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Everything posted by diogo

  1. Thanks guys! Here are some things that I found already: https://www.foundapp.com/ (wow! looks for files in the disk, gmail, evernote, dropbox, just name it...) http://evernote.com/skitch/ http://www.clipmenu.com/ (seems to be better than jumpcut) https://skyfonts.com/ http://lifehacker.com/182657/how-to-turn-mac-os-x-dashboard-off (great!! ) https://onedrive.live.com/about/en-us/download/ (srsly, the only from the "big ones" that lets you choose the folders to sync) http://wakaba.c3.cx/s/apps/unarchiver http://kapeli.com/dash (lots of documentation for languages) http://koala-app.com/ ( gui compiler for preprocessing languages) http://www.allvu.com/index.php/products/startninja.html (very important!!) http://gimp.lisanet.de/Website/Download.html (try to make "color to alpha" in photoshop ) http://www.ampps.com/ http://www.vagrantup.com/ Ok, enough! By the way, Atom is looking pretty nice
  2. Very nice! I love them both. Favourite detail is the hover effects on the photographer site Small detail: on the artists website, when I enter an individual page this happens while the images are loading would be solved by giving the footer much more height, and a negative bottom margin.
  3. André is teasing me to tell that the Linux freak here just bought a Mac (my last mac was this one, by the way http://km.support.apple.com/library/APPLE/APPLECARE_ALLGEOS/HT1772/88039_9.gif). Yep that's true, couldn't convince my team to drop all the Adobe rubbish and the collaboration was becoming far from ideal So, if anyone has some advices for the newbie, bring them in! And yes, I installed Atom as soon as the wireless connected But also TextMate 2.0, nice surprise!
  4. It's not that difficult to install PW the normal way either, right? Actually, what impressed me most wasn't the PW script in particular, but the AMPPS server itself. Very easy to setup and works perfectly, great alternative to Mamps and Xampps for sure. The ability to run those scripts easily is more of a nice extra Edit: as I told on another thread, I'm also very impressed with Vagrant, and keeping an eye on Docker.
  5. This is what I do to avoid accidents if ($input->get->kill == "yes") { // do dangerous things }
  6. I'm addicted to Jacco Gardner while designing (yep, not programming that much in the past weeks, and I miss it already) http://grooveshark.com/#!/album/Cabinet+Of+Curiosities+2013/8901053 Just paste the URL
  7. diogo


    Thanks! I followed the tutorial from their site during the weekend and am very impressed! Very easy to start and to work with
  8. Your head must be a puzzle right now. I have the feeling that you just skipped the basics, and are looking at random things, some even too complicated for starting. I don't want to tell you how you should learn, everyone has it's own way, but I feel that you're taking the longer and less exciting path. Just sayin'
  9. Soma, that's what I'm saying. You never said it
  10. You managed to confuse me with this. 400 in a list is not too much because you can always paginate it, so I had to look for the place where Soma had said that, and what he really says is that 400 in a dropdown is too much. Maybe I'm just being picky, but someone might read this and start avoiding having long list on their sites.
  11. Actually, this works: $pages->find("parent={$pages->get('/location/')->children()}");
  12. Yellowled's answer should go in the homepage of PW's site
  13. I'm the kind that like to do all on my own and the hard way , but I have to say that this is unbeatable! I installed Softaculous' ampps http://www.ampps.com/ on a clean laptop (still coming out of the package, completely not configured for web development), and 10 minutes later was playing with a fresh install of PW.
  14. i identified the problem with the function. Obviously you can't call a recursive function inside a loop like I was doing there, calling a recursive function is already a loop (duh!), so I replaced the for() by a if() and all is good and much simpler. I also replaced the $template and $limit arguments by a $selector argument (why loose all the flexibility of selectors? duh again!). // function accepts 3 parameters. $parents is mandatory function myFindPages($parents, $depth = 1, $selector = '') { $allParents = $parents; if($depth > 1) { $allParents = $parents . '|' . wire('pages')->find("parent={$parents}"); // add new parents to existing $parents = myFindPages($allParents, $depth - 1); // call the function recursively with all parents } $selector = $selector ? ',' . $selector : ''; return wire('pages')->find("parent={$allParents}{$selector}"); } // parent is home, 2 levels of depth $myParent = wire('pages')->get('/'); echo myFindPages($myParent, 2); // and with selectors echo myFindPages($myParent, 2, 'template=basic-page, limit=20');
  15. I think the best would be to copy the markdown module replace "markdown.php" by the new file
  16. This time I was the one who couldn't refrain from commenting http://qr.ae/vX10p edit: but I see I'm not the only one
  17. I was curious of how to achieve this, so I created this function. Should do what you want: Edit: just realized that this doesn't work. There's is some problem with the loop that I have to solve Edit2: solved this, I posted a new function some posts bellow https://processwire.com/talk/topic/5876-processwire-selector-limit-levels/?p=58391 no need to remove the likes folks I will leave this one here for public shame // function has 4 parameters // the only required is the starting parents, all others are optional and default to the displayed values function myFindPages($parents, $depth = 1, $templates = false, $limit = false) { for($i=$depth; $i > 0; $i--) { // for the number of times specied in $depth $templates = $templates ? ', template=' . $templates : ''; $limit = $limit ? ', limit=' . $limit : ''; $newParents = ($i < $depth) ? $parents . "|" : ''; // don't include the original parent/s in the final array $allParents = $newParents . wire("pages")->find("parent={$parents}{$templates}{$limit}"); $parents = myFindPages($allParents, $depth, $templates, $limit); // call the function recursively with the new parents } return $parents; } // call the function // "parent is home, 2 levels of depths, any template no limit" $myParent = wire('pages')->get('/'); echo myFindPages($myParent, 2); // "parents are all children of about, 4 levels of depths, template 'basic' and limit 100 pages" $myParent = wire('pages')->get('/about/')->children(); echo myFindPages($myParent, 4, 'basic', 100);
  18. is Travel_escapes the checkbox field? If that is the case, your code doesn't work because you are treating it as an array. This should work: if ($child->Travel_escapes < 1) { or even: if (!$child->Travel_escapes) {
  19. Ok, there is $field->textformatters that retrieves an array of all textformatters, you can use it for instance like this: if (in_array('TextformatterTextile', $field->textformatters)) //do something
  20. You can create a new text formater that does only that instead of modifying textile. Than you only have to apply it after textile on the fields where you need it.
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