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Everything posted by horst

  1. Hey PhotoWebMax, here are some photography sites build with pw: http://processwire.com/about/sites/categories/photography/ According to some points here in the posts it sounds to me that it would be the best way for you to upload your photoshop images in the size you want to show them in your gallery. This way you can call the original images and resizing isn't needed. The other thing is, if you use Thumbnails module together with PageImage Manipulator, you have visual control over the quality and sharpening of the thumbnails.
  2. We need to know the path to convert (or ImageMagick) and on some hosts you can choose from different versions like: Pfad zu ImageMagick 4.2.9: /usr/bin/ImageMagick_4.2.9/ (für Typo3) Pfad zu ImageMagick 5.5.4: /usr/bin/ Pfad zu ImageMagick 6.2.6: /usr/bin/ImageMagick_6.2.6/bin/ In this case here, we would test 5.5.4, but Imagick is bound to 6.2.6. Weird, even if we would compare the version from information got through Imagick and the exec call, I don't like to poke around that way. Showing a cmyk without conversion and showing it after trying to convert. Looks good? - YES : NO If 'NO', we can add a short explanation on how to get more information through exec.
  3. But now we know why icc conversion is not working on your server. We can ask the user to run a simple test during module installation that he should answer with yes or no. Trying to convert a cmyk to sRGB or something. If it looks better after conversion, lcms seems to be available.
  4. @Martijn: no, thats confusing. With this option I want to keep all variations, but want to recreate only this single image.
  5. @Adrian: I remember you can use the exec() method on your server. You may check if you have the lcms library used by ImageMagick. To check this you may run the code snippet below and look under cofigure -> delegates if it is listed, and in the delegates output if it is bound to something what isn't the default. [15] => DELEGATES bzlib freetype jpeg jp2 lcms png tiff x11 xml wmf zlib Also it would be good if we can get this information via Imagick extension or something else, if exec() is unavailable. Do you have an idea? <?php $path2convert = '/usr/bin/'; $cmds = array( 'convert -list configure', 'convert -list delegate', //'convert -list format' ); function runExec($cmd) { global $path2convert; exec("{$path2convert}$cmd 2>&1", $out, $result); if(0!=$result) { echo "Returncode: " .$result ."<br>"; echo "<pre>"; print_r($out); "</pre>"; } else { echo "<pre>\n"; print_r($out); "\n\n</pre>"; } } foreach($cmds as $cmd) runExec($cmd);
  6. @Pete: we are on the same side (in german: "Du rennst bei mir offene Türen ein") +1 for implementing cc, bcc and attachment into the WireMail base class! Regarding attachments: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/5704-module-wiremailsmtp/#entry56631
  7. Hi, I have experimented with naming of images. For people who want try out different settings with images, the current naming scheme isn't of good usage. I have added some code to the Pageimage::size method, Pageimage::isVariation, and to the Imagesizer to make it work like here: http://images.pw.nogajski.de/new-naming-convention/ It is open for discussion --- Additional to that I like to implement a new temporary option on a per image base to force recreation of the requested image also if a cached version is available. I don't like to use all the time $image->removeVariations(). What is a useful option name for that? forcenew recreate forcecreate forcerecreate ...? $options = array( 'cropping' => true, 'quality' => 80, 'forcenew' => true ); $img = $image->size(120, 160, $options); --- And for the naming convention I am unsure if a short custom appendix should be enabled too, or if this would be to much? $customappendix: a-z0-9 strlen max 10 ?
  8. I think Ryans initial intention was to support the common basic usage and give us an easy to use possibilty to cretae submodules that can _extend_ the base class. But I am definitly not against extending the base class with cc, bcc and attachment
  9. @Pete: you can ask Teppo directly. He (technically *) can implement it in SwiftMailer without any change in WIreMail base class. I have done it for bcc and cc. It is not more than to add these two as public functions to the SwiftMailer module and make them handle the according SwiftMailer calls for that headers. Simple! * don't know about his time budget nor if he ever want it
  10. Glad you have found it Could you mark the thread as solved / answerded? There must be a button for you as thread author in the lower right, near [MultiQuote]
  11. Have send a pull request that solve it for cropped and uncropped variants: https://github.com/horst-n/ProcessWire/commit/2876bf6568e1bcc1efdee5e1f926f9f618493a52 But there is a need for more naming conventions: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/6028-regenerate-images/
  12. Adrian, the usage of all RGB files are good. To upload and use cmyk for web display is not what is used in real life. We test it here to see how it works in general. But the grayscales are not handled too. Also this may not a problem if you are the one that uploads images to that server. You should prepare your images all the same (gamma 1.8 or 2.2), not mixing different versions. That way you can work with the 6.6.7 without problems. You can have a look to the other tests, especially to sharpening with Imagick. It is very fast compared to GD! Also resizing without sharpening is not that blurry like with GD. But best of all: we can sharpen transparent PNGs with it! You can run it on your installation too, these test and images are also included.
  13. Thanks Adrian, but the cmyk and grayscales don't look as expected, also not with the new tests. Maybe the ImageMagick version 6.6.7 is to old. Lets collect some more infos during the next two weeks, hopefully. @all: Hey, download it and send us a test result
  14. I have updated the Siteprofile ZIP: look in the first post You now first must install the Imagick Resizer module. Also it is more robust and check if you have installed Imagick on your server also on the frontpage when trying to read the version numbers. @Adrian: I have added new/changed tests for icc-cms. Now the usage of ICC-files is reflected in the search result for every single image! Please drop the old profile and run the new one from scratch. (remember first to edit the includes in config.php) Read the slightly new instructions in the first post here in this thread.
  15. Hi Pravin, unfortunately I don't know how the upload via ckEditor works. We need to wait for someone to come in here with more knowledge about that. But due to the fact that only portrait oriented images are effected, I guess that there is something used related to the width of the images only for displaying them. How do the CSS for the images look like? Can you provide an online link to a testpage?
  16. You can simply use a textfield for an URL and also you do not need to use the WireUpload if you finally want to use the image(s) within an pw images field. For that you simply can use $page->images->add('URL_from_text'); But remember to not use $input->post->your-text-field without first validating it. You need to make sure you only got an URL!
  17. Hi miparvin, welcome to the forums. Please can you provide a little more infos? Did you have uploaded the images via ckeditor or via the normal images fieldtype? How do you output the images? Via RTE (ckeditor) or direct in your template(s)? Please provide the line(s) of code that is used to output the image(s). Is the output of wrong images a mix of landscape and portrait oriented images, or belong all wrong sized images to only one of that groups? Best regards Horst
  18. @Martijn: To install it under my windows apache I struggled over 2 days to find a php Imagick extension and the right ImageMagick installation that all together works with my PHP Version. It took me 3 hours Following is what I have found to work finally. Martijn, you will do this for the Mac when you have solved it, right? You first need to check if you are running a x86 (32bit) Apache / PHP or really a x64 bit one. I'm not sure but most installations on Windows maybe x86 (regardless if you running a x64 windows). I have taken a Imagick extension from here: http://www.peewit.fr/imagick/ I'm running PHP 5.4.26 as apache module and it is a ThreadSafe version what needs to be compiled with MSVC 9 The ImageMagick app is from here: http://imagemagick.org/script/binary-releases.php#windows I took the ImageMagick-6.8.9-0-Q16-x86-dll.exe it is for Win32 (x86), it should be a dynamic version (no static one) and we want 16bit pixel support If you work with other versions of Apache and PHP (e.g. x64) you need to choose x64 versions (MSVC 11 compiled) of ImageMagick / Imagick My Apache and PHP was already running so I installed ImageMagick with their provided Installer. The only important part was to tipp the checkbox that ask you to put the path from ImageMagick into your system-path variable! Second I copied the php_imagick.dll into the php extensions directory (look into php.ini at extension_dir = ) and add a line into the php.ini under Dynamic Extensions: extension=php_imagick.dll After restarting the Apache service I could see Imagick in the list of phpinfo(). Check this and also if you have a number higher than 0 for supported fileformats / imageformats in that phpinfo section. (with my first try installing ImageMagick I got versions that doesn't colaborate together what results in 0 supported fileformats there)
  19. WOW! Ähm, sorry: "Good morning too" It is wonderful to see what you are doing and especially nice is that you share it in this way. <attention-google-translated>Add me jump right back many memories and longings on while I rummage in your reports.</attention-google-translated> - Uuuh. <german-because-the-above-is-google-translated>Es ist wunderschön zu sehen was ihr macht und besonders schön ist es das ihr das auf diese Art teilt. In mir steigen direkt viele Erinnerungen und auch Sehnsüchte auf während ich in euren Berichten stöbere.</german-because-the-above-is-google-translated> --- BTW: If you ever come near to Larzac (plateau in the south france) maybe worth to visit Le Arc. I was there and on the plateau for peace and anti militarian demonstration in 1980 and years later for vacation. Meanwhile some other communities has dissolved, but Le Arc still continues to exist, as I have heard last year. EDIT: I do not use RTEs with images myself. I have done it once, together with Images Manager, maybe 10 month ago. I don't remember very well the deatils, but it works good for me and maybe it is worth you simply try out the Images Manager.
  20. This is unbelievable, I thought PW will do lowercase all image filenames on upload. But seriously: I might have updated the files in my installation just by copying them over, after they were installed from PW. And yes I'm on windows. But the CMYK and gray images are not what is expected after a ICC-profile conversion. I have to think about a better test that returns if all profiles needed for the conversion were found on a per image basis. PS: Adrian the bug hunter!
  21. Hi Can, welcome to the forums. this looks interesting. It is a good compromise between the need of using images in a RTE and have some control over the output. BTW: Are you able to code something like this, I mean the JS stuff that is needed?
  22. No problem, I'm sure we will find some more
  23. @Adrian: the test with ICC doesn't look as expected! There are also 2 images missing (sRGB Jpegs). Are you shure all files are uploaded correctly? (Especially the ICC-profiles?)
  24. @Martijn: oh, please can you patch this: /** * returns the ImageMagick Version * * @return mixed: array, string */ static public function getImageMagickVersion($fullString=false) { if(!ImagickResizer::hasImagick()) return $fullString ? 'Not available' : '0.0.0'; $im = new Imagick(); $a = $im->getVersion(); $im->clear(); $im->destroy(); $im = null; preg_match('/ImageMagick ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/', $a['versionString'], $v); return $fullString ? $a['versionString'] : $v[1]; } /** * returns if Imagick PHP extension is available or not * * @return boolean */ static protected function hasImagick() { return class_exists('Imagick'); }
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