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Everything posted by tpr

  1. That bothered me too so I looked into the code and it seems the prefix is hardcoded, see MarkupPagerNav.module: if(!$pageNumUrlPrefix) $pageNumUrlPrefix = 'page';
  2. For example, set your links like this: kindheit/?order=1 kindheit/?order=2 and then set the order in your template file with $sanitizer->name($input->get->order)
  3. You should put "==" here I guess: if ($seg2 = 1) elseif ($seg2 = 2) And what is your goal here? $input->post(urlSegment2 = 1)
  4. Perhaps an inline CKEditor with in a Repeater could also do the job. I see you have a mix of text and links in your list items.
  5. This complicates things a lot. Imagine that autocomplete fields, field dependencies, images etc would need to be taken into account.
  6. Just tried a few similar jQuery plugin (including Freewall) to substitute the Uikit dynamic grid on a site but finally I went back to Uikit. It is very basic but easy to use.
  7. I think it could be easily done with JavaScript (module). At least until the "body" field is the only target.
  8. With great power comes great responsivity Perhaps the risk could be minified adding some kind of confirmation, or requiring a checkbox to overwrite existing content.
  9. Indeed, thanks! I usually don't want to go shorter but this is an exception
  10. Another way is {$page->fields->yourField->icon}
  11. Though not a safe workaround but I usually hit ctrl+A followed by ctrl+C before hitting Submit. This of course works only for textareas, not multi-field forms. Here is a recommended topic for you: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/1818-ajax-save-google-docs-save/
  12. Try using this instead of "fua_fe_item_antwort.name=fua-form-slider" fua_fe_item_antwort=1023 Seems to work here but don't ask me why (trial and error)
  13. Played with your siteprofile but I couldn't spot anything. I can confirm that the issue exists. If I remove the ShowOnlyIf condition then the min-max-step values are saved properly. Putting back ShowOnlyIf and re-saving the page doesn't remove previous min-max-step values, so it seems that saving the page completely ignores these fields. POST parameters contains all the values though.
  14. I thought it was multilanguage site (comment #6) but anyway, glad you sorted this out.
  15. Have you set the description field for all languages? What is the default language for Guest users? (Admin - Access - Users - Guest)
  16. Nice and happy! Same feelings here
  17. Sounds like the field has a text formatter applied or the CKEditor configuration does not allow html tags. Check the "Details" and "Input" tabs of the field.
  18. Thanks, it really did! Could have thought about the $fields variable myself This is a great way to add icons using the admin, without any additional stuff.
  19. Is it possible to retrieve the icon of a field set in the admin? Eg. setting a "phone" icon to a "Phone" field in the admin, and then use this icon (name) in the templates?
  20. Yep, false positive I guess it's something with the default language then.
  21. Perhaps you have php short tags disabled? Try using "<?php echo $logo->url; ?>" instead of "<?=$logo->url?>" (and everywhere else).
  22. According to this, FineUploader also supports client-side resizing: http://docs.fineuploader.com/branch/master/features/scaling.html I haven't tested this feature but I used Fine Uploader itself in the past and worked well. It can work without jQuery (vanilla JS) Browser compability:
  23. I would try declaring $selector at the top ($selector = ""), plus playing with the "getVars" parameter of the renderPager (for $q).
  24. Have you tried getting the matches in one go? eg: $matches = $pages->find("template=page-ads" . $selector);
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