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Everything posted by Stefanowitsch

  1. Hello! I installed the module and it works fine for me. But my local dev environment I get a ton of error messages - when not logged in - Warning: unpack(): Type V: not enough input, need 4, have 0 in /Users/sthumann/Sites/kibis/site/modules/ProcessPageViewStat/func/IP2Location.php on line 1013 This message repeats itself a hundred times, then at the end there are these two lines: Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /Users/sthumann/Sites/kibis/site/modules/ProcessPageViewStat/ProcessPageViewStat.module on line 407 Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /Users/sthumann/Sites/kibis/site/modules/ProcessPageViewStat/ProcessPageViewStat.module on line 408 In the modules settings I disabled all options. These error messages only appear when: - not logged in (on local dev environment) - when my local host has not an IP address assigned to it. I am using MAMP Pro on Mac... On the live site these messages never appear. I guess the that the IP2Location throws those errors when there is "no ip address" to find. So my question is if there is a way to detect if the page runs on a local test system to disable the tracking functions in those cases?
  2. Great news! I was busy with other projects so I could not participate on the beta testing but I surely can't wait to give this new version a shot in one of my next projects.
  3. Okay this solution is a little bit over-the-top for me. But the IntersectionObserver Function looks quite interesting. I've never heard of that before. In fact all my hand made "is element in viewport?" solutions were always kind of tricky to pull off.
  4. I really like the clean look and the choice of color. The pink hue really gives a warm touch. And I absolutely like sites with big colorful images. What plugin was used for the image translation effects? Looks super smooth.
  5. This seems to be a pretty useful module. I am looking for a solution just like that. Is anybody using this module with the latest Version of processwire and does it still work with the modifications mentioned a few posts above?
  6. I was able to solve the problem. After logging into the backend and getting the blank admin page I discovered a log entry inside the tracy debugger log. There was an issue in my /site/ready.php file that threw an error: PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by That error was caused by some spaces behind the closing ?> Tag inside the ready.php. I am using this same ready.php file on multiple other websites and it never made me any trouble though. I find the fact weird that this error is only provoked when trying to log into the backend. Anyhow I am glad that this is solved now.
  7. So finally I uploaded the website into my own personal webspace to see if the login works - it does. So I guess it is some kind of .htaccess or php.ini (black) magic that is missing on the strato.de server. I am looking forward to see if somebody has a clue about this. ?
  8. Another thing I discovered is that the redirect to the "URL with Slash at the end" does not work for the back-end login. For all other pages in the frontend it does. When calling: https://www.mysite.com/processwire I get a blank page. In that case you normally get redirected to the same URL but with a slash at the end: https://www.mysite.com/processwire/ This URL shows the login page. But after logging in I get a new blank page... In my local dev environment everything is working fine and I never had this problem before on other hosting providers.
  9. I just put up a site on a hosting service that I didn't use before (strato.de). As always in those cases some things just won't work. Right now I can not log into the backend of the site. When calling the backend via https://www.mysite.com/processwire (not the actual URL of my site) I get a blank white page without any content. When turning the debug mode on this login page looks normal. But after logging in again all I see is a blank white page. In the session log I get a 'Invalid challenge value' error. The wire-challenge cookie is indeed missing, I can confirm hat. However the session log also says "Successful login for 'admin'". I've searched the board and found a few threads about this problem but none of the solutions work for me. Even turning the sessionChallenge off in the config does nothing: $config->sessionChallenge = false; https://processwire.com/docs/start/install/troubleshooting/
  10. Pro Fields Table is actually already included in the PW core. It is the only Pro Fields module that is free to use. You just have to install it from the modules list in the PW backend.
  11. This would be a perfect use for a repeater field. https://processwire.com/docs/fields/repeaters/ You would create repeater field called "concerts" within the backend. Then you create the subfields for the repeater to be added. Like Date, title, desc, link, etc. Those fields can then be added inside the settings of the repeater field. Add this repeater field to one of your templates and you can add concerts. To render the field in the frontend use it like this: <? foreach ($page->repeater_concerts as $concert) { ?> <ul> <li><?= $concert->date ?>/li> <li><?= $concert->title ?></li> <li><?= $concert->desc ?></li> </ul> <? } ?>
  12. Okay that explanation seems logical to me. I will stick to the "datepicker on focus" option then.
  13. I placed a simple "Start Date" - Date Field inside a repeater. I set the options of this date field so that the jQuery UI Datepicker is used when clicking on the calendar icon next to the field. When editing my template this calendar icon is missing. So the datepicker never opens. I can however change the functionality of the field so that the datepicker opens when the field is focused. This works fine. When displaying the same field on the template outside of the repeater field though, the calendar icon is displayed correctly and works as expected. Is this a normal behaviour? What the date field looks inside a repeater field: What the date field looks like when added to the template outside of a repeater field:
  14. Thanks for your replies. I think I will stick to this solution: 1. Crate a Template for the Ajax Page 2. Create a Page with that template and call it via Ajax
  15. Hello! I want to make use of a JS modal that contains a form. Then the user submits the form I want to handle the submission via ajax and display a "success" message within the modal. I am wondering what is the best practice to handle ajax calls within processwire in general? Usually I would create a static PHP file that handles all the form validation which is then called via ajax after pressing the "submit" button. My question is: Where do I place such a static file within the PW folder structure? I want to create a custom "ajax" folder and place that file there: Then make the ajax request. This is a JS file that handles all functions for the site and sits somewhere within the "scripts" folder. $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/site/templates/ajax/form-submit.php", data: formData }).done(function (data) { console.log('form submitted'); console.log(data); }); This call results in a 403 (forbidden) error. The URL that is called looks like that: https://mywebsite/site/templates/ajax/form-submit.php So my question is: Do I need to create a custom template file (=form-submit) within the processwire backend first and then create a page with that template to make it accessible through an ajax request?
  16. I'm getting excited! When will Padloper 2 be released "officially"?
  17. I find this module really useful. Editing a template directly from the page it is using saves a lot of time.
  18. The features are awesome. That's a really inspiring project! How did you approach your custom "Repeater Matrix" solution? I made a custom form builder solution by myself to easily create any kind of formular with the help of Processwires "classic" repeater fields. Instead of those fancy repeater matrix buttons (they look really good) you can select your form element via a dropdown. When you have a content-heavy site I think such a repeater matrix like yours is the best solution.
  19. Thanks for your reply! When testing on my local machine I can verify that the -srcscet variants are not regenerated after a focus change. I can confirm that by looking directly at the file system too: The -srcset images still have the old date and the old focus. Even when opening the page with a different browser (or deleting the cache) I still see the old image versions.
  20. Wow it seems the world is getting smaller and smaller ? I never thought that there are people around here who know this company. But it seems people who like processwire have a good taste overall ? The hosting service is Domainfactory. I work on a freelance base and am hosting multiple sites via a reseller hosting solution that Domainfactory offers. The server performance you get there is a little bit better that the usual hosting package you would chose when running a single site only. I am running a few other processwire sites on other servers and can confirm that everything - even the backend - is really fast on this one. Can't wait to put the next site online.
  21. Hello! I wanted to share my latest website with you. https://www.reese-moden.de It's called "Reese Modehäuser" (beware! It is a german speaking website...) which loosely translates to "Reese Fashion Boutiques". A translator is not needed at all. The whole content is "picture-heavy" and there is not much text. I wanted to create a fashion boutique site that has a very crisp and clear look with huge magazine-like images that showcase the current fashion trends that are for sale. The page also features a simple blog/news system for posting new content. Because there are lots of large pictures I wanted to keep those loading times small. So the whole site makes full use of the processwire WEBP image support. In order to make responsive images in WEBP format available this site makes use of @nbcommunication fantastic PageimageSrcset module: https://github.com/nbcommunication/PageimageSrcset I can highly recommend this module! Nowadays everyone has an Instagram page. So I included an Instagram feed directly to the site, again with the help of @nbcommunication and his Instagram Basic Display Api Module: https://processwire.com/modules/instagram-basic-display-api/ This is another fantastic module which I am looking forward to use on other pages. Other modules I used on this site (als recommended): - AIOM+ (https://github.com/matjazpotocnik/ProcessWire-AIOM-All-In-One-Minify) for the compression of all JS and CSS files - Wiremail SMTP (https://processwire.com/talk/topic/5704-module-wiremailsmtp/) for sending mails. I am using a custom form builder system I created myself with some repeater fields. - Redirects (https://processwire.com/talk/topic/148-release-redirects/
  22. EDIT: So this here is my final workaround: I wrote a hook that deletes the image variations (only those with the -srcset suffix) for one specific image when the page is saved after a focus change. $wire->addHookAfter('InputfieldImage::processInputFile', function($event) { if ($event['return']) { $pagefile = $event->arguments('pagefile'); $suffix = 'srcset'; $dir = new \DirectoryIterator($event->object->destinationPath); foreach($dir as $file) { if(strpos($file->getFilename(), '-' . $suffix . '.') !== false && strpos($file->getFilename(), pathinfo($pagefile->name, PATHINFO_FILENAME)) !== false) { $this->wire('files')->unlink($file->getPathname()); $this->message("Focus Changed. Image variations deleted for $pagefile->name."); } } } });
  23. I have a question about the correct workflow for changing focus on images. When changing the focus of the image in the PW Backend new image variations with that focus point are generated. However it seems that the *-srcset variants of those images are not generated new again. So in the frontend you will still see the old image variation. In order to refresh those images I have to make use of the "remove variations" option in the module settings. I find that this is some kind of overkill because I simply want to create new variations of one specific image for example, not every image.
  24. I found the solution as it seems. In my config I had to change httpHosts configuration. From this: $config->httpHosts = array('mysite.de'); To this: $config->httpHosts = array('www.mysite.de');
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