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Everything posted by szabesz

  1. @cb2004 Hi, I recommend adding your case to the GutHub issue so that it gets more highlight this way. Could you please do that?
  2. Hello, it doesn't sound like a solution to me. Probably this problem should be posted in the right GitHub issue: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues?utf8=✓&q=windows+path whichever it is...
  3. Thanks, sure, the wording "hasField" does indeed imply that, it is just that using "valid" in this context is not something I remember seeing before.
  4. Me too, and even in the case of the blog listing and similar. To tell the truth, I never liked the current trend of putting everything into "cards" when a sidebar+vertical listing page is the most usable layout. Cards are stylish but at cost of usability and I think it is a high price to pay, in my designs I try not to use them without a serious and valid reason. For the time being, I started to browse the site under the 960px viewport by turning on the inspector so that I do not have to resize the whole window. This way I get one column only.
  5. I wonder what "valid" mean in this context: https://processwire.com/api/ref/page/has-field/ $page->hasField() => "Returns whether or not $field is valid for this Page" Anyone can shed light on this for me?
  6. Plain text in YAML ? http://sangsoonam.github.io/2017/03/13/yaml-vs-json.html "Use YAML for configuration files since YAML is really human-readable." And we could use a diff tool to compare (my favorite is Beyond Compare, btw ? ).
  7. If I was Ryan – which I'm not ? – I would create a short intro for newcomers (I do not use the word "beginners" on purpose because a pro PHP developer can still be new to ProcessWire) and even this short intro should be clearly divided into two sections: one for frontend development recommended best practices and one for module development recommended best practices. At the end of this introductory article, I would link to this verbose one we currently have.
  8. Introduced in ProcessWire 3.0.117 https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.117-core-updates/
  9. I recommend @arjen's fork instead: https://github.com/arjenblokzijl/FieldtypeDecimal as @sforsman seems to have abandoned his module.
  10. Hi, if you can tell me how to test this quickly (eg. by using some online service) without any convoluted software installation requirements then I'm happy to test it for you. Otherwise I am not using their service all the time, only for certain occasions. So far I cannot complain.
  11. Me too. I also think that "mixing it up" for a newcomer the various ways to use the API is not a good idea, even the tabbed interface idea (which is great) feels a bit too much to present to a beginner. If the function API is the preferable one on the frontend, then all frontend examples should use that one only and only module related docs should use another one (which one is preferable in that case). There should be an article explaining all the other ways to do the very similar, and only in the "advanced" category. BTW, some docs tag pages/tutorials as beginner/intermediate/advanced. I think ProcessWire docs could use those too.
  12. Yeah, the only concern of mine is just this, so that I (we) can search google like "Admin Actions" and "Admin Tools" separately ? Haha ? it would be okay for an application or a module since it is a made up word but not so good for something descriptive as much as possible like a panel's name.
  13. Quick Actions Utility Actions Shortcut Actions Tracy Shortcuts Utilities
  14. Thanks as always, the new panel does sound useful indeed. However, you already have a module called Admin Actions. It might be confusing in some circumstances that these share the same name, don't you think?
  15. Hi @benbyf See this comment: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/15691-warning-about-server-locale-after-update-from-3052-3053-help/?do=findComment&comment=143552 and the related docs: https://processwire.com/api/ref/languages/set-locale/ Does this help?
  16. At least he spawned a fruitful discussion this time by accident... Otherwise his/her posts are kinda strange, I agree.
  17. I forgot to mention that I also use the free https://www.spectacleapp.com/ "window-size manager" application. In the case of the Finder I use it in a semi-automatic way to quickly setup a "two-pane layout" for the Finder. I create a new window with half of the vertical size of the desktop ('cos I prefer landscape/horizontal windows for column view) and right away following that I create a new window because the Finder clones the last not-yet-resized window's dimensions, and I only need to reposition the two, similarly sized windows. Since I rarely move Finder windows around I do not need to do it too often.
  18. Happy and productive new year! ? I opt for this one: Please do not try to take on too much work before the initial release regarding the GUI. I think one layout is just enough to start with. Besides, if we have two layouts then it will make creating docs an tutorials more complex as we need to account for both. Configurable layout is less desirable than and easy to use one right from the beginning. I would not like to see an app like behaviour as that implies mobile only experience which can never be as productive as a well tailored desktop GUI. Sure, it should be usable on mobiles without any irritating issues but that is of second concern to me.
  19. True, but it can "free you up from Woocommerce eventually" ? and freedom in development means great possibilities to earn you money in the long run ?
  20. I'm a TotalFinder user which is not a replacement but an "extension" injecting runtime mods into the Finder. It's "used-to-be free" alternative is XtraFinder which I also used for years but was a bit too buggy to my taste so I switched to TotalFinder a few years ago which is more reliable. I use Yummy FTP Pro and Beyond Compare as well.
  21. Sort of but not really. "Yesterday" we had options. I've never been a Windows nor Office user, for example. If Google takes over the web, then we will have no choice but to follow Google's rules.
  22. Hi @rareyush This forum's Rich Text Editor has a "Spoiler" feature which can be used by clicking on the "eye" icon in the toolbar. Could you please move your two config file code snippets into "spoilers" to make this thread more readable. Thanks in advance.
  23. Hi, You might want to ask a moderator to move this issue into Form Builder's forum as you can get more attention there.
  24. Hello, Could you be more specific by showing us the actual code in action?
  25. Hi @PWaddict Could you please make the thread readable by putting your long trace of logs into "spoilers"? This one and the another one:
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