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Everything posted by Stefanowitsch

  1. The content type of the response header says charset=utf-8 However here's the caption the tags are generated from. When printing this caption the special characters are all displayed correctly. •WERBUNG• Da strahlt nicht nur der #Pulli, sondern auch noch unsere liebe Aggi?? #Spaß auf der #Arbeit darf nicht fehlen, oder? #fashionstyle #redhead #redpullover #fun #wilster #wilstermarsch #blackweekend #prozenteaktion #Spaß becomes spa<?>
  2. Thanks! I updated to Version 1.4.3 and checked the code line. Unfortunately the special characters still don't show up correctly ? I refreshed the PW module cache and the cache for the module itself but that did not help. That's not a big deal right now because the client I am working for wants the hash tags to be removed again (for layout reasons) but I think that might be a problem for other users at some point.
  3. Yes, I am outputting the single tags like this: <? foreach($item->tags as $tag) { echo $tag . ' '; } ?> On Line 1048 of InstagramBasicDisplay.module I tried this, but the hashtag is then missing in the array: $tag = $this->wire('sanitizer')->entities1($tag, true); $item['tags'][] = strtolower($tag);
  4. I have a problem: I want to display the hashtags for each instagram post. This is no problem at all. But the encoding seems to be messed up. For example special characters like "ä ü ö ß" turn out as the notorious PHP <?> symbol. When displaying the caption instead (which contains the hashtags) all special characters are displayed correctly, though.
  5. Hello! I was curious what became of padloper 2 and now I found this thread and I am blown away. The quality of this new module seems to be outstanding. I am VERY looking forward to integrate it into my next project. The project will be around winter/spring and I am optimistic that the padloper 2 will be finalized by that time ?
  6. This module rocks! It comes just in time for a recent project I am working on. Is there a way to send you a kind of donation for your work?
  7. Thanks for your reply! I was finally able to get it to work. In fact none of the cryptic steps mentioned here (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-basic-display-api/getting-started ) was necessary. I was in a rush and just copied this example code from the processwire module page to see what will render in the frontend. The problem was the line where a specific profile "username" was selected (as an example). I did not have an account like that in my module settings and that was the error.
  8. I just installed this module and am trying to authorize the user. Has anybody checked if the process of authorization which is described on the module page has changed? Basically I am stuck a the point where I need to generate a token and place it into the module settings. I have successfully generated a token, entered it but in the processwire logs I still get the message "username is not an authorized user.". Weird: After reloading the settings page in my facebook app the token which was just created seems to be gone. I found this instruction and the process of authorizing a user seems to be super complicated now: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-basic-display-api/getting-started
  9. Okay I solved this problem. It seems that it was not the modules fault but Processwires $image->size() function was creating terrible artifacts on some gradients. It had to do with the defaultGamma value. I put this into the config.php and now all resized images look great: $config->imageSizerOptions = array('quality' => 100, 'sharpening' => 'medium', 'defaultGamma' => -1);
  10. Hello I have a question about the quality parameter as mentioned here: https://github.com/rolandtoth/MarkupSrcSet/wiki My problem is that I am displaying a picture and I am using the MarkupSrcsSet Module. The picture has a fine color gradient in the background and the final image that is rendered looks very poor - quality wise. It show lots of artifacts in the gradient. The original image that I uploaded in processwire is fine! It is the module itself that is downgrading the quality it seems. When using the quality parameter in my code however it does not affect the rendered image in any way. It still looks bad, even with quality set to 100%. Here's my code: <img data-srcset="<?php echo $image->srcset('original,/1.5,/2,/3',array('quality' => 100)) ?>" src="<?php echo ''; ?>" data-sizes="auto" class="lazyload img-fluid big-img" alt="<?= $image->description; ?>"/> I attached an image of a part of the gradient.
  11. I just installed the Media Manager on a clean PW installation and encountered a problem: Multiple image upload is not working. I am unter the "upload" tab and drag some images into the field. Then click "start". The upload progress bar is growing for 1 second then suddenly it shrinks back to zero and the image upload list is cleared. No images were uploaded. What is wrong? The image size is lower than the max upload size setting in my PHP.ini so that cannot be the reason. The images are about 3 MB each with a resolution of 5184x3456px. That should not be a problem at all? Second - whenever I alter something in the "settings" tab it is NOT saved. For example: Upload mode -> Single file uploads set to false.
  12. Definately looking forward for WEBP support :-)
  13. I am using PW Version 3.0.98 together with WireMailSMTP 0.4.2. My form code: $mail->to($toEmail); $mail->from('mailer@site.de'); $mail->replyTo($fromEmail); $mail->subject('Neue Nachricht über das Kontaktformular'); $mail->bodyHTML ($message); $mail->logActivity("mail sent"); $numSent = $mail->send(); The variable $fromEmail contains the address that was given in the form. I get this error: Notice: Undefined index: replyToName in /XXX/XXX/Sites/processwire-new/wire/core/WireMail.php on line 319 The mail is sent successfully though. This works fine: $mail->replyTo($fromEmail, 'foo'); But again, the second argument is optional. I don't want to use it.
  14. Hello! I am testing some forms and get an error when using the replyToName() method: Notice: Undefined index: replyToName in /XXX/XXX/Sites/processwire-new/wire/core/WireMail.php on line 319 --- I took a look at the documentation: https://processwire.com/api/ref/wire-mail/reply-to/ From the documentation I get the information that I CAN use a second argument - the "name". But it is optional. In my form code I don't do that. I just use the sender e-mail address as a single argument. But why is this error occuring? When I use a second argument - any string - there are no errors at all.
  15. I am setting up the datepicker via the processwire API. So i think it is a PW related question. The InputfieldDatetime module is looking for different languages in Line 58. So I was wondering if those languages can be set up via a configuration variable. https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/blob/master/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldDatetime/InputfieldDatetime.module
  16. Hello! I am trying to set up a contact form using the API. Everything is working fine. I have just one problem with the InputfieldDatetime. I want to use a Datepicker in different languages. My languages are: default - Deutsch english - Englisch My Problem is: When switching between the contact form in both languages the Datepicker only shows english translations for days, etc. Here's how I set it up via API: $f = $modules->get('InputfieldDatetime'); $f->label = $field->form_label; $f->attr('id+name',$field->form_name); $f->addClass('form-control'); $f->required = $field->form_required; $f->wrapClass = 'form-goup row'; $f->dateInputFormat = 'd.m.Y'; $f->datepicker = 1; $f->timeInputSelect = 0; $form->append($f); // append the field to the form Notice: I found this thread here but the solution there does not work for me: I included these files to make the Datepicker work in Frontend: '../../wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldDatetime/InputfieldDatetime.js', '../../wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldDatetime/timepicker/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js' When I add the following translation file in my header it WORKS in german. But it does not translate back to english when switching languages... ../../wire/modules/Jquery/JqueryUI/i18n/jquery.ui.datepicker-deutsch.js' So how does the language configuration for the Datepicker work? Is there an attribute for the API configuration? I found nothing in the documentation: https://processwire.com/api/ref/inputfield-datetime/
  17. Thank you very much! That did the trick: Include the "multipart/form-data" as enctype. That gives me access to the $_FILES array to grab some information about path and sizes.
  18. Hello! I want to include file attachments to my mails. It is not so clear to me how to achieve this. The docs say this: So I can get the filename as value from the input field. Thats basically the name of the file itself (like "mytextfile.txt"). So then I say for example: $mail->attachment('myfile.txt'); But this does nothing. The file is never send as an attachment. Can somebody help me how this is supposed to work? If I need not the filename but an absolute path to the file, where can I get it? It's not included in the form POST data, isn't it?
  19. I got it! Forgot to include HIDDEN pages in the query. Typically my menu templates are hidden pages. So this is the correct solution: $page->rootParent()->children('include=hidden')->get('template=menu_submenus');
  20. Hello! This might be an easy one but I can't figure out the selector. My head is spinning. I am using the Multisite plugin and want to display custom footer menus based on multiple "submenu" templates. What I want to achieve: Get the page with the template "menu_submenus" that is located under the root page of the current page. My attempt does not work: $menus = $page->rootParent()->get('template=menu_submenus'); $footerNav = $menus->footer_menu; foreach ($footerNav as $item) { ?> <li><a href="<?= $item->url; ?>"><?= $item->title; ?></a></li> For visualisation heres the page tree:
  21. Hello there! I wanted to share my new proect with you. It's a small online shop for a local wine dealer: https://www.weinmarkt21.de/ Beware, the site is in german language. I used PW 3, Bootstrap 4 and a very few modules for this site. For the whole shop system I used the Processwire shop module Padloper exclusively. Developing in Processwire was a breeze as always. However I had to put some work into the Padloper stuff to make it fit to the needs of my client. It's a vey good base to start with but you should bring a bit of developing experience with you.
  22. Okay I found it. The problem was that i was searching for "Page Clone" but I am using a german language pack in the backend. Since the module is already included in the core it was translated into german. So instead of "Page Clone" I had to look for "Seite klonen". ?
  23. Hello! I want to install the PageClone Module. The description says that it is already included in PW and only needs to be installed. I am running PW 3.0.98 but can't find this module anywhere! It appears nowhere in the modules section. Plus, manually downloading does not work either. When using the class name to download, i get an error message "no url, has to be installed manually". Where can I download the module file itself? Regards, Stefan
  24. Cool. Using this instead of $modules works. wire('modules')
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