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Robin S

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Everything posted by Robin S

  1. That sounds like a reasonable way to return early if the form is not the one you are wanting to modify. Any problems if you do that?
  2. Not sure sorry, but it's working for me:
  3. If you include a TwilioChannelsConfig.php file with your TwilioChannels module (see the blog post that introduced this approach), this file is only for defining the config fields for the module. It isn't a module in its own right that you can get with $module = $modules->get('TwilioChannelsConfig'). Put all your methods - including your hi() method - into the main TwilioChannels module file. $module = $modules->get('TwilioChannels'); echo "<p>" . $module->hi() . "</p>";
  4. It looks like there are many settings that can be defined for InputfieldSelector, but only initValue can be set via the FieldtypeSelector field config. For the others you have to use a hook. The previewColumns setting controls the columns shown: $wire->addHookBefore('InputfieldSelector::render', function(HookEvent $event) { /* @var InputfieldSelector $inputfield */ $inputfield = $event->object; // Only for the FieldtypeSelector field of the given name if($inputfield->hasField != 'test_selector') return; // Define the columns you want $inputfield->previewColumns = ['name', 'template', 'modified']; });
  5. @adrian, did you notice this snippet from Ryan in the issues repo? if(!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { // likely running in CLI mode $config->httpHost = 'examplesite.ru'; } else if(preg_match('/^[a-z]{3,20}\.examplesite\.ru$/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { // host name matches abc.examplesite.ru where abc is between 3 to 20 a-z characters $config->httpHost = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); } else { // fallback if host does not match expected regex $config->httpHost = 'examplesite.ru'; } That first conditional looks like it could be a solution for your scenario.
  6. What sort of field is "reference"? What sort of data is $selectedProduct? If that is so then it indicates that the data held in $selectedProduct is not the same as the data in your hardcoded string. Tracy Debugger is your friend here... $trialsPage = wire("pages")->get(28422); // Get the page $trialsPage->of(false); $newTrial = $ordersPage->trial_repeater_orders->getNewItem(); // Add item to repeater foreach ($selectedProducts as $selectedProduct){ // See what is in $selectedProduct bd($selectedProduct, 'selectedProduct'); $productPage = $pages->get("template=product, reference=$selectedProduct"); // Check that $productPage is not a NullPage (i.e. no matching page found) // and that is the right kind of page (template, parent, etc) to add to trial_selected_products bd($productPage, 'productPage'); $newTrial->trial_selected_products->add($productPage); } $newTrial->save(); $trialsPage->save();
  7. @MrSnoozles, could you please clarify exactly which bookmarks you are referring to? They are used in several different modules but I'm not sure which of them could be considered clutter. Lister (Find) bookmarks - these are really useful for devs who haven't purchased Lister Pro Page Add bookmarks - the config link for this isn't visible to non-superusers Page Edit bookmarks - these can already be disabled in the config of ProcessPageEdit, and are disabled by default
  8. This kind of selector is working for me with superuser and non-superuser roles. Did you type the "check_access=0" into the selector string by hand or did you copy/paste from @adrian's post? Because I'm seeing non-printable characters when pasting from the post: @Pete, this non-printable character issue is getting quite bad in the forums lately and can cause a lot of confusion. I don't understand how these characters are creeping into posts seeing as I'm sure nobody is entering them deliberately. Do you know if anything can be done to avoid this issue?
  9. Thanks, I could reproduce that. Should be fixed in v0.2.3.
  10. Thanks, added in v0.1.18 I understand your thinking here, but I think it's clearest if Breadcrumb Dropdowns keeps to the conventions of the page labels in Page List as much as possible, and Page List falls back to the page name without adding square brackets.
  11. In v0.1.17 I call the label method so hooks are not triggered - please update and report back if you're still experiencing issues.
  12. I added support for this in v0.1.16
  13. You cannot use a Repeater field in a Process module. I think a similar restriction might apply to PageTable fields. It sound like your Process module is getting fields from another page, so maybe it would be better to simply edit that page in Page Edit? If you want a menu item to appear in the Setup menu you could create a Process module that redirects to Page Edit for a particular page, as @PWaddict shows in the post below:
  14. There is discussion on this topic here: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/22
  15. From the documentation for "Name format for children": So if you want date format "U" you would enter that along with at least one non-alphanumeric character - e.g. "/U" or "U/". Do not enter "date()" anywhere in the format. ProcessSetupPageName is not the same as the core "Name format for children" feature and it has different format requirements.
  16. Very nice, thanks for the module! I have to say though, the fact that the fields get automatically added to all templates doesn't sit quite right with me. People probably only need to use time limits for specific templates and for the other templates the fields become a kind of clutter. Better I think to let people add the fields to only the templates they need to be on. I haven't looked closely but perhaps you could reduce the number of needed fields to two - just the Datetime fields. Instead of the checkboxes you can have the Datetime fields set to collapse when empty. Don't have the fields default to "today" but just let people populate them when they want them to be active and leave them empty if they want them deactivated. Another possibility if you want to make it easy for people to add/remove the fields from templates would be to have an AsmSelect field in the module config for choosing templates. Then you could hook Modules::saveConfig to get the selected templates and programmatically add/remove the fields from those templates. Clauses could be added to the selector to check... 1. Either releasetime_start is unpopulated or releasetime_start is less than "now" ...and... 2. Either releasetime_end is unpopulated or releasetime_end is greater than "now"... $pages->find("or1=(releasetime_start=''), or1=(releasetime_start<now), or2=(releasetime_end=''), or2=(releasetime_end>now)"); But rather than try and do this automatically in a hook to Pages::find (which would almost certainly be problematic) I suggest just explaining this in the documentation and letting people add it to their selectors as needed.
  17. I'd be keen to have an option to enable the Console for non-superusers on localhost. If it's limited to localhost then there's not really a security risk I think. It would be handy for checking things like $page->addable(), $page->publishable(), etc from the perspective of a non-superuser role. When testing I typically keep an incognito window open with an editor role logged in rather than work with the User Switcher.
  18. I'm talking about the array keys, not the values. If you use a string as an array key the string has to be in quotes or else it is interpreted as a constant. In the FieldtypeText example you show the keys are correctly within quotes. I recommend installing Tracy Debugger - it is good at picking up errors that can otherwise be missed.
  19. Thanks for the updates! I spotted a few little issues in InputfieldTagify... There are quotes missing around version, autoload and singular in getModuleInfo(): https://github.com/Sebi2020/InputfieldTagify/blob/354acf86ac88baa8c257523cd093ec202c573fe0/InputfieldTagify.module#L18-L20 PHP gives a warning that InputfieldTagify::renderReady() and InputfieldTagify::___processInput() should be compatible with the methods of the Inputfield class that the module extends. So for renderReady() I think you want: public function renderReady(Inputfield $parent = null, $renderValueMode = false) { $this->addClass("tagify-input"); return parent::renderReady($parent, $renderValueMode); } And for ___processInput(): public function ___processInput(WireInputData $input) { //...
  20. Ha ha, you might have spoken too soon. ? I knew that as soon as I posted this a much simpler solution would present itself. You don't need to exclude anything to make an exact match - you just need to match all the pages and the count of the pages. So no helper method is needed really. $matches = $pages->find("template=traveller, countries=Albania, countries=Andorra, countries.count=2"); Or for a more complex match where the count isn't immediately obvious: $value = $pages->find('template=country, title=Albania|Andorra'); // imagine a more complex value than this $selector = $value->each('countries={id}, '); $selector .= "countries.count=$value->count, template=traveller"; $matches = $pages->find($selector);
  21. I took a stab at a helper method and posted it here: This makes it easier if you have a more complex definition for selectable pages than simply children, or if you later change the definition for selectable pages and don't want to have to remember to update your code, or if you have a lot of selectable pages (for the selector it only includes pages that have actually been selected somewhere).
  22. Update: you don't need this method. See my next post below. ? ----- Suppose you have a Page Reference field "countries" in template "traveller" that contains any countries the traveller has visited. It's easy to find travellers who have visited Albania and Andorra... $matches = $pages->find("template=traveller, countries=Albania, countries=Andorra"); But what if you want to find travellers who have only visited Albania and Andorra and not visited any other countries? Then it's not so easy. There's no simple syntax for selectors that allows you to match an exact Page Reference field value, as @adrian highlighted recently. Within your selector you have to include all the countries that you don't want to be in the field value. That's a hassle to do manually, and in some circumstances where new pages are being added all the time you may not know in advance all the pages you need to exclude. So to make it an easier job to create an exact match selector for Page Reference fields, here is a helper method you can add in /site/ready.php: // Returns a selector string for matching pages that have the exact supplied value in the Page Reference field $wire->addHookMethod('Field(type=FieldtypePage)::getExactSelector', function(HookEvent $event) { $field = $event->object; $value = $event->arguments(0); if($value instanceof PageArray) $value = $value->explode('id'); if(!is_array($value)) throw new WireException('The $value argument supplied to getExactSelector() must be a PageArray or an array of page IDs.'); $table = $field->getTable(); $query = $this->database->query("SELECT data FROM $table GROUP BY data"); $field_values = $query->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); $exclude_ids = array_diff($field_values, $value); $selector = ''; foreach($value as $id) $selector .= "$field->name=$id, "; if(count($exclude_ids)) $selector .= $field->name . '!=' . implode('|', $exclude_ids); $event->return = rtrim($selector, ', '); }); And you use the method like this: // Get the Page Reference field you want to use in the selector $field = $fields->get('countries'); // Get the value you want to match (PageArray) $value = $pages->find('template=country, title=Albania|Andorra'); // Alternatively $value can be an array of page IDs // $value = [1105, 1107]; // Use the method to get a selector string $selector = $field->getExactSelector($value); // Optional: add anything else to the selector that you want $selector .= ', template=traveller'; // Find the matching pages $matches = $pages->find($selector);
  23. That's a really good point, and a situation I haven't considered before. But I don't think there is any syntax that does what you want. And if you look at how the values of multiple page reference fields are stored in the database (with each selected page being a separate row in the database) I can't see a way to find exact matches, either with an API selector or an SQL query, without explicitly stating all the values that you don't want to match. So I'm thinking that one approach to make it easier to do these kinds of searches would be to create a function that: 1. Takes the field name and pages you want to match as arguments 2. Gets all the pages that have been selected in the field 3. Subtracts the pages to match from the pool of selected pages 4. Returns a selector string component for the pages not to match Then you include that exclusion string in your selector. I might have a play around with this later if you don't beat me to it or you come up with a smarter solution. ?
  24. For anyone interested, I solved this by setting the "User navigation label format" in the AdminThemeUikit module config to an empty string... ...and changed the icon and link href with the following custom JS: // Modify tools menu var $tools_link = $('#tools-toggle'); $tools_link.find('.fa-user-circle').removeClass('fa-user-circle').addClass('fa-wrench'); $tools_link.attr('href', ProcessWire.config.urls.root).attr('target', '_blank');
  25. The "hookable" icon in the API methods listing is almost invisible - I think it's missing a width rule: Besides the size glitch, I think it would be helpful to make the meaning of this icon a bit more obvious - the single note at the top about it's meaning probably is not enough. Some ideas: Add a label for the column in the table header Add a title tooltip that explains the meaning of the icon on hover Use a different icon than the thunderbolt - didn't the old site have a "hook" icon in this place?
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