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  1. Hello community! I want to share a new module I've been working on that I think could be a big boost for multi-language ProcessWire sites. Fluency is available in the ProcessWire Modules Directory and on Github Some background: I was looking for a way for our company website to be efficiently translated as working with human translators was pretty laborious and a lack of updating content created a divergence between languages. I, and several other devs here, have talked about translation integrations and have recognized the power that DeepL has. DeepL is an AI deep learning powered service that delivers translation quality beyond any automated service available. After access to the API was opened up to the US, I built Fluency, a third-party translation service integration for ProcessWire. Fluency brings automated translation to every multi-language field in the admin, and also provides a translation tool allowing the user to translate their text to any language without it being inside a template's field. With Fluency you can: Translate any plain textarea or text input Translate any TinyMCE or CKEditor (inline, or regular) Translate page names/URLs Translate in-template translation function wrapped strings Translate modules, both core and add-ons Installation and usage is completely plug and play. Whether you're building a new multi-language site, need to update a site to multi-language, or simply want to stop manually translating a site and make any language a one-click deal, it could not be easier to do it. Fluency works by having you match the languages configured in ProcessWire to those offered by the third party translation service you choose. Currently Fluency works with DeepL and Google Cloud Translation. Let's break out the screenshots... When the default language tab is shown, a message is displayed to let users know that translation is available. Clicking on each tab shows a link that says "Translate from English". Clicking it shows an animated overlay with the word "Translating..." cycling through each language and a light gradient shift. Have a CKEditor field? All good. Fluency will translate it and use DeepL's ability to translate text within HTML tags. CKEditor fields can be translated as easily and accurately as text/textarea fields. Repeaters and AJAX created fields also have translation enabled thanks to a JavaScript MutationObserver that searches for multi-language fields and adds translation as they're inserted into the DOM. If there's a multi-language field on the page, it will have translation added. Same goes for image description fields. Multi-language SEO friendly images are good to go. Creating a new page from one of your templates? Translate your title, and also translate your page name for native language URLs. (Not available for Russian, Chinese, or Japanese languages due to URL limitations). These can be changed in the "Settings" tab for any page as well so whether you're translating new pages or existing pages, you control the URLs everywhere. Language configuration pages are no different. Translate the names of your languages and search for both Site Translation Files (including all of your modules) Translate all of the static text in your templates as well. Notice that the placeholders are retained. DeepL is pretty good at recognizing and keeping non-translatable strings like that. If it is changed, it's easy to fix manually. Fluency adds a "Translate" item to the CMS header. When clicked this opens up a modal with a full translation tool that lets the user translate any language to any language. No need to leave the admin if you need to translate content from a secondary language back to the default ProcessWire language. There is also a button to get the current API usage statistics. DeepL account owners can set billing limitations via character count to control costs. This may help larger sites or sites being retrofitted keep an eye on their usage. Fluency can be used by users having roles given the fluency-translate permission. It couldn't be easier to add Fluency to your new or existing website. Simply add your API key and you're shown what languages are currently available for translation from/to as provided by DeepL. This list and all configuration options are taken live from the API so when DeepL releases new languages you can add them to your site without any work. No module updates, just an easy configuration. Just match the language you configured in ProcessWire to the DeepL language you want it to be associated with and you're done. Fluency also allows you to create a list of words/phrases that will not be translated which can prevent items such as brands and company names from being translated when they shouldn't Please note that the browser plugin for Grammarly conflicts with Fluency (as it does with many web applications). To address this issue it is recommended that you disable Grammarly when using Fluency, or open the admin to edit pages in a private window where Grammarly may not be loaded. This is a long-standing issue in the larger web development community and creating a workaround may not be possible. If you have insight as to how this may be solved please visit the Github page and file a bugfix ticket. Enhancements Translate All Fields On A Page Compatibility with newest rewrite of module is in progress... An exciting companion module has been written by @robert which extends the functionality of Fluency to translate all fields on a page at once. The module has several useful features that can make Fluency even more useful and can come in handy for translating existing content more quickly. I recommend reading his comments for details on how it works and input on best practices later in this thread. Get the module at the Github repo: https://github.com/robertweiss/ProcessTranslatePage Requirements: ProcessWire 3.0+ UIKit Admin Theme That's Fluency in a nutshell. A core effort in this module is to create it so that there is nothing DeepL related hard-coded in that would require updating it when DeepL offers new languages. I would like this to be a future-friendly module that doesn't require developer work to keep it up-to-date. The Module Is Free This is my first real module and I want to give it back to the community as thanks. This is the best CMS I've worked with (thank you Ryan & contributors) and a great community (thank you dear reader). DeepL Developer Accounts In addition to paid Pro Developer accounts, DeepL now offers no-cost free accounts. Now all ProcessWire developers and users can use Fluency at no cost. Learn more about free and paid accounts by visiting the DeepL website. Sign up for a Developer account, get an API key, and start using Fluency. Download & Feedback Download the latest version here https://github.com/SkyLundy/Fluency-Translation/archive/main.zip Github repository: https://github.com/SkyLundy/Fluency-Translation File issues and feature requests here (your feedback and testing is greatly appreciated): https://github.com/SkyLundy/Fluency-Translation/issues Thank you! ¡Gracias! Ich danke Ihnen! Merci! Obrigado! Grazie! Dank u wel! Dziękuję! Спасибо! ありがとうございます! 谢谢你!
  2. Here's my Norwegian language pack for ProcessWire. I've been adding translations gradually since 2015. By November 2020 the translations are completed, and up to date with the latest dev version of ProcessWire. For details, go to the ProcessWire Modules page … https://modules.processwire.com/modules/norwegian/ … and/or GitHub – please "star" the repo ⭐️ https://github.com/snobjorn/processwire-norwegian-language-pack-nb-no Status: Completed / up to date. Third party and PRO module translations have moved to another repository (see the complete list at GitHub? https://github.com/snobjorn/processwire-modules-norwegian-language-pack-nb-no
  3. I created a simple translation module for a project we're currently working on and I thought I would share it in case it's useful for anyone else as it's a request we've come across a few times recently. It's a basic page translation module using Google Translate to replace their now retired embeddable page translation widget. The module outputs a simple, un-styled, dropdown language selector that routes the visitor to a translated version of the current page via translate.google.com. From there you can then navigate the whole site in the your language of choice. There's also a method to output a single language-specific translation URL for any supported language using the language ISO code. Download, usage and supported language list available on my Github here: https://github.com/mrjcgoodwin/MarkupGoogleTranslate Caveat 1: Google seem to be trying to encourage use of their Google Translation API, so the continued working of this module is completely at their mercy - I can imagine they may discourage this usage at some point, but who knows! Caveat 2: I haven't yet deciphered what all the parameters are used for in the constructed Google Translate URL. It's possible there may be some sites/scenarios where the URL doesn't work. Feel free to report if you find any issues.
  4. This is my first post so, Hello everyone. Ryan, I want to congratulate a great CMS. I attach my translation for the Polish language. The translation is fairly complete, but it requires some adjustments. Hidden deeper setting are not yet translated. And also the Polish translation for TinyMCE. TinyMCE will not work without it. https://github.com/PawelGIX/ProcessWire-Language-Pack-Polish--pl-PL- EDIT: I added a link to github. ProcessWire-Language-Polish.zip tinymce_language_Polish.zip
  5. Hi, here is a task thats new to me. And obviously i overlook some basics. So maybe someone is so kind to give me some advice on this... I have a page whichs collects some contact boxes straight away on page load. It is a multilanguage Site (default is in German, the screenshots shows the english version). The results are wrapped in a form, because the user is able to narrow the resulting contacts by a page reference language switcher (values are part of every contact entry)*. This is done with a javascript ajax request to avoid page reloads. TL;DR: While everything is fine on page load, as soon as i select a country to get the related contact boxes by a ajax call, the static translated strings within the target PHP file are not recognized, e.g. their translation fails. I assume i simply miss some basics here what and when things get parsed when doing such asynchron call. *) The language switcher values has nothing to do with the choosen user language. And for the brave ones... On Page load: The highlighted areas are static translated strings (s. below). All is fine on page load (whatever current user language). If the user selects a country within the language switcher, the form in submitted per JS, do a ajax call and query the results by the giving value of the select option (more details s. below). The result is valid and looks like this (here i narrowed the result to contacts related to germany): BUT: As you can see, the static translation strings (s. highlighted areas) are not translated (e.g. use the default site language). To give a brief overview how its done, here some excerpt screens. Form tag with action target: Javascript: And here is the processing target PHP file (excerpt): contacts-flatproducts.php Many thanks in advance, Olaf
  6. Hello guys, When developing a module, you can make the module support multi-language by using __() etc. Is there a way / standard to add some language .json files to the module folder for ProcessWire to import automatically? Or do I always have to import these language files manually? Great would be: My finished module auto-imports a translations.json file in the module's directory on initial install. Maybe some standards like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_639-1 so ProcessWire can iterate through the translations.json and checks if each language is installed. If so, then PW automatically imports the needed json language data for this specific language. Thanks for your answers! Steve
  7. Hi all I need to export all the texts from a website to a translation company (as json or csv or txt...). How can this be done? Of course manually, but this website is huge and it would take me years... Also, as a second step, importing the translation ... Any ideas anyone? Tutorials? Plugins? Thanks for your help.
  8. "Deepl" is an unbelievably good (paid) text translation service, that mops the floor with Google Translate. They have an API and it would be awesome, if there would be a module, that would integrate it for easy content translation. It could be a right-click context menu on the language tab: It should ask from which of available other language it shall take translate from. What do you think?
  9. Hi guys, I need help. how do I translate Next Page? <?php if($page->next->id) {echo "<div class='float-right'><a class='button' href='{$page->next->url}'> Next Page </a></div>";} ?> I usually use this: <?php $lang = $user->language->name; if($lang == 'default') {echo "Next Page";} else {echo "Pagina successiva";} ?> or <?php echo __("Next Page"); ?> Thanks
  10. Does anyone here have experience installing a translation module that creates new pages for multiple languages? I am assuming when these pages are generated, they are indexable by google as "new" and "fresh." Thoughts?
  11. I am using the translation function (either $this->_() or __()) within a module that responds to AJAX API calls - there isn't really a page that is being served. When I supply a string with an apostrophe, e.g., __('Book \'em danno') It is formatted as Book &#039;em danno Is there some way to prevent output formatting when retrieving strings using the translation functions?
  12. There's a permission for allowing editor to use the translator in PW 2.73. I could need this but it doesn't work. It shows the "Language" in the menu but when opening the page it says no entries to show. Anybody has some experience using the lang-edit permission for editor?
  13. Hello, In this tutorial I show how to use the wirePopulateStringTags function in order to improve translatable strings. https://medium.com/@clsource/better-translatable-strings-in-processwire-621e9e6b18ee#.tv2u23j4i Basically it will improve how the strings are shown in the translation administration. echo wirePopulateStringTags( __('There are {count} {items} in the {place}'), ['items' => 'apples', 'count' => 32, 'place' => 'basket'] ); Will render There are 32 apples in the basket And the Translator will see There are {count} {items} in the {place}
  14. I do love PW for a lot of reasons, but the language translation tool is not that easy to deal with. The site I am working on is in French and there will be no translation, so the default language has been translated into French (importing the french language pack, which is not up to date, and completing lot of stuff). However, for a reason I don't know, some buttons stay in English. I was able to find the string pattern %s + Next, and tried numerous variation. Everything is translated except Save + Next! As we say in French, PW a des croutes à manger à ce niveau. (probably not really translatable... ;-) PW has some crumbs to eat on that level). While there was a great improvement on language translation management, wouldn't it be easier to have a tabled list of all translations? And, why, for example, should we have to enter the translation for "Save" at every occurrence in modules? ListerPro (which we purchased for that site) is really great to make searches. Would be fun to have translations strings placed in the admin area as pages... Food for stuff? Any way, back to my chase of %s + Next... (or whatever I will discover)
  15. By Processwire default the Installation is always in English. As Ryan said earlier: To install a new language pack withNicos Module is easy buthow to get it running as Default. And where actually do you get the default ENGLISH files as if you exchange the default files English will be gine. It is even one when you change the name and title to something else than default. IMHO there need to be a way to switch to a default language with / much easier. All the tutorials - which are great - unfortunately keep the default Lingua Franca = English. i.e. can somebody perhaps point to a tutorial how to setup German, or any other language than English as Default Language and how to get as second Language English running without having to disable the default Language field or moving files from German to be default? This is absolutly not developer Friendly as it costs a lot of time and bears the danger that things get lost or modified at the wrong place. IMHO Nicos approach with uploading the translations in a one tep process is a good way but as said the English translation is missing! Also it does not seem to be possible to upload a language file again i.e. for updating as translations usually change with every version. It would be great if this Tutorial here http://processwire.com/api/multi-language-support/ would point out into the right direction if you are not inteded to use English as default language but still need English as another Language. Thanks
  16. Hello everyone. I have strange things happening when I want to edit Site translation files. When I try to edit files I got error: " Session: File does not exist: /site\templates\include\footer.inc (translation file not needed? textdomain: site--templates--include--footer-inc) " Here I noticed strange division on left. Somehow it is change direction. Can anyone explain to me why this is happening, and can cause this error?
  17. I'd like to change the error message "missing required field" update-safe. According to the config file documentation, I can do that as follows: // file site/config.php $config->InputfieldWrapper = array( 'useDependencies' => true, 'requiredLabel' => 'Valeur requise manquante', ); But this does not work. The only thing that seems to work is to change the error message directly in the file InputfieldWrapper.php Christophe is also talking about this misbehaviour. Is this a bug? Or did I miss something?
  18. Hello, I face interesting issue in PW v3. I have utility class, which is loaded from template. Class is put in namespace due to some naming collisions. But it is impossible now to use translatable strings in it. <?php namespace site\util; class Utils { public function func() { __('car'); // Error - function site\util\__ does not exist. $this->__('car'); // Error - method Utils::__ does not exist. \ProcessWire\__('car'); // Code runs, but PW does not recognize translatable string in admin area. } } I guess that this will not be issue in PHP 5.6 anymore, because you can use... use function ProcessWire\__; But how to deal with it in PHP 5.5? May be I could extend class Utils from some PW class to make $this->__() accessible? I mean... class Utils extends ProcessWire\ClassWithTranslationMethod { public function func() { $this->__('car'); } } Or do you see other solution? Thank you for all your ideas. Martin
  19. Hi all, We have this huge website (over 7000 pages and a few dozen templates). We've used TextLanguage and TextAreaLanguage fields for all textual fields, and all image and file fields have their own description input boxes for different languages too. Now we'd need to export all pages and send them to our translator so they can translate all site contents with their specialized programs, and a way to import the translations back to our site alongside the content in original language. Has anyone done anything similar to this? How did you solve it? Maybe there already is a solid way to do this, or an idea we've not thought of yet. Thanks for any thoughts!
  20. Here's my very first and not polished version of ru-RU translation. So, now you can enjoy all this cyrillic madness Ryan, I have a question. Is it possible to store cyrillic symbols without this transformstion to Unicode (?), so the json files are editable in any editor? It's not too much needed though. Update: I've just created a GitHub repo ProcessWire Russian Language Pack ru-RU where you can find the latest Russian language pack for PW's backend. Also attached a new version of the pack, but in future I won't be updating it here, so please download it from GitHub. slkwrm-ProcessWire-Russian-Language-Pack-ru-RU.zip
  21. Ryan, Is this list of translatable files still up-to-date? By the way, /wire/modules/LanguageSupport/ProcessLanguageTranslator.module doesn't seem to have translatable phrases. //Jasper
  22. Does anyone happen to have a language pack for Danish? I don't see one in the Language Packs forum or the corresponding area in the docs/modules portion of this site. Sorry if I just missed it. Thanks, Jason
  23. I have set the right Datepicker translation file "/wire/modules/Jquery/JqueryUI/i18n/jquery.ui.datepicker-de.js". And change the code from: /* German initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */ /* Written by Milian Wolff (mail@milianw.de). */ jQuery(function($){ $.datepicker.regional['de'] = { closeText: 'schließen', prevText: '<zurück', nextText: 'Vor>', currentText: 'heute', monthNames: ['Januar','Februar','März','April','Mai','Juni', 'Juli','August','September','Oktober','November','Dezember'], monthNamesShort: ['Jan','Feb','Mär','Apr','Mai','Jun', 'Jul','Aug','Sep','Okt','Nov','Dez'], dayNames: ['Sonntag','Montag','Dienstag','Mittwoch','Donnerstag','Freitag','Samstag'], dayNamesShort: ['So','Mo','Di','Mi','Do','Fr','Sa'], dayNamesMin: ['So','Mo','Di','Mi','Do','Fr','Sa'], weekHeader: 'KW', dateFormat: 'dd.mm.yy', firstDay: 1, isRTL: false, showMonthAfterYear: false, yearSuffix: ''}; $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['de']); }); to: /* German initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */ /* Written by Milian Wolff (mail@milianw.de). */ jQuery(function($){ $.datepicker.regional['de'] = { closeText: 'schließen', prevText: '<zurück', nextText: 'Vor>', currentText: 'heute', monthNames: ['Januar','Februar','März','April','Mai','Juni', 'Juli','August','September','Oktober','November','Dezember'], monthNamesShort: ['Jan','Feb','Mär','Apr','Mai','Jun', 'Jul','Aug','Sep','Okt','Nov','Dez'], dayNames: ['Sonntag','Montag','Dienstag','Mittwoch','Donnerstag','Freitag','Samstag'], dayNamesShort: ['So','Mo','Di','Mi','Do','Fr','Sa'], dayNamesMin: ['So','Mo','Di','Mi','Do','Fr','Sa'], weekHeader: 'KW', dateFormat: 'dd.mm.yy', firstDay: 1, isRTL: false, showMonthAfterYear: false, yearSuffix: ''}; $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['de']); $.timepicker.regional['de'] = { timeText: 'Uhrzeit', hourText: 'Stunde', minuteText: 'Minute', secondText: 'Sekunde', millisecText: 'Millisekunde', timezoneText: 'Zeitzone', currentText: 'jetzt', closeText: 'schliessen', }; $.timepicker.setDefaults($.timepicker.regional['de']); }); But it only affects the date and not the time. What I'm missing?
  24. I was looking through the site show case forum and there are a lot of awesome sites. The most common down fall is the context/language. I think it would be a huge improvement to improve the language support in the core.
  25. We're working on a site that has translations set. (two languages). Suddenly, one of the template doesn't show the correct language. I tried to load the translated strings (the page in question appears as it should on the translated files), i get the error that Processwire cannot load it. Any idea on how to fix this? I'm using 2.5.3.
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