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Everything posted by Manfred62

  1. updated to new version of ModuleManager (v 210). Looks very nice! 3 more strings to check: line 499: $status = $this->_('found:') . ' ' . $local_version; line 508: $status = '<span class="ui-state-installed">' .$this->_('installed:') . ' ' . $local_version . '</span><br/>'; line 514: $status = '<span class="ui-state-installed">' .$this->_('installed:') . ' ' . $local_version . '</span><br/>'; The other strings (Search, Show.. entries, Pagination) are from JqueryDataTables? EDIT: one more string in ModulesManagerNotification.module line 155: $field->label = __('Activate Module');
  2. @DrFux: for german hoster: take a look at uberspace.de. The only limits are 10GB space, 100GB traffic/monthly. Nearly all is possible, at your own price.
  3. the main difference is the new 'admin theme as module' concept. Now the paths have changed. See this post. Ryan already replied, he will change the admin-translation-system to be easier. Maybe something like a new class, where all admin-themes will point to the same file. Example idea (something like this): /wire/modules/AdminTheme/admin-lang-default.php So we will be able to put all admin-theme-translation in one file (for all themes). Module translation: I think most module translations are independent from this admin topic, because modules are placed in own directories anyway. So best will be, to set up subdirectories in the language repo. I'm also curious...
  4. @soma here are some upgrades for strings (translatable). Maybe better use some variables for repeating strings (like: 'more', 'installed: ') ? line 239: $status = $this->_('found: ') . $local_version; line 248: $status = '<span class="ui-state-installed">' . $this->_('installed: ').$local_version.'</span><br/>'; $status .= '<span class="ui-state-update">' . $this->_('new version available!').'</span><br/>'; line 254: $status = '<span class="ui-state-installed">' . $this->_('installed: ').$local_version.'</span>'; line 284: $pretext = '<p>'.$this->_('Modules found on modules.processwire.com (').$count.') </p>'; line 498: return $this->_('(uninstallable)').'<br/><a href="'.$module->url.'" target="_blank" title="'. $this->_('Uninstallable with Modules Manager').'">'. $this->_('more').'</a>'; line 541+1: $actions = "<button name='install' value='{$module->class_name}'>" . $this->_("install") . "</button>"; line 543+1: $actions = '<a href="'.$module->url.'" target="_blank" title="'.$this->_('No download URL found').'">'. $this->_('more').'</a>';
  5. Maybe you can deinstall the new 'Default Admin Theme' under the module settings. Then PW will use the 'old' /wire/templates-admin/ theme.
  6. I've made a translation (german) for the thumbnails module. Under '/site/modules/Thumbnails/ProcessCropImage/ProcessCropImage.module' I changed line 364 to $p->title = $this->_("Image crop"); to get the title of the screen (after you click 'crop and go') translated. In the translation file the input is available, but the screen isn't translated? Any hints?
  7. are there any news about 'module translations'? Should we collect module-translations generally under the main language, or better place them under the related module? Or simply post them in the forum (in the relevant language thread) as downloadable files?
  8. independent from the work of Felix (I also hope he will continue with his theme), I think in the moment its better to wait with creating themes. There's a more or less great change with admin themes in the PW dev version (2.4). Admin Themes as modules, and also the translation part of admin theme is directly affected by this change. I'm sure Ryan will change some parts here.
  9. because of marketing etc.: MODX also hasn't preinstalled any RTE. It's up to the developer to choose and install a RTE. I like this idea (RTE as separate modules), but of course it's Ryan's decision. He knows what's possible without breaking something.
  10. that's nothing, but now I realized this 'lonely' wrench symbol on the right side of the login screen... Looks a little bit lost there. Maybe it's possible to place the 'Site' link (with the eye) directly in the masthead, without any dropdown? example:
  11. @DaveP after updating PW you have to install the module 'Default Admin Theme' in the module section. Then you can change the color scheme in the settings of this module. The folder /wire/templates-admin can stay there. I think it contains the old classic style for the first installation. Only the /site/templates-admin isn't needed anymore.
  12. under /setup/languages/edit/... when delete a language file, the titlebar and the text collide together (see screenshot).
  13. \wire\modules\Process\ProcessModule\ProcessModule.module line 56: needs new line (otherwise translation broken for 'Download and Install') $this->labels['download_install'] = $this->input->get->update ? $this->_('Download and Update') : $this->_('Download and Install');
  14. another translation question for the new admin theme concept: before the change we had to translate 2 files: /wire/templates-admin/default.php (default) /site/templates-admin/default.php (for all other themes) now we have more files for translation? /wire/templates-admin/default.php (the 'old' default) /site/templates-admin/default.php (also can be used for other themes) /wire/modules/AdminTheme/AdminThemeDefault/default.php (the new default) /wire/modules/AdminTheme/AdminThemeDefault/functions.php (the new dropdown in new default) /wire/modules/AdminTheme/AdminThemeSomething/default.php (the new 'other' themes as modules) All files have the same content. This also means: every new theme (as module) needs a own path/file for translation?? Idea: is it possible to use only 1 admin-translation-file? Maybe create a global translation class? All themes should point to the same global file. So you can use/install whatever theme you like. Your translation will stay there.
  15. hmm, tried it. I have renamed the /site/templates-admin for the test. Updated PW and installed the module. But now all the translation strings from the top navigation and the headings are gone. Is there something missing? Do we have to create a new language file for the admin? EDIT: ok, I got it. You need to create a new language file for: /wire/modules/AdminTheme/AdminThemeDefault/default.php
  16. just a reminder: the option for setting the date/timezone during installation isn't in the setup until now? http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2807-maybe-useful-to-check-in-installroutine-of-pw-the-php-default-charset/#entry27522
  17. @ryan: after changing to newest jQuery UI we have to style the 'add new' dropdown (see screenshot)
  18. Hi saml, the body has 'margin-right: -66px;'? This shows a permanent scroll bar. Also mobile view is broken (maybe because of this margin-right?).
  19. you can use the 'PW blank profile' to start from zero http://modules.processwire.com/modules/processwire-blank-install/
  20. Manfred62


    you're right... Tested in latest Chrome and Safari - no problem. Only in actual Firefox and Firefox beta I have this behaviour. A bug?
  21. Manfred62


    nice, already subscribed via rss. maybe use overflow: auto for the <pre>?
  22. Hi Zahari, I like your ideas. Don't think anybody want to offend you. [OT] about WillyC: don't know any about his background. Maybe he like to be the forum prankster? I'm also no native english speaker, but I try to do my best in putting my thoughts into correct english words. Also there are a lot of utilities which can help with translations. But some people (or only one person?) don't care about this. My way: if I don't get the meaning of this WillyC posts on the first read I ignore it. [/OT]
  23. In the latest dev the Arimo font is already commented out. There's only Arial, sans-serif.
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