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Everything posted by horst

  1. http://www.4p8.com/eric.brasseur/gamma.html#introduction or before: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3768-processwire-231-dev-branch/page-5#entry43649 BTW: I remember well the first words from a colleague who has experience for more then 20 years working in international architecture photography bussiness after playing around 2-3 days with his first ProcessWire version of his site: "Schönes Programm, übersichtlich und einfach. Vor allem alle meine Bilder sind so klar und knackig." (english with googleTranslate: "Nice program, clear and simple. Above all, all my images are so clear and crisp.") And be aware: by visualizing images or anything else within a website there are involved many instances. (Browser, System, Monitor). Above all, one can not make reliable statements if you do not at least use a good set hardware calibrated monitor. And even two well adjusted monitors doesn't show the exact same output. So, before going academic here, ... back to work.
  2. horst

    New Logo

    Ah, you have a new car, right?
  3. Lance, if it is just the password you can reset that simply within a few minutes: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/490-how-to-reset-your-password-how-to-enable-the-forgot-password-function/ And I know sites running the PW 2.4.0 stable on PHP 5.3.3
  4. @MadeMyDay, @Guy Verville: - http://processwire.com/talk/topic/4323-field-dependencies/page-5#entry45033
  5. Hello Peter, PW 2.3.0 uses PDO and it seems that with some server configurations this can happen. There is a fix from Hari KT, that I have used instead of the existing WireDatabasePDO.php in a PW 2.3.5 Installation. And since then I haven't had that (rare) error anymore. Ryan already has included it into the current Dev Branch (PW 2.4.1), too. Maybe you like to try it. WireDatabasePDO.zip
  6. Don't know, but if yes, we will buy you additional space! Soma, you write complete modules in the same time where others write a single line of code. (a little bit frightening)
  7. @Raymond: I don't know how FormBuilder works, where and how you can connect the uploaded files to the WireMail classes. If you find a solution it would be kind if you can post it here.
  8. Most of it you have already done! You only need to install under Modules -> Core the Multilanguage Fields: Page Title (Multi-Language), Text (Multi-language), Textarea (Multi-language) change all of your Fields that need to have multiple languages support to their Multilanguage alternative also do a check under its details tab if settings for e.g. text formatters etc. you may have configured, holds the appropriate values after the change add at least one alternate language to the system go through your pages and edit / add other languages content add a language switcher to your frontend Done! Remember to save a Backup from your DB before you change the Fields to MultilanguageFields!
  9. We should send them Skyscrapers or another huge site (with ProCache and some other nice features) for a full conversion (DB and full content) with destination WordPress. They say that if we are not satisfied and can provide valid reasons we have not to pay anything. One reason could be that afterwards it is somewhat slower, maybe. Or it will have full DB, full Content but not full functionality. Or both?
  10. I don't know FormBuilder. wireMail()->attachment() needs an absolute path for every (disk) file it should attach to a message. You can pass it as array or have to call it multiple times. Here are all is working as expected. Maybe you can debug what is passed to the attachment function when running with FormBuilder? You can call a log here wire('log')->save( "debug_attachments", strtolower(__FUNCTION__).' :: '.serialize($filenames)); // ATTENTION this is $filename(s) ending with s and here wire('log')->save( "debug_attachments", strtolower(__FUNCTION__).' :: '.serialize($filename)); // ATTENTION this is $filename, without s Trying this with passing an array logs something like: 2014-03-11 14:04:36 guest http://pw4.kawobi.local/mailtest/ attachments :: a:2:{i:0;s:75:"W:/WEB_MIRRORS/_ProcessWire/pw4/htdocs/site/assets/files/1/hyatt2.0x100.jpg";i:1;s:79:"W:/WEB_MIRRORS/_ProcessWire/pw4/htdocs/site/assets/files/1/westin_interior1.jpg";} 2014-03-11 14:04:36 guest http://pw4.kawobi.local/mailtest/ attachfile :: s:75:"W:/WEB_MIRRORS/_ProcessWire/pw4/htdocs/site/assets/files/1/hyatt2.0x100.jpg"; 2014-03-11 14:04:36 guest http://pw4.kawobi.local/mailtest/ attachfile :: s:79:"W:/WEB_MIRRORS/_ProcessWire/pw4/htdocs/site/assets/files/1/westin_interior1.jpg"; Calling it multiple times (2) with string filenames: 2014-03-11 14:10:10 guest http://pw4.kawobi.local/mailtest/ attachments :: s:75:"W:/WEB_MIRRORS/_ProcessWire/pw4/htdocs/site/assets/files/1/hyatt2.0x100.jpg"; 2014-03-11 14:10:10 guest http://pw4.kawobi.local/mailtest/ attachments :: s:79:"W:/WEB_MIRRORS/_ProcessWire/pw4/htdocs/site/assets/files/1/westin_interior1.jpg"; 2014-03-11 14:10:10 guest http://pw4.kawobi.local/mailtest/ attachfile :: s:75:"W:/WEB_MIRRORS/_ProcessWire/pw4/htdocs/site/assets/files/1/hyatt2.0x100.jpg"; 2014-03-11 14:10:10 guest http://pw4.kawobi.local/mailtest/ attachfile :: s:79:"W:/WEB_MIRRORS/_ProcessWire/pw4/htdocs/site/assets/files/1/westin_interior1.jpg";
  11. Yep, that sounds exactly like what I have done the last 10+ years on my local win machines (w2k, xp , win7), except that there isn't allready an Apache installed.
  12. Ah, ok. (sorry @Raymond) And also I cannot see the post in FormBuilder Forum, I believe!
  13. Ok, I try out a few days and come back here. (actually it looks promising, I have 5k+ sessions and the oldest one was created 24 hours and 10 minutes ago) EDIT: Now, almost 2 hours later, I have 200 records less. Oldest entry is 23 hours and 30 minutes ago. Server-Engine: Apache 2.0 Handler - PHP 5.4.24-nmm1 Linux dd13102 3.2.0-57-generic #87-Ubuntu SMP Tue Nov 12 21:35:10 UTC 2013 x86_64
  14. @Raymond: Hi, this sounds that you have get the PW 2.4.0 stable. - If you have the right version, you must see at least a 2.4.1 in the backend Version 4.3.1 isn't known. Current stable is 2.4.0 and DEV is 2.4.1
  15. in this case you only have to change the order in this line: if (!$p->viewable() || $p->template != "basic-page" ) continue; // old if ($p->template != "basic-page" || !$p->viewable()) continue; // new PHP will return after the first conditional if it does not match and in these cases the code of the second condition (or any following) never get executed. Changing this, Teppos code is a complete fix.
  16. Nice site! images are in international language!
  17. @SiNNuT: thanks, yes it's Ubuntu. I will try that fix first with: ini_set("session.gc_probability", 1); ini_set("session.gc_divisor", 100); And if this doesn't do it, I will delegate it to a cron-job.
  18. I'm not sure what is involved in the importer process when getting only a basename. Does it check the current working directory? If yes is this save? I think no. PHP has a function to get the current working direction: getcwd() but if I remember right it is different if running as CLI or running in WebserverEnvironment. Also I don't know if ./filename.typ works. I always want these things robust - bulletproof and therefor I ever use absolute pathes.
  19. you need to use the fullpath. As you have said the images are in the same directory like the importer-script you can use: foreach ($gallery as $filename => $description) { $filename = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . $filename; $p->main_image->add($filename); echo "\tAdded image $filename\n";
  20. Uhhm, - what is the value of $filename? Fullpath or Partialpath or basename? $p->main_image->add($filename); echo "\tAdded image $filename\n";
  21. alternatives: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/5640-shortest-way-to-echo-a-field-only-if-populated/ But if I were new to PHP I would write a few chars more and have better readability. EDIT: damn, Kongondo!
  22. Hi, I'm using the Database Session Handler the first time with a site and have noticed that the no more used sessions get not deleted automatically. They get deleted when I'm logged in and go to Setup -> Sessions. Is this normal behave or is there something wrong with the server the site is running on. How is the deletion triggert? Can I do something together with lazy-cron?
  23. foreach ($gallery as $filename => $description) { $p->main_image->add($filename); echo "\tAdded image $filename\n"; $p->main_image->last()->description = $description; echo "\t\tAdded description: $description"; $p->save('main_image'); // change this line and try out please echo "\t\tSaved.\n"; } Hi Marc, please try it like shown above, this is working for me.
  24. @Kixe, please can you post this into the thread that arjen has told you, because Ryan allready knows and follows this topic.
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