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Siblings selector

Peter Knight

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Was browsing the cheatsheet trying to pickup some new selector tricks and noticed the next all siblings selector.

$page->nextAll($selector, $siblings)

Introduced in Version 2.0


Return all sibling pages after this one, optionally matching a selector. $selector Optional selector string. When specified, will filter the found siblings. $siblings Optional siblings to use instead of the default.

Based on the description above, should the following not return a pages siblings?

$solutions = $page->nextAll($siblings);
foreach ($siblings as $solution){
echo "
<a href='{$solution->url}'>{$solution->title}</a>

It works if I drop the nextall and refer to siblings without the variable $

$solutions = $page->siblings;
foreach ($solutions as $solution){
echo "
<a href='{$solution->url}'>{$solution->title}</a>

Just curious really. 

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Just curious really. 

Not curious at all. You didn't define the variable $siblings.

$siblings in the description is meant as the 2nd optional argument in the method nextAll().

If you call the function $page->nextAll() you don't need to set an Argument. Both are optional.

If you like to specify one or two Arguments, you should define them.

First or single Argument should be a selector string.

Second one should be a PageArray. If you want to set only the second Argument you have to set an empty string as first Argument.

This should work:

$siblings = $pages->find('parent=1');      
$solutions = $page->nextAll('',$siblings);
foreach ($solutions as $solution) {
    echo "<a href='{$solution->url}'>{$solution->title}</a>";
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