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Everything posted by flydev

  1. Thanks for the feedback @jacmaes! I just tested and uploaded the SDKs for Amazon and GoogleDrive. Its available for download at : https://github.com/flydev-fr/Duplicator-SDKs
  2. I will try to find the time this week @szabesz Also, if you got 5 minutes and you still have the 1&1 host account, could you test duplicator on it ? I just built a package successfully on 1&1
  3. Module updated to version 1.1.6, I fixed what we discussed here and included various small fix in ProcessDuplicator and GoogleDrive.
  4. I read you too fast! Ok yes I forgot to update this link! Will fix it in 1.1.6 - Thanks theo ! @msavard and did you tried the 1.1.5 if it solve your issue ? Also a small tip for you in case you're not aware. You can use this module - ProcessWireUpgrade - and update the module you want in one click.
  5. Could you check (inspect) with your browser the data attribute of the "Delete All" button please ? The result should be something like this :
  6. Answering from my mobile. Good catch ! I will update the module with your patch, we need now to alert the user that some files are not resdable and thus excluded from the zip. Thanks again @theo!
  7. Hi @theo If TracyDebugger is not installed, then install it and re-run Duplicator to see if the debugger catch an error or warning. Then check the PHP error log to if there is something wrong. And If you got a bit time, then you can try to debug the buildDatabaseBackup(), buildProcessWireBackup and buildPackage() functions with putting tracy's shortcut bd($your_var) everywhere Or just wait that I implement more logging in the module (I will try to find the time today). Edit: looking at the screenshot, it look like buildProcessWireBackup() run fine.
  8. I just installed a fresh XAMP on a Windows machine for a test and everything worked there. (XAMP and the bitnami PW module) Are you running the last version of Duplicator (1.1.5) ? When you say briefly, did you mean "instantly" ? if yes, it can be the problem that @theo encountered which is fixed in the 1.1.5. Please let me know, thanks you.
  9. The module is updated : - fixed ProcessDuplicator - packages listed in ProcessDuplicator are now blended and re-ordered correctly by timestamps @msavard Hi and welcome here! About your issue, it is hard say without furthermore information. It can be a memory issue or a timeout issue. Which version of ProcessWire / PHP are you trying to run Duplicator on ? Which hosting provider are you using ? Are you on vps, shared host ? Could you check the duplicator log (in /site/assets/logs/duplicator.log), the server and PHP error logs ?
  10. Thanks for the code snippet @adrian , I think that checking for mod_userdir is not needed anymore as the only issue occurring with this apache module was getting the backend url, which is fixed by using $config->urls->httpAdmin I will push the update in an hour or so. Thanks!
  11. It return an URL, not the path In this case, the URL of your admin page which is valid. @adrian I think I already tried but not in depth to blend them. I will look at it more closely, its definitely a good idea.
  12. I was going to post it as the result is weird normal..., but didn't knew about httpAdmin ! I am so tired...
  13. I will make Duplicator more verbose about the logs in the next version. Thanks again for your time. Stay tuned
  14. I just tested Duplicator on 2.7.2 fresh install, everything is fine. Testing with mod_userdir... I will edit this post. Edit: @theo yep it work on my side with mod_userdir, ProcessWire 2.7.2, Duplicator 1.1.4 Maybe removing the cache and/or a modules refresh could fix it.
  15. @theo : I just pushed a fix - now Duplicator work with Apache mod_userdir. If you can upgrade the module to the latest version from Github or the module directory (version 1.1.4) and report back, I will be happy edit: don't forget to change the const DUP_MIN_VERSION
  16. @jacmaes Could you test the last version (1.1.3) please ?
  17. Never saw this issue with a FTP server, maybe its a specific settings of the server ? Do you have good results uploading a conventional file, like a "foobar.txt", an image or even a zip file ? I think I found the issue, it has nothing to do with server, I am dumb. I will push a fix. If I have the time, i will upload the SDKs tonight - I have to update and test them before. --- I can confirm this issue as I could reproduce it right now, I will find a fix.
  18. Thanks to you for reporting it back. I will test it on a server with mod_userdir installed today.
  19. Thanks - ok, there is no file because Duplicator has not run at least one time. Maybe the PHP script is killed abruptly. Please check your PM. edit: I didn't saw the last error message, there is something broken with the path.
  20. Also, could you check the logs please in /your_root_dir/site/assets/logs/duplicator.log to see if there is something revelant ?
  21. Hi @theo, you can change it safely, the reason if I remember correctly, is because ProcessWire 2.7.3 was the latest stable version of the 2.x branch - I didn't tested Duplicator on a earlier PW version. Please report here if you could backup it successfully
  22. I used it in an earlier version and I left it in case. I did well not to push the new version.
  23. There are as always Pros and Cons about using a CDN. One of the thing I like with CDN is the multiple-request capability. But on other hand, in a security point-of-view, using a CDN if you are paranoïd will make you crazy knowing that someone could modify the delivered JS code to collect data from your users...
  24. I will add this check, it make sense to me. Also it might be worth to check if the backup destination is being included - e.g. the destination is in the webroot but not excluded - then if yes, the warning appear, as the package will be saved and the ZIP file will grow. As you said, the last package will be saved and the oldest package is removed if the limit is reach. Now I am thinking to make those two settings checking each other giving the priority to the "Remove backup packages older than" setting. I will test it more closely as I would like to keep the compatibility to ProcessWire 2.x in case some people want backup their pw2 website for an eventual upgrade. My brain is overheating today, I'll read again your comments into an hour or so
  25. Hi and welcome to the forum @ihathome If I understand correctly, in your admin page, go to Modules > Configure > SimpleContactForm then check the following screenshot : PS: You should ask your module related questions in their respective thread For SCF, here you go: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/8254-simple-contact-form/
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