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Hello to all. I would like to create an app. So I need to learn at least one programming language. I got informed online, and discovered that javascript with node.js, is the revolution of recent years, because it's faster than php. I wonder: if I develop an app with javascript and with a javascript framework (e.g. Meteor), is there a way to integrate processwire work? I know that processwire supports the transformation of the site into an application, but would it be as simple as Meteor? With the Meteor framework I have my app online in 10 minutes, and without even knowing javascript! (Knowing javascript would serve to personalize it). I should then install the app in a SUB-DOMAIN. If I study php, instead, and if I use a php framework (e.g. Laravel), how long does it take to have my first working app? Is it easy to process Laravel's components? Is writing forms for processwire apps with php a very complex job? Is it better to use Meteor and start with javascript? What would you recommend?
Hello, I just want to point out this framework for making html apps it's compatible with jquery, angular, vue, react or any other js framework. So far I made an app using this and bootstrap with for the desing and some libs like jquery and lodash for the app logic I prefer this to other alternatives like ionic since it does not bound you to angular or react. Cheers
I've been getting more and more into building full fledged web apps using PW as a framework. I use PW for data modeling and storage, user management, etc., and extend the Page class for different templates to add functionality to specific types of pages/data models. It is a very simple and powerful way to develop. However, one thing that I have struggled with is finding the right way to approach page view access for users of an application (This would also apply to a password-protected area of any PW site). I'm going to try and boil this down to the most simple, common scenario, and go from there: I am building an app where every page in the app (except for the login screen) should be password protected. Should I... 1. Turn off page view access in the template access settings for the guest user and use the settings to redirect the user to a login page. This has the drawback that you cannot disable guest view of the home page (a built-in PW limitation that seems a bit arbitrary). You are also limited in how you can define what to do when the page is not viewable (you must use the options provided in the admin interface), and you do not have the option of continuing to load the page with an alternate view (for example, a login form). Also, sometimes it requires configuring a lot of settings for a lot of different templates. It also doesn't give you page-specific access control. 2. Leave the access settings wide open but write some code at the top of my template files, init.php, or ready.php to redirect users who are not logged in. This has the disadvantage that it only applies if ProcessWire gets that far into the page load process, and it doesn't effect any other aspect of ProcessWire (for example, whether the page is available in a $pages->find()). If I wanted, I could allow anyone to reach any page and just show/hide the content based on the user's permissions or role. If the user doesn't have permission, I could keep them on the same page but show the login. Once they logged in, they'd be on the page they were originally looking for. 3. Write my own hook before or after Page::viewable and/or ProcessPageView::execute (or somewhere else?) to switch access on or off and redirect based on my own requirements. This should be more reliable and secure than #2 and more flexible than #1, but it feels kind of like reinventing the wheel. Maybe the best approach is some combination of #1 and #3, with #2 reserved only for showing and hiding individual sections of a page that is already viewable. I'd be very interested to hear how others are handling this.
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- permissions
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HELLO! Anyone happen to be using Atom the open source IDE from github? I've been using it for about a year now and other than the occassional crash it's been great. I was wondering if anyone out there has proccesswire specific snippets, syntax hightlighting or autocomplete package they've created to add their PW work? If not would anyone be interested if I made one, and what would be most useful?
I want to create an app. The key part of this is the authenticate and deliver specific content based on tiered permission levels. The CMS for handling and delivering the content will also be a core part of the project. Hierarchy is as below: 1. Country 2. County 3. Location 4. Village 5. Group 6. User So the user logged in should only get articles (or whatever content is there) related to the group he is a part of. Basically authentication is needed in the app. Would it be possible to create a module (and the APIs) using ProcessWire for this purpose? Is there any module available as per my requirements?
After I discovered the SerivceWorker spec, which was demonstrated really funny and informative in this panel, I wonder if it is possible to combine it with ProcessWire? Is it possible to make offline websites with ServiceWorker and ProcessWire combined? Because you still would need a server to serve the PHP files or does it only work with static HTML files? This question is maybe silly, but I would like know if anybody has experience with this new spec so far. Regards, Andreas
Hello! I like to share a project developed using ProcessWire. is a modern online service with software database download. We provide access to a rich app database for desktop operating systems based on Windows and Mac OS. Within each category we present both free and commercial apps used by professionals in industries as movie creation, interior design, transportation, creating presentations, coding apps and games, etc. All available apps in App-UNIVERSE contain information like license, name of developer, date of app update, actual description of main features and direct links to files hosted on developers homepage. Site visitors can search for apps not only through the catalog, but also an advanced search engine. Applications can be searched by criteria such as category, developer, name of the application or alternative. Unlike many competing sites we do not offer download of files via download assistant that under the pretext of simplifying the process of installing apps are spying software and are installing in system toolbars and other unnecessary components. We focus primarily on all valuable apps that we can height recommend to our users.
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I have a friend who uses Silverstripe, and he was telling me about the Data Objects and the ORM it uses, for things like "has many", "one to one", "one to many" relations etc. Maybe i'm not thinking about things correctly, but in the Processwire world, would a Page essentially be a data object? Just want to get my head around how to think about structuring a web application in Processwire. I'm familiar with traditional MVC (rails, code igniter) based structures. The API may already enable this kind of functionality, but i was wondering if not, would Processwire ever get an ORM? or can an ORM be bolted onto Processwire? If anyone could help me figure this out that'd be great. Thanks
Hello, has anyone here thought about building a PW backend as a Chrome App to support offline mode? The editors using the backend of the pages I built often travel to remote places without any internet access so they asked me if it was possible to draft the articles offline and then simply upload them once they have access again. My first idea was to build a Chrome App that stores all data locally until it's explicitly told to upload everything and publish the articles. I've never built a Chrome App but from what I've figured it would mean packing an entire PW installation, modifying the database and file upload classes to use local storage and add an online status listener to provide the upload functionality. Makes sense? Or is there another way to achieve this? Thanks, thomas
Hi Guys, i've search the forum via g* and found some interesting stuff on building apps with PW - but i've nothing found on some specific tasks for better performance and other issues...may someone like to share some hints or tipps? - using text/cache-manifest and setting it up via .htaccess like AddType text/cache-manifest .manifest ->are there any problems or other relevant things that i've have to keep in mind - i'm not very experienced in using much .htaccess "magic" on my former systems this was not needed - and the PW .htaccess looks quit complex.... - any experience on using a CACHE MANIFEST f.e. to cache js, jquery and css that is used by the webapp? or is there even more possibilitys with PW i've read about a setup where a Manifest is used to output different while the user is online or offline like this example code: CACHE MANIFEST # 2010-06-18:v2 # Explicitly cached 'master entries'. CACHE: /favicon.ico index.html stylesheet.css images/logo.png scripts/main.js # Resources that require the user to be online. NETWORK: login.php /myapi # static.html will be served if is inaccessible # offline.jpg will be served in place of all images in images/large/ # offline.html will be served in place of all other .html files FALLBACK: / /static.html images/large/ images/offline.jpg *.html /offline.html My App (Website) will perform two things - listing things (could done via JSON and the great Module from Ryan PageServices) and some forms to push new items on the Website so my idea is - that if the user is offline only provide the listings and pulled content and hide the formpart until he have a connection. For a real offline-first App (save the data in local database or using tools like or pouchDB) there is no "real" budget to hire a dev - so this would be a mobilefirst "Website" no real App - and my effort is now to give just some functionality get working in the "offline" mode. Any hints, tricks, tipps, links or warnings are appreciated... Best Regards mr-fan
Hi ProcessWire's, how are you all? I've been postponing it for months, but I think the time has come to try to look into this issue a little deeper. I currently have a website built in Zend that is getting some traction and about 10 new users a day and I'd love to give this a little more attention! The problem is that it was coded on Zend by a dev in Russia that is gone, has a rather simple "Generating PDF" functionality (with some kind of Zend plugin he used) and some pre built PDF Flyer themes that I'll also have to improve ASAP. I'm perfectly aware that ProcesWire would have the ability to mimic all of that and I'm pretty sure it could replace that heavy Zend to make this app work a litttle better and give me more control about what's going on (since I know nothing about Zend). The only problem, and you hear that a lot, is that I'm not a hard core dev and haven't found many case studies or guides to create apps using Pwire. I would also have to research and undertsand what the optios to generate PDF's from limited user data input there are out there. Would someone be able to help? At least point me to some how-to's on building apps with PW? And yes, I'm also thinking in having a real coder help me with that soon, but I also love to explore myself and understand what's going on under the hood. Tks in advance for your help and sorry if this is a little overwhelming! Cheers! jw
Hey guys, I am just new here and I am trying to understand how to use this tool. The app: more or less a copy of wetransfer Who's building it ? Me. as a learning project, I want to build a local file transfer app. What I want it to do? : notifications via email Single / Multiple files upload ( a maximum of 4 gb per file / or maximum of 4gb of multiple files ) How should I think the structure of this app? How would upload system work ? Please provide links and tags. Cheers
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- wetransfer app
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I've been looking at PHP frameworks and considering learning one to make apps. I've been reading some Laravel tutorials and it seems like even I could propably make some simple apps in it But then I thought it might be possible and easier with ProcessWire. Here's my question. Is it possible to have a login form as your homepage which redirects you to a custom page where I can have complete control of the output? Lets say I wanted to create a simple todo app. There would only be a list of items and a create new/delete buttton. This would make all the database, field, users management so much more convenient compared to other frameworks. If this is possible please point me to some tutorials or code examples if you've done something similar yourself. Thanks.