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Everything posted by horst

  1. Oh, I will see if I can change that to dirname(__FILE__) instead. But glad you can test now.
  2. I don't know really, but are short-open-tags allowed with your PHP-server? You may try to start your file with <?php instead of <? and you should enable debug in your site/config.php and see if you get more information. Also check your site/assets/logs/ folder for errors.txt
  3. Maybe I did not get it right, just to be more clear: my zip is meant to use as is, copied to a server and run the installer, like you would do with a downloaded one from github. Normally there should be no issues with the config.php during install process.
  4. Hi Adrian, I have tried it here myself without errors. Have you used the embedded wire folder from my zip-archive? I have downloaded it just once more from here, unzipped and started. Runs without error and works fine for me. ?? If it do not for you: you can use the dev branch from april but need to use the ImageSizer.php from my zip-wire/core folder. It is modified that it can work together with ImagickResizer. Also there is a folder /_phpcls/ that is needed. It contains some libs (timer, better var_dump output, php-api) that are used to create the test summaries. |--/_phpcls/ | |--/site/ | |--/wire/ | The libs get included in the site/config.php
  5. Nico, actually there is something with your impressum
  6. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE: This module is not supported. It was only working for PW versions between 2.4.3 and 2.5.11 But since PW 3.0.10-devns, there is core support for the Imagick PHP extension, and with third party modules ImageMagick_CLI and Netpbm_CLI is supported too. And I think, when time goes on, there will follow some more. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, for those who don't know it already, we have started to build an ImageSizer replacement based on Imagick / ImageMagick. Its actual state is that we now have implemented a basic color management and optionally an ICC-based more accurate color management. Due to not finding much answers and informations on the net about that we have had some struggle to get it working on different ImageMagick versions. And even if it works on three or four versions that we can get hands on, we need more informations of supported versions. There for it would be really helpful that you test that feature on as many different servers you can and report back the result. To make that as easy as possible I have created a Siteprofile together with the latest PW-Devbranch and a brandnew ImageSizer.php. You can get it above in this post as ZIP. It has many images for different tests and it is more robust now. after installing the site profile, you need to install the Imagick Resizer in the admin under section modules the frontpage is a site with different image tests to run the tests you need to be logged in (in the backend) we are interested in the results of ImagickResizer test cms-with-icc_short if the first test looks successful (all text is green) you may go on and test ImagickResizer test cms-basic_visual and maybe ImagickResizer test cms-with-icc_visual At the end of the page you should see a summary like that: array(13) { ["test"] string(18) "cms-with-icc_short" ["hasUsedCMS"] string(3) "6/6" ["executiontime"] string(12) "5.9393400000" ["engine"] string(18) "Apache 2.0 Handler" ["php"] string(6) "5.4.26" ["os"] string(81) "Windows NT KAWOBI 6.1 build 7601 (Windows 7 Business Edition Service Pack 1) i586" ["imageMagick"] string(5) "6.8.8" ["imagick module version"] string(5) "3.1.2" ["imagick classes"] string(56) "Imagick, ImagickDraw, ImagickPixel, ImagickPixelIterator" ["ImageMagick version"] string(38) "ImageMagick 6.8.8-4 Q16 x86 2014-01-29" ["ImageMagick copyright"] string(46) "Copyright (C) 1999-2014 ImageMagick Studio LLC" ["ImageMagick release date"] string(10) "2014-01-29" ["ImageMagick number of supported formats"] string(3) "225" } Please first visually check if the images look ok or if they have strange issues (e.g. very much to brighten). Report if the images are ok and copy/paste that summary array here into the thread (please use the [<>] code button when pasting - for good readability!). Do that for the first test (cms-with-icc_short) regardless if it succeeds or failed! If you do not see a summary, there is a great chance that you are not logged in or that you have selected a different test than that we are interested in As a visual reference you can look here for the short_test, the test with icc and here for a basic test result. Note: Without icc-cms the cymk and gray images do not look good, but this is expected!
  7. +1 for a config option to lower the security for people feeling like heros seriously: It should be configurable in $config but for superusers only. not seriously: Then I wish to have a module that tests me on login as superuser to check my reactions and according to that enable or disable it. (Or even don't let me login if the testresult is to bad )
  8. horst

    Client of the Day

    Not a client of the day, but something similar to Mozzarella: A man stands in the ice cream parlor and looking at a dog of breed Dalmatians. When asked what sort of ice cream he wants, he says: "Dalmatians" but want say "Straciatella".
  9. EDIT: This is obsolete, as of the fix is already in the dev branch 2.4.2, so better you fetch a new PW-Version from there ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hi, I have added an UnSharpMask method to the attached ImageSizer.php that allow sharpening with the buggy PHP versions too. It is an implementation in pure PHP and doesn't use the buggy imageconvolution function from GD. But transparent png's even do not work nicely and get skipped from sharpening. And please, first test it before dropping into a production site. SO, if you want try it, here it is:
  10. horst

    English is Crazy

    .. to the Pub?
  11. You use PHP 5.5.x ?? Look here and above: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/pull/436#issuecomment-39912911 EDIT: PHP 5.5.9 and 5.5.10 are with buggy GD-libs. Try to avoid them, switch to 5.5.11+. I have send a pull request for ImageSizer to the dev branch to skip sharpening (imageconvolution) when running on this php versions.
  12. Hi, I stuck with a problem where I cannot find informations on the net. I have created a CMS (Color Management System) based on ICC-Profiles with Imagick on my local windows machine that works really fine. Input can be any file regardless of colordepth, colorspace and if it has an embedded profile or not. Input is the embedded profile or a config-defined default profile. As workspace I use 16bit AdobeRGB and destination after all manipulations is 8bit sRGB. Now I have started creating a testcase for all image related stuff (something like unit testing). After uploading this to my shared host I got a bad surprise: all CMS stuff do not work on that machine. All color images are multiple times to bright, but not the grayscales. The colortransfer via profiles do not work, not one single case. Does this profiles (workspace) has to be _installed_ somehow on the machines system to let Image-Magick work with them? Isn't it enough to provide the ICC-profile file(s)? Or what else is going wrong here? Any pointers to get more information is welcome. On my local windows machine I use ImageMagick 6.8.8-4 Q16 x86 2014-01-29 - imagick module version: 3.1.2 On the online ubuntu machine I use ImageMagick 6.6.9-7 2014-03-06 Q16 - imagick module version: 3.1.0 RC2 The good working results can be viewed here: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/5889-image-quality-problem-on-resize/page-2#entry58679 And the weird behave on ubuntu here: http://images.pw.nogajski.de/imagick-resizer/cms/cms-visual/
  13. Naming convention: +1! Quality == new setting ? It was there since my very first day here. So, please call me youngster. Naming convention needs to respect cropped versions too => look here
  14. Hi nghi, $image->removeVariations(); If you want to do that for a whole site you do it best way with a bootstrapped script and foreach page with image(s) fields. There are a lot of examples here in the forums. If you cannot find one or have a question please come back here and ask. PS: you cannot create two files with the same width/height. If you want to compare quality, just use size(500,0) and size(501,0).
  15. Hi robinc, welcome to the forums. Yes, it is created only one version Only workaround I know is to use the PageImage Manipulator. There you can pass a customdefined prefix to the filenames of image variations. You need to install it and simply add a call to it like: $image->pimLoad('cropped')->pimSave()->size(320, 320, $options); for the second image.
  16. Hhhm, not enough time to go much further these days, but interesting stuff this ImageMagick. Imagick can be setup as CMS (Color Management System). I have created a little colorTargetfile and a Testcase with files of different colorspaces, colordepth, with and without embedded ICC-profiles, including Adobe-RGB, ECI-RGB, sRGB, different CMYK and different Grayscale. The RGBs and CMYKs it seems I have covered already, grayscales are on the todo.
  17. try { paste https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wf68FTYoGKQ#t=134 . "\n"; } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n"; // doesn't work with this URL } http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wf68FTYoGKQ#t=134
  18. $input->urlSegment[n] property (not array!) replacing [n] with 1, 2 or 3 (not replacing n with 1, 2 or 3) $input->urlSegment1, $input->urlSegment2 or $input->urlSegment3
  19. Glad to hear it gives better results for you now. But want to clarify that resizing with PiM is 100% identical with resizing from the build in ImageSizer. You have used another sharpening method with PiM. You used USM-sharpening which produces better results but is very slow as PHP-implementation for GD. But supports identical values for all three params as photoshop does.
  20. horst

    Gui for git

    I found this good explanations for git in english and german, a complete book: Pro GIT from Scott Chacon. Also (at least on windows) with sourcetree app there is a button that opens a console (cygwin) that lets type in git commands as alternative for using the gui. Have installed it two days ago and not sure if it is useful or not. Would think that there are not much commands needed for a use with CLI.
  21. @WillyC: does that mean one can, for example, create a new field, add it to the basic_page template and only need to update the tables fields and templates and add the new table field_myNewField to the live server?
  22. Hi Etling, actually there is no prefered way to do this. Here is a module that may help: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/4420-page-list-migrator/ I haven't used it until now but have bookmarked it for the future. Adrian states it still alpha, but has done a lot of work to it allready. So more than worth a look.
  23. Don't use it for the original source image. Simply save as PNG (not with the SaveForWeb-Plugin). Would assume you get 800-1600k filesize then. Upload it to site assets and do a test for the best quality / filesize: // you first need to install the PageImageManipulator $width = 680; $qualities = array(10,20,30,40,50,60,70,75,80,85,90,95,100); $options = array('sharpening'=>'none', 'cropping'=>false, 'upscaling'=>false, 'quality'=>100); // options for the image sizeing: max quality without sharpening $amount = 100; // unsharpMask default values $radius = 0.5; // " $threshold = 3; // " $image = $page->images->first(); $image->removeVariations(); foreach($qualities as $quality) { ini_set('max_execution_time', 15); $img = $image->pimLoad("{$width}_q{$quality}", true)->setOptions($options)->width($width, 'none')->unsharpMask($amount, $radius, $threshold)->setQuality($quality)->pimSave(); echo "<p>Quality: {$quality} :: Filesize: " . filesize($img->filename) . "<br /><img src='{$img->url}' width='{$img->width}' height='{$img->height}' alt='{$img->name}' title='' /></p>\n"; } If you have found the best quality value for your images you may try different values with USM-sharpening. (it is the same like with photoshop)
  24. that makes no sense. The original must be greater than the resized version. And even with jpeg format, the original source should be 100% quality (and therefor greater than resized versions) and only the outputted / resized versions should be degradated to lesser quality (70 - 90). If you use a lossy compressed source, you multiple times add artefacts to the outputs. And PNG can be compressed too. -------- Workflow 1 could be: local source format TIFF, 16bit colordepth (ECI-RGB_v2 or Adobe-RGB) (regardless of with or without lossless compression) convert to sRGB colorspace, optionally scale down to max 1600px, reduce colordepth to 8bit and save it as JPEG with quality 12 (photoshop) or 100% (other software) upload this JPEG as original source try resizing and sharpening with unsharpMask($amount, $radius, $threshold) from PageImageManipulator Workflow 2 could be: local source format TIFF, 16bit colordepth (ECI-RGB_v2 or Adobe-RGB) (regardless of with or without lossless compression) convert to sRGB colorspace, optionally scale down to max 1600px, reduce colordepth to 8bit and save it as PNG without compression upload this PNG as original source try resizing and sharpening with unsharpMask($amount, $radius, $threshold) from PageImageManipulator and test different quality settings for the output (results in smaller filesizes) And once the imagick-module is ready change to it but above workflows may be worth a try.
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