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Everything posted by alan

  1. alan

    Tour and Trek Site

    Welcome amirp and I share you lack of ability with JavaScript changes but I am sure @adrian and others will know
  2. alan

    Tour and Trek Site

    Like the site! It'd be nice if the vertical scrolling photos paused on hover. Also I clicked one at went here where PW threw out an error. Guessing you know about config.php $config->debug = true; ...saved me totally recently when I made a site live and the obscure public-facing error changed into a clear message about a Module needing a PHP resource my hoster didn't have. Congrats on the site!
  3. Nice find diogo. I wish I used the IRC more. Combination of never having 'got' IRC just in terms of how to use it efficiently plus the usual distractions mean I nearly never use the IRC but always wish I did :/ And as this forum is so good, perhaps this might further leverage the good that the IRC has done and maybe get people like me (surely there aren't any of those tho') back into participating more.
  4. Update: to get me out of a hole I am using an alternative solution; so no worries. All I was using CryptoPPP for was to get a lovely one-time random string (so I was not using it to do much) and my solution was the following, I needed it to provide a degree of unpredictable-ness so humans could not guess it and I needed to ensure it was unique, hence the use of a rand fn + date stamp: // Based on http://stackoverflow.com/a/4356295/236306 plus a mod of mine, namely I tack the output of time() on the end, see inline comment below function crypto($length = 6) { $characters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; $randomString = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $randomString .= $characters[rand(0, strlen($characters) - 1)]; } // Right up until here the code is not mine, the line below is edited by me to tack a unix timestamp on the end return $randomString . time(); } This returns this sort of thing each time it's run, if for example you run it once per second (which I don't):
  5. Hi Steve, Uninstall and re-install does helpfully say so I will go talk to my hoster to see if I can have this added. I am guessing they will say my PHP build is locked down and I can't (bless). Assuming I can't, as/when you are able, do you know off hand if that idea/alt code in that link might help me? Tots understand if you have no time to answer. Cheers, -Alan
  6. Hi Steve, NO problem! I don't have a SLA with you I did clone. I will try to uninstall and reinstall and post back (but if I understand this right it won't help, but will do anyway just in case). Thanks VERY much for replying at all when you are busy and no expectations here for any speed of next reply, thanks again! Cheers, -Alan
  7. Hi Steve/chums, Sorry to type-n-go but late and wanted to ask this quickly in case it's easy (hoping ) I have just put a site up that was running aok here on MAMP and have hit a PHP dependency (I think) that it looks like my host does not (yet) provide but MAMP does. When I go to a page that uses this brilliant crypto module locally, all AOK, on the host I get: Fatal error: Call to undefined function bcmul() in /var/www/.../site/modules/CryptoPPP/CryptoPPP.module on line 78 This error message was shown because site is in debug mode ($config->debug = true; in /site/config.php). Error has been logged. I did a phpinfo to see if bcmul is something I can turn on in php.ini but seems not. This seems to suggest a solution. Any pointers as how to best solve this? Thank you VERY much indeed for any help! Cheers, -Alan
  8. fmgujju I am using form entries to store booked days (whole booked days). I created a field in the form for the booking date and then the calendar when displaying month N looks for calendar entries for any days in month N and those it finds it shows as taken. I think the same approach could be used for time slots. The trouble is that, as you say, there are a lot more going on when it's time slots. But although I've not needed to try to solve that need yet, so far I think I would step-repeat this approach and use the submitted form entries as the means of storing booked slots. Good luck with your project
  9. Ryan. Thank you so very much for if($page->numChildren) $session->redirect($page->child()->url); here. Totally rusty from far too long away from PW/PHP coding I was staring into space trying to work out how to do this. Until, that is, I searched for redirect page and your post came up... 1,000 thanks.
  10. Hmm. I am not getting IMAP or POP to work, with POP I am getting when I run the CRON Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator to inform of the time the error occurred and of anything you might have done that may have caused the error. More information about this error may be available in the server error log. I *think* it may be that the webserver in question has no email access or server (so I think for instance that the usual ports for POP are closed in the firewall). Maybe this means I just can't use this Module (sad).
  11. Excellent, understood, thanks Pete!
  12. I *know* what you're saying there Pete about Gmail! Good to know it should work. One question before I go back and try again, does the Module look for unread Emails, act on those, mark them as read and hence not post the same thing twice on successive cron runs, or is there some other mechanism that manages this?
  13. Thanks for this amazing Module Pete! I have a site but don't have an email server/service running on the domain where a site is. Am I being thick by assuming I can setup say a Gmail address and use the IMAP or POP instructions for accessing that Gmail in your Modules fields and it should work, or am I missing something basic (I've assumed the fields Password, Type, Host, Port Number mean the Module is going to go and read emails from an email server, such as Gmail)? I went with the above assumptions but got errors but rather than bore you with detail I thought I'd ask the above first. Thanks in advance for any comments
  14. Nice find, thanks Dave. Recently I've not looked further than http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/royal-slider/ but this looks like it might compliments that well.
  15. Thanks VERY much SiNNuT for your wisdom. I am glad (at least) to say I *did* used to look through the commits but I had fallen out of the habbit. I will return to doing that! But I'd totally missed the official release notes; doh! Thanks!
  16. @SiNNuT Wow! Thanks I'll check that out as it looks like it does do what I had achieved with Flourish. One question; how did you know this? Is there a feature set for PW that I am somehow not following maybe? I am ashamed to admit that perhaps due to my weak PHPness in the past I have found the brevity of the PW cheatsheet usually left me unable to understand what I was reading or how to apply it (in case your answer is that you saw this on there). If you did see this on the cheatsheet then all the more reason for me to go back and try harder at 'getting' how to use it. Thanks again for pointing this out to me and thanks in advance if you're able to recall how you knew of this (and other) cool functions in PW I may not be aware of. Cheers, -Alan
  17. @fmgujju it's a while since I last used it and it was my first use so apologies if my info is a bit 'thin', also it's not forms related but date related. I used flourish to give me natural gaps between dates such as "in 2 weeks" etc. I am using this Flourish functionality and this is a piece of PW code $out .= "<dd class='eventValue'>{$event_date_end->getFuzzyDifference($event_date)} ({$event_date_end->format('D d M Y')})</dd>"; Sorry that's in isolation, I'll be using Flourish again very soon and when I do I hope my use will be much clearer since the above was in my first PW and Flourish projects (and the code was not great). Hope that's of some help and sorry if not.
  18. @totoff Glad you liked SUSY too, as I was writing that I was thinking "I don't think it supports IE7" and so in your sphere I can see clearly why you went the route you did (shuddering as I think of IE6 )
  19. Great, thanks totoff! I am a happy fan also of SASS+Compass. I feel your pain re the seven zillion grids and at the risk of mentioning one that maybe you tried or not, I am smitten with http://susy.oddbird.net/ and I'm inspired now to try and do my own vanilla profile with SUSY so thanks for that too.
  20. I was made aware of this by a friend in security, just in case your hosting fits this description https://isc.sans.edu/diary/Plesk+0-day+Real+or+not+/15950
  21. alan


    +1, yes thanks for sharing Macrura!
  22. alan

    Hanna Code

    This looks brilliant Ryan, thank you! There are parallels with a nice aspect of Textpattern here also, TXP 'Forms' (snippets). Brill!
  23. Ah, sorry I thought you meant it was dead gone 404, I didn't read the roadmap.
  24. alan


    Excellent site Macrura and lovely, valuable post noting your process/tools, thanks so much for sharing!
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