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Everything posted by alan

  1. Hi Lucas, I have the app yellowled listed and I noticed it has an option to 'Rename from file list' which would allow you to have a spreadsheet of random names and use that list to rename all files in one go (I think).
  2. Horst, first, and not connected, THANK YOU for your SMTP module. I am loving the much improved way mail is delivered over SMTP versus PHP Mail function. 1. I think the idea is that you see no email, all is silent—unless your cron fails. Only if it fails will you get an email (what you want). 2. Hehe Though serious point is just that without Snitch if cron works then all good, no emails, if it fails then you don't know. With Snitch if cron works then all good, no emails, if it fails then, unless Snitch has also failed, you get an email I am sure clever people can add their own scripts for monitoring, but DMS seems great for lots of cases, not least of which people like me who are not very clever at server scripts
  3. Here's some info from namecheap on SHA-2. After listening to the excellent podcast suggested by Steve and then reading the above namecheap page I think each time I go to buy a certificate I am going to make a cup of tea instead, that way I don't need to worry what type to get. And I get more tea. So that's a win-win.
  4. Ask a non-techie if they want to see how you monitor your crontabs and I'm guessing you'll get the same reaction to asking them if they want to know more about the invitation to "fork me on github". They both sound scary. But I finally 'got' why this service https://deadmanssnitch.com/faq exists after setting up a crontab. Anyway, I've no affiliation with these guys but they seem very friendly and if you're into proactive monitoring then it might be something you want now or later, so I thought I'd post. Enjoy
  5. @Joss, thanks for the link, will read @steve, thanks for those resources! And it IS of consolation to read your comment about your planned switch, I like a good rule-of-thumb
  6. Ahh.., thanks very much Steve for expanding my understanding. So this (switch to SHA-2) is another opportunity to get certificate warnings—my head hurts o_O I was hoping I'd stumbled on a way to 'just go SSL' For me, new to implementing SSL it is confusing, especially when I read here which I mistakenly took as a cue that the cure-all was just to go SHA-2, clearly it's not :/ I don't have any sites with SSLs longer than 12 months so my quoted potential problem is an non issue for me but presumably I (us web peeps who use 1yr certificates) need in 2016(?) to buy SHA-2s for fear that they will last into 2017 and at that time get the same sort of warning you pointed out can happen today if, ironically, one uses SHA-2 certificates? - - - And grinned re your bootstrap observation there, I always take a small delight in launching IE once per VM build just to go download Chrome
  7. You can get SHA-2 from namecheap I believe, I think you need to ask though, not tried yet tho am about to today probably.
  8. I was thinking that too Joss
  9. title inspiration TL;DR Unless a last bit of checking I am doing over the next short while concludes otherwise, I am going to convert all my sites to run from httpS connections <del>and ensure all the certificates I use are of type SHA-2 not SHA-1</del><ins>and later on ensure all the certificates I use are of type SHA-2 not SHA-1</ins> Dull detail I amy be wrong about a little or a lot of this stuff so please check my facts before you rush off and do stuff, but, I've learnt some new stuff over the last little while and thought I'd share with PW friends in case it's of any help. The following is just a bunch of things that I believe are correct and that may be helpful, sorry I had no time to write it up into a nice article/post: Google preferring websites that serve their pages over httpS connections (so clearly it's a good idea to make a website deliver pages over httpS) source many of the the companies selling certificates are selling SHA-1 type certificates rather than SHA-2—I (I bought two in recent months from different suppliers and they are both SHA-1)—want to test a site's certificate? Check out https://shaaaaaaaaaaaaa.com/ (even tho the URL looks mad I believe it's good and comes from this authoritative looking source: https://konklone.com/post/why-google-is-hurrying-the-web-to-kill-sha-1) Google are gradually sunsetting SHA-1 (in favour of SHA-2) Microsoft, Chrome, and Firefox all recently deprecated SHA-1, and plan to turn it off in 2017. source x
  10. Hi joebaich and welcome to PW If as Steve suggested you were/are a Textpatterner then also welcome, a number of us in PW land used or use Textpattern also and I have a particularly soft spot for it and it's lineage. But now I only use it for maintaining legacy sites it has to be said and PW is my focus (as it's so lovely). Sorry that was only a welcome and I've nothing clever to add to this thread to practically help you >_<
  11. Just in case anyone else is interested who like me didn't know until now, it looks like [goodrelations](http://www.heppnetz.de/projects/goodrelations/) is a valuable 'add on' to the use of schema.org. I know nothing about goodrelations except that it appears to be blessed by Google, Yahoo, Microsoft (I think (pretty sure I found them via a link within the schema.org site and once I visited the goodrelations site I noticed they say they are used by Google and Yahoo)). First read suggested it's something like an extension library for ecommerce markup, but don't quote me on that I only skim-read a page. Just wanted to note it here in case it's helpful to you.
  12. +1 cstevensjr Thanks Steve and all others involved. I wish more of my work required spending time knee-deep in PW so I could spot stuff like this superb addition sooner so I could say "Thanks ^_^" in a more timely manner, so I might help occasionally and so I could more often use the awesome stuff produced by this fab community. tl;dr Thanks!
  13. alan


    PS: In my innocence over the amount of work required to get Lister here let alone to do more, I naively thought "Oo? Wouldn't it be cool if once a view/report was veiwing how I wanted it I could "Press a button" [totally sounding like an end-user there ] and Lister produces a Hanna style slug and I just insert that where I want the output". If Lister is 'free' and Luster (sort of even sexier Lister) was charged I would buy it PPS: +1 for what teppo said much more eloquently than I did <small>PPPS: Do I win a prize for the name Luster? No? Oh.</small>
  14. alan


    Completely understandable not wanting to make a module to complex, thanks for the advice apeisa
  15. alan


    I explained that question poorly, I was thinking, while Lister is clearly an uber powerful Admin tool, as a by-product piece of functionality, could a Lister 'view' (a preconstructed 'find') be made visible on a public page (read-only, fixed results, no controls available to the public)? It would be a sort of query and results builder for custom finds. I hope that question makes sense and I've not misunderstood something obvious(!).
  16. Tks adrian, you made me discover Lister, grateful to you for that even let alone the tip re 2.4.4
  17. alan


    This is fabulous, ditto the thanks others have said to Apeisa, Antti, Avoine, Ryan and anyone else who contributed to this coming out. Only sorry I missed it until now. +1 for what tobaco said. Excuse me if I missed it, but this seems so good a way to build custom queries and results o/p that I assume I can get build queries as shown and present them on the public side too?
  18. +1 PhotoWebMax's Q, I too would love to try out apeisa's uber cool thumbs module
  19. A new Chrome + CKEditor bug (new to me) it seems. I certainly am seeing random SPANs with inline styles added to copy under some circumstances That previous link plus this link to Drupal seem like they may fix it, off to go and see if they do... Edit: OK, probably not going to follow the Drupal instructions since they probably refer to a Drupal system off to check here for how to add a CKEditor plugin... Not found how to enable/use this plugin so I have just installed it and am assuming it will be auto-detected and used. We'll see...
  20. oUCH >_< sorry to hear that bwakad. But love the idea of PWers being pins on a Google Map; would be like getting to know a good neighbourhood
  21. In Canada, so too far for me but I'll be there in spirit
  22. Thanks for the clarification Horst. Understood re too much traffic. If not too complex.., perhaps if at login (so first time the Admin is displayed) a request for the 'fault list' for that version of PW and if a fault found, then the 'orange row' displayed and a cookie/session var is set and no more requests are made for, say 24 hours and only ever for the initial login of the admin system, not just for a page load in the admin?
  23. Thanks Horst I actually have 2.4.0 on this site at the moment. This makes me think of a new feature I would love in PW; with debug turned on, it would be very nice (if practical) to have something like a persistent row at the top of the admin linking to a page of known problems with the build you are running (if there were any). For example given 'for your info' messages are in green, such a row could be orange to denote something you need to consider. So if I were running 2.4.0 and it has this buggy GD library then I'd see that row, click, read about this, u/g, and next time I login it's gone; until/if a problem is listed for the new build I am on etc.
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