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Everything posted by szabesz

  1. Just want to add for anyone reading this post, that while in the admin this cannot be done, it is doable via code. By putting something like this into init.php,: $templates->get('home')->filename = $config->paths->templates . 'views/home/home.php'; it is possible to store a template file wherever you want. Read more about this in this topic: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/2676-configuring-template-path/
  2. I do not need it ? but my client does so I had to find a way not to upload the "same" image twice, once for the client and once for the site. The client also needs those PNGs to be as small as possible, so that is where crushing them comes into play. Anyway, if you could revert the change, that would be great for the time being. Maybe a note in the source code about the issue could help to decide when to add it again to the supported filetypes is feasible. (A few years from now on, maybe?)
  3. ? I know the theory, however, saving space can be important on some servers. Also, in this particular case form a 3000x3000 PNG8 a 1000x1000 JPG is generated, and I do not think anyone can tell what the source was just by looking at it.
  4. I see! Yes, those PNGs are indeed PNG8 in my case. Tracy on MAMP Pro reports :IMAGICK SETTINGS Version: 6.9.6 Whereas in production: IMAGICK SETTINGS Version: 6.7.8 It seems like it is a bug in older verions of Imagick which are still quite common, I guess.
  5. Hi @tpr I have z-index issue with UIkit Sticky header being on. input.InputfieldDatetimeDatepicker has a higher z-index than the header. I quick fixed it with #pw-mastheads {z-index:11 !important;} but I'm not quite sure what to do.
  6. Hmmm, upon further inspections, I'm no longer so sure that it is a ProcessWire issue because the clone of the site in question in my local dev environment (MAMP Pro) can generate proper PNGs, while the one in production cannot. But still, it started happening after some ProcessWire upgrades.
  7. Hi @AndZyk I can confirm this. If I upload a PNG saved by Photoshop then all is good but if I upload a PNG optimized with ImageOptim then transparency is removed and some sort of inverted version of the image is generated. It does look like it is a ProcessWire 3.0.132 issue indeed. It would be great to fix it ASAP as it is a real pita....
  8. I would like to add that by using vanilla JS only, one has to keep an eye on event listeners in order not to introduce memory leaks, and jQuery does remove "its own" listeners before disposing of a node, which is quite handy. The only issue with a helper like jQuery is that it keeps changing (because it keeps evolving) and it might be problematic to update possible other jQuery dependent components of a website when their new versions start to require different versions of jQuery. Yeah, dependency is always an issue but I do not think it is possible to eliminate it completely anyway.
  9. I guess Ryan is going to fix any bugs which are worth the effort, especially if the bug report itself is as helpful as it can be.
  10. More on the price: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0Z4mM3wofw
  11. It is not as good looking as a Mac Pro, but one can get it for half the price: https://www8.hp.com/us/en/workstations/z840.html Sure, it is not too fruitful to compare apples to bananas but still, as Apple products are generally overpriced (and probably other similar "professional grade" products from other makers too), macOS is the only thing I really stick to.
  12. Anyone would love to work on such a beast, the issue is – as you pointed out – that it is extremely overpriced so only a few will. I'm on a 2105 MacBook Pro, which was pretty snappy with Sierra and now a little bit slowed down by Mojave but still perfectly usable for web development and graphic design. If I stick to HD only resolution (which I do...) then it is even ok for video editing and occasional 3D rendering works.
  13. @Jonathan Lahijani This all sounds awesome ? Are you going to release it as a free module for community based further development or as a paid module? I think as a community effort it could really take off.
  14. Regarding Site Profiles: what is really missing is a system which turns one into an updatable "theme". Especially when targeting beginners, it would be preferable to provide a way to keep those profiles updated via the admin, like Ryan's module updater. Also, using UIkit 3 as the bases of it would be appealing to beginners and also some experienced devs, for the usual reasons: a popular and documented css "framework" is easy to use, extend and update. The site profile could provide "hooks" so that it can be modified and extended without changing the "core theme". Sure, I did not provide any new ideas at all, it is just a quick summary of what have been sought after dozens and dozens of times here, in the forums. @bernhard might even be working on something like this maybe? ?
  15. Just one more thing I noticed in the code above: you do not need echo in this expression as assigning the ULR to the variable just works without it.
  16. You are missing an echo: <?php echo $glb?> No big deal but "/" is not needed as the config value ends in that. I don't know what the JS code does but generating bits of it with PHP should work ?
  17. If you can add it on the Details tab as a Text Formatter, then it should work. Have you tried it? ?
  18. Hello, well I have not too much new ideas, but I can describe how I normally do it. I go to https://realfavicongenerator.net/ to upload my png and generate the code. I always use a subfolder in the siteroot, I call it /bicons for example: <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/bicons/apple-touch-icon.png"> <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="/bicons/favicon-32x32.png"> <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="16x16" href="/bicons/favicon-16x16.png"> <link rel="manifest" href="/bicons/site.webmanifest"> <link rel="mask-icon" href="/bicons/safari-pinned-tab.svg" color="#5bbad5"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/bicons/favicon.ico"> <meta name="msapplication-TileColor" content="#da532c"> <meta name="msapplication-config" content="/bicons/browserconfig.xml"> <meta name="theme-color" content="#ffffff"> Sure, images are not in the templates directory in my case but that should not matter, I guess.
  19. +1 Let's rename it ? A few more ideas: pwCommerce pwShop pwStore pwTrader Trader pwTrader ShopWire TradeWire A couple of things to consider: A unique (maybe a made-up name) helps web/forum/code searching a lot. Eg: a Google search Trader site:processwire.com/talk reveals only 2(!) results, meaning it is not an overused word here (just yet) even though it is not even unique. It is worth googling a bit before picking a name, as ShopWire and TradeWire are already in the use, so they are unique in the ProcessWire forum but not on the web. It's not a big deal just something worth considering. To keep source code lean, one word like Trader is what I'd prefer. It's class can be Trader ? and things like $trader = $modules->get("Trader"); are short and easy on the eye, therefore on the brain. Things like pwShop are problematic as such names are not good for the class name and turning it into PwShop looks odd to me, for example.
  20. Hello, you also posted this question in the Form Builder support forum which is a better place to ask such a question. Also, I do not think opening two topics for the same question is a good idea.
  21. I did not see the option to specify the maximum number of discounted items the customer is able to buy. Without seeing the screencap and reading "Customers must add quantity of items specified to their cart", I would assume that – for example – for a Buy 1 Get 2 promo I need to put number 1 into "Buys Quantity" and number 2 into "Gets Quantity" but you did the opposite.
  22. First of all I really like that you are thinking big and in the long run you want to include features which are mostly paid options in other systems. I also like a lot what we can see so far, this is great work indeed! A couple of notes / questions about these work in progress discount features: Discount Type: - Free Shipping should not be in the group of mutually exclusive types, as it is common to combine it with the other three (% / fix / B.X.G.Y.) currently in the works. - Maximum of items please ? Regarding the screencap's Buy X Get Y sneak peak: How useful is a Buy 2 get 1 promotion? ? What I mean is that "Gets Quantity" implies that I need to enter 3 and not 1, doesn't it? To put it another way: we have the term "Buy X Get Y", in which term X comes first, next is Y. But you swapped them and also called them in an ambiguous way, because "Get Y" becomes "Buys Quantity" and "Buy X" becomes "Gets Quantity". This is confusing. Or am I missing something?
  23. Hello, In /site/config.php look for: /** * Installer: Unix timestamp of date/time installed * * This is used to detect which when certain behaviors must be backwards compatible. * Please leave this value as-is. * */ $config->installed = INSTALLED_TIME_TIMESTAMP_SHOULD_BE_HERE You can find converters online eg.: https://www.epochconverter.com/ As for the core version of ProcessWire, you can find it at the beginning of this file: /wire/core/ProcessWire.php
  24. Not stated on each product page but this seems to apply to each product of Ryan: "7 days of purchase and we will refund your money in full." see: https://processwire.com/store/pro-drafts/#warranty-support-refunds I'd recommend purchasing it on Thursday, and spending the weekend on evaluating it. Also note that usually Ryan has time to promptly reply to support questions around weekends (form Friday to Sunday), which is worth taking into account if you also want to ask questions while evaluating.
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