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Everything posted by 2hoch11

  1. @adrian now I replaced InputfieldAssistedURL.js and it seem to work…
  2. If I'm opening the Module Update Page (/processwire/module/?reset=2) there ist nothing to update: On the module page, if I hit "Look for an update" the backend outputs: "That module is not currently tracked by the modules directory":
  3. I installed what you posted: https://github.com/adrianbj/processwire-fieldtype-assisted-url The pw backend says it's the version 2.0.0
  4. As Kholja mentioned: it works only if there is a Texarea Field that uses CKEditor. And ideed, it works… but this dependency is strange… but not technically
  5. …in theory yes, but it does not behave like shown here: Meaning: the chain-button does not open the modal box. I am wondering why istn't this included in processwire as a default "URL" field? Thanks, anyway.
  6. I am using ProFields but none of them opens an "Insert Link" modal box… I can remember I saw a module that does exactly that (url for internal or external pages, page select, target) but I can't find it anymore...
  7. I had this moster on my search result page: $selector = "template=produkt, check2|check_temp=1, (title|text|text_editor_minimal|text_editor|text_editor2|text_editor3|search_index~=$q), (produkt_hersteller.title%=$q), (produkt_bereiche.title%=$q), (produkt_anwendungen.title%=$q), (produkt_verwendungen.title%=$q), (produkt_geratetypen.title%=$q), (produkt_gruppen.title%=$q), (produkt_verdichter.title%=$q), (produkt_kaltemittel.title%=$q), (produkt_gwp.title%=$q)"; It worked so far. After I updated PW to 3.0.165 I got an Internal Server error. So far so good. I updated SearchEngine too. No change. I removed piece by piece parts of the selector. Finally I realised that the subfield selectors (like produkt_hersteller.title) caused the error. Now I ended with this selector: $selector = "template=produkt, check2|check_temp=1, (title|text|text_editor_minimal|text_editor|text_editor2|text_editor3|search_index%=$q)"; Has anybody an idea why subfield selectors don't work anymore?
  8. Yes, that would be the solution. Maybe IMagick is better but in this case I have to use GD…
  9. @horst PHP: 7.3.21 GD: bundled (2.1.0 compatible) 'quality' => 85, 'sharpening' => 'none', "forceEngine" => "ImageSizerEngineGD" Changing the gamma does not affect the result… but I can see that it happens only if the image is scaling UP (and it is a GIF). If it scales down the white color does not change.
  10. Resizing a gif with GD library, turns the wite background of the image into a very light gray rgb(252, 254, 252). I fixed that by replacing the gif with a png but that does not fix the problem. …and yes, I have to use GD and no ImageMagick…
  11. Just in case somebody needs to get the override label in the current language… I did… // Get label in current language echo $templates->get('template_name')->fieldgroup->getField('my_field_mame', true)->getLabel(); // OR directly from the page (no matter how the templates name is): echo $page->template->fieldgroup->getField('my_field_mame', true)->getLabel(); This is a way faster than using translate stings in the template: __("I'm an in english headline, translate me!")
  12. #1 "Full" result How can I get this "full" result? The "standard" rendering outputs just the title and the URL. #2 Languages I assume that it needs "manual" rendering to output a language specific output … instead of english ("Search results", "x results for:", and so on) … #3 Select (product) field Taking consideration of #1 and #2 … I have a repeater matrix in the basic-page(es). I use manual indexing in the SearchEngine Module. RepeaterMatrix > Text fields are working well with this setup. I set the "search_index" field to "visible in editor" and this is what it stores (for example in french): Vente au détail Solutions pour votre application de vente au détail Si vous êtes propriétaire d'un appartement, responsable d'un datacentre ou directeur d'hôtel, nous avons des exemples et des solutions pour chaque besoin d'application. Array Exemples & Solutions : Array Array Array Array {} (…there's a lot of "Array" here… hmm…) One of the repeater matrix items is just an option field (to select a product category [green products, yellow products, brown products…]). This is just an information what to render in frontend, but the product texts are stored in different pages. So there is no text/product-infos to store in the "search_index" field. How can I manage to insert the selected products into the "search_index" field? My first thought was to add a new field to the template… let's call it "search_dump". On every "page save" I populate this text area according to the RepeaterMatrix -> product_selection field (I guess this can be done by a hook). Then I have to recreate the search index manually in the backend GIU or by API: $modules->get('SearchEngine')->indexPage($page);
  13. @HerTha Thanks … indeed. I did not notice that… Now I have to sum this up (for idiots like me): To redirect from index.php with an id attribute: /index.php?id=123 -> /impressum/ /index.php?id=agb -> /agb/ Put this in your PW root .htaccess, before #14 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^\/index\.php [NC] # use this if you have digits and/or strings RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^id=(.+) [NC] # use this i you have only digits [0-9] # RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^id=(\d+) [NC] RewriteRule ^ /index_php/%1? [R,L] As @Mike Rockett pointed out, the jumplink has to be: source:index_php/{all} destination:{all|mymap} // or if you have only digits: source:index_php/{id} destination:{id|mymap} … and the mapping with the name "mymap": 123=impressum agb=agb Thats all.
  14. @horst Thank to Corona there are smart people who have time to answer to my stupid questions! ?
  15. In most cases when I clone an item (no matter if it's a repeater or a repeater matrix) i'd like to have the "copy" just below the "original" instead at the bottom of the repeater(matrix) field… Especially when there are many items, I have to drag around the cloned item to put it in the right place. I guess there should be just one checkbox in the specific repeater(matrix) field like: "Put cloned items just after the original item instead at the bottom." This way everyone could set up the field as he likes. This would expand ProcessWires flexibility. A different approach could be having 2 cloning icons at every item: one for "clone below", and one for "clone at bottom". This would be even more versatile.
  16. Sometimes there are a lot of images in an image field and I want to delete them at once. I would be nice to have an additional button that toggles the delete status of every image in that image field. So I don't have to click x times on every single image in that field.
  17. @Mike Rockett Great! Thank you! Of course, because there is the redirect in the HT Access file... and this happens BEFORE jumplinks is redirecting… But! I still have no redirect when I input www.domain.de/index.php?id=agb I still get the homepage instead of /agb/ I tried to change the destination to {all|mymap} but still no result… as I can read in the documentation "id" has to be a number… but I have a string…
  18. @Mike Rockett Meanwhile the website ist online and I put the redirects directly in the htaccess before the ProcessWire redirects. I hope this causes no security issues. And I mentioned a "TOO MANY REDIRECTS" problem. That was my fault. I forgot to delete a redirect that was in the htaccess… nevermind… However. Now I tried the same settings on a different Installation, and I have the same result. I added this to the HTACCESS file (after #13): RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^\/index\.php [NC] RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^id=(\d+) [NC] RewriteRule ^ /index_php/%1? [R,L] My jumplink: source:index.php?id={id} destination:{id|mymap} Mapping with the name "mymap": 123=impressum agb=agb If I insert www.domain.de/index.php?id=123 it redirects to http://www.domain.de/index_php/123 and throws this error: 404 Page Not Found Checked Wed, 29 Apr 2020 09:03:04 +0200 Request: http://www.domain.de/index_php/123 ProcessWire Version: 3.0.148 Scanning for jumplinks... [Checking jumplink #1] - Original Source Path: index.php?id={id} - Escaped Source Path: index.php\?id={id} - After Smart Wildcards: index.php\?id={id:num} - Compiled Source Path: index.php\?id=(\d+) No match there... No matches, sorry. We'll let your 404 error page take over when Debug Mode is turned off. And this www.domain.de/index.php?id=agb goes to the homepage. No error…
  19. I have the same problem. I tried this solution but the redirect still does not work. Most of the sources are strings, they don't work and I have 2 numbers, one of them goes to the home-page and one of them returns "TOO MANY REDIRECTS". This is a part of the mapping collection: mum_aktuelles=/ 3295=jobs mum_kontakt=kontakt 3294=datenschutz mum_impressum=impressum
  20. Is there a way (beside deactivating HTML purifier) to allow fax links in CKEditor? <a href="fax:123123">123123</a> As I can see, CKEditor itself allows the Link but after saving the page, the link disappears. This must be HTML purifier that parses the code and removes not allowed content. Is it OK to disable HTML purifier (if there is no other way)?
  21. @Zeka I have no JS errors on the homepage and I did not change the settings in the page source. Here is the js-tag souce pointing to mystyles.js: The first one ist the text_editor field, and it is ponting to the correct folder… here ist the beautyfied section belonging to the text_editor field: "InputfieldCKEditor_text_editor": { "baseHref": "\/", "contentsCss": "\/wire\/modules\/Inputfield\/InputfieldCKEditor\/contents.css", "extraPlugins": "pwimage,pwlink,sourcedialog,uploadimage", "removePlugins": "image,magicline", "toolbar": [ ["Format", "Styles", "-", "Bold", "Italic", "JustifyBlock", "JustifyCenter", "JustifyLeft", "JustifyRight", "-", "Subscript", "Superscript", "-", "RemoveFormat"], ["NumberedList", "BulletedList", "-", "Blockquote"], ["PWLink", "Unlink", "Anchor"], ["Table", "HorizontalRule", "SpecialChar"], ["PasteText", "PasteFromWord"], ["Scayt", "-", "Sourcedialog"] ], "format_tags": "p;h1;h2;h3;h4;h5;h6", "language": "de", "entities": false, "uploadUrl": "\/processwire\/page\/edit\/?id=1&InputfieldFileAjax=1&ckeupload=1", "pwUploadField": "bilder", "pwAssetPageID": 1, "height": "10em", "stylesSet": "mystyles:\/site\/modules\/InputfieldCKEditor\/mystyles.js?nc=1586159230", "customConfig": "\/site\/modules\/InputfieldCKEditor\/config.js?nc=1586159229" }, Is seems to be correct.
  22. …meanwhie I installed the site on loacalhost (MAMP) and I have the same problem… further more I realised that the "original" installation (on the "crappy" server) has now the same problem. I do not when this happened. Last week the CKEditor was working well. Long story… This all happened in CHROME. Just of curiosity I opened the backend in Firefox: CKEditor is there!!! So far I can work with the page but I don't know what causes this behaviour…
  23. @Zeka No, I have no overrides (just Label, madatory field, …)… just the "usual" overrides (see screenshot). The "home" template cannot override the settings because the "text_editor" is in the "rx_components" fields.
  24. After mirgration from from a "crappy" server to a new one, the text editor disappeared on the pages. The module and fields are still there and OK, but I cannot see the taskbar on the pages. The DOM inspector tells me that it is set to hidden. If I enable visibility there are some elemets that should not be there… (screenshot attached). I also switched to inline mode. There I can see the text and the outline, but no taskbar appears when I click on the textfield. Can I fix this or should I start from zero with a fresh install?
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