folder? Any nasty side-effects if I do so? :) 

Edited by szabesz
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I think it's safe to delete if you don't use it.

I don't know how could I make it optional without making it uncomfortable for others who are using it. What I could do (and it's on my todo) to reduce the number of files in the CKE plugins directory.

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If it is possible to download this CKE plugins directory as a ZIP file than there could be a download button on the settings page to optionally get it later, but let's just leave it at this theoretical stage and see how you can trim the number of files in the first place. And I will just delete it to see what happens :) Thanx!

EDIT: still theoretically :) but it might be a better way to include the whole stuff by default, but on the settings page there could be a "remove CKE plugin support" or something like that, which deletes the direcory and the plugin can keep it that way during upgrades. There should be some warnings, of course, etc...

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Hi @tpr! I want to propose some improvements in auto-loaded files. 

By default these files are loaded:

/site/templates/admin.css: CSS file loaded for the entire admin
/site/templates/admin.js: JavaScript file loaded for the entire admin
/site/templates/cke.js: JavaScript file loaded for CKEditor fields
/site/templates/cke.css: CSS file loaded for CKEditor fields
/site/templates/templates.js: fallback for the CKEditor "templates" plugin templates

From the point that we try to keep templates folder as much structured as possible, it would be great that auto-loaded files, by default, will be loaded for example from "templates/admin/" folder. It also would be conveniently when you use some task runner as Gulp. It that way you can create one task for custom admin assets.

Tough, we have settings for custom assets path, it is not very handy to set these paths on every new project. 

So I want to propose to change how files are auto-loaded by default: 

1. AOS looks for files in "templates";

2. AOS looks for files in "templates/admin";

3.  AOS looks for files in custom paths.

What do you think about it? 

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I guess it's safe to set the defaults to "templates/admin/...", I don't want to use so many file_exists(). Is this template structure what you need?


Btw until the update you can just replace the string "cke.js" with "admin/cke.js" in AdminOnSteroids.module (and do this with all 5 assets).


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  On 2/5/2017 at 6:33 AM, szabesz said:

it might be a better way to include the whole stuff by default, but on the settings page there could be a "remove CKE plugin support" or something like that, which deletes the direcory and the plugin can keep it that way during upgrades. There should be some warnings, of course, etc...


That could work but it would add an unnecessary complication imho. In the meantime I managed to reduce the number of files to about 200 and overally module size to 2.1MB. So far so good, but I'll keep click around to see if all goes well.

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  On 2/7/2017 at 10:48 AM, Zeka said:

"templates/admin/..." by default would be ok. But what about backward capability, if there is no check for the root of templates folder? 


No, there's not. Imho it's better to leave out that extra 5 file check on every admin page load. This might be a nuissance for existing users but on the long run it's better this way.

FYI, v124 is uploaded, containging fewer files and with overall module files weighing 1.7MB. The Modules Directory doesn't contain the documentation anymore as it was moved to GitHub Wiki. I just tested AOS on a new install and so far so good but please report if you find something.

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Evening @tpr :) Is it just me who is missing text-decoration: line-through; from the page list (tree)? See:


It was also missing at least in the previous version. I have a site with AOS 0.9.96 where unpublished pages are crossed out (I know it's way back in time...).

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after upgrade all of a sudden my sites all started to show the alternate skin on CK editor, even though we I don't have that sub module enabled; enabling disabling the CKEaddons doesn't change anything, e.g. it still shows the wrong skin, and also the editor has redundant text align buttons; only way to fix was to disable module.


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  • 2 weeks later...

@tpr, I noticed that the filter box icon is out of alignment on Lister Pro pages. Not sure if you have Lister Pro available to test on but the culprit is a CSS rule that sets text inputs to 100% width inside #ProcessListerResults. Maybe force the width back to auto for the filterbox?

html.aos div.filterbox input[type="text"] { width:auto !important; }


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