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Everything posted by teppo

  1. Isn't that alone pretty big difference? Modularity is the key argument for PostCSS, and unless I've missed something big time, that's a feature none of the "typical CSS (pre)processors" provide. This is why comparing PostCSS to typical preprocessors seems kind of pointless; they're entirely different types of beasts. If their benchmarks are anywhere close to truth, it seems more like this could be a suitable platform for rebuilding some of the current preprocessors. I've been using the Ruby SASS compiler for a while now, and that, at least, is painfully slow. @diogo: Unless I'm missing something here, Chris Coyier mostly discusses alternative/future CSS syntax in his post. That's an extremely valid point, but it's not yet an argument against (or for) PostCSS. PostCSS, like LostKobrakai pointed out above, is essentially a CSS parser with plugin support, and it's entirely up to you (and other devs) what the plugins you build/install actually do.
  2. PageArray is designed to hold unique records, so the easiest way around this would probably be adding those bogus pages via API: Run a script with a foreach/for/while loop and for each round add a page with (machine-generated) bogus data. Test and finally run a script that removes all bogus pages based on template (if these are the only pages using this template) or some other factor you've cooked into your bogus data – specific name format, parent, etc. Another thing to note is that if you run a find query on $bulk_matches, which is a PageArray you've already fetched, this will use in-memory selectors. Your actual search will most likely make use of database selectors instead, which will differ in both functionality and efficiency On the other hand, what you've described here doesn't really sound like much of a problem yet. Searching from thousands of pages should be fast, at least assuming that you a) add a sensible limit to each query, and b) don't add too many fields to the query and/or combine your search fields beforehand using Fieldtype Cache or something similar.
  3. At the moment Raymond's answer seems to be the only working solution. This is essentially the same thing that @thetuningspoon posted in this issue: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/issues/1121, and it's been one of the very few major headaches for me since the beginning. In my opinion when something is set as "required", it should mean "required", not "recommended". The page should not be saved under any circumstances unless all required fields are filled in. From what I can remember, this has been discussed before, and the general idea was something along the lines of "a page with a lot of fields and couple of them required could result in a lot of lost data if it wasn't saved when one of the required fields was left empty". Essentially the page can be saved, but left unpublished, and thus considered as "temporary storage". This, again in my opinion, would be better solved by storing those values not within actual pages, but a) some temporary alternative, b) within browser memory, or c) within session variables. Of course that would be a new concept for ProcessWire, and Ryan might also have other reasons to stick with the current behaviour Just my (relatively unhelpful) two cents. Edit: Just wanted to add that one specific issue with the current system is that once I fill in all fields I can publish the page, but after that I can clear required fields, save the page, and it remains published. This, at the very least, is not what I'd expect.
  4. Minor note regarding the 404 monitor: currently all hits to sitemap.xml (generated by Pete's Markup Sitemap XML module) are recorded as 404s. Haven't had a proper look under the hood yet, but so far I'm guessing that both modules hook into pageNotFound, in which case this sounds like a priority issue or the logger not checking if another module has modified the output (however that should be implemented). Anyway, just something you might want to consider for the new 404 logger module. For the record, the 404 logger is very handy when migrating a lot of content from one site to another, and it's also cool that one can easily register a new Jumplink from the 404 list. Great work, just like the rest of this module!
  5. I should probably add Page List Permissions after Antti adds User Groups. They're separate modules, after all, and User Groups doesn't really require Page List Permissions -- it has it's own UI for managing permissions via Page Edit.
  6. Antti, I think you should do the honors. Might also want to rename this topic (or create a new one) while you're at it
  7. I would advice against repeaters. This would definitely become a performance issue in the long run. What @Martijn suggested sounds like a possible solution too, though that would require creating a lot of pages. Depends on how popular your site is, but this sounds like another scalability issue to me, and at the very least it would create unnecessary load on your server. Table field from the (commercial) ProFields module bundle would be a great fit for this task. It creates a database table of its own, which would make sense here. Another option would be a new module that does pretty much the same, though that would be more complicated to set up. Unless there's something I'm completely missing here, I would actually suggest a completely different route. What you're doing here is trying to recreate a subset of what Piwik and Google Analytics already do extremely well. That doesn't make any sense to me at all. Set up Google Analytics and let it handle collecting data. If there's a need to pull the data to your site and display it there (instead of within GA GUI), use Process Google Analytics or query the data via GA API. There are PHP libraries available for doing that, so it's not that much of a hassle really.
  8. Sorry to hear that your site got hacked, Svet, and hope you can get this sorted without too much unnecessary pain! If you don't mind, and if it doesn't contain any information that is confidential / potentially harmful to you, It would be interesting to hear what exactly went wrong there? Your host not having PDO enabled by default makes me wonder if they've got everything else set up properly. While one can still compile PHP without PDO support, that alone sounds like a very bad idea. Unless your host is taking proper care of keeping everything up to date and (first and foremost) secure, you might want to check out other alternatives.
  9. Because it's important. Things might not work exactly same for logged-in users, let alone superusers, as they do for guest users. Permissions, for an example, are one important consideration, and many sites also have separate login details, admin tools, etc. visible only when you're logged in. In other words: if you render a page for caching while logged in, that's a potential problem right there. How much this really matters depends on the case, of course, but it's better to be safe than sorry, especially when we're dealing with assumptions that affect a) security, and b) a huge amount of ProcessWire users out there. As long as a given site is even moderately popular, meaning that it gets anywhere between tens and hundreds of page views each day, one visitor taking couple of seconds longer to render a given page (and that would already make it an *extremely* heavy page) makes little difference. You need to consider the big picture here. While the "every visitor matters" approach is admirable, and very much true, when you put things in perspective, single page load taking slightly longer isn't going to bring your site instantly crashing down or drive your users away for good. *Don't succumb to the trap of over-optimisation.* Most likely there are a lot of other things you could do with that time that would benefit your site much more. You need to put things in perspective here. In my humble opinion you're sacrificing a lot of time to do something that won't make noticeable difference considering the big picture. If that makes you happy, then by all means do it, of course Hardware may be cheaper now than ever, but it's still far from free, and while you can run a small site for relatively cheap, you need to consider scalability too. Large and/or more popular sites require more resources, which in turn means more costs. So far I've never heard a client say "I don't care about costs at all". Quite the opposite, actually. In the end, one part of your job as a developer is keeping the costs low for the clients you work for. Again, you need to put things in perspective. User experience is extremely important, but resources matter too. Every choice you make has pros and cons, and you need to keep those in balance. Admittedly user experience is much harder to measure than resources and their costs, so the decisions are not always obvious.. What you're saying here is roughly how it works, though especially in larger use cases caching everything on each page save could literally render the site unusable. At the very least it could mean that each save action is extremely slow, which is not a good thing either. There's a lot more to cache expiration than this. ProcessWire makes it easy to use content from other pages, and output lists of pages, etc; these need to be considered when selecting which pages the cache is invalidated for. In many cases it's not nearly enough to just invalidate the cache for the page you've saved. One might also be pulling content from other sources, and outputting content that is time-sensitive (such as dates, events, etc.) Hope this helped clarify things a bit!
  10. Hello to you too, @antpre, and welcome to the forum! Probably the one and only reason why the module isn't in the modules directory is that @apeisa felt it was too incomplete at the time of announcement. @apeisa, any comments on this? Shouldn't we add it by now? I've got two relatively minor updates pending, will probably merge those to the master branch of the module soon. Apart from that, the module is in use on at least a couple of sites already that I know of, and so far it's working just fine. There are still a bunch of things to take care and improve, but it's already very much usable. Not having much activity lately means, in this case, two things: first of all there's nothing major missing so no need to rush into action, and second of all everyone involved is quite busy with other stuff. If you have time to give this module a test, let us know how it works for you; we're still around and the module is still maintained
  11. Might not be relevant anymore, but still wanted to answer this particular question. To find out when PageinatedArray.php was added to the core, open the file in GitHub, click "History", find the applicable commit (in this case the first one), and click the "< >" link next to the commit number ("browse the repository at this point in the history"). This is probably the easiest way to browse the repository at given point in time and check applicable ProcessWire version from /wire/core/ProcessWire.php or whatever else you might require. For tracking more specific changes you'd use "Blame" instead of "History" to find the commit and then hit "Browse files" from the top right corner of the commit message
  12. Just a few quick notes: The sites directory, or the developers directory, are our best bet at identifying sites, companies, and developers using ProessWire. On the other hand, these are a subset of the real figures – for an example, none of the sites our company has built using ProcessWire are listed there (that's a longer topic, not going there right now).The truth is that we can't tell for sure just how widely ProcessWire is used, partly because it's built in a way that makes it possible to completely hide the fact that a given site is powered by ProcessWire. Which is a good thing, really. We do know that it's gaining momentum, and it's also quite safe to say that it's usage is nowhere near that of WordPress If, for any given reason, the lead developer had to step down, development would no doubt continue.We've got plenty of capable folks around here. It's pointless to speculate whether that would lead to one or more forks and what else might or might not happen, but I'm confident that ProcessWire wouldn't go away that easily. Personally I've always found the question of "how do we find another developer for a project built with platform X" somewhat off.First of all, this question completely ignores the fact that each system is different. ProcessWire is particularly easy to learn and understand, and unlike (apparently) with certain other platforms, there's no year-long learning period involved. A developer with basic knowledge of PHP and web development in general should be able to just step in without any major delays. To be fair, this also applies to WordPress, and other even remotely sensible platforms. Building sites with a CMS/CMF is not rocket surgery, and while years of experience with given platform will give you an edge over someone less experienced with said platform (you already know some of the possible pitfalls and shortcuts), that's all there is to it. What's much more important is how a particular project has been developed so far. Just like with any other platform out there, it's possible to build broken and overcomplicated crap with ProcessWire, while (and this is at least partly opinion-based) it's not as easy as with certain other platforms. The flexibility of ProcessWire means that even if the previous developer made some pretty horrible choices along the way, it should still be possible to salvage some parts and rewrite others. In the end it's always better to just brace yourself and tell the client that the whole thing needs to be blown into pieces than attempt to forcefully breathe life into a project that's already rotten to it's core, regardless of which system it was built with.
  13. @kixe: I'll try to set up a clean test case and/or a screencast later, probably easier to explain that way. To summarise, it looks like we're talking about different things here, since sleepValue() shouldn't have anything to do with my issue. The problem isn't saving broken/malformed values to database (which, to my best knowledge, is where sleepValue() steps in), it's about InputfieldSelect not being able to add "selected='selected'" to the selected option, and the field value reverting to the value of the first option available is simply a result of that
  14. @kixe: I'm seeing a potential issue with this module. Using this in combination with InputfieldSelect everything else works, but the inputfield won't display the selected option as selected, so saving the page again I always end up with the first available option selected InputfieldSelect checks the string value of field to determine if current item should get 'selected="selected"', and since the string value will always be "SelectExtOption" (name of the class), this won't work at all. I've solved this locally by adding a __toString() method to the SelectExtOption class: public function __toString() { return (string) $this->value; } Is there something I'm missing here? For the record, using latest dev version of ProcessWire (2.6.9).
  15. Thanks for sharing, this looks like a handy module! Will definitely give it a closer look soon. Also, your code looks absolutely beautiful, if I may say so One thing you might want to check, though, are the SQL queries. I noticed that you're sanitizing inserted URLs with $sanitizer->url(), and while this will make sure that they're valid URLs, they can still contain unescaped apostrophes. I don't see a straightforward way to exploit this for SQL injections, but it could probably result in broken SQL statements. Usually I'd suggest using prepared statements over plain queries, even in simple use cases, as they do make it easier to avoid various parameter-related problems. You were referring to a particular ProcessWire issue in your WireHttp "shim". From the issue it seems like Ryan has already implemented this, or at least added the completed tag to the issue itself; is this still necessary?
  16. Hi there! First thing to check is if you have ACF and/or HTML Purifier enabled via field settings. If so, you've just found the most likely culprit. Both features can be configured via field settings, and you should first check if you can enable the attributes etc. you're trying to use from there, but especially Purifier can be quite strict about allowed content. Sometimes disabling it is the easiest path out.
  17. @Neeks: that sounds pretty much right; revisions table is the only one containing references to page ID, so changing it there should be enough. I can't think of anything else you'd need to do straight away, though I haven't attempted anything like that before either, so it's entirely possible that something isn't working quite right after this (like you've mentioned above). Could you explain what exactly breaks after this? I might be able to help you if I knew what went wrong. Currently I'm busy with other stuff, and can't really set up a test case for this myself.
  18. You probably know both already, so perhaps you're looking for less well known alternatives, but I'd still suggest looking into Amazon CloudFront and/or CloudFlare. Big players have their benefits, and these guys can definitely "handle a lot of traffic"
  19. Glad to hear that you got it sorted!
  20. None of the things you've mentioned here are impossible, and all of them are very much doable with ProcessWire. This does sound like a big project, though, so better make sure you're up to it before signing up for anything. Just a few quick notes on the specific parts: Time banking system sounds like it could be a lot of work. You'll spend quite a few hours putting that together, so especially if this is a paid client project, make sure that you've made a list of features, proper plans, and estimates beforehand. The larger the scope of the project, the easier it is to miscalculate the amount of work, so leave enough room for surprises and mistakes in your estimates. Same thing goes for the messaging system, though this depends a lot on how it's actually supposed to work. "Internal messaging system" alone isn't a very good description. If it's just about leaving messages for other users, that's not particularly complicated, but you'll need to make sure it's secure. Privacy is a very big deal in a system like that. Registered users should probably be actual ProcessWire users, so that you can let the system itself handle authentication etc. That's the complicated stuff after all. Registration state sounds like something that could be a custom field on the user template. For the viewable user profiles profiles the support for multiple user templates and parents could come in handy. The best way to handle payments / subscriptions depends on a lot of things. Check out various payment services available and see how those fit your needs. Building a payment system from scratch would be a lot of unnecessary hassle you really don't want to get into. Not sure how much this helps, except for (hopefully) making it obvious that this sounds like a pretty big project. In the end the question here is not so much whether ProcessWire can handle this – it's more about whether you can handle this
  21. I would say, admittedly without knowing Airbnb itself too well, that ProcessWire is a great platform for something like this. Such a project will involve quite a bit of custom work, from the registration and access management to reviews, but that you probably already knew. There are some modules that could come in handy, especially for the access management part. I'd check out Dynamic Roles, at least. Access management and registration are the parts you'll want to get right on the first try, as those are security-wise potential weak spots of just about any site or application out there. It's easy to model, manage, and query all sorts of data with ProcessWire, making things like complex searches easy to set up. In large scale you'll need to be careful with your limits (querying is relatively cheap, but fetching hundreds or thousands of results in memory is not; always define sensible limits and use built-in paging!) and you'll also want to test things out properly before letting too many users in. ProcessWire is known to scale well into millions of pages, but considering that usually (almost) everything is a page, that's not an impossible number to reach, of course depending on how you build this platform. I'd suggest taking a closer look into the (commercial) ProFields module package, as it could potentially boost the performance of certain parts a lot (thinking of things like reviews here, which might make more sense as Table rows than actual Pages; the built-in comments module is another solution that could work). I wouldn't worry about this solution scaling indefinitely right now; ProcessWire will scale pretty far, and if this service does indeed become hugely popular, eventually you'll have to go through a lot of hoops to get it running smooth no matter what technology you choose. Pretty much every big platform out there has gone through more than one more-or-less complete rewrite. That's not bad planning – it's simply smart to start with something that makes things easy (and relatively cheap) to get up and running, and worry about massive scale if/when you actually get there.
  22. This is essentially just ProcessWire saying that Page Tree failed to load for something other than a network related issue. Have you updated ProcessWire lately, or perhaps installed/updated modules? Either way, check if there's anything in the error log: /site/assets/logs/errors.txt.
  23. Your interpretation is correct, and the settings you've posted here should indeed deny access to the page for guests (non-logged-in users). Testing on the 2.6 branch, I can't seem to easily reproduce similar issue. There's a couple of things I'd like to check first, though: Do you have any additional permission-related modules installed – Dynamic Roles, UserGroups, PageEditPerUser, anything like that? Any other modules you can think of that could cause this behaviour? Do you have any third party modules installed at all? Are you absolutely sure that the page that is publicly viewable is using this template? Just trying to be extra thorough here Do you have any kind of caching going on, a proxy running in front of the site, content cached in CloudFlare, etc.? All in all this kind of issue would be much easier to debug if there was some way to see it in action, and/or if you could provide easy steps for reproducing it on a clean install of ProcessWire. It would be very helpful if you could test this with a clean installation, and see if it happens there too; if not, it could be something weird with this particular site, but at least that would give us some pointers about what to check next.
  24. One particular case I had to deal with recently was using PageTable for configurable page layouts, i.e. dropping in blocks/widgets. In most cases, there were many different block types, but in some cases only one. In this case, I would've preferred to use template labels consistently, not making the client guess what this "new" block is that will be added. Could've solved this by field naming or descriptions, but this particular implementation was supposed to be as dynamic (and consistent) as possible, hence the need for "action" buttons to behave same way everywhere, regardless of field settings. Generally speaking convention over configuration is fine by me, but in my opinion current behaviour is far from "obvious". It's consistent with some other features in ProcessWire, but not consistent in the scope of PageTable itself. Additionally PageTable is one of those parts in ProcessWire where "convention over configuration" might not be the best approach after all; it's already being used for a lot of different purposes, and while that's a strength (no doubt about that), it does boost the importance of being configurable. In fact I've meant to post some additional suggestions related to labels, per-template settings, modal/view settings, and such; still trying to figure out whether to do that or simply fork PageTable. PageTableExtended is not exactly what I'm looking for either, even if it does already do some of the things I've had in mind. Anyway, that's a subject for another discussion
  25. I've had use cases where this would be preferable too. Not always, though, so perhaps a field-level configuration setting would be the best approach?
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