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Everything posted by Radek
I know about this module, but i did not test it. For me its not big deal to have more DBs. On localhost i have like 18 now
Hi, installation process asking for DB name and did not create any new database. Database must be created before PW instalation. So if you want two PW aplications, create two databases with different names and during instalation process choose what BD you want to use. Seems to me like you were owerwrited content of your one DB.
Czech Localization Pack. Current version: 0.9.5 (92 files) Changelog: Added some missing strings Updated some strings pw_czech_095.zip
New czech localization pack is done. Current version: 0.9.4 (92 files) Changelog: Deleted files: wire--core--upload-php.jsonAdded files: wire/core/WireHttp.php wire/core/WireUpload.php wire/core/Pages.php wire/modules/LanguageSupport/LanguageSupportPageNames.module wire/modules/LanguageSupport/LanguageSupportFields.module Fixed bug with setlocale in wire--modules--languagesupport--languagesupport-module.json (missing UTF-8 suffix) Added some missing strings Updated some strings pw_czech_094.zip
homepage slide images (repeater + cropmodule) not showing if guest
Radek replied to onjegolders's topic in General Support
Hi Ryan, i have same problem. Another users than admin can not edit cropimage field in repeater. I tested your suggestion, but not working... Soma helped me thrue IRC and this workaround works for me: wire()->addHookAfter('Page::editable', null, 'hookEditable'); function hookEditable($event) { if($event->return) return; $page = $event->object; if($page instanceof RepeaterPage) { $event->return = $page->getForPage()->editable(); } } We tested some changes like: if(!wire("pages")->get((int) $this->input->get->pages_id)->editable()) throw new WirePermissionException('Not Editable'); or if(!$page->getForPage()->editable()) throw new WirePermissionException('Not Editable'); in ProcessCropImage.module (execute and executeSave functions) but more work will need to be done in cropimage module. -
PW Online Installer (download of latest PW install to server)
Radek replied to Soma's topic in Modules/Plugins
Hi Soma, just tested and works awesome here! Thanks -
When logging in to Admin getting unable to generate password hash
Radek replied to alan's topic in General Support
Ok, so now you must generate new password for users because in your DB table field_pass (data,salt) is hashed with blowfish and blowfish is disabled with that little hack from my previous post. Its little tricky because you cant login to that system. I made new pass for admin user on my localhost where i was logged. I changed Password.php to disable blowfish, in administration backend set new pass and alter DB table field_pass(data,salt) for admin user on broken server. -
When logging in to Admin getting unable to generate password hash
Radek replied to alan's topic in General Support
Hi, i had this problem and it is related with bugged blowfish in PHP older than 5.3.7. So if you generate password on newer PHP than 5.3.7 and move to older PHP you have this problem. Best suggestion is upgrade PHP. I temporary solved it this way. -
Another update for czech localization pack is done. Current version: 0.9.3 (88 files) Changes: Added comments module localization Added some missing strings Updated several strings pw_czech_093.zip
Hi, i made quick test and redirecting outside PW working good. For quick test put this code at begining of your home template. $url = "http://www.google.com"; $session->redirect($url);
This depend on your needs for project. I always deleting default pages, fields, .... You can use blank profile for this too.
Hi, I made new site in processwire for one crazy Czech band http://www.jinovatka.cz/. Full content admin, responsive, gallery, mp3 player, .....
Error: Unable to Generate Hash when trying to login into Admin
Radek replied to sam's topic in General Support
Hi, just migrated one project to production server. My dev enviroment have PHP 5.4 and production server have only version 5.3.3-7. So i had error: Unable to Generate Hash.... I solved it this way: 1. On localhost logged as admin 2. Changed file Password.php from public function supportsBlowfish() { return version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0') >= 0 && defined("CRYPT_BLOWFISH") && CRYPT_BLOWFISH; } to public function supportsBlowfish() { /* HOSTING FIX */ return version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0') >= 0 && defined("CRYPT_BLOWFISH") && CRYPT_BLOWFISH; } 3. Changed admin password in users setup 4. Copied new values from local DB table field_pass (data,salt) to production DB. This WORKAROUND fixed login problem. Looks like we need better check in Password.php -
Hi, i looked to module code and seems like dont support own email format now. Mail localization will be supported. About SecurityFiled: Form render in template must have 'requireSecurityField' => 'security_field' $outSendForm = $page->comments->renderForm(array('requireSecurityField' => 'security_field')); And needed javascript is here: <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> $(document).ready(function(){ var $input = "<input type='hidden' name='security_field' value='1' />"; $("#CommentForm form").append($input); $("#CommentForm").show(); }); </script> Comments documentation.
Hi, I had some free time so i made this patch to improve PW localization support little more. Changes are made in these files: /wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeCache.module /wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeComments/FieldtypeComments.module /wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeComments/InputfieldCommentsAdmin.module /wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeComments/CommentFilterAkismet.module Seems like localization dont work for file CommentForm.php I can overload strings in frontend template file but not thrue standard localization file. Example: /srv/http/pw_translate/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeComments/CommentForm.php: 122 123 // default labels 124: $this->options['labels']['cite'] = $this->_('Your Name'); 125 $this->options['labels']['email'] = $this->_('Your E-Mail'); 126 $this->options['labels']['website'] = $this->_('Your Website URL'); Ryan: can you check this patch and merge it please?
I am not licence expert but: Seems to me like GPL v3 limits developers to release software how they want. Whole software must be release with GPL compatible licence. (Cant choose different licence) For example if i take GPL3 CMS, change it little and deploy to my server, i must give my source code too...? For me is better BSD licence.
Hi, i dont like GPL v3. Its too much restricted than free.
Hi, just tested this module in demo mode $config->demo = true; In demo mode is possible delete(move to trash) pages. Nico please make update to deny deleting pages in demo mode. Thanks
I dont use separate header and footer includes. To use it change line: $block1 = $page->block1 . $outBreadcrumbs . $outList . $outGal; to echo $outBreadcrumbs . $outList . $outGal; and delete line include("./inc/main.inc"); This code belong to template file gallery.php and needs only one field = images (type image).
Last time i made simple gallery with code below: Gallery template output: breadcrumbs, first image thumb from children pages if they exists and image thumbs with links from current page if they exists. Basicaly is posible make recursive gallery pages structure. <?php /** * Gallery template * * Need image field named 'images' * */ // thumbnails width/height $twidth = 140; $theight = 140; /* Breadcrumbs */ $outBreadcrumbs = '<ul class="breadcrumbs">'; $root = $pages->get('/'); foreach($page->parents->remove($root) as $parent) { $outBreadcrumbs .= "<a href='{$parent->url}'>{$parent->title}</a> » "; } $outBreadcrumbs .= "{$page->title}"; $outBreadcrumbs .= "</ul>"; /* Child album list */ $outList = ""; if($page->numChildren > 0) { //goes thrue child pages $outList .= '<ul class="block-grid six-up mobile-three-up">'; foreach($page->children() as $album) { //show only child pages with gallery template if (count($album->images) > 0 && $album->template == "gallery") { // get the first image $fimage = $album->images->first(); // make a thumbnail $thumb = $fimage->size($twidth, $theight); $outList .= "<li>"; //child album thumb link $outList .= "<a href='{$album->url}'><img class='album_thumb'src='{$thumb->url}' alt='{$album->title}' /></a>"; //child album link $outList .= "<div class='panel gallery_dir_panel'><a href='{$album->url}'>{$album->title}</a></div>"; $outList .= "</li>"; } } $outList .= '</ul>'; } /* Gallery images */ $outGal = ""; $outGal .= '<ul class="block-grid six-up mobile-three-up">'; foreach($page->images as $image) { $outGal .= "<li>"; $thumb = $image->size($twidth, $theight); $outGal .= "<a href='{$image->url}' class='colorbox' title='{$image->description}'>"; $outGal .= "<img class='gallery_thumb' src='{$thumb->url}' alt='{$thumb->description}' width='$twidth' height='$theight' /></a>"; $outGal .= "<div class='panel gallery_panel'>{$image->description}</div>"; $outGal .= "</li>"; } $outGal .= "</ul>"; //$outGal .= "</div>"; /* Fill content area of main template */ $block1 = $page->block1 . $outBreadcrumbs . $outList . $outGal; include("./inc/main.inc"); ?>
I think that "justify" CK module may be added to default module instalation. Text alignment is pretty basic feature. Using it right now like: Toolbar: Format, Bold, Italic, -, RemoveFormat JustifyLef , JustifyCenter, JustifyRight, JustifyBlock NumberedList, BulletedList, -, Blockquote PWLink, Unlink, Anchor PWImage, Table, HorizontalRule, SpecialChar PasteText, PasteFromWord Undo, Redo Scayt, -, Source Plugins: pwimage,pwlink,justify
Awesome work Ryan. Thanks.
I am listening music from jazz to grind. Some example http://bandzone.cz/perfecitizen
Thanks - problem reported and resolved.