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Everything posted by matjazp

  1. "breaking into a wordpress site without knowing wordpress/php or infosec at all" -> https://notehub.org/5zo2v
  2. Didn't try the module (great name btw) yet, but how about making header sticky in the default admin theme? after-the-weekend, of course
  3. Ideally, this should be in ProcessPageList module config settings ...
  4. It's jquery.longclick.min.js at least this is used in my installation. File is minimized and difficult to edit. This is not a recommended path (as I already mentioned), since core upgrade will overwrite your changes. The right path is by using AdminCustomFiles module: install the module, create folder /site/templates/AdminCustomFiles and create the file ProcessPageList.js with something like that: $(document).ready(function(){ jQuery.longclick.duration = 2000; }); Note: written in browser and not tested. Or you could hook on Page::render (in some module or ready.php) and inject the script. Or wait for tpr's module Edit: tpr beat me fast->faster->tpr
  5. $.longclick.duration is set in /wire/modules/Jquery/JqueryCore/jquery.longclick.js (and it's minified version!) at line 61, so you could change the value there, but this is not recommended since core update will overwrite your changes.
  6. Maybe you could change $.longclick.duration using AdminCustomFiles (just guessing, didn't try)?
  7. The forum is faster here in Slovenia too,14 hops. http://d1juguve2xwkcy.cloudfront.net/assets/pwpc/pwpc-b8594d04ae7b74395f137a08f185ce7577edffa6.js is missing in http://modules.processwire.com/
  8. Interesting reading: https://jakearchibald.com/2014/dont-use-flexbox-for-page-layout/
  9. I was at http://www.barbecue.nl/barbecue-menu/barbecue-menu/ and when I clicked BESTEL I got JSON response: {"success":false,"message":"","redirect":false,"reload":true,"reloadCart":false} I browse with javascript off.
  10. Check what is $i (use TracyDebugger). Does: $pagesWithImages = wire('pages')->find($fieldname.">0, sort=title"); make a difference (removed .count)? You can also use: $imagedata = $p->getUnformated($fieldname); then you don't need is_array check.
  11. I would check the settings for logo Imagefield ... try $child->logo->first()->width()
  12. Marvin Scharle responded to my mail on 11 Dec 2015 about PW3 support: Looks like the project/service is unmaintained.
  13. Horst, thank you for explanation. One question: if you don't use $options array then $config->imageSizerOptions from /wire/config.php is used? So when you use just $img->width(xxx) then default quality of 90 will be used? And what options are used when you resize/crop the image in admin interface (in image UI)? For thumb generation, $config->adminThumbOptions is used, right?
  14. What do you mean by "trying to display images on my site"? I'm using your (original) web.config and it's working, at least I don't get 500, (2008 R2, IIS 7.5). Configure Failed Request Tracing, maybe you can see something in the logs?
  15. Don't use SessionHandlerDB module. Or uncheck "Track IP addresses in session data". Check what you get from $session->getIP(true). It might be related to IPv6 (https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/issues/1596).
  16. I find it very easy to install PHP, URL Rewrite 2.0 and PHP manager with the help of Microsoft Web Platform Installer (WPI). Download and install WPI at http://www.microsoft.com/web/downloads/platform.aspx and then from the list of Products/Frameworks add PHP, from the list of Products/Tools add PHP Manager for IIS and from the list of Products/Server add URL Rewrite 2.0. Click "Install". Next download and install MySQL at https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/windows/installer/. You will need web.config, see attached zip. Run install.php and follow the instructions. webconfig.zip
  17. Without much testing: install AdminCustomFiles module, create /site/templates/AdminCustomFiles/ProcessPageEdit.css with: #masthead { position: fixed; height: 2.8em; width: 100%; z-index: 1; } #breadcrumbs { padding-top: 4em; }
  18. @gunter: update composer.json file, you are missing: "minimum-stability": "dev" If you see this: - Installing psr/http-message (dev-master 85d6369) Cloning 85d63699f0dbedb190bbd4b0d2b9dc707ea4c298 Failed to download psr/http-message from source: Failed to clone https://git hub.com/php-fig/http-message.git, git was not found, check that it is installedand in your PATH env. install git.
  19. Thanks @adrian, it's working.
  20. Yes, I was talking about template files. Huh, didn't know the file was there , I was using https://pla.nette.org/en/how-open-files-in-ide-from-debugger (link provided by @tpr) and modified just a little. My .js file is very simple, @tpr went few steps forward, here are the files: editor.reg: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\editor] @="URL:editor Protocol" "URL Protocol"="" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\editor\shell\open\command] @="wscript //E:jscript \"D:\\editor.js\" \"%1\"" and editor.js: // full path to the editor, you have to use double backslash var editor = '"C:\\Program Files\\IDM Computer Solutions\\UltraEdit\\uedit64.exe" "%file%" -l%line%'; var url = WScript.Arguments(0); var match = /^editor:\/\/open\/\?file=(.+)&line=(\d*)$/.exec(url); if (match) { var file = decodeURIComponent(match[1]).replace(/\+/g, ' ').replace(/\//g, "\\"); var command = editor.replace(/%line%/g, match[2]).replace(/%file%/g, file); var shell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); shell.Exec(command.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\')); }
  21. I was talking about the issues that are already fixed or feature requests that are now in the core or there are modules available to solve feature request/enhancement. We all know that real issues get fixed, but new members don't know that. Yes, the project and the community is very active and I can't wait for weekly updates and Ryan's blog posts
  22. Well, you have to trust the group or do it yourself
  23. @Beluga: I watch other github projects and the team/owner has no problems about closing issues so in my mind there is no need for external solution, you just have to go thru the issues and close one by one. Of course, you have to know what can be closed. I'm not an PW expert but I could easily close some open issues (not to mention those 150 isellsoap is addressing).
  24. I totally agree with you. It looks like PW is full of bugs. Ryan is obviously not concerned so much. If I remember, Ryan said that he will focus on those issues, but he is busy with new features we all like
  25. I'm playing with Editor Protocol Handler set to "editor://open/?file=%file&line=%line" using UltraEdit. The problem I have is that editor won't open correct file if %line is empty string. So editor://open/?file=myfile.txt&line=1 is ok, while editor://open/?file=myfile.txt&line= is not ok. This is bug in UltraEdit. Can you help by providing line number 1, if there is no line number?
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