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Field control data based on template


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Hello everyone,

Been working rough 5-6 months with this beast and i gotta tell you that it's almost perfect :) Of course every software has it's ups and downs, just like life does and nothing is perfect or meant for everyone, but here we go...

I think database structure is about correct and flexible enough, what i don't like is that i can have similar field with 3x different prefix just because i need different control data for that same field. How about if template would control fields data instead of field? Field could have it's own control data as default, but i would really like to see that template could at least control some data, like visibility, appearance, required, stuff like this.

Why? Because past 5-6 months i faced fact that for example when i need to custom admin interface for some template i would like to use same field over and over again, but it's kind of impossible when width can be 50%, 33% or 100% for different templates, data how ever is very same. Feels so stupid to create field over and over again, when it could use existing database tables.

You already have control tables for fields and data tables separated, which is good model, so how big deal would this to be to implement something like this?

If this already exists and i'm blind, lemme know and i'll buy you beer :)

I hope i'm not the only one feeling like this, cheers for listening

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I hope this is related to what you are talking about....anyway I'll take an initial stab at attempting to answer your question.

An existing field can be reused under a different context at the template level.  Instead of me trying to explain it, here are some references.




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It already exists :) while editing the template and after adding a field, click on it's name. I think you have to save before, but I'm on mobile and can't try.

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