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Everything posted by Klenkes

  1. Go to the settings of your CKE field, TAB Details at the bottom are a few options. One of them is: Replace blank alt attributes with image description Check, and done!
  2. In short: $pages->get is supposed to get 1 page only, and you can't use template as a selector. Try something like: $videos = $pages->get($page->id); This way you get the video of the current viewed page.
  3. Thank you. Works great again. Not as far as I can see. Without the Link Hover plugin installed there is no equivalent functionality to show the link URL on hover. Thanks for the bug report though. You are right. I got confused.
  4. @tpr Thanks for this great module! But I think the CKE plugin Linkhover cannot be used with PW anymore. At some point PW or the CKE module implemented the linkhover on their own, and now if you doubleclick a link in your text its title attribute is replaced with the URL. A normal click in the text and then Edit works, but not the doubleclick. Tested on PW 3.0.123 - 3.0.145 with AOS 2.0.20
  5. @Zeka Thank you very much! This is exactly what I am looking for. Short, clean and safe. Everything else I tried before didn't really work because of javascript sideeffects and all got confusing. Have a nice Sunday!
  6. This is a good idea. Since I use AOS anyway I added it to my $fieldoverrides and removed module and button based on the userrole. Thanks.
  7. Good idea! I totally forgot about the native plugin. If nothing else works I will go that way. But I was hoping that superuser and moderators still have the PWLink plugin available to correct any mistakes that the members made.
  8. I have a website mainly for members of an association. The members have very restrict permissions on page edit. On their profile page they have two fields where they may enter text and link somewhere. But I don't want them to link internally or to files, let alone mess with attributes. Is there a hook to remove those things on a template basis? (It's not the user template) I think I remember someone asking the same thing some time ago...
  9. You can see Home of the installation? The starting page? If so then your DB connection is fine, otherwise you would see errors and, well, nothing. The 404 almost always result from a wrong setting in the htaccess or a server setting. Do you run anything else on the same server with htaccess working?
  10. There are no physical folders of a page structure in Processwire. The pages/structure of your website is saved to the database. So no subfolders like /about/ or /sitemap/ visible.
  11. Yep. This would be the correct approach. But a little above my skillset. Since I am running out of time with this project, I went with the ProFields Table module. + no fixed amount of fields for numbers + versatile with field types + entries are easy to manage by the noob members. - I had to do my own PHP logic to remove non-numerical characters and to format the dialable numbers But it works!
  12. A field of type text is a simple oneline input field and has not the capability of RichTextEditing. You have to use textarea.
  13. Have you chosen CKEditor on the Details Tab of the field configuration?
  14. Found the module yesterday and trying it out today. My current project has 28 members in an association and they have to manage their profile pages with addresses and contact information. They will have the possibility to input 4 different phone numbers, so everything has to be fool proof! They expect that a visitor can tip a phone number(on a mobile device) an call them directly. I didn't know that! I guess I have to do a static page somewhere and try different versions of numbers out. Call myself... I borrowed my brothers iPhone yesterday and no number on my testpage worked so far (list of skulls and other swear symbols) Thanks for the insight!
  15. Phone numbers clickable, touchable, dialable... the correct format would be something like: <a href="tel:0049123456789">+49 (0)1234 56789</a> But how to handle all the different formats? From within Germany I need the leading zero 01234 but from outside Germany not. And the presentation should obviously not be 0049123456789 but the more readable +49 (0)1234 5678 How do you manage the data within Processwire?
  16. Bug report filed here: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/1015
  17. Thanks. sanitizer->textarea would be an option, (but it is without mercy when it comes to cut off words) This forum thread didn't continue and no bug report was made. I will.
  18. Yes, this would work. Everything works as it should and respects all parameters. But what does that mean?
  19. Good catch... but unfortunately no, it didn't change anything, but it should have! I don't think the function markupToText is called, because I tried: $text = wire('sanitizer')->truncate($item->body, 200, array('underlineHeadlines' => false, 'uppercaseHeadlines' => true)); and other options and nothing changed. EDIT: If I temporarily change the function markupToText in WireTextTools.php and set 'underlineHeadlines' => false, output is okay! But I don't want to edit a core file.
  20. Just noticed that the amount of = is equal(pun intended) to the amount of characters in the heading before. This can't be right.
  21. In my current project I wanted to use the sanitizer->truncate method instead of my own functions, because PWs has more features. But now I notice that al lot of ============= are inserted in the output and I couldn't explain why, at first... But now it seems that PW replaces some HTML tags like headings and paragraphs with equal signs, which looks like that: The corresponding code: $text = wire('sanitizer')->truncate($item->body, $maxLength=200); This would be a heading-2: Keyword boards and planks: and the following text just a paragraph, nothing fancy. It can get even weirder: Is there a non-documented option switch? Or even a bug? As always grateful for any help. PW: 3.0.143 Didn't happen in PW 3.0.123
  22. I just recreated it with a new installation. Install multilanguage profile Create the imagefield, add to template home Create a template for the image field, add field summary Go to home, add an image, fill in title and summary Switch your profile to german language or finnish, and edit home again All entries show up, except default language! Only additional fields are affected. Standard image description works. You can do all this as superuser. To clarify again: What you type in an as empty shown field is saved to the database! But the field is shown as empty, as is the language tab.
  23. I have a pretty basic testsite(intermediate profile) with no additional modules and no hooks whatsoever. But... it's a multilingual site, German as default plus English. Now: If I set my profile to english my german fields are empty. English field content is shown. When I edit the content and save, the content is saved(I see it on frontend AND database), but on reload of the page(after the save action) the german content is gone. Well, not really gone, but not shown... Then I set the profile language to German(default language) everything works as it should, and all field are shown and saved. This happens to me as superuser. Strange...
  24. How about: https://frend.co/components/accordion/
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