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Found 20 results

  1. Where I am: Edit Page -> Settings -> Parent -> "+Change". Edit Field -> Page Reference field -> Input tab -> "Selectable pages (Select the parent of the pages that are selectable)" -> "+Change". ... and possibly other locations where the Page Tree is used. Quality of life impro...
  2. Hi guys, I'm struggling with the following situation: Structure: parent_page 01 (template01) --> shows teaser from child pages child-page 01 child-page 01 child-page 01 parent_page 02 (template01) --> shows teaser from child pages child-page 02 child...
  3. I opened a new wishlist topic on the PW forum for this and in the meantime I ask to the community looking for a reasonable solution. Using the PageTable field, is there a way to un-restrict the creation of pages under a given parent template page (or as page children if no parent for it...
  4. I'm using the PW PageTable field extensively and I think an improvement to it could be made regarding the ability to choose the page parent where the page created via PageTable will reside. Say you have a PageTable field set like this: Edit Field: page_table_field > Details > Select one...
  5. I want to add a dependent SELECT field on my template page that lists pages from a parent "sub-page" in the current parent node. On /product1/page I have the field "photo" which is a SELECT field. I want the SELECT to list pages from /ROOTPARENT/photos. The idea is that I can reuse the same...
  6. So I reread my first draft, and it made absolutely no sense (I deleted it to hopefully better explain myself). I am trying to make a system (that to me is a bit complicated) utilizing jquery and processwire together. My whole goal is to put a url like https://domain.com/launch?first_name=jim&occupa...
  7. Apologies if this has been covered. I tried a search but didn't hit the usecase I'm after. I currently have category pages listing their children products. Someone asked me to put a product in multiple categories, so I created a Page Reference field called prod_othercategories which lets a user...
  8. EDIT: What I'm actually really looking for is a way to edit and add children of a page in a similar way as RepeaterMatrix fields: Easy to add new ones and easy to move, hide and modify inline: –––– I have a problem and am so close to a solution, but everything i've found so...
  9. Some introduction... This module is experimental and there are probably bugs - so treat it as alpha and don't use it on production websites. I started on this module because there have been quite a few requests for "fake" or "invisible" parent functionality and I was curious about what is...
  10. Code below works everywhere else, except if applied to pages in Admin tree. Specifically, I change parent to some 'user-car' pages and place them under some 'user' page in admin tree. $page->of(false); $page->parent = $some_user_page; $page->save(); $page->save() freezes, e.g. method does not...
  11. Hey, I'm building a website with following page hierarchy home/ /blog (template: listing) /tags (template: tags) tag1 (template: tag) tag2 tag3 post1 (template: post) post2 post3 /development (template: listing)...
  12. I have an event page were you can select multiple sub-categories with a page field using checkboxes. Now i want to display all the sub-categories but also have them sorted by their parent category. I tried something lik below but that didn't work. $tags = $event_cat->find("sort=$event_cat->paren...
  13. Good day. Short Version: How can I redirect a template that doesn't have a .php file back to its parent? ------- Detailed Version Question: I have a a template that doesn't have a php file. The template is basically used to hold other templates. For instance, I hav...
  14. So, here I am, working at the weekend again to get this site done. I'm hoping someone can help me get over this hurdle. I'll try to explain it as best as I can. I have notes pages using a template 'note'. Children of those pages are comments, using a template 'comment'. When a comment is posted...
  15. Well, after I thought I was near completion, a fun issue reared its ugly head. I have my tree set up like (names are just examples): Home Articles - User 1 -- Article 1 -- Article 2 -- Article 3 -- Article 4 - User 2 -- Article 1 -- Article 2 -- Article 3 -- Article 4 I have a dr...
  16. Short explanation Is it possible to hide a page from front-end output but keep the ability display it's children? Ideally I'm looking for a solution that doesn't involve htaccess or nginx So lets say I have a breadcrumb trail of: Home > News > Posts > news story 1 and I want to mask off the...
  17. Hey there guys, Current situation: The page structure looks like this: Home ->About ->->Page 1 ->->Page 2 ->Test This structure comes back in the navbar menu. I'm using bootstrap as css/js framework. "About" is the visible container for the dropdown menu of Page 1 and Page 2. I click o...
  18. Based on my Previous thread: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/7194-templatelist-inside-module-configuration/ here is an automatic child creater if you need on creation of a parent element a bunch of Child Elements. what also works: multiple diffrent childs on same parent caution: sadly what...
  19. I didn't exactly just start using ProcessWire. But does anyone know how would I go about retrieving the pages with a certain tag into separate sections based on their parent? Problem lies in the fact that both photos and featurettes (videos) share the same tags, and their thumbnails have a different...
  20. Is there a more efficient way to code this using children($selector)?: $ancestor = $pages->get( 1134 ); // Get the Section 1 page $find = $pages->find( "parent=$ancestor->children, template=subcategory" ); $assets = $pages->find( "tag=$find, sort=title" ); if ( count( $assets ) ) { foreach ( $asse...
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