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Everything posted by alan

  1. Best of luck apeisa with PadLoper; I miss so much that happens here at PW when I am off doing other stuff, only now saw this thread. Subscribed to email list and looking forward to an opportunity to try your product Cheers, -Alan
  2. @BitPoet, thanks for that, it's confirmed something I found and have fixed. The MySQL was indeed accessible on the internet (I was surprised this was the default for the new hosting I had switched to). My bad, I should have done a vulnerability test of my sites at my new host :/ Since my last post MySQL is now no longer visible and I hope this is the end of these weird SQL errors, from what you say and from what I've seen my guess is it will be the end.
  3. Hmm. What I have found... 1. A wrong setting? (may not address the problems reported but wanted to raise in case of help to me/others) My log file of 1,000 lines or so has about 1/3rd all reading approx (the IP varies): [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Name or service not known This warning appears to be a symptom of not having skip_name_resolve set in MySQLs my.cnf file according to serverfault.com/.... The manual for MySQL ([sarcasm]that's easy to search isn't it?[/sarcasm]) says: Anyone know if it is safe/unsafe to set this option? 2. As regards the errors I have had reported to me by PW config/admin email... One of my reported errors happened on 25 Feb, these are the lines from the MySQL error log around that date: 150224 8:10:28 [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Temporary failure in name resolution 150224 8:10:46 [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Temporary failure in name resolution 150224 9:37:24 [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Temporary failure in name resolution 150224 14:31:43 [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Name or service not known 150225 5:58:59 [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Name or service not known 150225 5:59:00 [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Name or service not known 150225 23:18:11 [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Name or service not known 150226 2:25:37 [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Name or service not known 150226 5:24:18 [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Temporary failure in name resolution 150226 6:03:00 [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Temporary failure in name resolution 150226 6:06:21 [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Temporary failure in name resolution 150226 6:06:57 [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Temporary failure in name resolution 150226 6:32:20 [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Name or service not known 150226 11:12:52 [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Name or service not known 150226 15:52:39 [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Temporary failure in name resolution It looks like nothing 'special' happened on the 25th and yet that was when this error was reported to me by PW. I am continuing to investigate but so far it seems like I am running out of ideas on the causes of these errors. Here's hoping this thread helps someone and there is an explanation. Tks for reading and for any comments, cheers, -Alan
  4. Yet to ask hoster if their MySQL logs show anything, but meantime I've checked and a couple of other sites, on the same host, also have reported infrequent SQL errors (via the email address in /site/config.php), both have exactly the same format this time (apart from the domain): Page: http://mydomain2and3.com/?/ User: ? Error: Exception: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory (in /home/mydomain2and3/public_html/wire/core/ProcessWire.php line 163) I think I am running MySQL 5.5.42 in case that rings any bells as to what might be the cause. As you can see, all 3 instances of errors seem to report that URL /?/ is visited and the error happens, don't know if that is a false clue or something useful. (Will note here if hoster has any clues from their MySQL logs). Any comments most appreciated. Cheers, -Alan
  5. Thanks for the suggestions. I will check with the hoster/site to see what logs are available. But I still assume (wrongly maybe...) that it's something to do with the combination of PW version and Modules (no dis to PW or the Modules I am using, but I just assume it's the first place to look as all other sites share the same VPS and no other errors (I am aware of (yet))).
  6. Hi Entil`zha, I think that URL was visited by a bot or something to trigger the problem, but weird thing is if I visit myself I don't get the error. Thanks for the info on the limit, I have done no 'manual' db work and so it is either a 'bad' combination of modules that happens to be able to exceed that limit or something else. My guess is it's probably something else, but only a guess. And slightly influenced by that odd situation where the URL is reported but it's use does not recreate the error... Weird :/
  7. Hello clever peeps, Anyone seen this/knows where to start trying to solve it? Page: http://mysite.com/?/ User: guest Error: Exception: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1116 Too many tables; MySQL can only use 61 tables in a join (in /home/mysite/public_html/wire/core/DatabaseQuery.php line 91) PW config.php has my email address so I am emailed errors and I just received this by email. the site appears fine that URL does not throw a 404 whereas something like http://mysite.com/testfora404etc will, as it should, throw a good 404 Any pointers most appreciated, cheers, -Alan ProcessWire v:2.5.3 + Form Builder v:0.2.2
  8. @muzzer Yep, plain text passwords are something I try hard to avoid. Re shared hosting, I have a routine VPS (not a dedicated piece of tin) and I was surprised that access to cPanel was all I needed (I seem to remember...). Sorry if I am looking back with rose tinted glasses and it was more tricky than I am remembering, but I am fairly sure I'm not and it was just a case of me (or the support guys) getting a public key (once) for my virtual box of CentOS and then me following the steps and using my local OS (OS X in my case) and cPanel and the result was a working passwordless setup. Each time I add a new domain I go into it's cPanel and use the certificate GUI to paste certificate code, approve it and 'pop' I can access from my desktop, takes less than 5mins per domain I add. Now I've used it, I would never go back to a setup that meant I had to use passwords (plain text or hashed)
  9. +1 that muzzer (plain text passwords). But then I finally understood and began doing SSH connection by certificate not password. I believe this is generally thought by security people to be the safer option (by some large degree). Then ST3 (and other stuff like Terminal and Transmit.app) work like magic - you don't need to enter a password and it connects! When I got it working I was grinning ear to ear. This means your site config files in ST3 for SFTP no longer state any password at all and connection works automatically. Safe. This is one of the web pages that I read en-route to finally understanding how to do this passwordless connection, in case it helps.
  10. Ditto @onjegolders—I remember when I re-re-returned to try Sublime Text 2 and finally got past the "what's all the fuss about?" negative reaction and realized how wonderful it is. ST3 (the ver I am on now) plus that fab SFTP plugin (plus a few other fab plugins (of which there are lots)) is the best editing+transmit experience I have ever had. I still use Transmit for times when I want to visualize what I am doing (weird drag/drops of config files etc) but almost all my SFTP traffic is now handled inside Sublime Text with this plugin. While a post about what plugins are good could go on for ages one I must just note quickly is called Project Manager. It makes the popup list of Projects work brilliantly. OK, will stop swooning over Sublime Text and get back to my accounts :/
  11. alan

    other CMSs

    @diogo Thanks for spotting that totally missed that this thread was old, just saw it pop up on an RSS feed and assumed it was new (my bad...).
  12. alan

    other CMSs

    Re @Adam Kiss like of static, I think (please correct me someone if I'm wrong) that PW ProCache effectively gets you some way (a long way?) toward nice fast static content.
  13. Other will answer this with more authority than I Ollie, but I have found PW beta to be more stable and robust than some other production s/w. So on occasions I have used beta for production sites, after extensive tests (so far all of which always work flawlessly). It really is a very, very good CMS. Enjoy
  14. Hey Tom, did you ever find out the cleanest way to add auto grow to CKEditor by any chance? ANSWER As soon as I posted here asked Tom I of course found out For the build I am on at least (dev 2.5.18) it's as simple as download the plugin and install it per the PW Admin pointer.
  15. Thank you very much Ryan; you had me at Field editor now lets you target templates—Fab!
  16. Stumbled on this-see when your log files were last updated, so smoooth. Thanks Ryan/colleagues for this ever-improving fabulous product.
  17. Thanks Pete/colleagues for the work setting this up. Very cool and typically efficient.
  18. Just bumped into this module and used it. Fabulous. Ryan, you are a gent
  19. alan

    Server monitoring

    Anyone used logstash.net/? I am finally trying to get proactive at server log monitoring and so far the above and logentries.com are the two I am looking at. This is a bit complex for me but I think with the logstash.net/ route it's a case of installing it locally, with elasticsearch and on the webserver installing a remote agent that sends logs securely over. All documented on the logstash site along with a good video explaining it. Jury is out at the moment logentries.com is working but I'm not sure it's what I want my local tests of the logstash from this 10min guide work to a point then the final test fails :/ Gonna spend a bit more time trying to solve. Anyway, thought I'd post this since it must be something others do or may want to in which case I hope these links are of some value at least to someone (and hopefully I'll solve the above and be able to post a fully working method here). PS: the above is me with a local Mac and remote Apache on Centos so apologies if this is irrelevant to you due to other environments.
  20. alan

    Social networks

    @owzim glad to have seen that article about ello.co funding, thanks for the find. While that article (that as far as I can see essentially says ello has VC backing QED the author won't use it) is clearly one way one could feel, my main influences come from my lucky/unlucky chance membership of a management team that did a management buyout (backed by a bank and a VC) and from just my general assumptions. I am comfortable that the outcome of a VC investing will be an exit strategy because a future exit does not predetermine who will be exiting or whether current or new owners actions will be good or bad. An exit does not by definition mean a business will necessarily be sold away from the original owners to bad people or that the current owners will begin to do bad things just because a VC is currently part of the business. Sometimes the owners pay off the investors and buy themselves out. Other times there is a sale but it's a partial sale to other people who invest out of interest and enthusiasm. Other times a strategy might indeed involve 'evil' data-selling strategies etc. My hope is that the ello.co people retain the motivation that got them here, a comprehensive dislike of the bad points of Facebook (apologies for second guessing their motives and assuming these are they, but that's my best guess from what I've read). I do get the point of the article however that a decentralized, not owned by anyone other than you, approach might be best. But my problem with that is that I expect ello.co to have a very, very hard climb making itself even 10% as popular as Facebook, I think anything less 'focussed' or easy to use or needing of tech/geek knowledge is even less likely to get widespread adoption. And I want to use a social network with widespread adoption so my utterly tech-clueless bother can use it as easily as anyone else can. So for me I am looking at a glass half full when I look at ello.co (that is I am choosing with, I think, some justification, to be optimistic): yes it may currently be surviving via VC cash but they have a clear aim of creating an open and sustainable income soon: "Very soon we will begin offering special features to our users. If we create a special feature that you like, you can choose to pay a very small amount of money to add it to your Ello account forever." I love the UX/UI of ello I am liking everything they say about themselves, so far. I may be proved naive but I am banking on ello.co not doing the bad stuff that I (and clearly lots of others too) feel the likes of Facebook have done/do. Here's hoping my glass stays half full!
  21. alan

    Social networks

    I find that [FB do not close] easy to believe @dazzyweb :/
  22. alan

    Social networks

    I'm a total nobby no-mates over at ello.co so if you'd like an invite just check my sig' below PS: Posted because I grew up watching BBC TV not ITV and so when I began to see commercial television I found it particularly painful to have adverts inserted where TV programs always went when I was solely watching the BBC. Fast forward a few decades and now I find it equally painful to be browsing Facebook only to be kicked in the eye by an advert. Add to that the UI/UX disaster that is the Facebook experience and I am left detesting it but not having much in the way of an alternative. Enter ello.co. OK, I am being a bit optimistic, it's more than somewhat early days over at ello.co but it has the same sort of ethos as app.net, not going to spray me in adverts and also its got a rather lovely UX. OK, rantette over, hope to see you there and hope in the long term ello takes off enough so I can delete my Facebook login. Cheers, -Alan https://ello.co/alanfluff
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