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Everything posted by flydev

  1. What is going on if you call it that way (minus $) ? : $carry[$child->f][] = $child; // no more ISSUE
  2. You can find more information there: https://processwire.com/docs/security/file-permissions/
  3. You could try to copy the root dir containing the site and do a chmod -R 777 on it (just for testing purpose!) - result ?
  4. Hi @adrianmak You can achieve this by using hooks and my ReCaptcha module. First install the MarkupGoogleReCaptcha module then in file ready.php, write the following code : /* * replace the LAST occurence of $search by $replace in $subject */ function str_lreplace($search, $replace, $subject) { return preg_replace('~(.*)' . preg_quote($search, '~') . '~', '$1' . $replace, $subject, 1); } /* * replace the FIRST occurence of $search by $replace in $subject */ function str_freplace($search, $replace, $subject) { $from = '/'.preg_quote($search, '/').'/'; return preg_replace($from, $replace, $subject, 1); } $captchamod = wire('modules')->get("MarkupGoogleRecaptcha"); wire()->addHookProperty('Page::captcha', function($event) use ($captchamod) { $event->return = $captchamod; }); wire()->addHookAfter('Page::render', function($event) { $template = $event->object->template; $page = $event->object; if ($template == 'admin' && !wire('user')->isLoggedin()) { $captchaScript = $page->captcha->getScript() . '</body>'; $captchaHtml = $page->captcha->render() . '</form>'; $event->return = str_freplace('</form>', $captchaHtml, $event->return); $event->return = str_lreplace('</body>', $captchaScript, $event->return); } }); wire()->addHookAfter('Session::authenticate', function($event) { $page = wire('page'); $template = $page->template; if ($template == 'admin') { if ($page->captcha->verifyResponse() == false) { wire('session')->logout(); wire('session')->redirect(wire('config')->urls->admin); } } });
  5. OAuth2Login for ProcessWire A Module which give you ability to login an existing user using your favorite thrid-party OAuth2 provider (i.e. Facebook, GitHub, Google, LinkedIn, etc.).. You can login from the backend to the backend directly or render a form on the frontend and redirect the user to a choosen page. Built on top of ThePhpLeague OAuth2-Client lib. Registration is not handled by this module but planned. Howto Install Install the module following this procedure: - http://modules.processwire.com/modules/oauth2-login/ - https://github.com/flydev-fr/OAuth2Login Next step, in order to use a provider, you need to use Composer to install each provider ie: to install Google, open a terminal, go to your root directory of pw and type the following command-line: composer require league/oauth2-google Tested providers/packages : Google : league/oauth2-google Facebook: league/oauth2-facebook Github: league/oauth2-github LinkedIn: league/oauth2-linkedin More third-party providers are available there. You should be able to add a provider by simply adding it to the JSON config file. Howto Use It First (and for testing purpose), you should create a new user in ProcessWire that reflect your real OAuth2 account information. The important informations are, Last Name, First Name and Email. The module will compare existing users by firstname, lastname and email; If the user match the informations, then he is logged in. ie, if my Google fullname is John Wick, then in ProcessWire, I create a new user Wick-John with email johnwick@mydomain.com Next step, go to your favorite provider and create an app in order to get the ClientId and ClientSecret keys. Ask on the forum if you have difficulties getting there. Once you got the keys for a provider, just paste it into the module settings and save it. One or more button should appear bellow the standard login form. The final step is to make your JSON configuration file. In this sample, the JSON config include all tested providers, you can of course edit it to suit your needs : { "providers": { "google": { "className": "Google", "packageName": "league/oauth2-google", "helpUrl": "https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials" }, "facebook": { "className": "Facebook", "packageName": "league/oauth2-facebook", "helpUrl": "https://developers.facebook.com/apps/", "options": { "graphApiVersion": "v2.10", "scope": "email" } }, "github": { "className": "Github", "packageName": "league/oauth2-github", "helpUrl": "https://github.com/settings/developers", "options": { "scope": "user:email" } }, "linkedin": { "className": "LinkedIn", "packageName": "league/oauth2-linkedin", "helpUrl": "https://www.linkedin.com/secure/developer" } } } Backend Usage In ready.php, call the module : if($page->template == 'admin') { $oauth2mod = $modules->get('Oauth2Login'); if($oauth2mod) $oauth2mod->hookBackend(); } Frontend Usage Small note: At this moment the render method is pretty simple. It output a InputfieldForm with InputfieldSubmit(s) into wrapped in a ul:li tag. Feedbacks and ideas welcome! For the following example, I created a page login and a template login which contain the following code : <?php namespace ProcessWire; if(!$user->isLoggedin()) { $options = array( 'buttonClass' => 'my_button_class', 'buttonValue' => 'Login with {provider}', // {{provider}} keyword 'prependMarkup' => '<div class="wrapper">', 'appendMarkup' => '</div>' ); $redirectUri = str_lreplace('//', '/', $config->urls->httpRoot . $page->url); $content = $modules->get('Oauth2Login')->config( array( 'redirect_uri' => $redirectUri, 'success_uri' => $page->url ) )->render($options); } The custom function lstr_replace() : /* * replace the last occurence of $search by $replace in $subject */ function str_lreplace($search, $replace, $subject) { return preg_replace('~(.*)' . preg_quote($search, '~') . '~', '$1' . $replace, $subject, 1); } Screenshot
  6. I feel really sorry. I have had some problems in recent months that have caused my brain to stop working .. And so I hesitated to launch the module knowing I could not give support. Anyway, I'm better and I resume the development as soon as I have my internet connection operational (should be good for monday). Sorry again guys!
  7. Hi @antpre and everyone. I lack time in recent days but the module should be available to the public the next coming week!
  8. This morning, after some adjustments and tests, the module run smoothly on ProcessWire 2.7, 2.8 and 3.x.
  9. Just a small update: I managed to get the module working without Composer. All SDKs can be downloaded separately and you can choose which one Cloud Service to use or even not use any at all. And some precisions : What is the primary goal of this module and how it works? This module is a backup utility. It make a package which contain a full database dump + full website. The package can be saved locally or/and uploaded to a FTP server, GoogleDrive, Dropbox or AmazonAWS. is it compatible with PW2? Guess not. With 2.8 yes. ProcessWire 2.7 need to be tested as now every SDKs can be downloaded separately. But it already works for saving package to a local folder. I don't use composer. Any other way to install? Just download the SDK you need. I'm on windows. Will PWcron run? Without any problem. Look at this answer to set up it: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7195503/setting-up-a-cron-job-in-windows What are google/dropbox/AWS needed for? Only needed to upload a package to their service. How can I restore the website? Is it possible to rebuild mine website on a other server? Yes but you have to do it manually. You unzip the package (the zip file), upload your website, import you SQL database, adjust settings in config.php and tadaa, it works. The final goal of the module is to automate this process, but is not yet implemented.
  10. Hi and welcome to the forum. You can find some thread in the forum about settings default language if your site is multi-language (?) but I assume here is not the case. How I see the thing : you can develop your front-end in pure Arabic without altering the back-end naturally. I mean the back-end will stay as default in english and writing the front-end (your templates) in all Arabic language is up to you. To help you to get started with RTL front-end, take a look at this series of 2 articles at Mozilla : https://hacks.mozilla.org/author/nefzaoui/
  11. You can just install it like any other module. Once installed, click on the save button then the "Backup Now" button, no other steps required If you still have problem using it, please feel free to post your issue in the dev topic or PM me, I will help you with pleasure.
  12. I can send you the module Duplicator for testing purpose if its urgent. I will just ask feedbacks .
  13. The session is started automatically and ready-to-use from your templates.
  14. Ok, I think I got what you mean. Yes it will be reset to 0. Just forget what I said before. Instead of having $session->set('count', 0) in your template, set it in _init.php : if(!$config->ajax) $session->set('count', 0); So, if you refresh the page, the $session->count will be reset to 0, if the page is called by AJAX then $session->count is incremented.
  15. because $limit = 1 in your selector, no ? As you get only one news, $count is not incremented in your foreach loop..
  16. What's the thing you do not understand ? Did you tried to follow this post ? There are another example: A tutorial where you can took inspiration for processing your form : And a ton of references there: https://encrypted.google.com/search?q=processwire+contact+form
  17. Keep in mind that there a are other better ways to achieve this. You should read this tutorial made by @kongondo : Anyway, to continue with the repeater and to add tags to your aforisms you could create a new template "aforisms_tags" and a page in the PageTree called "Aforisms Tags", assign the template "aforisms_tags" to this new page; And add some children to this page: tag1, tag2, tag3... Then you create a new field of type PageReference , set the option Input Field Type to "AsmSelect" and set the option Parent to the new created page "Aforisms Tags". Then you add the field to your "aforisms_repeater". Illustration : There is the code : $aphorisms_list = ''; $tags = ''; foreach($page->aforisms_repeater as $aforism) { $aphorisms_list .= "<li>"; $aphorisms_list .= $aforism->aforisms_title; foreach ($aforism->aforisms_tags as $tag) { $tags .= "<span class='tag' style='margin: 3px; color: red;'>"; $tags .= $tag->title; $tags .= '</span>'; } $aphorisms_list .= "{$tags}</li>"; } $content .= "<ol>{$aphorisms_list}</ol>";
  18. Surely, but I don't get what you mean by one or more topics fields, could you explain a bit further whats your needs and/or show us what you already tried ? Maybe are you talking having an aphorism with a reference to a page in the PageTree ?
  19. Welcome to the forum @Cengiz Deniz About your question, you could use a Repeater for the aphorisms in your template. First read this doc : http://processwire.com/api/fieldtypes/repeaters/ , you should get an idea on how repeaters works. So for your example, you could make a new text field called aphorism_title and a new repeater called aphorism_repeater. Finally you add the text field 'aphorism_title' to the repeater. You should end up with something like that : In your page template, you add the repeater field you just created, and add some aphorism to it : Then in the template code, a simple foreach loop will do the job to show all the aphorisms in a list: <h3>ÖzlüSözleri</h3> <?php $aphorisms_list = ''; foreach($page->aphorism_repeater as $aphorism) { $aphorisms_list .= "<li>{$aphorism->aphorism_title}</li>" } ?> <ol> <?php echo $aphorisms_list; ?> </ol> Hope its clear enough, you can adapt it depending the output strategy you use, but do not hesitate to ask more information. Good luck!
  20. Hi @MaryMatlow Can you please tell me the version of ProcessWire ? Yes, you have to copy and/or modify the function bsRenderCarousel(); For instance, you could use a repeater to pass datas to the function. Let's say we create a repeater with the three following fields: image_carousel, heading, heading_description and insert the repeater with the name 'carousel' in the home template. In _func.php, add this function : Then in the home template, make the array and call the new function with the new array as parameter : // render the carousel //$content .= bsRenderCarousel($page->images); foreach ($page->carousel as $key => $value) { $datas['images'][] = $value->carousel_image; $datas['headings'][] = $value->heading; $datas['description'][] = $value->heading_description; } $content .= bsRenderCarouselFromArray($datas); Result:
  21. It is mainly to test different servers configuration as currently the AmazonS3 implementation is quite stable. And I found a way directly in the AmazonAWS console to create accounts and sharing keys for users. Anyway thanks for the suggestion, maybe I will give a try by curiosity
  22. How to create a GoogleDrive service account step-by-step Edited the 2017-02-18 Go to https://console.developers.google.com Create a new project: Enable the API: Create credentials: Select "New service account" Click on Create and save the JSON key file Click on Manage service accounts : Copy the service account ID : Configure Duplicator by copy/pasting the service account's email and the content of the JSON key file :
  23. In before complete answer, the first thing I see is : What the doc say: When you put in the new /wire/ directory, make sure that you remove or rename the old one first. If you just copy or FTP changed files into the existing /wire/ directory, you will end up with both old and new files, which will cause an error.
  24. This is a good question, my bet go on an upload with a regular user and the files moved by root user..
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