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Everything posted by horst

  1. Actually the ImagickResizer seems to work well with: resizing cropping sharpening but there is an issue I have encountered on two different machines: It is called / processed two times for every image call. I have uploaded the module together with some debugging code to github. Following are a result without skipping the second process. The images get not cropped well: With skipping the second call, all works as expected: But why is it called two times? We hook into imagesizer::resize before, we set $event->replace to true and set $event->return to the right value (false | true). So why is it like it is?
  2. While testing with ImageSizer and ImagickResizer I have encountered that there are some glitches in the dimension calculations. A simple testcase I have used is to downsize an image to the half of a dimension and -1, -2, -3, +1, +2, +3 pixels. This results in 5 failures: After wrapping a ceil() here and here, there were only 2 failures and 5 succeeds: Therefor I have changed this floor to round, and this one too. This results in 7 succeeds: I send a pull request and refer to this post here, (because I do not know how to embedd images in a github pull-request or comment. --- PS: only changing the floors to rounds and not wrapping the ceils results in 5 succeeds and 2 failures
  3. Good work. Very nice site. Also they have good and many images. Works well together: layout, design, images. One minor thing: personally I would automatically select and display the first item when coming to http://www.tierarzt-partale.de/leistungen/ or I would add some useful content to that parent page. Without you have a big header "Unsere Leistungen im Überblick" and after that a blank area.
  4. horst

    2048 anyone?

    Uhm, now after not sleeping for a week and buying all coffee from Belgium and the Netherlands too, I have managed it: I choose "Keep going" => But seriously, - yesterday I have played the whole evening (5 hours) and have reached the 1024 every time. (I have played until my eyes became square). This morning after a good breakfast and a little walk in the sunshine (rethinking my strategy for 2048) I have tried ttwo times and it succeeded. Now I am redeemed!
  5. Hi Alan, I would go with a bootstraped script that checks session settings (URL like: http://example.com/yourpdf.php). You need to keep security entry and the infos which pdf / page regards to this session. If it can create pdf on the fly you only need to secure your session settings (limited to a browser / fingerprint or somethnig that like for a limited timeperiod)
  6. horst

    2048 anyone?

    That with the coffee could be totoff?
  7. horst

    2048 anyone?

    Yes, sure: I have had sleep for 7 hours last night, have done some photographs and some digital retouching. I only have played ca. 2 hours / day = 6 hours (I swear!)
  8. horst

    2048 anyone?

    I have reached my personal goal!
  9. We are looking with which Imagick / ImageMagick versions the icc conversion is available. We haven't found any valid answers in the net and also doesn't got one at a imagick forum. So far we have noticed that the lcms lib needs to be compiled into ImageMagick, but there is no way to check if it is or not via the Imagick-php-extension. (you can read more here in that thread) If you look at Adrians results, they are both the same, with and without icc conversion. Both doesn't work correct with grayscales and cmyk because tere isn't the lcms extension available. At least we do not need support for cmyk, but for grayscales. --- EDIT: The Siteprofile is updated! Have changed the require_once - path issue and embedded the Pageimage Naming Scheme and the latest Dev-branch into it. (see in the first post)
  10. horst

    Graphics Tablets

    @Pete: I have worked with a A3 intuous for long time. Than I have changed to a power mouse with some additional buttons and the big tablet tooks to much space on the table. Now I use the power mouse and a little Bamboo tablet. I use two desktops, one for the main app and one for the palettes (photoshop). The Bamboo is active for the first desktop, this way it has a reasonable size for masking and retouching. They also have a shop for "Gebrauchtes": http://de.shop.wacom.eu/Produkte/Sonstige/Gebrauchtgeraete
  11. horst

    2048 anyone?

    sorry! Have found it yesterday and managed 512, or a highscore of around 6800. But I swear, if I get a 1024, I stop playing.
  12. horst

    2048 anyone?

    a real disease: https://github.com/gabrielecirulli/2048 http://gabrielecirulli.github.io/2048/
  13. It is updated to version 0.0.3 and now has a cleaning routine that can be called manually in the config screen. Would be nice if a few user can test it in none production sites.
  14. Martijn, no problem! Every one of us has max. 24 hours per day. And all of us need some time to sleep, some time for the family, some time for other things and some time for ProcessWire. I think - in this order.
  15. Yes, Adrian is right, it isn't ready yet. Actually there are a few things that need to discussed / solved / changed with the ImageSizer and image handling generally. After that is done, I will implement the same solution into ImagickResizer. Currently it does not recognize settings for upscaling / cropping / etc. But it would be good if you can test it and send a feedback. Or if you can explain how to set up Imagick locally on Mac (if you are on a Mac) in that thread Adrian has linked to. Additional to that we are working on the naming scheme. If I remember right you has asked about that too: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/6205-module-pageimage-naming-scheme/
  16. Pageimage Naming Scheme I have created a module that extends the naming scheme for images. It reflects more options within the filename. An example is here: http://images.pw.nogajski.de/new-naming-convention/ The module is on github (zip)- additionally you need PW version 2.4.2 or newer (while writing this, the latest dev version from today) The module is in alpha state, so yet do not use in production sites. To install and start using it works very smooth: It doesn't force to recreate your already cached images, only uses the extended naming scheme when need to create new image variations. Also recognizes both naming schemes when collecting imageVariations. Recognizes PageImageManipulator-files too per update to 0.1.3. If you want to uninstall it, you can run a cleaning script from the configuration screen that removes imagevariations to avoid orphaned files when switching back to the core naming scheme. Running the cleaning script as simulation is supported too. --- There are a new thing to mention: You can send a new option together with your images $options array: "forcenew" => true! This results in recreating these single variation of the image, without dropping all other variations. Now that you can have a lot more variations per image, this should be the preffered way to drop / recreate cached image versions. Questions, suggestions are welcome.
  17. updated to version 0.1.3 fixed a bug with ignoring outputFormat when send as $options with method pimLoad found by @titanium added support for php versions with buggy GD-lib for sharpening and unsharpMask added support for the coming module PageimageNamingScheme into pimVariations()
  18. Ok, your first post is wrong, because the second and third param is processed by the function. But you are right with the post regarding outputFormat. The options passed as 2 or 3 param gets processsed but not assigned to $outputFormat if it is a key in options, and unfortunately $outputFormat overrides $options['outputFormat'] at the end of the function. It is in the todo now. But as a quick workaround for you, you may completly bypass sending the $options together with pimLoad(). Insteed use it this way: pimLoad('prefix'[, true | false])->setOptions($options)-> ... ->pimSave(); This works as expected. (I will rewrite the pimLoad to use this internally the same way) Sorry for the inconvenience.
  19. titanium, please can you provide the code line for that with pimLoad? At line 13 there is only comments. Also without need to test, param 2 definitely work, because I often use it to force recreation of a variations. So you cannot be right with this. Your post regarding outputFormat, have you tested this or do you see this just by reading the code?
  20. I cannot tell what threads or posts I best like, it would end up in a list greater than 20 or more. But I can share a little trick I use to quickly find some of them via google: site:processwire.com/talk (one or more names of users that took part of the conversation) AND ("wordphrase that was in a post there, at best a long one", but need to exact!) OR (a very individual word, if there was any) OR (common keywords) So when I need to know how to setup an apache server for best caching / compression I search for buttock (top, not buttock!) with or without willyc: search->buttock Yesterday gebeer needs to know from where a page->render() function was called. My remembered keyword was "caller", and I know that it isn't talked very often about that: search->caller A search for younger + foxes do result in a single thread, where as the terms old + foxes is a little bit more common
  21. Wow, good find! The ratio is stored as extended info for the image and not used further, so a very good find. (and a very stupid bug, info[2] holds the mimetype ) I will fix this with the next update.
  22. I like to work with spex! (yet another approach) The actual version also makes usage of AIOM already.
  23. Hi gebeer, don't know if it is what you are looking for: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3660-what-page-was-the-caller-of-render/ If you get the page, you can ask for its template. So no direct solution here, but a solution.
  24. You never know for sure. (Maybe in 10 or 20 years, - or later?) Nice! If you are ready with it, you can post it under showcases and / or add an entry in the sites directory.
  25. just ignore the buggy php version for the moment. Replace the ImageSizer.php from your current local pw installation, (you find it under wire/core/), with the attached one and PW will work fine and do no harm to your images. After that, you need to read on under the link others have provided here already. This is essential for you! BTW: My personal opinion is, that the default settings in site/config.php for $config->imageSizerOptions are very well set for the rest of the world, but not for photographers or photography sites. I leave the default settings unchanged for all other sites, but for photography sites I use: $config->imageSizerOptions = array( 'upscaling' => false, // upscale if necessary to reach target size? 'cropping' => false, // crop if necessary to reach target size? 'autoRotation' => true, // automatically correct orientation? 'sharpening' => 'soft', // sharpening: none | soft | medium | strong 'quality' => 94, // quality: 1-100 where higher is better but bigger ); And than in the templates have to pass an individual options array to size() if I need cropped images. PS: on your site under about you are showing a really nice collection of toys On the third tripod from left, is it a Bronica? With films I have used 4x5 and 13x18 cm large formats or 6x6 all the times. Now mostly using a phaseone digital back together with large format arcaswiss or adapted to a modified Bronica SQAi.
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