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Everything posted by wbmnfktr

  1. There is PlayOnLinux which seems to support Adobe pretty well on some distributions. I tried it but was never successfull on Ubuntu, while others on Manjaro/Arch had more success. I'm in the happy situation that I only need XD and nothing else. If ever. I miss it on Linux but... it's not that kind of a show-stopper at all. But yes... having Adobe support on Linux would be really nice. To be honest... it doesn't work that well on Windows too. At least XD crashes at least 10x a day on my Windows 10 setup while doing only minor stuff in it. Life after Adobe - highly recommend.
  2. There is no need to run Windows or WSL(2). Back on Linux with my beloved X1 and the Ubuntu i3 setup. Amazing what you can accomplish when your setup is set up right. Totally weird.
  3. Can you tell more about what you want to accomplish? Installating a module is fairly easy. Connecting them can be difficult sometimes.
  4. fixed... was is broken? ? Glad to have a consistent behaviour the majority wants to see.
  5. Wow... I have actually never seen this before but for external links I use:
  6. Is your project_logo field limited to 1 file only? If not... either change the limit in the settings to 1 or place your image code into a foreach() I'd recommend the first option.
  7. ? ? ? ? ? Ok...now this changes everything. Unfortunatelly... I have no idea right now. ?
  8. Same here... Win/Chrome, Win/Firefox. There aren't that much dates/days but it seems to work pretty well. Or I don't understand the problem.
  9. You could try the language-alternate fields method. It works pretty well with images, maybe it works with the comment field as well. On the other hand... why is it so bad to have a discussion in several languages below an article? It's actually the same content only in different languages. So why hide opionions that are in another language? But hey... it's your project. ?
  10. In contrast to you and several others here my focus is more towards frontend development, some technical SEO stuff and only a few bits of real programming. Some hooks, some minor module stuff but nothing fancy. So I looked for something that is super easy to use with everything I need for my jobs. I used and tested a lot of tools but at the end I stayed with Laragon as it's doing exactly what I need. In the last few days I started to use PW Kickstart from @bernhard which adds another layer of comfort to my workflow. As it works as expected I feel no need to change my setup.
  11. That's a nice addition to Bracket Pair Colorizer 2.
  12. Something like this? <?php foreach($page->repeater_1 as $field) { echo "{$field->repeater_heading}"; echo "{$field->repeater_body_content}"; // look for children if( $page->children ) { // for each child foreach( $page->children as $child ) { // the child repeater field output foreach( $child->repeater_1 as $childRepeater ) { echo $childRepeater->fieldName; } } } }?>
  13. Firefox has some nice features while debugging grid layouts. At least they feel more solid than those in Chrome. I use Opera once in a while but only for very basic tasks. Somehow it feels clunky and slow. While Chrome was my daily driver for a long time I recently started using the Brave browser for casual browsing. For now I tried to unsubscribe again and added those mails to the Spam list in Gmail. Maybe this helps.
  14. That sounds weird but... the good new are... it's probably not a server issue. ? Just a few questions to understand things better. Has your user superuser rights/privileges? What's your username? Admin? Check your access roles in Access > Users. Are all pages affected or only some pages? (you said some pages don't update) what can be changed? what can't be changed? what have pages with/without changes you can/can't save in common? templates? fields? What can/can't be changed? Do you get any error messages? What do they say? Do you see any changes in the backend? After saving a page: can you see and any new timestamps in Settings (tab) > Info?
  15. Do you guys receive (unwanted) newsletters from Mozilla/Firefox as well? For a couple of weeks now Firefox seems to push their new Premium version to those who use their sync-service. I tried to unsubscribe a few times but... it doesn't work. ?
  16. That's far from the best and ideal solution to go on vacation but did you change something within the path that @teppo mentioned? Even if so... the index.php is still somewhere else than that path. It's either weird or a good moment to change and set up a better and more secure environment.
  17. There are a few things that came up in my mind right now. First I thought it looked like a failed git/SVN merge of some kind but afterwards it looked liked a failed upload from FileZilla. At least they both look pretty similar somehow. As you stated that there are more instances of other sites and CMSs on that hosting you might want to try to set up different users for different sites. I guess you are using a US hosting company such as DreamH*st, H*stgator or Blueh*st, *2, or another 3.99/month mass-hosting ... I had several similar issues with these companies in the past - but to their rescue - they offer different users on a account to separate installations/instances of different sites. TL;DR: what @teppo and @louisstephens say seems to be the case... someone got somehow access to that hosting. Maybe even through a nifty trick in W*rdPress.
  18. What kind of error? What did it say? Just tried to upload files with © in it and... well it worked as expected. The © was translated to c. In this case I'm using ProcessWire 3.0.123. Update: tried it on a 3.0.98 now and even there it works without problems.
  19. You can actually add it to those "Quick create"-versions as well. It should work. Add the line to your configuration and give it a try.
  20. Thank you @Jonathan Lahijani... my reading list for the weekend just became way more interesting with this.
  21. Oh... kay... now I understand and get almost the whole idea here. This might be too good to be true but maybe your client already has a CSV, XML or something similar with each and every possible configuration... you could import and use. With such a foundation/starting point you could even take a lot of stress on the client-side.
  22. Forget my idea for a second. It is based on a (maybe) wrong assumption. Reading your previous posts and the explanation again... there is a few things I don't get. WHO defines the total code. Does your client say "Product D with Source Z,D, and H has total code [WH-ATS-OEVER]"? If so... you could take the total codes (defined by your client) as a leading instance and use my idea (probably). If not... you could go the way @dragan recommened and create your very own total codes. This is kind of hard to understand because of the huge amount of product-source-bundles you can possibly create. And another thing... what if a product has only one light source and not ten or seven or four? Can they even be mixed in that way or is there another dependency?
  23. That's possible and needed actually. Products product #1 product #2 product #n Sources source #1 source #2 source #2 Total codes total code #1 product #2 ref source #1 ref total code #2 product #2 ref source #2 ref total #n product #1 ref source #n ref
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