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Module: Template Latte Replace


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v029 is available:

  • change in adding custom macros and filters: $view->addMacro(), $view->addFilter()
  • added $view->invokeFilter($name, $args) method to run filters directly in PHP
  • updated filters to accept PageArrays instead selectors only
  • new filter: 'renderpager'
  • new filter: 'getsetting' (to use with TextformatterMultivalue module)
  • $view->latte returns the Latte object
  • lowercase filter names

See the docs for "renderpager" filter, otherwise these changes won't affect you if you're not using your own custom filters/macros. Another goodie is the ability to run a filter directly in your PHP files (ready.php or template files).

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Thanks! The old method is better to forget, the module is the way to go. The latest filters and latte-only template files make templating even more enjoyable. Recently I updated an earlier site of mine and I could throw off about half of the template files and the code is also much cleaner/maintainable.

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  On 2/14/2017 at 8:42 AM, tpr said:

Thanks! The old method is better to forget, the module is the way to go. The latest filters and latte-only template files make templating even more enjoyable. Recently I updated an earlier site of mine and I could throw off about half of the template files and the code is also much cleaner/maintainable.


On my current project I decided to keep the .php extension but on the next one I'll enjoy this new approach for sure. Many thanks, @tpr !

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I like this approach because of less number of template files. Sometimes I end up with 10+ templates and it gets duplicated because of the view files. Keep in mind that you should use ready.php (or another one) to act as a controller if you still need to separate concerns. There you can use conditionals to target the current template or even include another php files if needed - I often include files eg. in case of the search template to keep ready.php less crowded.

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Just added a new filter 'default' (v031) - this seems to be a nice shortcut for simple if-else conditions.

    {$page->product_description|default:'No description is available for this product.'}

I guess the core PW API could also use something like this:

$page->get('product_description', 'No description is available for this product.')

What do you think?

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  On 2/15/2017 at 8:28 AM, tpr said:

I guess the core PW API could also use something like this:

$page->get('product_description', 'No description is available for this product.')

What do you think?


There is this:

    <?= $page->product_description ?: 'No description is available for this product.' ?>


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Thanks, good suggestion, I haven't thought about this. Although for newbies it can be harder to understand.

It works in Latte too but I'll keep the 'default' filter as it's easier to use, especially when chaining filters:

{($page->title|replace:'Home','') ?: 'No content available.'}
{$page->title|replace:'Home',''|default:'No content available.'}


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v033 is available that contains two new filters, lazy and surround.

I like the succinctness of the surround filter, eg in case of a tag list:

{$p->tags->sort('name')->title()|surround:'li'|surround:'ul class="tags"'|noescape}
<ul class="tags">

The docs were moved to GitHub Wiki, the increasing number of filters required this.

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Hi @tpr,

Have a question here (more like a Latte question rather than module question): I have my default base layout called @layout.latte which is a base template for almost all of my pages but I also want to have another layout template that does have a sidebar. How do I setup this up in such a way I only declare my base HTML file once? Using {extends} or {layout} directive seems to replace the whole template file? or am I missing something here?

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@peterfoeng - I'm not sure about Latte (tpr might be able to answer this better), but surely you can have one layout extend another? So you would have a base layout and a sidebar layout where the sidebar layout extends the base layout, which would import the content of the sidebar layout if it's provided. Blade provides a nice way of doing this by using a combination of @section() and @parent.


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  On 2/26/2017 at 12:05 PM, Mike Rockett said:

@peterfoeng - I'm not sure about Latte (tpr might be able to answer this better), but surely you can have one layout extend another? So you would have a base layout and a sidebar layout where the sidebar layout extends the base layout, which would import the content of the sidebar layout if it's provided. Blade provides a nice way of doing this by using a combination of @section() and @parent.



My previous setup is not using this module and seems to be working ok (I am pretty sure I am just missing something here)

This is my previous setup:
I have `@base.latte` file which contains the default markup then on my `Contact Page` (where I want this page have to have a sidebar) I have the following markup:

`Contact.latte` file:

{extends '@layout.sidebar.latte'}

{block side_navigation}
  {include $config->paths->templates . 'views/components/_globals/side-navigation/contact.latte'}

{block content}
....My content



{extends '@base.latte'}

{block body}
  {var $fixed = in_array($page->template, array("Contact", "Size-Guide", "Product-Information"))}

  <main class="component component--main-content" id="content">
    <div class="component__wrapper">

      <div class="main-content">
        <div class="main-content__wrapper">
          <div class="main-content__col main-content__col--sidebar {if $fixed}main-content__col--sidebar-fixed{/if}">
            {block side_navigation}{/block}
          <div class="main-content__col main-content__col--body">
            {include content}


This works with my previous setup. Hopefully @tpr can help a bit with his knowledge of this templating engine :)


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What is the error you got? Layout inheritance is available in latte too.

btw you don't need separate layout for a sidebar, just add an empty block to the base layout and fill with markup when you need it.

Plus you don't need to pass the full path for includes, use relative paths, eg include 'components/...latte'.

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This is how I use multiple layouts in a project.


{include content}


{layout '@default.latte'}

{block content}
        <div class="main">
            {include main}
        <div class="sidebar-left">
            {include sidebar_left}


{layout 'layouts/@sidebar-left.latte'}

{block sidebar_left}

{block main}

Maybe there's a better setup for this, please share if you find one :)

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  On 2/26/2017 at 9:27 PM, tpr said:

This is how I use multiple layouts in a project.


{include content}


{layout '@default.latte'}

{block content}
        <div class="main">
            {include main}
        <div class="sidebar-left">
            {include sidebar_left}


{layout 'layouts/@sidebar-left.latte'}

{block sidebar_left}

{block main}

Maybe there's a better setup for this, please share if you find one :)


You're the man!!! benggg....problem solved

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  • 4 weeks later...

Two new macros in v038: minify and editlink.

Minify is an easy way to remove unnecessary whitespace and optionally to try some additional tweaks too. It's nowhere to ProCache or AIOM but can help reducing markup size. I could tweak things on one site to achieve 100% HTML minification according to gtmetrix but that required extra work on the markup so this macro alone won't help you on this :) 

As a bonus the macro can be used to remove whitespace between list items (<li>'s) which sometimes can cause headaches.

Editlink is another helper that can substitute bigger modules like FEEL, Fredi or the built-in frontend editor. There's nothing special in it, just outputs edit links to edit the page in the admin. First I was about to modify FEEL but I realized this would be more fun :) 

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I've modified the editlink macro in v039, now you can easily add any attributes and additional url parameters to the edit link. This way it's easy to add edit links that open the admin in a lightbox. I've added a few lines about it to the docs along with a style example.

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v041 contains two new filters: getlines and imageattrs.

The first is a simple replacement to my MultiValueTextformatter module. Unlike the module it can only return a simple or an associative array but in fact that's just enough most of the time.

The imageattrs filter is an easy way of adding image width-height-alt attributes. "alt" value is taken from image description or set empty if not provided, or optionally can be removed entirely.

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Just popped in to praise the getlines filter's coolness :) I have a CKEditor field containing a simple unordered list. I wanted to animate each lines separately but it wasn't possible because the whole UL was rendered together so I couldn't add the required classes to each LI's.

Using getlines together with striptags filter it's now possible ($iterator is built-in):

<ul n:inner-foreach="($p->body|striptags|getlines) as $key => $value">
  <li data-animate data-animation-classes="animated fadeInLeft" data-animation-delay="{$iterator->counter * 300 + 200}">
    <h3>{$key}</h3> {$value}

Of course I could add the required attributes in CKEditor but that would require more troubles (modifying CKEditor field to allow attributes, hardcoded delay values, etc).

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  • 2 weeks later...

There was an undocumented "list" filter among the filters that is now "officially" published. It was similar to the built-in implode filter but didn't choke if you passed a string instead of an array to it. I suggested this improvement in the Nette forums but they weren't too enthusiastic. In PW there are times (at least I had) when you don't know for sure if a data is a string or an array so I added this check to avoid errors.

The filter removes empty values so no need to check data existence manually. You can specify a separator string and/or a HTML tag, so it's easy to build eg. an unordered list. Just apply it to an array of possible items and the filter will take care of the rest. Here is an example.

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Just upgraded the module to v0.4.3. There's a new option to disable the "noescape" filter, and a workaround for translations on a non-multilanguage site.

The latter is a simple solution for a situation when you copy over a latte file from another project full with translations but the current project is single-language only. This is perhaps not an issue if you're using full strings for translation keys, e.g "_t('Read more')" instead "_t('read_more_text')" because the original key is returned. But even so you may start a non-English project and there you'll be in trouble :) I was there several times and ended up rewriting strings/translations all over the project, now they can remain in place and I have to add translations at one file (which you can copy over).

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Just added a new 'getembedurl', 'append' and 'prepend' filters to v4.4.

With getembedurl you can retrieve the embed url to be used when embedding videos (currently for Youtube/Vimeo). Editors aren't really capable of copying the embed url so you can use this filter to allow them adding the url of the video to the admin.

Filters append and prepend are convenience filters that you can use to quickly append/remove data. Data can be primitive or arrays. These filters are particularly useful when chaining filters so you don't have to split the current line just to modify the original data.

The bodyclass filter now contains the name of the viewFile (if exists), prefixed with "v-", and directory separators converted to "-". Custom classes can be added using $page->body_class if needed.

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