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Everything posted by diogo

  1. Is that in chrome? I can do the same, but to search in the PW site, not Google.
  2. so "processwire.com soma is best" is simpler than "pw diogo is best"? hm...
  3. This is just an example: maybe the best is to have "pw" for the site and "pwf" for the forums only, for example. To do this, change the keyword to "pwf" (or whatever) and create a new one with the "pw" keyword and paste this in the third input: https://www.google.com/search?q=site:processwire.com+%s . Edit: maybe I could have been more clear on how to create these urls: for this second example, do a normal google search with: "site:processwire.com whatever" and copy the resulting URL that will be probably this: https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Aprocesswire.com+whatever&oq=site%3Aprocesswire.com+whatever&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i58.694j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=119&ie=UTF-8#q=site:processwire.com+whatever replace the last "whatever" with "%s" and it should work. You can also simplify this URL by removing everything between "https://www.google.com/search?" and the last "q=" https://www.google.com/search?q=site:processwire.com+%s
  4. I just posted a nice way to search the forums on Google in Chrome https://processwire.com/talk/topic/6196-easy-search-on-pw-forums-with-google/
  5. Ok, let's make it really simple for people using chrome to do this If you are using chrome do this to have PW search with google on the omnibox by simply typing "pw [spacebar]" 1. right click on the omnibox and chose "Edit Search Engines" 2. scroll down until you find these input fields 3. Fill them as in the image: third field should be https://www.google.com/search?q=site:processwire.com%2Ftalk++-site:processwire.com%2Ftalk%2Fmembers%2F+-site:processwire.com%2Ftalk%2Fuser%2F+%s This is the equivalent to this search in Google: "site:processwire.com/talk -site:processwire.com/talk/members/ -site:processwire.com/talk/user/ %s" where %s is the query 4. type "pw [spacebar] Edit Search Engines" and see if this thread appears in first PS: I'm sure there is an equivalent way to do this in other browsers, but I'm not going to look for that now. Edit: simplified the url
  6. So, I accepted Nico's pull request, and his changes are now in the master branch. If someone wants the previous versions, they are in the "pre-nico" and "pre-nico-dev" branches
  7. Nico, can you send a pull request?
  8. André, with the new module themes it's already easy to do it but for users and not roles (would be nice to be able to define it by role, though).
  9. Nico, I'm sorry but still didn't have much time to look into this. I'll try to do it later today. I will merge your version since it works well with 2.4, and that's the most important anyway. We can try to fix the details I mentioned later. Thanks for working on this
  10. Nico, for what I understand this version wouldn't allow to create custom fields on the page, right? another problem is that, because we create a php file inside templates but not a template for it, this will always be suggested by PW for new templates which might get a bit annoying. If there are solutions for these, I will be glad to merge
  11. diogo


    Very nice! And great to know that admin custom pages helped edit: Not yet. I didn't even started to tackle this problem, and it seems quite tricky. I hope I can do it soon.
  12. diogo


    so much for the "Tao of Vagrant"... It's still a great concept though.
  13. Sorry for deviating you from your track, but it's great to hear that
  14. One of the things I miss from Linux is the ability to browse compressed files and even edit files inside them. Not the ideal. but at least with this tool I can look inside them http://macitbetter.com/BetterZip-Quick-Look-Generator/
  15. Not sure if you already got this, but just to be clear: you don't just "receive" one or more results, you explicitly ask for either of those. A get() will return one result that you can use directly, even if the selector you use would return more, and a find() will return an array that you have to itterate through, even if the result of that select is only one page.
  16. prev and next look for a the prev and next pages inside any pageArray, if you use it with the same array that you used to build your posts list, it will respect that order.
  17. Get and find do the same, except that get retrieves a single page. Everything about selectors is here https://processwire.com/api/selectors/ but now you have the perfect environment to start with the planets tutorial https://processwire.com/talk/topic/693-small-project-walkthrough-planets/ and that's where you should go next
  18. You're right, just found that option on dropbox. Didn't find it on gdrive though.
  19. Everything looks great! The site and the food You're probably not the one to blame, but those facebook buttons —especially the one in the nav— kill some of the charm...
  20. Exactly! One thing at a time. In PW things are not tied together like in other CMSs, this is what makes it so flexible. You will learn faster if you focus on the content. Test with a blank page, you'll see it's fun. And once you know how to print in that blank page exactly the parts of the content you want, it will be so easy to take any responsive theme and apply it to your site
  21. In that example $a is a wireArray (can be a list of pages, or a list of fields, or a list of users... and so on) $key represents the position that you want. so $a[0] would get the first item in the array and $a[5] the sixth. Works like in a normal PHP array. By the way, here is another good read —you will see "key" mentioned a lot there— http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.array.php But I don't think that was the relevant part of the page that Martijn linked to.
  22. One more trick I learned: ctrl+f3 (or ctrl+fn+f3) to use the dock with the keyboard and the same with f2 for the top bar. I must say that Gnome is much more intuitive and faster to learn for keyboard freaks than macOS. I'm making an honest effort here, since this will be my production machine for a long time (hopefully), but I keep thinking that the Gnome team is doing a hell of a job in Gnome 3.
  23. Sorry Sevarf, I was playing with Apeisa, didn't intend to confuse you. Ignore me
  24. count(array_diff($array_1->explode('id'), $array_2->explode('id')))
  25. (let's make it even more awkward for apeisa ) Sevarf2, a very similar question was asked here https://processwire.com/talk/topic/5961-filesystem-limit-32000-reached/
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