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Form API and FieldtypeOptions


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Hi everyone, I'm having a problem with a form I'm creating using the api.

The form consist on multiple text fields, one file, and an Options field, everything works fine, except for the options field.

The form creates fine, the main problem is on submit.

I'm getting this error: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\Local\htdocs\wire\modules\Fieldtype\FieldtypeOptions\FieldtypeOptions.module on line 277


I already tried to check the type and use $post_value->id but it's not working.

My code:

if($input->post->submit_save) {
    // user submitted the form, process it and check for errors
	$errors = array();
	$required_fields = array();
	$fields = array();
	$post_value = $input->post->{$f->name};
    switch ( $f->type ) {
        case 'text':
            $the_value = $sanitizer->text( $post_value );
        case 'textarea':
            $the_value = $sanitizer->textarea( $post_value );
        case 'checkbox':
            $the_value = isset( $post_value ) ? 1 : 0;
            $the_value = $post_value;
    $fields[$f->name] = $the_value;

	foreach ( $fields as $key => $value ) {
		$page->$key = $value;


Any Ideas?


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Without running your code I have just a question: Are you sure that $f->type is a string ? really sure it's not an object ?

Have to say that options field is a little bit weird.

$options = $f->getOptions();
foreach ($options as $key => $option) {
    if ($field->isOptionSelected($key)) {
        $the_value = $option;
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Without running your code I have just a question: Are you sure that $f->type is a string ? really sure it's not an object ?

Have to say that options field is a little bit weird.

$options = $f->getOptions();
foreach ($options as $key => $option) {
    if ($field->isOptionSelected($key)) {
        $the_value = $option;

Thanks for your help, I just tested with 

if(!is_object($f->type)) {

The same happens.

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Just an FYI - you only need one of these - they are identical.

Some nit-picking: There not 100% identical.

 * @return bool Last output formatting value
$of = $page->of(false);
$page->field = "value";
$page->of($of); // Reset output formatting

 * @return obj Returns the page object for chaining
$page->setOutputFormatting(false)->set("field", "value")->save();
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