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Everything posted by horst

  1. I don't think it can have to do with MySQL in this case. Never have heard of this. But often heard about it in regard with image resizing. Would it be possible to temporary allow me to inspect this on the server, maybe if it is a staging account?
  2. ??? If they want to, - why not? Sure, I would tell them not to use such big images where not necessary. But if they don't care, it is not my time waiting during the boring long uploads. ? And if they are not able to scale down the images before uploading, it seems better to me to let them upload the hires instead of something scrumbled because they don't know what they do.
  3. In case of images you can let them upload what they want, but ensure that it is in highest possible quality. For the output you define width x height, quality and even output format (jpeg), if they use png were not appropriate. ?
  4. You can check the real available memory on the frontend: echo "<p>" . ini_get("memory_limit") . "</p>"; Maybe, the settings from the adminpanel are not passing through? No, the images are not to big. with more than 128M, for me they work everytime. And if the process would took to long, you would get a timeout error, but not one for to low memory.
  5. I have PW 3.0.109, PHP 7.1.19-nmm1 and a older DB-Backup-Moduleversion. Everything is working fine. Which version of DB-Backup module do you use?
  6. Hi @j00st, I have checked your images. They are alright, nothing suspicious. When I set the memory_limit to under 96M, it wasn't possible to resize a single image. WIth set to 96M, it was most of the time, but sometimes not, when resizing multiple images in one script run. You have set it to 128M on your host. If you are able, increase it to 256M. Animated images gets extracted slide for slide into memory. Each slide is processed in a single conversion process and consumes three times the memory of the single slide. Also the process includes a flushing and releasing of no further needed objects and memory, this is known to be buggy (or unclean) in PHP. So, the issue on your host definetly is assigned to low allowed memory usage for (php) image processing. If you set debug to true, every resize action is logged into "image-sizer" log under admin->setup->logs. And you definetly need to use "forceNew" in your resize calls when debugging and testing!
  7. additional to what is already mentioned above, it could be write access to the assets folders and files. Often when ftp-ing a complete site profile, I have to manually correct the access rights for the assets folders to include write access for php or wwwrun or how ever this is called by the different hosters.
  8. Maybe, every PHP tutorial that you are able to understand and isn't boring, - plus reading small existing PW-modules, - and a idea what you want to build. ? https://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/ https://webdesign.tutsplus.com/tutorials/a-beginners-introduction-to-writing-modules-in-processwire--cms-26862
  9. I'm very happy with PhpEd and a lot of its features. Also I possibly don't use 50% percent of them. ?
  10. ?? - can you PM me that image? Is it with all animated images or only with special ones? DO you have set the option to force a recreation of the variations? ("forceNew" => true) otherwise you always get the previously cached version. <?php $test = $img->url; $test2 = $img->width(1440, array("forceNew" => true))->url;
  11. Everything looks good. Please can you try the following code snippets in a template file: $imgPath = $config->paths->files . '1/animated.gif'; // add the full path to an original animated gif here!! $ii = new ImageInspector(); $info = $ii->inspect($imgPath, true); var_dump($info); $is = new ImageSizer($imgPath); var_dump($is->getEngines()); $shortInfo = $is->getImageInfo(); var_dump($shortInfo); and check the output? The first var_dump() should have a true under "info"->"animated", and the second one only should have one array item named "ImageSizerEngineAnimatedGif". If this is the case, we need to check further.
  12. ? Many thanks! ? That is very helpful.
  13. Hhm, did you have installed / enabled the animated gif module? Which version is it? Which number in the internal modules hirarchy does it have? And which other modules and hirarchy numbers are installed? The animated gif module doesn't rely on IMagick.
  14. Actually over five years old, but may contain some useful snippets:
  15. You should ask him if there is a setting that limits urlsegments, if you are not able to check it by yourself. ?
  16. I believe it is a difference in http server, nothing to do with php. Can you compare the settings or have you asked your hoster?
  17. Ok, the culprit was that CKE needs some time on startup to dynamically create the iframes. Therefore all those tries running on document load failed. As a workaround I use setTimeout() with a delay of 1000 ms to start finding the iframes. Will look into CKE API, if there is something that can be queried that indicates ready loaded CKE and use this instead of my workaround. But for today I'm finished with work. ?
  18. Ah, this seems to be better place to look: https://docs.ckeditor.com/ckeditor4/latest/api/CKEDITOR_dom_document.html#method-getBody EDIT: No, it only gets the dom elements from the edit page what is the parent page of the page in cke iframe. ?
  19. Many thanks. I have tried a lot from SO links in the last past 2 hours. But all of them result in 'undefined' objects. In pW PageEditor, the CKE textarea is within an iframe, maybe that is the reason?
  20. Hi, how can I access the CKE background elemet via JS? I need to add / remove css classes to change the bg-color. Any hints are greatly appreciated.
  21. @tpr, I have two questions, but don't bear with me, If I just have overseen the answers. ? 1) is there a shortkey (like ctrl+s) for "Save and Add New" available, or is it possible to add this as new feature? 2) Is there a way, (also a none public one*), to get the configuration exported out of one installation and imported into another one? * means, I'm also fine with it, to copy/paste parts from/to sql-dumps.
  22. Many thanks @Robin S and @adrian, finally I managed to find time and come back to this. Interestingly, I already was on the right track with my own first try ?: // JS in Markup to toggle the Tab-Url $markUp = wire('modules')->get('InputfieldMarkup'); ob_start(); ?> <script> function hnConfigureEditorChildrenTab() { document.location.replace('#ProcessPageEditChildren', '') + '#ProcessPageEditChildren'; //var dropDown = $('.pw-button-dropdown').children(); //console.log(dropDown); //dropDown.children().each().attr('style', 'display:none!important;'); } document.body.onload = hnConfigureEditorChildrenTab(); </script> <?php $markUp->value = ob_get_clean(); $form->append($markUp); The first JS line triggers a click on the tab too, by rewriting the location href with a newly added anchor. ? But it wasn't bullet proof. 20% the time, it doesn't work. So, many thanks for your solutions and the hint with the name-field! ------ Another issue I have in the wider context is, that I want to hide the save buttons on that template, because it only has informational character. // remove save button $saveButton = $form->children->get('id=submit_save'); $form->remove($saveButton); This results in removing the top-right placed button completly, but with some left over from the bottom-left placed button: ==> I'm not sure why it behvaes like this. Maybe it has to do with that there are two items with the same ID (submit_save) in the DOM? EDIT: I now solved it by injecting some styles, as targetting this by JS dindn't fully work. Maybe because AOS also targets the dropdowns when selected there "show on_hover instead on_click"? <style> #submit_save, #pw-dropdown-toggle-submit_save, #wrap_submit_save, #pw-dropdown-toggle-submit_save_copy, .pw-button-dropdown-wrap { display: none !important; } </style> Now my pages look as they should ?
  23. Thanks dragan. Will look there. This I have allready sloved with the help of forum tips:
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