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one thing i'm missing sometimes on the template editor is a shortcut for editing field widths. a slider from 10 - 100% instantly changing the fields width would be a great addition in my opinion :) often changing one field's width makes it necessary to change the other field's width as well (eg adding a field to a row of 4 fields with 25% makes it necessary to change all fields to 20%

it would be great to add the field and drag all field's width from 25 to 20 without the need to open each fields settings, clicking on the display tab, changing value, saving field, closing modal...

all other settings are fine being available behind one click.

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By not reading the manual? :)

Field width changing would be great, provided that a good and simple GUI could be found. My first idea was to change the asm fields width according to the field widths, that would allow instant visual feedback, and allow field width change by dragging their right side. I haven't used such Js library so I don't know how hard that would be to implement.

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i think the most simple solution would be to make the status text on the right edge of asm select clickable and link directly to the second tab:

<span class="asmListItemStatus">Text 33%</span> --> editurl#inputfieldConfig

would that work? it would save 1 click per field and would still need 1 click to save. maybe 1 inputfield per field directly inside the asm select would be even better? then it would be really easy to change multiple fields in a very short time...

btw: has anyone ever kind of a "newline"-field? for example if you have different number of fields in one line depending on field dependencies. if you have 2 lines with columns < 100% that can lead to wrong field orders. workaround is to put those fields inside a fieldset, but i think there could be a better solution...

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  On 12/27/2016 at 1:24 PM, bernhard said:

btw: has anyone ever kind of a "newline"-field? for example if you have different number of fields in one line depending on field dependencies. if you have 2 lines with columns < 100% that can lead to wrong field orders. workaround is to put those fields inside a fieldset, but i think there could be a better solution...


I dont think there is such field, I would perhaps add some CSS to fix (clear or before-after pseudos).

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thank you tpr for the new update :) also thank you for the css fix. didn't think about that!

what do you think of adding often used widths as a clickable shortcut to the form? clicking it could also save + close the modal :)

2017-01-02 18_52_11-Edit Template_ rockproject • hrd.baumrock.com.png


shortcuts could be

  • 20
  • 25
  • 33
  • 34
  • 40
  • 50
  • 60
  • 75
  • 80
  • 100


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Not sure about this, it wouldn't save too much time imo. Auto save would be also an issue because users could have edited other fields and perhaps they wouldn't like to save.

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  On 12/21/2016 at 9:29 PM, tpr said:

I tried it on two servers (livehost), in a subdir and in the root.

You could try to uncomment the series of bd() calls in line 913 and further down in 961 to see what paths/urls AOS tries to use (requires Tracy Debugger).

You can update the module from the directory as it contains these fixes.


Sorry for delay in respond, Just returned home from out of town during holiday.  Pardon for my ignorance, Tracy Debugger? Is that PW modules? Plugin? I have looked into this https://processwire.com/blog/posts/introducing-tracy-debugger/ and still not yet sure understand how or where I can preform debugging. Can you explain? 

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Yes, Tracy Debugger is a module which can help you find problems with your code or in others code as in this case too.

Once you install it and see the "Debugger bar" (refer to the introduction post you linked above) then if you uncomment those lines I mentioned you should see the values if you click on the bar. This way you can see why the path/url differs.

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Okay, Tracy Debugger module is installed, I 've uncomment  line :913 bd($ckeCSS);  and :961 bd($adminCSS); on AdminOnSteroids.module inside .AdminOnSteroids directory.I have read and followed carefully, I understand am supposed to look for debug bar once debugger is installed. Apparently, its not show any bar. I use chrome browser with firelogger installed. Yes, I've confirmed debugger is enabled, The bar to display at front and back is checked, the uncommented, line 913 and 961 and cleared cache after Tracy debugger module is installed. 



Now I am getting confused... what am I missing?

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@Speed - if this is on a non local server, you will either need to force to "Development" mode (change from Detect), or check the "Force superuser development mode" button.

Tracy must be in development mode to show the debug bar. If it's a remote server, DETECT will determine that it should be in PRODUCTION mode.

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  On 1/6/2017 at 10:49 PM, adrian said:

if this is on a non local server, you will either need to force to "Development" mode (change from Detect), or check the "Force superuser development mode" button.


@adrian - Enabling 'Development' mode got debugger bar to show up. (PW in livehost) Thank you. 

@tpr - let me guess, is that what I should look for??



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v119 comes with a new "Apply to all" button to update all dropdowns with the selected option on the "Add field to templates" page (see the screen capture below), requested by @gmclelland

I've also updated the "Remove all" button on the field deletion confirmation page. Now it reads "Check all" and the default submit button can be used for deletion instead. The same "Check all" button is added to the other field deletion confirmation page (accessed from the Field edit page, Actions tab).

All these are under the "Misc" submodule. Please re-check the checkbox "Add helper buttons to batch field add/remove confirmation pages" because it was renamed.


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v123 is up, and here are the latest additions:

- Hotkeys: focus filterbox on alt+s

- title change case button improvements

- Misc: option to move empty trash confirmation checkbox above trash items

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