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Everything posted by diogo

  1. You can, but you will be missing a lot...
  2. // Add Antti as **the only** author for all the books written by Stephen King foreach($books as $b) { $b->author->removeAll() $b->author->add($ap); $b->save(); }
  3. See also these posts by Soma https://processwire.com/talk/topic/352-creating-pages-via-api/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/2089-create-simple-forms-using-api/
  4. Oh... the bot was not well informed sorry bwakad!
  5. http://ngo-hung.com/blog/2014/03/21/so-many-php-frameworks Hm, not the best that can be told about ProcessWire on this post. But being cute is nice, i guess...
  6. This post https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3579-tutorial-approaches-to-categorising-site-content/ pretty much sums up how you can relate things in PW. Just change "categories" to any other word you want. It doesn't make sense to think in terms of tables when working in PW because PW gives a much more powerful way of organizing content, the tree. Think JSON and XML instead of tables.
  7. You have to change everything to double quotes: $template = $pages->find("template=species"); $children = $pages->find("has_parent=$page"); $windows = $pages->find("id=$template|$children");
  8. That would go against my huge curiosity. I'm so hoping that something better than ST appears
  9. I suspect there must be an option to use tinyMCE on textareas in form builder, but I don't use it so can't help you there. Edit: sorry, not true https://processwire.com/talk/topic/1743-processwire-form-builder/?p=16361
  10. Output tinyMCE? what do you mean? The editor itself on the frontend (http://www.tinymce.com/wiki.php/Installation)? Or the content from the backend?
  11. I think you would have to use something like this http://docspad.com/
  12. Great! I don't know German but I will watch it anyway While the video is downloading I went through the slides and noticed that you have an unnecessary variable in one of them (33). The variable $today is not needed because you use simply "today" on the selector, which is fine, of course. Maybe you had $today on your code because you use it later, but for the presentation I'm guessing, without having watched the video, it wasn't necessary.
  13. Interesting idea for a site, I'm quite curious, I'll have to give it a try later For the PDFs, have a look at https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3008-module-pages2pdf/, not sure it can do what you want though
  14. See how the default profile is organized. Study it well, there are lots of answers there. I read somewhere that you started with the skyscrapers profile, and it must be turning your head around forget that one until you understood the default.
  15. I contemplate it all the time. Seriously, I think PW is the only tool I don't contemplate leaving
  16. Just received my Atom invitation (can't use it because there's only for mac for now) and have two left to offer. Anyone that wants one send me a PM with the email
  17. @kongondo your answer was good, you shouldn't have deleted it. That was probably the best way to do it before Ryan added these new methods https://processwire.com/talk/topic/5098-new-wirearray-api-additions-on-dev/ Edit: actually, I only understood what was being asked after reading your solution
  18. I'm having great fun with this one http://www.nostarch.com/oojs
  19. That's because this is written in Python, and not PHP Did you consider Disqus and alikes? http://explorerhub.com/blog/disqus-intensedebate-alternatives/ If you want self hosted and PHP there's this one https://github.com/jacobwb/hashover The introduction post he links to is quite old, but it seems that they are preparing something new here https://github.com/jacobwb/hashover-next
  20. Let's go back to the first post. The answer is almost there, we just need to do a small modification: $peterIDs = $pages->find("template=klassement,jaar=2013")->implode("|","toerist"); return $pages->find("id={$peterIDs}"); voilá
  21. Should work as Reno is doing, but even before we could pass parameters to render() this would be possible by comparing the url with the page being rendered. In your case: if ($page->url == $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) throw new Wire404Exception();
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