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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. Hello, Are you a Padloper 1 user/dev and don't have access to the VIP Support Board? If yes, could you please contact me asap? Please send me a PM. Thanks.
  2. @daniel_puehringer, Are your included files namespaced with ProcessWire? e.g., at the top of home-content.php <?php namespace ProcessWire;
  3. Welcome to ProcessWire and the forums @daniel_puehringer. $this__() is only for use inside a class. Have you tried echo __('Headline')? According to the docs, the (__('Headine')) syntax is for use with the placeholder syntax (printf() or sprintf()). Not sure why it worked inside your home.php though. Maybe someone more knowledgeable will provide a better answer. Meanwhile, just in case you missed them, here are the internationalization docs. https://processwire.com/docs/multi-language-support/code-i18n/
  4. Great read! Thanks @szabesz. Hopefully we get this right. We can learn a lot from Apache, both what ASF have got right and the things they didn't get right. I loved this one ?:
  5. OK. If the table is an invoice table, I presume then that you know which of the variants of this product was bought. For instance, Pro RTX Pro Pique Polo Shirt comes in several variants, Small x Lilac, Medium x Brown. In your first line then, you should know if it was Small x Lilac that was bought of Medium x Brown. All variants have IDs. This is the bit I don't get. In your Hook, you can autofill Size and Colour by grabbing the product variant using its ID. Is there a reason you cannot do that? Unless, these invoices are being created manually maybe off a phone order, in which case, the editor has no idea what the variant ID is :-). Sorry if I am taking you round in circles. Alternatively, I could have a quick look if a discrete temporary login to your site is possible.
  6. Confirming that the expressions of interest is now closed. I will collate the responses and get back to all who registered. I am working on a getting started frontend that will help with the testing. I am also working on a minimal API documentation to help you put it all together. Thanks to all who have responded and/or have an intention to support this work in the future ?.
  7. Hi @Marco Ro. I have read this several times and I am not sure I understand it all. Could you please explain what you mean by a php page? Do you mean a PHP file? Secondly, what module is this? Is this a custom module you are developing, e.g., /site/MyModule/. Is it perhaps a Process Module? If so, by page, do you mean executeSomePage() in your custom Process Module? Are you talking about two servers talking to each other? How are you fetching the JSON? Are you accessing some API endpoint? Are you fetching the JSON using CURL? By 'another API call', do you mean a different (third) server? OK, this means whatever is trying to access your file inside your modules folder is forbidden to do so, which is expected, but dependent on where the call is coming from. I think if you could provide some code, illustration or clarifications to the above questions, we would be better placed to assist.
  8. OK, we are getting warmer. A few questions: Pro RTX Pro Pique Polo Shirt: is that a product or a product variant? I guess the former though. If it is product, I am assuming it has variants? If it has variants, what do you want to display in the columns Size and Colour? Should they not display a single size and colour (e.g., Small and Lilac) respectively?
  9. That was the original intention but now I don't think it will happen. I will provide a 'getting started' frontend code that testers can use ?.
  10. EDIT: solved; see post below Could someone please confirm that $page->secureFiles() still works? Testing in ProcessWire 3.0.187 and irrespective of the page published status, the files are still publicly accessible. I have also tried this: And this: but none of the proposed solutions works for me. Dumping $template->pagefileSecure returns 2. Dumping $page->secureFiles() returns false. It only returns true if do you want to manage view and edit access for pages using this template is Yes. Thanks.
  11. Just checking that you expressed an interest? Wow! From performance side of things, that's still fine as each individual combination (variant) is not a page in itself. From a UI/UX point of view though...that can be a nightmare. I wonder if some sort of grouping is possible? i.e. creating configs for similar products. Maybe not worth the effort though as you can use the inbuilt pagination and search on the variations table. You should still be able to. However, I am not sure how your setup looks like. This confuses me: Usually, a single product would have more than one variation, e.g. Red Small, Black Large, etc. However, it is also possible for a product to have one variation/variant only. The key thing here is that a one-to-many relationship is still assumed. The usual setup would be like this: Product A variant 1: Red Small variant 2: Black Small variant 3: Black Large In your Invoice Page, if you have Product A selected, you have access to all its variants (1, 2 and 3). Assuming you have a variations field inside Product A called catalogue, then you can access Product A variations like so: <?php namespace ProcessWire; $productA = $pages->get(1234); /** @var VariationsArray WireData $productAVariants */ // VariationsArray -> WireArray $productAVariants = $productA->catalogue; Since $productAVariants is a WireArray, you can use get() and find() on it like any other WireArray. E.g. <?php namespace ProcessWire; // find variants in Product A whose colour is 'Black' $productABlacks = $productAVariants->find("colour=Black"); // find variants in Product A whose colour is 'Blue' and 'Price' > 5 $productABlues = $productAVariants->find("colour=Blue,price>5"); Again, I don't fully understand your setup so I may be way off base here, but happy to help if I can see an illustration, screenshot, etc. Ahem... It has been a minute and a number of things had to change. This will be explained in due course but I can only say that we have the best of several worlds with the about to be released Padloper 2 Alpha/Early Beta ?. All will be revealed in due course ?.
  12. Hi @alexm. Many thanks for the purchase. No, you don't. You can (as you have found out) use the same Variation configuration multiple times. For example, a 'Catalogue' variation configurations made up of colours (black, red, green) x sizes (small, large, tall). However, currently, Variations does not allow you to remove / hide unavailable combinations (e.g. small / red). That is the way to do it. I'll have a think about how this can be improved. For instance, for some products, the seller would know that some combinations would never exists for that product, e.g. green x large is (silly example, maybe) never available for this product. In such a case, they may want to delete the combination altogether. On the other hand, it is better in many cases to readily see what is and what is not available. In some cases, unavailable might become available in the future. Hence, making it available is easier if the combination is still visible in the UI. Incidentally, in Padloper 2, variations are inbuilt and allow you much more control. You are not tied to one configuration and can either delete or disable a variant. There shouldn't be. How many colours / sizes combinations are you generating? I haven't tested with Table. Are you talking about Table or PageTable, by the way, given that they are different modules? I am not sure I follow the question as well. Please clarify the field on the PageTable. Docs, just in case you didn't see them. Thanks.
  13. I think we forgot a link to the module ?.
  14. https://processwire.com/api/ref/wire-data/ ?
  15. Yes, it is a Pro Board (VIP Support) for Padloper 1. The topic in Dev Talk that I referenced is an identical announcement to the one in the Pro Board.
  16. Thanks for the purchase. Thanks for confirming. Thanks for this. Please do let us know how it goes.
  17. I have been reminded that I forgot to announce this thread in the two main Padloper 2 topics (announcing change of lead developer) respectively in Padloper support board and Dev Talk. Many people follow those topics, especially the latter. I have now cross-linked this topic in those threads. Consequently, the deadline for expressions of interest is now this Monday, 22 November 2021. Apologies for the oversight.
  18. Apologies, I forgot to announce this topic here. Just cross-referencing this announcement/call for testers: Please note the expression of interest was to close yesterday (Friday 19 November 2021). However, the deadline has been extended until Monday 22 November 2021 to accommodate those who would have expected an announcement here. Apologies again.
  19. I am closing the expressions of interest today folks. Final chance to register, otherwise you'll have to wait for the production release. Thanks.
  20. That's the Locality of Behaviour here ?. Cheap one, I know, sorry, I couldn't help myself. Any chance you could please give us your thoughts on this one? We have suggested onLoad and your example here on 3rd-party integration. Would you have other thoughts maybe? Thanks. Nice one! Yeah, Python has been getting all the love ?.
  21. Carson, what an honour to have you here! ?.
  22. Just wondering whether URL Path Hooks would be of help in this respect? https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.173/#introducing-url-path-hooks
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