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Everything posted by krisj

  1. Aboslutely loving the module! And would recommend the following changes in FrontendUserRegisterEmailValidation.module line 127 change to: if ($form->fhValue('EmailPreValidation') != wire('session')->get('registerToken') && !wire('session')->get('registerStep')) { //dont throw the initial error... line 160 insert: $form->remove($form->get('EmailPreValidation')); //hide the token field before the email is sent = less distraction
  2. 7-8 seconds is still a very long time to save a page.
  3. Just had to do a quick head scratch to get the colour picker to work inside PW 3.12 Repeater and Repeater Matrix. If anyone is looking for a very quick and dirty hack, that seems to work. Not sure if it would cause any other issues. This is InputfieldFontIconPicker.js function SetUpCPicker(){ $('div[id^=ColorPicker_]').each(function(){ var $colorpicker = $(this); $colorpicker.ColorPicker({ color: $(this).data('color').toString(), onShow: function (colpkr) { $(colpkr).fadeIn(500); return false; }, onHide: function (colpkr) { $(colpkr).fadeOut(500); return false; }, onChange: function (hsb, hex, rgb) { $colorpicker.css('backgroundColor', '#' + hex); $colorpicker.css('background-image', 'none'); $colorpicker.next('input').val(hex).trigger('change'); } }); }); $('a.ColorPickerReset').on('click',function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var color = $(this).data('default') && $(this).data('default') != 'transp' ? '#' + $(this).data('default').toString() : 'transparent'; $(this).parent().find('input').val($(this).data('default')).trigger('change'); $(this).parent().find('div[id^=ColorPicker_]').ColorPickerSetColor($(this).data('default').toString()); $(this).parent().find('div[id^=ColorPicker_]') .css('backgroundColor', color) .css('background-image', 'none') .attr('data-color', $(this).data('default').toString()); if(color == 'transparent') { var modurl = $(this).data('modurl'); $(this).parent().find('div[id^=ColorPicker_]') .css('background-image', 'url(' + modurl + 'transparent.gif)'); } }); /* additions (swatches) by @Rayden */ $('div.ColorPickerSwatch').on('click',function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var color = $(this).data('color') && $(this).data('color') != 'transp' ? '#' + $(this).data('color').toString() : 'transparent'; $(this).closest('.ui-widget-content, .InputfieldContent').find('input').val($(this).data('color')).trigger('change'); $(this).closest('.ui-widget-content, .InputfieldContent').find('div[id^=ColorPicker_]').ColorPickerSetColor($(this).data('color').toString()); $(this).closest('.ui-widget-content, .InputfieldContent').find('div[id^=ColorPicker_]') .css('backgroundColor', color) .css('background-image', 'none') .attr('data-color', $(this).data('color').toString()); if(color == 'transparent') { var modurl = $(this).closest('.ui-widget-content, .InputfieldContent').find('.ColorPickerReset').data('modurl'); $(this).closest('.ui-widget-content, .InputfieldContent').find('div[id^=ColorPicker_]') .css('background-image', 'url(' + modurl + 'transparent.gif)'); } }); }; $(document).ready(function() { SetUpCPicker(); $(document).on('repeateradd', '.InputfieldRepeaterMatrix .InputfieldRepeaterMatrixAddLink', SetUpCPicker); $(document).on('opened', '.InputfieldRepeaterItem', SetUpCPicker); }); I posted this to github as well...
  4. I am trying to understand if I should use the new ProFields Repeater Matrix or PageTableExtended. Does PageTableExtended have any distinct benefits? I haven't had a chance to test thoroughly enough to make the decision yet.
  5. Hi guys, I wonder if anyone's figured what exactly from mod_pagespeed prevents asmSelect to load/work in PW admin. The server has mod_pagespeed enabled with a ton of optimizations and everything seems to fly except for asmSelect not loading/working. As soon as I turn off pagespeed for admin dir, it works straight away. In case anyone is interested: <IfModule pagespeed_module> ModPagespeedDisallow http://*amazingdomainname.com/ungessableadminlink/* </IfModule> I will spend more time narrowing it down when I have time, but just wondering if anyone's had the same run in with it? cheers, k
  6. I like what I see here. bora, you are doing some pretty slick work there! any updates?
  7. This just keeps looking better and better. Some great work gone into it so far! k
  8. @Macrura I like where you are going with this. Every user needs a good starting point and a comprehensive Dashboard is a proven and effective way of doing it. Exciting times
  9. Am I missing something or is this module basically does: - lists all images from all pages that have imagefields/filefields filled with some files - lets you delete the images/files from the same view From the description I was getting that it would somehow allow to reuse images sitewide within RTE for example, as opposed to having to blindly switch through pagetree in the search for that image you wanted to reuse... ? Is this something this module is supposed to do as well? Can't get it to do it under PW 2.6 in that case... The most intuitive way of doing it would be to offer image/file selector with thumbnails right within the RTE image insert dialog. Long way to go still I guess?
  10. I think ProcessWire is underestimated by many.

  11. Exactly - all the language fields (non default that is) come up with data1234 (where the digit is the language ID). Unless there is a way to inject regex in the selector this would be non-practical to do in a site with more than a few fields. Although technically - it seems like it would work. Would be cool to get some extra help from Ryan to add proper language support though. It's a supercool module! even for small sites. I am just not sure wether this is something that should be worked into language support itself or in this module.
  12. This is a super useful module for multi admin sites. However I am really missing a crucial feature - language support. e.g. a way to separate multilanguage supported fields/templates/users. example scenario: english (main) admins have full access japanese translator - has japanese edit only access spanish editor - has spanish edit only + "spanish only" publish access or can any of this be achieved in some other way? I have a small site where they need to give content translator access to edit their language but they are not comfortable with them being able to change around the main language content. Any suggestions on how to achieve this? we are trying to figure it out here: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/9833-creating-permission-based-access-to-field-languages/
  13. I am looking throught the Dynamic Roles plugin and it doesn't seem to support multi languages in this scenario (using TextareaLanguage / TextLanguage and others). Unless I am missing something. So at the moment to achieve language translator access without ability to edit/add/delete the main language version (or other languages one isn't allowed) you would have to create duplicate pagetree for each language?
  14. Nice find, I am going to play around with it now and see what can be found...
  15. I also have a client requirement to be able to limit content managers per language. They want to be able to give access to translators for each language and give them permission to view the default language but edit only their assigned language of the content. Would this need a lot of hooking if currently possible at all? many thanks
  16. I am sorry @lisandi but odoo.com just cannot be taken seriously. I would never dream or risking implementing it for any clients or my own operations. http://www.sorryopenerp.com/ and other millions of horror stories all over the web. It is famous for all the wrong reasons. But it does some (1 or 2) pretty things. Now, ProcessWire is very different in most aspects. It is not built by an army of beginner developers in a marketing driven frenzy creating the biggest mess of code the world has seen, like odoo (openerp) is. PW seems very methodically, slowly and steadily going about its development roadmap. Extremely well coded, well thought out and with practically no bugs. Secure and fast. So a massive effort like website builder/theming system will have to be separate for sure and to be a respectable match to its core it will probably take a long time to be designed and coded in a fashion that would make sense for it to be a worthy addition to PW ecosystem. I am sure it will happen at some point but not in the next few weeks... some good ideas/thoughts and suggestions floating about from everyone though. Nico - I am going to play around with your setup and will report back what I find/think. Very nice to see something being done in this direction.
  17. Just thinking about it and at the moment the module is more like a mandatory approval system. Where's it would be nice to have a more granular workflow. Example roles: create draft / save as draft manage drafts (view, change, delete) - this could be distingueshed as being able to manage other user's drafts not just only own. publish drafts by default all users would have create / save drafts rights and superuser would have all roles. then some could be assigned as managers and/or publishers the other question then is - can the mandatory approval step be made optional. e.g. some users could save drafts or pages, but some limited to only being able to create/manage their own drafts. my 2c
  18. Thanks for the response! I was expecting to be able to literally create a draft version of the page to be able to work on the changes before making it live. It would be great to be able to just click a "Save Draft " if the user has "managedrafts" permission. at the moment the module assumes the draft creators and publishers are 2 separate and exclusive roles. Approvers/publishers can not create drafts themselves and draft creators cannot publish. Perhaps it needs another role/-s? nice work though!
  19. I am struggling to get it to work. I install the module, see a new "Drafts Page" appera but after that I only get "You are NOT editig draft version..." eroor message when I edit pages. What am I missing? How do you clone/create a draft? sorry its late, I should in bed.... :/
  20. great little module @teppo! feature suggestions: 1. revision drafting/editing I would absolutely love a way to create a draft for a new revision to be published in the future. Basically a way to create an unpublished revision of the document with ability to go in and work on it before pushing it live. 2. revision scheduling And a "draft" revision scheduling would be the next on wishlist. perhaps there is something already available to enable this without too much effort?
  21. Thanks for this - works very nicely indeed! I much prefer this to the module thats available. Seems more solid.
  22. I am also looking at a solid Google account auth. A generic OAuth2 module would be a very welcome addition to PW indeed!
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