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Found 11 results

  1. I just upgraded a 3.0.210 version PW website to the latest master (3.0.229). I renamed the old wire folder, replaced it with the 229 version, and went into the admin panel. After a few update messages and refreshes, all seemed fine. Pages are loading properly and can be edited as usual. However whenever I now try to view any log or message under setup, and also certain fields, I'm getting the following error: Fatal Error: Uncaught Error: Class "._InputfieldDatetimeText" not found in wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldDatetime/InputfieldDatetime.module:216 I'm not sure what's wrong here, the ._InputfieldDatetimeText file seems to be present. Is this a bug?
  2. Hi all, I just upgraded a site from 3.0.148 to 3.0.184 recently, by swapping out the Wire folder and replacing the root htaccess file. Site is running on PHP 7.4 However I'm getting a bunch of Interface related errors such as: Out of curiosity, I actually went into this file and removed the the interface FieldtypeHasFiles from the implements statement, which then threw up another interface related error for a FiletypeImage. So I checked and the interfaces.php file is definitely there, so im thinking its a path issue of some sort? Has anybody experienced anything similar and have any ideas on how to resolve?
  3. Hello how are you, I need help on how I can solve this, update a module and now I don't know what to do
  4. I seem to be running into a repeated fatal error in a fresh PW install version 3.0.148. I can't quite put my finger on the pattern but it seems to be around deleting image fields or removing images from certain image fields. This is the trace from the log generated by trying to save a page and delete an image from an image field: Fatal Error: Uncaught Error: Cannot access protected property Pageimage::$original in /wire/core/PageimageVariations.php:256 Stack trace: 1. /wire/core/Pageimage.php(1327): PageimageVariations->getInfo() 2. /wire/core/Wire.php(386): Pageimage->___isVariation() 3. /wire/core/WireHooks.php(823): Wire->_callMethod() 4. /wire/core/Wire.php(450): WireHooks->runHooks() 5. /wire/core/Pageimage.php(1369): Wire->__call() 6. /wire/core/Pageimage.php(399): Pageimage->getOriginal() 7. /wire/core/WireData.php(333): Pageimage->get() 8. /wire/core/PageimageVariations.php(256): Pro Line 256 of /wire/core/PageimageVariations.php Earlier in the day I was experimenting with custom fields for images for the first time and kept running into this error, thinking it was me using this feature wrong and not having time to read up I deleted the custom image fields template and went about my business. So now I don't know if I triggered an issue or whether it was never related to the custom image fields in the first place? Any ideas?
  5. Hi all, Thought I had the language translation working but now when I attempt to access the language through the backend (Setup > Languages > My Language) it throws an error: Recoverable Fatal Error: Argument 3 passed to ProcessWire\LanguageTranslator::textdomainTemplate() must be of the type array, null given Can anybody shed any light on what would cause this error when trying to access my language through the settings in the backend, or attempting to view it on the frontend with its language specific URL. The only thing I have changed recently was moving the DB to a different location however the one exported was the one that I previoulsy had my custom language working on it previoulsy. Any ideas, im at a bit of a lose as to what would have caused this when it was working previously.
  6. Hi, I got this error after login to the backend: Already tried to delete cache, disable all modules, update processwire to lastest version, nothing works. Any idea of this error?
  7. Hi all, Starting work for a new client, so pulled down a copy of their existing PW site. All looks normal in terms of the codebase structure, set it up as I would normally for any PW site yet I everytime I attempt to view a page I get: From what I can gather its running PW version 2.8. On the live environment where I copied it from and its working fine, they are apparently running PHP 7.1 whereas I am running PHP 7.3 locally, just incase that may be a cause for the issue. Any ideas as nothing seems obvious to me at this point.
  8. Hi everybody! I'm new to PW and just did the beginner-tutorial “Hello Worlds”, a beginning ProcessWire tutorial --> Link After extending the template from the original tutorial with a page_reference-Field (Page-Field value type is configured as single page), PW throws a fatal error when i try to output multiple pages: $planets = $pages->find("template=planet, sort=-title"); foreach($planets as $planet) { echo $planet->title; echo $planet->planet_reference->title; } Should return three Pages, but throws the following error: When i try to output the field with a single page, everything just works fine: $planet = $pages->get(1018); echo $planet->title; echo $planet->planet_reference->title; I've tried to solve the problem with myself (and google), but i can't fix the error. Thanks a lot! My enviroment: OSX Mojave / MAMP (PHP 7.2), PW v 3.0.123
  9. There is no reason for this to have happened, I was not working on anything related to this: I deleted the site cache and it's still happening. The whole site is broken. This is what happened last time and I had to rebuild. Now I'll have to again. I really need to use version control this time for sure. But nonetheless, I wasn't even working on these files.
  10. Well, I am trying to put the blog template like the home template but when I change the home template to the blog template the page explote. The version is processwire 3.055 and this is the website. http://www.antoibaprogramming.com/ I think that the error is because that when is the home, the blog template try to look for the blog post but it didn't find anything so it crashes. Here is the error that it gave me. And here is the code. The line 660 is the "$n = $page->comments->count();" function ukBlogPost(Page $page, $options = array()) { $defaults = array( 'summarize' => null, // Display blog post summary rather than full post? (null=auto-detect) 'metaIcon' => 'info', 'moreIcon' => 'arrow-right', 'moreText' => __('Read more'), 'categoryIcon' => 'hashtag', 'bylineText' => __('Posted by %1$s on %2$s'), ); $options = _ukMergeOptions($defaults, $options); $title = $page->title; $date = $page->date ? $page->date : $page->createdStr; $name = $page->createdUser->name; $body = $page->body; $metaIcon = ukIcon($options['metaIcon']); $moreIcon = ukIcon($options['moreIcon']); $categoryIcon = ukIcon($options['categoryIcon']); $n = $page->comments->count(); $numComments = $n ? "<a href='$page->url#comments'>" . ukIcon('comments') . " $n</a>" : ""; if($options['summarize'] === null) { // auto-detect: summarize if current page is not the same as the blog post $options['summarize'] = page()->id != $page->id; } $categories = $page->categories->each($categoryIcon . "<a class='uk-button uk-button-text' href='{url}'>{title}</a> " ); if($options['summarize']) { // link to post in title, and use just the first paragraph in teaser mode $title = "<a href='$page->url'>$title</a>"; $body = explode('</p>', $body); $body = reset($body) . ' '; $body .= "<a href='$page->url'>$options[moreText] $moreIcon</a></p>"; $class = 'blog-post-summary'; } else { $class = 'blog-post-full'; } if($options['summarize']) { $heading = "<h2 class='uk-margin-remove'>$title</h2>"; } else { $heading = "<h1 class='uk-article-title uk-margin-remove'>$title</h1>"; } $byline = sprintf($options['bylineText'], $name, $date); // return the blog post article markup return " <article class='uk-article blog-post $class'> $heading <p class='uk-margin-small'> <span class='uk-article-meta'> $metaIcon $byline </span> <span class='categories'> $categories </span> <span class='num-comments uk-margin-small-left uk-text-muted'> $numComments </span> </p> $body </article> <hr> "; } The question is how can I make to put the blog like the principal page. I don't have any idea how to do it.
  11. Trying to restore database from backup with Module ProcessDatabaseBackups PW 2.6.21 throws the following Fatal error: Call to undefined method WireDatabaseBackup::trackException() in .../wire/core/WireDatabaseBackup.php on line 1098 (backup is from version 2.6.10) After reloading the page I get the following error notices: Modules: Configurable module check failed for SessionHandlerDB, retrying... Modules: Configurable module check failed for FieldtypeRepeater, retrying... Modules: Configurable module check failed for FieldtypePage, retrying... Modules: Configurable module check failed for PageRender, retrying... Modules: Configurable module check failed for SessionHandlerDB, retrying... Modules: Configurable module check failed for MarkupCache, retrying... Modules: Configurable module check failed for LanguageSupport, retrying... Modules: Configurable module check failed for LoginNotifier, retrying... Modules: Configurable module check failed for AdminThemeDefault, retrying... Modules: Configurable module check failed for InputfieldSelector, retrying... Modules: Configurable module check failed for ProcessPageSearch, retrying... Problem solved: Divergence in database settings in $config (using 2 different installation dev/master). Apart from this I would expect another Error message in this case.
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