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Everything posted by 2hoch11

  1. I am using a "text_editor" field in a repeater matrix "rx_component". Both templates ("home" and "basic-page") are using the "rx_components" field. I added some custom styles to the "text_editor" field "mystyles:/site/modules/InputfieldCKEditor/mystyles.js" as described here: https://github.com/processwire/processwire/blob/master/site-default/modules/InputfieldCKEditor/mystyles.js After that I had the expected result on the pages that use the "basic-page" template. Strangely on the "home"-page these styles are not available (see attached screenshot). I also tried to add some extra allowed content, like: big *[class] but has no effect on none of the templates. (Yes, ACF is activated)
  2. THIS ist the solution! GD did the job! (syntax is correct). So I guess I will set GD to default… in this project. THANK YOU! I attached both resized images. The "good" one is GD, the other one is IMagick.
  3. Hi horst, thank you for the fast reply. Default gamma is now -1 and I clipped off 1 pixel from the image. As you can see, there is no difference... how can I force PW to use GD instead of iMagick? And meanwhile Photoshop shows always #000000 in transparent areas… ?
  4. I have a transparent PNG with a soft shadow. After the API-rescale there ist a sharp edge between the soft shadow and the opaque parts. I already disabled the sharpening in the backend, in addition to this I disabled the sharpening in the template: $options = array( 'sharpening' => 'none' // none, soft, medium, strong ); …and yes, I removed the variations, I reuploaded the image several times… I know there is no option to select the resizeing algorithm, but that would be really nice. The best angorithm I have ever met is Lanzcos (u can even get rid of moirés). However, not even Photoshop has the Lanzcos algorithm. So back to the problem: has anyone a solution? I attached a screenshot for comparison reasons, and a part of the "original" Image. If nothing works: I will make a "sandwitch"... meaning, an extra image for the shadows and an extra image for the opaque/solid part
  5. Thank you flydev. My question is about how to create a folder, not how to render the files.
  6. I am trying to get this site structure: … /projects/ (is rendered, is in nav menu) /projects-folder/ (not rendered, not in nav menu) /projects-folder/project1 (rendered, not in nav menu) /projects-folder/project2 (rendered, not in nav menu) /projects-folder/project3 (rendered, not in nav menu) … How can I create the "projects-folder"? Do I need a "folder" or a "blank"-template. Or is there any better solution?
  7. @kongondo So in other words resizing images should work the same way like it works in the frontend… However, now I have an external file (instead of pasting php in the backend) but there was no difference… then I added "first()" to the image and now it works as expected: $imageResized = $image->first()->size(400,400); This is pretty strange because I already have an output of this image field in the frontend and it works without "first()"…
  8. Are there known limitations in the plugin? For example i cannot resize an image. Then I wanted to get the original image but I cannot get the url. $image->url gives me just the folder where the image is but not the file-name. $image->basename gives me nothing. Textfields are working as expected. "PHP Runtime Code Mode" is set to "Paste PHP code".
  9. Thank you d'Hinnisdaël. I wanted to test the plugin but I am not shure if it is compatible with the current PW version? It installs well but i cannot see it in the (type) dropdown, when I create a new field… strange…
  10. Thank you kongondo. Now I remember I tested Image Marker last year. It could be a solution but as far as i remember the points are referencing to a (sub) page, so you need an extra page for a single headline or text that is on the image…
  11. I am wondering what input field is the best to select the position of a text-layer on an image? #1 The easiest would be a select options field as dropdown with the options: north, north-east, east, south-east, south, south-west, west, north-west, center Or a less compass like version: top, top-right, right, bottom-right, bottom, bottom-left, left, top-left, center. #2 Use the focus point of the image, so you can position the layer anywhere, but you lose the ability to really focus on something if the uploaded image has a different ratio than the rendered image in the frontend. #3 Use RuntimeMarkup (https://modules.processwire.com/modules/fieldtype-runtime-markup/) to display (and eventually even manipulate) the select element from #1. (I did not try this one) #X Ist there a more elegant way that offers more visual feedback, like 9 squares (3 columns, 3 rows) with radio buttons or something like that?
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