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Everything posted by Macrura

  1. hey thanks for this - works really well! Just a heads up, if you have multiple ckeditors on 1 page, you have set them all, or they will stay with the default skin
  2. i think one workaround would be to use admin custom files (what this module grew out of), which could provide you with the ability to define your jQuery selectors manually... not totally sure - i would need to look again to see if there is some descendant selector you could use to isolate only fields you want.... or maybe use the module, but then admin custom files with custom jQuery to remove/disable it where it is messing up things?
  3. the need you are describing was the primary motivating force behind this module: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/admin-page-field-edit-links i use it in a scenario much like what you describe (couldn't do without it!)
  4. so maybe for single page selects, changing to a block element?
  5. yup, just include the path to the php file in your hanna code; <?php include($config->paths->templates . "hannas/myhanna.php"); then you can include that same file form a template, or use as hanna code.
  6. so you mean put the <i class='fa fa-edit'></i> before/outside of the anchor element?
  7. @cloud888 welcome to the processwire forum. In order to provide the best chance of help, could you provide the following info: Processwire Version Apache, MySQL & PHP Versions List of installed modules details of any applicable/related errors in your error log (assets/logs/errors.txt) Browser you are using In addition make sure to take the following steps before reporting errors: Upgrade to the latest stable version of PW Upgrade all modules to the current version Install the diagnostics module check that your server environment meets the minimum server requirements Repair database tables address any existing warnings or failures When reporting errors that happen on a form such as the editor, please open the chrome console, or FF/firebug, and see if there are any network or JavaScript errors. Please report those errors along with your issue. Lastly Don't Panic
  8. i had a site that was experiencing that error, once i upgraded core and all modules, i have not had any further errors;
  9. maybe this might help? http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/guide/dev_styles
  10. @Manaus, if the client paid you for the site, don't they have a right to non-obfuscated php code? If you need to protect php code in templates you could look at php obfuscators, or zend guard; i once used a script that was obfuscated but the host kept quarantining it and breaking the site; they would quarantine anything with an eval and base64 code.
  11. Some possible topics: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/2089-create-simple-forms-using-api/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/126-anybody-did-user-registrationlogin/?hl=%2Bjquery+%2Bvalidate#entry4812 i think i learned most i needed to know about setting up api forms from these topics, but you will also need to reference the cheatsheet. try jumping in and experimenting, that's the best way to learn; once you have a form processing page, the rest is going to be mostly handled by javascript/jquery and whatever library you are using (e.g. Validate, Ajax Forms etc..) In terms of formbuilder, you can make it work with Ajax, but also consider that it can run in an iframe, which means no page reload; this works very well for the large majority of situations, at least in my experience; I would definitely give a strong recommendation to Formbuilder if you need more than 1-2 forms on your site. It is really great!
  12. Hi nystrategi and welcome to the PW forum!! Yes, it's completely possible, and not a problem at all; PW fully supports ajax, and any number of methods for creating forms, and processing them any way you need. You can create a form processing template and have it return your ajax validation messages, or use a php file in the root that bootstraps PW and then returns the ajax messages, success or validation etc. Search the forums/docs for ajax, as well as forms; later if i have a chance i will post some links to the most relevant form topics.
  13. gzip works 100% on all of my PW sites. So i can only conclude it is your hosting provider.
  14. Have you read the relevant documentation on that error, here? https://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/troubleshooting-guide/page2 or google? http://lmgtfy.com/?q=processwire+%22This+request+was+aborted+because+it+appears+to+be+forged.%22
  15. have you tried testing the www url with a gzip testing service?
  16. you can hook into the URL render for the child pages by template, and change their URL - something like this (untested): wire()->addHookBefore('Page::path', function($event) { $page = $event->object; if($page->template == 'pricelistitem') { $event->replace = true; $event->return = $page->parent->url; } });
  17. i think you may have just hit upon a situation where you are using multi-language and repeaters, and it's just one of those rare cases where things don't cooperate. I don't use multi-language at all, and i don't have time/resources to test, but you should keep an eye on the js/network consoles when you click save and report any errors. I don't think repeaters were ever designed/tested extensively with extreme scenarios of multi-lingual fields, and ck editor, and multiple instances of a repeater; Many developers have migrated repeater usage to pagetables at this point, except in some simple use cases where it is more convenient to see the fields inline; if your use case allows it, see if you can migrate to pagetable and if this is a stable solution. if you believe you have discovered a real bug, you can submit an issue Github; I would plan on waiting 4-6 weeks or more for your bug report to be addressed, which is why if you can discover a work around, that would be best.
  18. So i think you already tested this by using a clean install, but just in case want to point out to replace the entire wire directory when upgrading, and also to be safe, replace your index.php, and your .htaccess file (but with .htaccess, make sure to compare in case you have some specific rules for your site there). I think your problem may be related possibly to the multiple repeaters, and possibly specific to the fields you are using in those repeaters. it's definitely more reliable to go with the pagetables instead of the repeaters, especially if this solves the issue. Did your 2nd repeater use a ckeditor?
  19. @root, 1) have you checked the javascript console? any errors there? 2) Have you considered using pagetable instead of repeaters, for your bootstrap accordion
  20. @kathep, you''ll notice that the has_parent selector limits the find to a certain parent, but recursively includes all children which is why the has_parent selector is being suggested: has_parent=$page http://cheatsheet.processwire.com/selectors/built-in-page-selector-properties/has_parent-page/ my experience with processwire has taught me that anytime you are having trouble getting a particular results set of pages, you either have some mis-configuration of your page hierarchy, or you haven't found the exact selector; PW selectors are very powerful, especially with all of the enhancements of the last year or so; In cases where page arrays and selectors don't work, then you can move on to sql commands.
  21. to put it simply, you only want descendants of the current page, $allChildren = new PageArray(); foreach($page->children() as $parent) { foreach($parent->children() as $child) $allChildren->add($child); } $assignments_find = $allChildren->find("template=quiz|challenge|assignment, course_name_from_list=$page, sort=assignment_due_date");
  22. I see some things that i would change, for one, i don't get this: course_name_from_list.title=$page->title is course_name_from_list a page select? if so you should be able to do course_name_from_list=$page i would also research these selectors: has_parent (=$page for example) $page->children($selector)
  23. if you want to make icons searchable (when setting them on a template), you can use chosen select.. 1) add chosen min.css, min.js and sprites in AdminCustomFiles folder. 2) enable ProcessTemplate in the ACF module settings 3) add lines to load chosen assets (in the dependencies box) ProcessTemplate AdminCustomFiles/chosen.min.css ProcessTemplate AdminCustomFiles/chosen.jquery.min.js 4) create processTemplate.js, inside AdminCustomFiles folder $(document).ready(function(){ $("select#Inputfield_pageLabelIcon").chosen({ disable_search_threshold: 10, no_results_text: "Oops, nothing found!", width: "25%" }); }); this will probably end up being a module, so that it can also extend to fields; for now if you want to do it on fields you have to repeat the instructions for ProcessField and also change the jquery selector
  24. cool - thanks for the improvements, will come in handy - sorry about the error, i took a guess on the first line, b/c i had it hardcoded.. will update my post
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