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Robin S

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Everything posted by Robin S

  1. Thanks for the tip - will try that for the main menu dropdowns.
  2. This may be caused sub-pixel rounding, creating a 1 pixel or sub-pixel gap between the button and the dropdown. The main menu dropdowns in the default admin theme have a similar issue (in Firefox anyway), causing the menu to collapse as you move to the submenu unless you do it quickly. Looking for a fix for this is on my todo list.
  3. Yep, that's it - removing the rule fixes the issue. The rule is on the html element actually: html.aos.AdminThemeDefault { overflow-y: scroll; }
  4. I tried a few different things trying to get sub-selectors to work in the selector array format and I couldn't get it working either. Maybe someone else will chime in with a tip - otherwise I'd say it is a bug and you should create a GitHub issue for it.
  5. I'm seeing an issue in Firefox where dragging a repeater item causes the item to jump upwards away from the cursor position. Perhaps something to do with offset from the bottom of the viewport, because the issue is particularly noticeable when the browser dev tools panel is open.
  6. Did you try this as a non-array selector and it worked? Just wondering if there could be something in there that stops it working in any form of selector.
  7. Pretty much anything is possible with PW. Make a start by yourself and if you have any specific problems just ask in the forums.
  8. It does work! I tried to use Firelogger back when Tracy Debugger was first released and couldn't get it working. Really glad to be able to use that tool now.
  9. You only need to force a new variation if there is an existing variation that was created with different quality, sharpening or upscaling settings. Once you have got rid of these existing variations you don't need to keep creating new images as that's a waste of server resources. From that point forward PW will serve your variation with the custom quality setting. If you are sure you want all your images with quality 60 then you could set that in config.php. Or if it will vary use the options array when you get the image via the API, as you are doing. If you want to do a one-off clearing of variations site-wide there is a module for that, but note the warning about variations used in RTE fields.
  10. Yeah, but don't leave it in there permanently or you'll be recreating the image over and over again needlessly.
  11. You probably have an existing image variation from before you set a custom quality setting. PW looks to see if there is an existing variation for an image before it creates one. This works well for variations of width and height, but unfortunately the quality, sharpening and upscaling settings are not recorded in the image name so you have to force a new image if you change one of these settings. Some time ago I made a wishlist post about this. You can clear the variations for an image via the admin, or you can temporarily add 'forceNew' => true to your settings array just to create the variation, then remove it. $option1 = array( 'quality' => 60, 'upscaling' => true, 'cropping' => true, 'forceNew' => true, );
  12. Sadly Firelogger for Firefox hasn't been updated since 2013 and isn't compatible with the current version of Firebug.
  13. Thanks for the bug report. If you grab the latest version from GitHub the issue should be fixed.
  14. Hi @bernhard, Nothing wrong with having two similar modules out there. I'm always looking at other people's module code because it helps me learn, and I expect others are the same. The more modules, the more to learn from! I noticed your module has the same oversight that I just fixed in mine: a Page field doesn't necessarily return a PageArray (i.e. 'single' Page fields) so methods like has(), add() and remove() won't work in all cases.
  15. @alexcapes, just pushed a fix to GitHub that allows ConnectPageFields to work with 'single' Page fields.
  16. Hi @tpr, In agreement with what others have said, this is a hugely useful module and I really appreciate the work you are putting into it. The recent Esc key shortcut for closing notifications is one more excellent addition. Everyone's preferences are different so it's nice to be able to activate only the features you want. As well as the bold styling in the page list I mentioned earlier, there's another recent CSS change I can't see an option for turning off: the centered submit button on modal windows. Maybe there could be a checkbox list for individual CSS tweaks?
  17. Tried it on another machine and the icons are there. Suspect it's because my main PC has a touch screen and PW falsely identifies it as a mobile device or something like that. Will file a GitHub issue for this because there are many large screen touch devices out there with mouse attached and PW should account for this.
  18. Not quite sure what you mean. In the Chrome screenshot above I'm logged in with the same superuser account. Also tested in a clean PW 3.0.40 installation without AOS and no other modules installed. Still don't see the debug or quick-tree icons in Chrome or IE11.
  19. That raises the question: why aren't the debug and quick-tree icons shown in Chrome PC? An AOS issue or core issue? Edit: they're not visible in IE11 either. Weird.
  20. It seems to be browser-specific on PC. In Chrome the attributes are correct but in Firefox they're wrong.
  21. It's not working quite right in Firefox. The data-url and data-editurl attributes are for the neighbouring breadcrumb item. In the screenshot below the Home item has the data- attributes for the "Four" page.
  22. Looks like I didn't test my module for single Page fields. Will get that sorted in an update soon. In the meantime just set the 'featured_on' Page field to 'multiple' and it should work.
  23. I don't know that it will, because the default behaviour for removing pages from a PageTable field involves marking them for deletion (uses JS) and the deletion takes place when the container page is saved. Pages don't disappear from the inputfield when marked for deletion, as opposed to the way pages appear when they are added. But I can think of some alternatives. Seems like what you want is to have some featured Quote pages: you mark a Quote page as 'featured' when editing that page, and when editing the Home page you can see all the Quote pages that were marked 'featured'. Option 1: use a 'featured' checkbox on the Quote template. Use a RuntimeMarkup field on the Home template to list all the featured pages, maybe with a link to Edit Page for each featured Quote to make it easy to 'unfeature' a page. Option 2: Use the ConnectPageFields module. Create a 'featured_quotes' Page field on the Home template (multiple, allows pages using Quote template, uses AsmSelect inputfield) . Create a 'featured_on' Page field on the Quote template (single, allows pages using the Home template, uses Checkboxes inputfield). Link these Page fields in the ConnectPageFields module. Now you can add/remove featured Quotes when editing the Home or a Quote page.
  24. @tpr, I'm not loving the bold styling applied to active/open items in PageList instead of the default yellow background. Can you make this optional please?
  25. BTW, to update pages after they are added to a PageTable field I found one approach, and that is to hook the field save done in InputfieldPageTableAjax.php. The reason you want to hook this for added pages rather than the save of the container page is that the editor could add pages to the PageTable field and then leave Edit Page without saving the page, meaning your hook wouldn't fire. You have to place the hook in init.php - this hook doesn't fire for InputfieldPageTableAjax.php if you place it in ready.php (would love to know why). $this->pages->addHookAfter('saveField', function($event) { $page = $event->arguments('page'); $field = $event->arguments('field'); if(is_string($field)) $field = $this->fields->get($field); if($field->name !== 'my_pagetable_field') return; $new_value = $page->{$field->name}; $pages_added = $new_value->getItemsAdded(); // here save something about $page to a field in $pages_added }); To update pages after they are removed from a PageTable field you would hook Pages::saveReady for the container page and look for changes to the PageTable field, doing something similar to this section of ConnectPageFields.
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