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Everything posted by horst

  1. I have built and used some custom newsletter systems already. But 100k is a huge number. With regular hosting accounts I'm able to send 500 mails per 250 second chunks in a single thread. So I never sent more then 15k. To send 100k would take 15 hours this way. ? If you not already know it, there is the wireMail system in PW available, plus some extending modules for different purposes. When I'm back in the office, I provide some links.
  2. Regardless wich way you decide to go re the user question, there are already modules available that seem to implement parts of what you want create. Maybe they can serve as additional stuff for reading, or maybe they can be implemented as required (sub)-modules for yours. http://modules.processwire.com/modules/newsletter-subscription/ Also Ryan has posted something about building a bare email sending module in the near past. Currently does not find it, but will add the link if I do. EDIT: I found it, but it will become a ProModule: From the last Blogpost (https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.121-core-updates-and-more/) the very last paragraph.
  3. I think you are mixing ProcessModules with Other modules. The class skeleton of a process module has to look like this: class ProcessGoodNews extends Process implements Module { ... First add the prefix "Process" to your modules classname and also to the filename, and second you have to extend Process and not WireData. PS: the title can stay as is, Good News, or GoodNews, but the class name and filename should be prefixed with Process. PPS: I think you also have to prefix the execute() function name by three underscores: ___execute() < Thats wrong, as @teppo mentioned below. Sorry. PPPS: maybe some interesting reads about ProcessModules and different possibilities: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/building-custom-admin-pages-with-process-modules/ https://processwire.com/blog/posts/new-module-configuration-options/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/13618-does-using-dedicated-module-files-help-a-lazy-programmer/
  4. I forgott about it, because @tpr made it an official and configurable module and took over the maintainance, whereas I served the startingpoint:
  5. Difficulties in this approach maybe, that there are many chained variations are possible in the wild. Also the intermediate variations in chains never will be served to browsers, but need to stay, as removing them will raise unnecessary recreations. Maybe for image heavy sites it can be useful to define all used variations in a collection of (some sort of) selector strings and execute this in a sandboxed scope against a default image name (basename.jpg). Using the resulting variation name patterns as whitelist, for example. Regardind file-a-time, this may be error prone by using any sort of hosting, crons or maintenance scripts running on a server or in a hosting account.
  6. Without the new module, you would have to temporary modify your template files by adding the following param to the options array "forceNew" => true for every pageimage call that you wants to be affected.
  7. Yep, if I remember right, you also would have to change code in php files that processes the zoomed variations.
  8. Nope. 100% would be 0 px, what is not useful. ? Also in different tests it showed that more then 50% maybe very often lead to unwanted results. The max percent what seemed to be useful (for very careful) users was 70%. My bet is, that Ryan uses 50% to support it as a good and successful feature to a broad community.
  9. You overide each pagereload the complete session vars. I think that the $gebruiker is not created and available on every page load, but only on a special template. You may use a conditional that secures you that a (new) gebruiker is sent and need to be transfered into the session: $gebruikerarray = json_decode($gebruiker); if(!empty($gebruikerarray->naam)) { // add new data to sessions vars ... } OR you look if $gebruiker is available or not, or if a post submitt was sent, or ...
  10. Ok thanks for trying. It was a shot into the blue. I will setup a repeater field locally and debug it. (Maybe tomorrow)
  11. @PWaddict Good to hear that you solved together with adrian the timestamp issue, and thanks for reporting the Notice. Please can you try if the following code solves it? // replace the old lines 66 - 69 with this lines: 66 if(preg_match("/_repeater[0-9]+$/", $field)) { 67 $explodeArray = explode("_repeater", $field); 68 $pages_id = intval(end($explodeArray)); 69 $field = str_replace("_repeater{$pages_id}", '', $field); 70 } else {
  12. You can add get params to every url: example.com/apagename/?param=value To work with it in processwire template files, we have the $input variable instead of the global $_GET variable. There is also $sanitizer. I'm on mobile, so please look out in the docs for the $input variable. (poviding links via mobile is a pain ?)
  13. @arjen the support via lazyload sounds very interesting. This way we only have to care that both fileformats are available on the server. There is no extra markup needed. Only downside is the missing noscript support. So the usefulness depends on the usecase. ?
  14. Very Cool! Yes, he also has game boys. No Arduinos until now, but RasPis. But these "Sound Things" are exactly what he is after. Many thanks! ?
  15. It is page names, that only supports part of the ascii charset, and only lowercase.
  16. Ah, ok. Seems that I have to clarify a bit: with the age of 10, he started with a desktop pc i5 and 16gb ram. From that on, he is more and more interested in retro machines. I'm not totally sure, but I think currently he owns 4-5 (old) Laptops of different decades, an old IMac, 5 mobiles, 3 tablets and 1 C64. The C64 is the most beloved for him, and he works on different hardware parts. Also he has built different audio adapters for DOS Laptops. Unfortunately the Sound Chip of the C64 seems to be broken. Don't ask me! - he told me something that not all 8 channels are working but only 2, and that it is not possible to detect the concrete issue of it with his limited equipment. So, he is more interested in modifying the hardware then in sitting in front of a screen. From time to time I pray, that the C64 is the stop in his retro interest, not that I someday has to look out for a Z4. ?
  17. ... for my son. Does anybody has one and want to sell it to me? ? PS: and if you only has a Datasette or only a SID-Audio-Chip for the C64, I'm interested as well.
  18. What we really will need is to detect if a browser supports it. If someone knows about workarounds, polyfills or others, please drop links here.
  19. Ah, a quick test showed that I can use this already with my local dev environment: $cai3 = $page->croppable_images->first()->getCrop('thumb100'); // WebP with GD-lib bundled with PHP 7 $im = imagecreatefromjpeg($cai3->filename); imagewebp($im, str_replace('.jpg', '.webp', $cai3->filename)); imagedestroy($im); ?
  20. Some thoughts / infos in no special order: it has to be a module because all our image engines are modules. As long as the GD library does not support webp, it cannot be a core fileformat. I haven't tested anything in regard of webp til now. If imagick supports it as outputformat, I can start testing it as a image engine module that extends the core imagick module to provide something like a options variable to return the final variation image as webp. Earliest start can be around christmas time 2018.
  21. completly OT, but are you sure that this concept, a repeater in a repaeter in a repeater, is a good way to go? At least the (starting ?) times could be handled by page references, I think. Not knowing anything of your data, but A day can have max 24 hours and each a max of 60 minutes, results in 2 pagereference fields or two option fields. And maybe if you can work with a more limited amount of (starting ?) times, you only need one field with a list of fix / predefined times. And to your question: Debug your code by inspecting why your page 0 has no parent page, starting by inspecting what template it is assigned to. This way you will find where your logic is not practicable and need to be changed.
  22. Not sure if this really match to that case, but possibly worth a check: are all template and module files are saved in utf-8?
  23. Have you tried to export as ZIP with a current pw version? 3.0.119 ?
  24. @PWaddict I may seem a little impatient now, but I still don't understand what you want after all your posts. Please just write down 2 or three variation names where I can see what is and what should be. Otherwise I cannot deal with it any further. (I have three deadlines this week!)
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