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  1. Just wanted to throw in my two cents. If you come at it as a front-end developer that's a complete beginner to CMSs, then PW should be very easy to get going. It's built around working the same way that existing web technologies work… Pages map in the same way that URLs do… Template files are just plain HTML/PHP files… the API is largely the same as a front-end API (jQuery)… and so on. So if you know your basic web technologies outside of CMSs, then you won't find a simpler system than ProcessWire. The problem is most other CMSs don't work that way. So the line gets more blurry when you've become used to the terminology and approach of another CMS, because PW can be quite different. Sometimes you have to unlearn what you know from elsewhere in order to appreciate the simplicity of PW. People are always trying to find complexity that isn't there, especially those that grew up on other platforms. PW is a system that rewards you by being curious. We aim to show you how to fish so that you can catch the big fish. We're not here to catch the fish for you. You don't have to know anything about fishing, but you should know how to yell for help if you fall in the water. And you should be willing to learn by example. I learn best by example, so this is the way I tend to teach too (and I recognize not everyone learns the same way). PW is a CMS and CMF, not a website builder. If you are curious and willing to explore, you'll find it is very simple indeed. Certainly far simpler than even WordPress in creating a custom website. You do have to come from the point of view of "I want to create and have the system adapt to me" rather than "I will create something based on what the system provides." If you already know what you want to create and it's something unique, you won't find a simpler path to get there than PW. WordPress is a different beast, in that it's basically saying "YOU WILL CREATE A BLOG or modify this blog and call it something else." Some people like that underlying structure… "okay, we're starting with a blog, what can we do with it?" Others do not like that underlying structure. Our audience consists of those that want to have a system support their original creation rather than mash up an existing creation. There was a PDF posted earlier that I think hit upon some good points, and I appreciate the effort that went into putting it together. The fictional character being scripted in the dialog is not our target. I can go into specifics if anyone wants me to, but I was definitely left feeling at the end of it that we have to be careful about hand-feeding too much or else we'll start attracting people beyond our support resources. Folks that want the fish cooked and filleted rather than folks learning to fish. Perhaps in time we will want to attract more of the consumer-type audience, but currently I don't know how to support users looking to find all the answers in a sitemap file. Keep in mind that unbridled growth is not necessarily desirable. Most of us don't get paid for most of the work we do here and we do best if we grow in a more healthy manner, attracting more thoughtful designer/developers that are here to learn and also contribute. Obviously the author of the PDF is one of the thoughtful ones (and the PDF is a great contribution), even if his fictional character isn't necessarily, but we'll welcome him anyway. But we will definitely be going through the PDF in more detail to learn and improve from it where appropriate, while keeping our audience in mind. I think we're doing something right, because our audience is growing rapidly. I'm nearly full time on ProcessWire now, and it's still difficult to keep up with everyone. At present, I like that our audience is largely open-minded, curious and thoughtful designers and developers. Somehow we've attracted an incredible quality of people and that's what makes this place great. We could not ask for a better group of people here. I'm reluctant to lead PW towards a website builder direction because I think that's when the quality of the community could go down, as people come looking to eat fish rather than learn, catch some fish, and throw some back. The reality is that part of our long term goals include converting the rather large audience that has outgrown WordPress into ProcessWire users. I'm convinced that we do that by giving them more ProcessWire, and not more WordPress. But at the same time, we always have to keep an eye on WordPress and learn. They've been lucky no doubt, but they are also doing many things right. So we have been and always will be working to make the WP-side of users more comfortable in ProcessWire, while also trying to help them grow by distancing them from the limited WP mindset.
    70 points
  2. Here's a video of a module we're working on that I thought you guys might like. The module, Lister, provides a different type of Page List than the tree that you usually interact with in ProcessWire. It gives you a table of pages with customizable columns, filters and actions. Rather than try to explain what it does, I figured I'd show you. This module also uses a new (soon to be released) Inputfield invented by Apeisa, developed by me, and sponsored by Avoine, called InputfieldSelector – it's what you see on the configuration screen as well as the Filters tab. I recommend bumping up the size/quality to 720p so that you can properly see everything. The video has no sound... I tried to do one with narration, but that didn't work out.
    68 points
  3. Since you guys asked for it, I'll take a stab at a case study on the development process. Most of the development was done in about a week and a half. I started with the basic profile, but it ended up being something somewhat similar to the Blog profile in terms of how it's structured. Below I'll cover some details on the biggest parts of the project, which included data conversion, the template structure, the front-end development and anything else I can think of. Data Conversion from WordPress to ProcessWire One of the larger parts of the project was converting all of the data over from WordPress to ProcessWire. I wrote a conversion script so that we could re-import as many times as needed since new stories get added to cmscritic.com almost daily. In order to get the data out of WordPress, I queried the WordPress database directly (my local copy of it anyway) to extract what we needed from the tables wp_posts for the blog posts and pages, and then wp_terms, wp_term_relationships, and wp_term_taxonomy for the topics and tags. WordPress stores its TinyMCE text in a state that is something in between text and HTML, with the most obvious thing being that there are no <p> tags present in the wp_posts database. Rather than trying to figure out the full methodology behind that, I just included WP's wp-formatting.php file and ran the wpautop() function on the body text before inserting into ProcessWire. I know a lot of people have bad things to say about WordPress's architecture, but I must admit that the fact that I can just include a single file from WordPress's core without worrying about any other dependencies was a nice situation, at least in this case. In order to keep track of the WordPress pages imported into ProcessWire through repeat imports, I kept a "wpid" field in ProcessWire. That just held the WordPress post ID from the wp_posts table. That way, when importing, I could very easily tell if we needed to create a new page or modify an existing one. Another factor that had to be considered during import was that the site used a lot of "Hana code", which looked like [hana-code-insert name="something" /]. I solved this by making our own version of the Hanna code module, which was posted earlier this week. Here's an abbreviated look at how to import posts from WordPress to ProcessWire: $wpdb = new PDO("mysql:dbname=wp_cmscritic;host=localhost", "root", "root", array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES 'UTF8'")); $posts = wire('pages')->get('/posts/'); $sql = " SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type='post' AND post_status='publish' ORDER BY post_date "; $query = $wpdb->prepare($sql); $query->execute(); while($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $post = $posts->child("wpid=$row[ID]"); // do we already have this post? if(!$post->id) { // create a new post $post = new Page(); $post->template = 'post'; $post->parent = $posts; echo "Creating new post...\n"; } $post->of(false); $post->name = wire('sanitizer')->pageName($row['post_name']); $post->title = $row['post_title']; $post->date = $row['post_date']; $post->summary = $row['post_excerpt']; $post->wpid = $row['ID']; // assign the bodycopy after adding <p> tags // the wpautop() function is from WordPress /wp-includes/wp-formatting.php $post->body = wpautop($row['post_content']); $post->save(); echo "Saved post: $post->path\n"; } What I've left out here is the importing of images, topics, tags, and setting the correct authors for each post. If anyone is interested, I'll be happy to go more in depth on that, but didn't want to overwhelm this message with code. Template File Structure This site makes use of the $config->prependTemplateFile to automatically include the file _init.php before rendering a template file, and $config->appendTemplateFile to automatically include the file _main.php after. So the /site/config.php has this: $config->prependTemplateFile = '_init.php'; $config->appendTemplateFile = '_main.php'; You may recognize this as being the same setup from the Skyscrapers profile. The _init.php includes files containing functions we want to be available to all of our templates, and set default values for the regions we populate: /site/templates/_init.php /** * Include function and hook definition files * */ require_once("./includes/render.php"); require_once("./includes/hooks.php"); /** * Initialize variables populated by templates that get output in _main.php * */ $browserTitle = $page->get('browser_title|title'); $body = "<h1>" . $page->get('headline|title') . "</h1>" . $page->body; $side = ''; $renderMain = true; // whether to include the _main.php file The includes/render.php file that is included above includes several functions for generating markup of navigation and post summaries, or any other shared markup generation functions. Examples are renderPost(), renderNav(), renderTags(). This is similar to the blog.inc file from the Blog profile except that I'm letting these functions generate and return their own markup rather than splitting them into separate view files. I personally find this easier to maintain even if it's not as MVC. The includes/hooks.php sets up any hooks I want to be present for all of my templates. I could have also done this with an autoload module, but found this to just be a little simpler since my hooks were only needed on the front-end. The main hook of interest is one that makes all posts look like they live off the root "/" level rather than "/posts/" (where they actually live). This was in order to keep consistency with the URLs as they were in WordPress, so that the new site would have all the same URL as the old site, without the need for 301 redirects. /site/templates/includes/hooks.php /** * This hook modifies the default behavior of the Page::path function (and thereby Page::url) * * The primary purpose is to redefine blog posts to be accessed at a URL off the root level * rather than under /posts/ (where they actually live). * */ wire()->addHookBefore('Page::path', function($event) { $page = $event->object; if($page->template == 'post') { // ensure that pages with template 'post' live off the root rather than '/posts/' $event->replace = true; $event->return = "/$page->name/"; } }); Our /site/templates/_main.php contains the entire markup for the overall template used site wide, from <html> to </html>. It outputs those variables we defined in _init.php in the right places. For example, $body gets output in the <div id='bodycopy'>, $side gets output in the right <aside>, and $browserTitle gets output in the <title> tag. /site/templates/_main.php <?php if($renderMain): ?> <html> <head> <title><?=$browserTitle?></title> </head> <body> <div id='masthead'> // ... </div> <div id='content'> <div id='bodycopy'><?=$body?></div> <aside id='sidebar'><?=$side?></aside> </div> <footer> // ... </footer> </body> </html> <?php endif; ?> We use the rest of the site's template files to simply populate those $body, $side and $browserTitle variables with the contents of the page. As an example, this is an abbreviated version of the /site/templates/post.php template: /site/templates/post.php // functions from /site/templates/includes/render.php $meta = renderMeta($page); $tags = renderTags($page); $authorBox = renderAuthor($page->createdUser); $comments = renderComments($page); $body = " <article class='post post-full'> <header> <h1>$page->title</h1> $meta </header> $page->body $tags $authorBox $comments </article> "; if(count($page->related)) { $side = "<h4>Related Stories</h4>" . renderNav($page->related); } What might also be of interest is the homepage template, as it handles the other part of routing of post URLs since they are living off the root rather than in /posts/. That means the homepage is what is triggering the render of each post: /site/templates/home.php if(strlen($input->urlSegment2)) { // we only accept 1 URL segment here, so 404 if there are any more throw new Wire404Exception(); } else if(strlen($input->urlSegment1)) { // render the blog post named in urlSegment1 $name = $sanitizer->pageName($input->urlSegment1); $post = $pages->get("/posts/")->child("name=$name"); if($post->id) echo $post->render(); else throw new Wire404Exception(); // tell _main.php not to include itself after this $renderMain = false; } else { // regular homepage output $limit = 7; // number of posts to render per page $posts = $pages->find("parent=/posts/, limit=$limit, sort=-date"); $body = renderPosts($posts); } The rest of the site's template files were handled in the same way. Though most were a little simpler than this. Several were simply blank, since the default values populated in _init.php were all that some needed. Front-end development using Foundation 4 The front-end was developed with the Foundation 4 CSS framework. I started with the Foundation blog template and then tweaked the markup and css till I had something that I thought was workable. Then Mike and I sent the _main.php template file back and forth a few times, tweaking and changing it further. There was no formal design process here. It was kind of a photoshop tennis (but in markup and CSS) where we collaborated on it equally, but all under Mike's direction. After a day or two of collaboration, I think we both felt like we had something that was very good for the reader, even if it didn't originate from a design in Photoshop or some other tool like that. I think it helps a lot that Foundation provides a great starting point and lends itself well to fine tuning it the way you want it. I also felt that the mobile-first methodology worked particularly well here. Comments System using Disqus We converted the comments system over to Disqus while the site was still running WordPress. This was done for a few reasons: Disqus comments provide one of the best experiences for the user, in my opinion. They also are platform agnostic, in that we could convert the whole site from WP to PW and not have to change a thing about the comments… no data conversion or importing necessary. Lastly, ProcessWire's built-in comments system is not quite as powerful as WordPress's yet, so I wanted cmscritic.com to get an upgrade in that area rather than anything else, and Disqus is definitely an upgrade from WP's comments. In order to ensure that Disqus could recognize the relations of comment threads to posts, we again made use of that $page->wpid variable that keeps the original WordPress ID, and also relates to the ID used by the Disqus comments. This is only for posts that originated in WordPress, as new posts use a ProcessWire-specific ID.
    61 points
  4. This basic tutorial is primarily aimed at those new to PW. It could also serve as a reference to others more seasoned PW users. The question about how to categorise content comes up in the forums now and again. Hopefully with this post we’ll have a reference to guide us right here in the tutorials board. Many times we need to organise our site content into various categories in order to make better sense of the data or to logically and easily access it. So, how do you organise your data when you need to use categories? Here are a few tips gathered from the PW forums on how to go about this. Using these tips will, hopefully, help you avoid repeating yourself in your code and site content and keep things simple. See the links at the end of this post to some useful discussion around the topic of categorisation. Before making decisions about how to organise your site, you need to consider at least three questions: What items on my site are the main items of interest? These could be people or things (cars, plants, etc.). In most cases, these are the most important content on which all the other stuff point to. Where do items need to be grouped into categories? This is about where items need to “live”. It is about the attributes of the items of interest (e.g. responsibilities, job types, colour, etc.). Attributes can have sub-attributes (e.g. a category job type = driver could be further sub-classified as job type role = train driver). Can they live in more than one place? - This is about having multiple attributes. There could be other issues such as the type of content your main items of interest are but that’s for another post. We’ll keep these examples simple. The main principles explained below still apply. There are at least three possible ways in which you can organise your content depending on your answers to the above three questions. These are: Single category Simple multiple categories Complex multiple categories These are illustrated below. Note that this is what I call them; these are not PW terms. 1. Single Category Suppose you need to do a site for a company that’s made up of several Departments each with employees performing unique functions. These could include “Finance”; “Media Communications”; “Administration”; “Technicians”; “Human Resources”; “Logistics”. We ask ourselves the following questions based on our 3 questions above: 1. Q: What items on my site are the main items of interest? A: Employees. 2. Q: What attributes of our items of interests are we interested in? A: Departments. (Single main category) 3. Do the Departments have sub-categories? A: Yes. (Multiple sub-categories) 4.Can Employees belong to multiple sub-categories? A: No. (Single sub-category) We conclude that what we need is a Single Category model. Why? This is because, in Single Categories model, items of interest can only belong to 1 and only 1 main/parent category and within that only 1 sub-category Employees in this company can only belong to one and only one department. Finance guys do their finance and Logistics guys do their stuff. Letting Techies do press conferences is probably not going to work; that we leave to the Media guys . Assuming the company has the following employees - James, John, Mary, Ahmed, Peter, Jason, Barbara etc., arranging our site content to fit this model could look like the following: Items of interest = Employees Categories = Departments Adopting out strategy to keep it simple and logical, let us write down, hierarchically, our employee names against their departments to mimic the PW tree like this: James Finance John Finance Mary Technician Ahmed Logistics Barbara Media Etc. We notice, of course, that departments start repeating. It doesn't look like we are doing this very logically. If we think about this carefully, we will conclude that, naturally, the thing (attribute in this case) that keeps repeating should be the main criteria for our categorisation. This may seem obvious, but it is worth pointing out. Also, remember, that as per the responses to our questions, the categories (Finance, Logistics, etc.) do not have sub-categories. In this aspect, we are OK. Using this principle about repeating attributes, we find that Departments, rather than Employees, need to be the main categories. Hence, we categorise our PW site content by doing the following. Create a template for each Department. Hence, we have a template called Finance, Logistics, etc. Add the fields needed to those templates. This could be a text field for holding Employee phone numbers, email field for email, title field for their names, etc. Create top level pages for each Department and assign to them their respective templates. Give them appropriate titles, e.g., Finance, Media, etc. Create a page for each employee as a child page of the Department which they belong to. Give them appropriate titles, e.g. James, John, etc. We end up with a tree that looks like this: 1. Finance (ex. main category) a. James (ex. item of interest) b. John c. Shah d. Anne 2. Logistics (ex. main category) a. Ahmed b. Matthew c. Robert d. Cynthia 3. Media a. Barbara b. Jason c. Danita 4. Human Resources a. Michael b. Pedro c. Sally 5. Technician a. Mary b. Oswald c. Dmitri d. Osiris Since an employee can only belong to one Department, our work here is done. We can then use PW variables, e.g. $page->find, $pages->find with the appropriate selectors to find employees within a Department. This is a very basic example, of course, but you get the idea. You have the choice of creating one template file for each category template as well. I prefer the method of using one main template file (see this thread). You could do that and have all Departments use different templates but a single template file. In the template file you can include code to pull in, for example, the file “technician.inc” to display the relevant content when pages using the template “Technician” are viewed. Example code to access and show content in Single Categories model $hr = $pages->find("template=human-resources, limit 50"); foreach ($hr as $h) { echo "{$h->title}"; } But sites do not always lend themselves to this model. Many times, items of interest will need to belong to multiple categories. 2. Simple Multiple Categories Let’s say you were building a site for cars - red cars, blue cars, 2-seaters, 5-seaters, etc. Again, we ask ourselves our questions based on our initial three questions: 1. Q: What items on my site are the main items of interest? A: Cars. 2. Q: What attributes of our items of interests are we interested in? A: Colour, Number of seats, Models, Year of manufacture, Types. (Multiple categories) 3. Do these multiple attributes have sub-attributes? A: Yes. e.g., the attribute Colour has several sub-categories - red, white, green, etc. (Multiple sub-categories) 4. Can Cars have multiple sub-attributes? A: No. e.g., a yellow car cannot be a green car. (Single sub-categories) We therefore conclude that what we need is a Simple Multiple Category model. Why? This is because, in Simple Multiple Categories, items of interest can belong to multiple parent categories. However, within those parent categories, they can only belong to one sub-category. Assuming we have the following cars, manufactured between 2005 and 2008, as items of interest: Mercedes, Volvo, Ford, Subaru, Toyota, Nissan, Peugeot, Renault, Mazda, arranging our site content to fit this model could look like the following: Items of interest = Cars Categories = Model, Year, Colour, Number of seats, Type Sub Categories = Model [Prius, etc.]; Year [2005, 2006, 2007, 2008]; Colour [Red, Silver, Black, White, Green]; Number of seats [2, 5, 7]; Types [sports, SUV, MPV]. Adopting out strategy to keep it simple and logical, if we wrote down our cars names against their attributes like this: Mercedes Model-Name: Year: 2005 Colour: Silver Seats: 2-seater Type: Sports Volvo Model-Name: Year: 2007 Colour: Green Seats: 5-seater Type: SUV Ford Model-Name: Year: 2007 Colour: Red Seats: 7-seater Type: MPV Etc We notice, again, that car attributes start repeating. In order not to repeat ourselves, we want to avoid the situation where our child pages “names” keep repeating. For instance, in the above example tree, we want to avoid repeating year, colour, etc. within the tree. Of course in the frontend our output needs to look like the above where we can list our cars and their respective attributes. We just don’t need a tree that looks like this in the backend. Since we have multiple categories and sub-categories, we need to rethink our strategy for categorising our content as illustrated below. The strategy we used in the first category model will not work well here. Hence, these repeating attributes (year, colour, etc.) need to be the main criteria for our categorisation. We need to end up with a tree that looks like this: 1. Cars a. Mercedes (ex. item of interest) b. Volvo c. Ford d. Subaru e. Toyota f. Range Rover g. Peugeot h. Renault i. Mazda 2. Model (ex. main category) a. Fiesta (ex. sub-category) b. Miata c. Impreza d. Matrix e. Prius f. E-Class g. XC-90 h. Scenic i. L322 j. 505 3. Year a. 2005 b. 2006 c. 2007 (ex. sub-category) d. 2008 4. Colour a. Red b. Silver c. Black d. White e. Green 5. Number of Seats a. 2 b. 5 c. 7 6. Type a. MPV b. Sports c. SUV d. Other At the top of the tree, we have our main items of interest, Cars. They do not have to come first on top of the tree like that but it just makes sense to have them like this. Next, we have the Cars’ categories (attributes). The main categories are parent pages. Each main category has children which act as its sub-categories (cars’ sub-attributes). For instance, the main category colour has sub-categories “red”, “green”, etc. Grouping them under their main category like this makes better sense than having them dangling all over the tree as parent pages themselves. Now that we know what we want to achieve, the next question is how do we go about relating our categories and sub-categories to our main items of interest, i.e., cars? Fields come to mind. OK, yes, but what about the sub-categories (2006, red, 5-seater, etc.)? Surely, we can’t keep typing those in text fields! Of course not; this is PW. We like to simplify tasks as much as we can. What we need is a special type of field. Page Reference Fields or Page Fieldtypes add the ability to reference other pages, either single or multiple pages, within a page. For instance, we could have a Page Reference Field in the template that our Car pages use. Let’s call this “car-template”. When viewing Car pages, we would have the ability to select other pages on our site that we wish to reference, for instance, because they are related to the page we are viewing. In other cases, we could also wish to reference other pages that contain attributes/values of the page we are viewing. This is the situation with our Cars example above. Hence, the sub-categories/sub-attributes for our Cars will be pulled into our car pages using Page Reference Fields. There are two types of Page Reference Fields; single page and multiple pages. What each do is obvious from their names. Single Page Reference Fields will only reference one page at a time. Multiple Page Reference Fields will reference multiple pages. OK, let’s go back to the issue at hand. We need to categorise Cars by various attributes. Do we need to reference the main categories (Year, Type, etc.) in our Car pages? In fact, we don’t. What we need to reference are the sub-categories, i.e. 2005, red, SUV, etc. These will provide the actual attributes regarding the parent attribute of the Cars. We have said we do not wish to type these sub-categories/attributes all the time hence we use Page Reference Fields. Which type of Page Reference Field should we use? Remember that our Cars can have only one sub-category/sub-attribute. That’s our cue right there. In order to select one and only one sub-attribute per Car, we need to use the single Page Reference Field. Hence, we categorise our Cars PW site by doing the following (you may follow a different order of tasks if you wish). Create a template to be used by the Car pages. Give it a name such as car-template Create a page for each of your cars and make them use the car-template Create one template to be used by all the main attribute/categories and their children (the sub-categories). We do not need a template for each of the categories/sub-categories. I name my template “car-attributes” Of course you can name yours differently if you wish. Add the fields needed to this template. You don’t need anything other than a title field for each actually. Create top level pages for each main category and assign to them the template car-attributes. As before, give your pages meaningful titles. Do the same respectively for their child pages. E.g., you should have the following child pages under the parent “Year” - 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008. Create the Page Reference Fields for each of your main categories/parent attributes. Using our example, you should end up with 5 Page Reference Fields (model, year, colour, seats and type). Each of these should be single Page Reference Fields. It’s a good idea, under the BASICS settings while editing the fields, to include some Description text to, include additional info about the field, e.g. instructions. In addition, you don’t want any page that doesn't belong to a particular attribute to be selectable using any of the Page Reference Fields. For instance, when referencing the year a car was manufactured, we want to be able to only select children of the page Year since that is where the year sub-categories are. We do not want to be able to select children of Colour (red, green, etc.) as the year a car was manufactured! How do we go about this? PW makes this very easy. Once you have created your Page Reference Fields, while still in the editing field mode, look under the settings INPUT. The fourth option down that page is “Selectable Pages”. Its first child option is “Parent of selectable page(s)”. Where it says “Select the parent of the pages that are selectable” click on change to change the parent. By now you know where I am going with this. For the Page Reference Field named Year, choose the page “Year” as the parent whose children will be selectable when using that Page Reference Field to select pages. Similarly, do this for the remaining 4 Page Reference Fields. Note that under this field settings INPUT you can change how you want your pages to be selectable. Be careful that you only select the types that match single Page Reference Fields, i.e. the ones WITHOUT *. For single Page Reference Fields, you have the choices:Select - a drop down select Radio buttons PageListSelect Now edit the car-template to add all 5 of your Car Page Reference Fields. We are now ready to roll. Go ahead and edit your Car pages. In each of them you will see your 5 Page Reference Fields. If you followed the instructions correctly, each of them should only have the relevant child pages/sub-attributes as selectable. Do your edits - select year when car was manufactured, its colour, type, number of seats, etc. and hit Save. By the way, note that Page Reference Fields give you access to all the fields and properties of the page being referenced! You have access to the referenced page’s title, name, path, children, template name, page reference fields, etc. This is really useful when creating complex sites. I call it going down the rabbit hole! These properties of the referenced page are available to you on request. It does mean that you will have to specifically echo out the property you want from that page. Page Reference Fields are echoed out like any other field. Example code to access and show content in Simple Multiple Categories model $cars = $pages->find("template=car-template, limit=10, colour=red, year=2006, seats=5"); foreach ($cars as $car) { echo $car->title; echo $car->year; echo $car->colour; } I have made the above verbose so you can easily follow what I'm trying to achieve. The above code will find 10 red 5-seater cars manufactured in 2006. Remember, colour, year and seats are the names of your custom Page Reference Fields that you created earlier. Some sites will have content that belong to multiple categories and multiple sub-categories. We address this below. 3. Complex Multiple Categories Suppose you are developing a site for a school. The school has teachers (duh!) some of whom teach more than one subject. Besides their classroom duties, some teachers are active in various clubs. On the administration side, some teachers are involved in various committees. You know the drill by now. Let’s deal with our basic questions. 1. Q: What items on my site are the main items of interest? A: Teachers. 2. Q: What attributes of our items of interest are we interested in? A: Subjects, Administration, Clubs (Multiple categories) 3. Do these multiple attributes have sub-attributes? A: Yes. e.g., the attribute Subjects has several sub-categories - History, Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, English, etc. (Multiple sub-categories) 4. Can Teachers have multiple sub-attributes? A: Yes. e.g., a Teacher who teaches both maths and chemistry (Multiple sub-categories) Apart from the response to the final question, the other responses are identical to our previous model, i.e. the Simple Multiple Categories. We already know how to deal with multiple categories so we’ll skip some of the steps we followed in the previous example. Since our items of interest (Teachers) can belong to more than one sub-category, we conclude that what we need is a Complex Multiple Category model. In Complex Multiple Categories, items of interest can belong to multiple parent categories and multiple sub-categories both within and without main/parent categories. By now we should know what will be the main criteria for our categorisation. We need to end up with a tree that looks like this: 1. Teachers a. Mr Smith (ex. item of interest) b. Mrs Wesley c. Ms Rodriguez d. Mr Peres e. Mr Jane f. Mrs Potter g. Ms Graham h. Mrs Basket i. Dr Cooper 2. Subjects (ex. main category) a. History (ex. sub-category) b. Maths c. English d. Physics e. Chemistry f. Geography g. Religion h. Biology i. French j. Music 3. Clubs a. Basketball b. Debate c. Football d. Scouts e. Sailing f. Writing 4. Administration a. Discipline b. Counselling c. Exams board d. Public relations e. Education We are ready to build our site. Which type of Page Reference Field should we use? Remember that our Teachers can teach more than one subject and can be involved in various sub-category activities. That’s our cue right there. In order to select multiple attributes/categories, we of course go for the multiple Page Reference Field. Similar to the previous example, create necessary templates and fields for the site. For our multiple Page Reference Fields, remember to select the correct input field types. These should match multiple Page Reference Fields and are marked with *. For multiple Page Reference Fields, the available choices are: Select Multiple* AsmSelect* Checkboxes* PageListSelectMultiple* PageAutoComplete* Remember to add the multiple Page Reference Fields to the Teachers template. Go ahead and test different selectors, e.g. find Teachers that teach Maths and Chemistry and are involved in the Writing club. Whether you get results or not depends on whether there is actually that combination. An important point to remember is that your multiple Page Reference Fields will return an array of pages. You will need to traverse them using foreach (or similar). Example code Complex Multiple Categories model Find the subjects taught by the Teacher whose page we are currently viewing. You can use if statements to only show results if a result is found. In this case, of course we expect a result to be found; if a Teacher doesn't teach any subject, he/she has no business teaching! subjects is the name of one of your custom Multiple Page Reference Fields. echo "<ul>"; foreach ($page->subjects as $x) { echo "<li>{$x->title}</li>"; } echo "</ul>"; There will be situations where you will need to use both Single and Multiple Page Reference Fields (independently, of course). For instance, in our Teachers example, we might be interested in the Gender of the Teacher. That would require a Single Page Reference Field. Summary What we have learnt: Categorising our site content need not be a nightmare if we carefully think it through. Of course not all sites will fit neatly into the 3 models discussed. By providing answers to a few simple key questions, we will be able to quickly arrive at a decision on how to categorise our content. There are at least 3 models we can adopt to categorise our content - single category; simple multiple category; and complex multiple category. In the latter two models, we make full use of PW’s powerful Page Reference Fields to mimic a relational database enabling us to roll out complex sites fast and easy. Useful links: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3553-handling-categories-on-a-product-catalogue/ http://processwire.com/videos/create-new-page-references/ http://processwire.com/videos/page-fieldtype/ http://processwire.com/talk/topic/1041-raydale-multimedia-a-case-study/ http://processwire.com/talk/topic/683-page-content-within-another-page/ http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2780-displaying-products-category-wise/ http://processwire.com/talk/topic/1916-another-categories-question/ http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2802-how-would-you-build-a-daily-newspaper/ http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2519-nested-categories/ http://processwire.com/talk/topic/71-categorizingtagging-content/ http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2309-best-way-to-organize-categories-in-this-case/ http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2200-related-pages/ http://processwire.com/talk/topic/64-how-do-you-call-data-from-a-page-or-pages-into-another-page/
    60 points
  5. Is my 100th post I wanted to do something special. I edited a video, hope you like it Just for fun Edited: Now with subtitles
    59 points
  6. Edit: Because of the great response to this topic I wrote a guest blogpost: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/building-custom-admin-pages-with-process-modules/ One of the hidden treasures of processwire seems to be the creation of custom admin pages. Technically speaking those pages are ProcessModules - but i guess that's the reason why so many people out there seem to be afraid of building them... it sounds so hard! You've never created a module for ProcessWire? You have never created a plugin for any other CMS? You have no clue about OOP with all its classes, methods and properties? No problem! I'll show you how simple you can start: <?php class CustomAdminPage extends Process { public static function getModuleinfo() { return [ 'title' => 'Custom Admin Page Example', 'summary' => 'Minimalistic ProcessModule to show that nobody has to be afraid of building custom admin pages.', 'href' => 'https://processwire.com/talk/topic/17709-how-to-create-custom-admin-pages-aka-processmodules-yes-its-that-simple/', 'author' => 'Bernhard Baumrock, baumrock.com', 'version' => 1, // page that you want created to execute this module 'page' => [ 'name' => 'customadmin', // your page will be online at /youradmin/setup/customadmin/ 'parent' => 'setup', 'title' => 'Custom Admin Page Example' ], ]; } public function ___execute() { return 'This is the most simple Admin-Page you have ever seen :)'; } } Now save this file as CustomAdminPage.module and place it in your /site/modules folder. After a refresh it will show your module in the modules manager of your site where you can install it: After installation you already have your first very own admin page! Congratulations! Was not too hard, was it? It's as simple as that! Now lets add some more custom HTML. And to show you another nice feature we will add this code to a separate method called executeDemo(). And because everything is so simple we will also add some javascript to this page public function ___executeDemo() { $out = ''; $out .= '<h1>H1 has some special css styling in the admin, thats why it seems to have no effect</h1>'; $out .= '<h2>H2 looks different ;)</h2>'; $out .= '<h3>...and so does H3</h3>'; $out .= '<button onclick="myFunction()">Click me</button>'; $out .= '<script>function myFunction() { alert("this is a demo javascript"); }</script>'; return $out; return ''; } Now thanks to ProcessWire-magic your page will already have its own URL: Just append /demo to your url and see what you get: And of course don't forget to click the button Ok, now that code looks a bit hacky, right? Inputfields and especially InputfieldMarkup for the win! We add another method with some advanced code. To use inputfields we need a form that holds all those inputfields and that makes it possible to handle user input lateron. See somas great tutorial about forms here for a quickstart and more details: public function ___executeAdvanced() { $out = '<h2>A more complex Example</h2>'; $form = wire()->modules->get('InputfieldForm'); $field = wire()->modules->get('InputfieldMarkup'); $field->label = 'Markup Test 1'; $field->value = '<h1>h1</h1><h2>h2</h2><h3>h3</h3><h4>h4</h4>'; $form->add($field); $out .= $form->render(); return $out; } Ok, it get's boring Let's do something more fun and add a chart in a second field and change the fields to 50% screen width (I'm sure you know that already from the GUI template editor)! public function ___executeAdvanced() { $out = '<h2>A more complex Example</h2>'; $form = wire()->modules->get('InputfieldForm'); $field = wire()->modules->get('InputfieldMarkup'); $field->label = 'Markup Test 1'; $field->value = '<h1>h1</h1><h2>h2</h2><h3>h3</h3><h4>h4</h4>'; $field->columnWidth = 50; $form->add($field); $field = wire()->modules->get('InputfieldMarkup'); $field->label = 'Chart Sample'; $field->value = '$chart'; //$field->notes = 'Example code taken from here: http://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/getting-started/usage.html'; $field->columnWidth = 50; $form->add($field); $out .= $form->render(); return $out; } OK, we are almost there... we only need to add the chart library! To keep everything clean we will put the code for the chart in another method. We will make that method PRIVATE to add some security. Our new Method: private function renderChart() { // prepare chart code wire()->config->scripts->add('https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Chart.js/2.1.3/Chart.min.js'); ob_start(); ?> <canvas id="myChart"></canvas> <script> var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart"); var myChart = new Chart(ctx, { type: 'bar', data: { labels: ["Red", "Blue", "Yellow", "Green", "Purple", "Orange"], datasets: [{ label: '# of Votes', data: [12, 19, 3, 5, 2, 3], backgroundColor: [ 'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)', 'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.2)', 'rgba(255, 206, 86, 0.2)', 'rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2)', 'rgba(153, 102, 255, 0.2)', 'rgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2)' ], borderColor: [ 'rgba(255,99,132,1)', 'rgba(54, 162, 235, 1)', 'rgba(255, 206, 86, 1)', 'rgba(75, 192, 192, 1)', 'rgba(153, 102, 255, 1)', 'rgba(255, 159, 64, 1)' ], borderWidth: 1 }] }, options: { scales: { yAxes: [{ ticks: { beginAtZero:true } }] } } }); </script> <?php return ob_get_clean(); } Now we just need to call $this->renderChart() in the right place! Here is the complete Module: <?php class CustomAdminPage extends Process { public static function getModuleinfo() { return [ 'title' => 'Custom Admin Page Example', 'summary' => 'Minimalistic ProcessModule to show that nobody has to be afraid of building custom admin pages.', 'href' => 'https://processwire.com/talk/topic/17709-how-to-create-custom-admin-pages-aka-processmodules-yes-its-that-simple/', 'author' => 'Bernhard Baumrock, baumrock.com', 'version' => 1, // page that you want created to execute this module 'page' => [ 'name' => 'customadmin', // your page will be online at /youradmin/setup/customadmin/ 'parent' => 'setup', 'title' => 'Custom Admin Page Example' ], ]; } public function ___execute() { return 'This is the most simple Admin-Page you have ever seen :)'; } public function ___executeDemo() { $out = ''; $out .= '<h1>H1 has some special css styling in the admin, thats why it seems to have no effect</h1>'; $out .= '<h2>H2 looks different ;)</h2>'; $out .= '<h3>...and so does H3</h3>'; $out .= '<button onclick="myFunction()">Click me</button>'; $out .= '<script>function myFunction() { alert("this is a demo javascript"); }</script>'; return $out; return ''; } public function ___executeAdvanced() { $out = '<h2>A more complex Example</h2>'; $form = wire()->modules->get('InputfieldForm'); $field = wire()->modules->get('InputfieldMarkup'); $field->label = 'Markup Test 1'; $field->value = '<h1>h1</h1><h2>h2</h2><h3>h3</h3><h4>h4</h4>'; $field->columnWidth = 50; $form->add($field); $field = wire()->modules->get('InputfieldMarkup'); $field->label = 'Chart Sample'; $field->value = $this->renderChart(); $field->notes = 'Example code taken from here: http://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/getting-started/usage.html'; $field->columnWidth = 50; $form->add($field); $out .= $form->render(); return $out; } private function renderChart() { // prepare chart code wire()->config->scripts->add('https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Chart.js/2.1.3/Chart.min.js'); ob_start(); ?> <canvas id="myChart"></canvas> <script> var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart"); var myChart = new Chart(ctx, { type: 'bar', data: { labels: ["Red", "Blue", "Yellow", "Green", "Purple", "Orange"], datasets: [{ label: '# of Votes', data: [12, 19, 3, 5, 2, 3], backgroundColor: [ 'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)', 'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.2)', 'rgba(255, 206, 86, 0.2)', 'rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2)', 'rgba(153, 102, 255, 0.2)', 'rgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2)' ], borderColor: [ 'rgba(255,99,132,1)', 'rgba(54, 162, 235, 1)', 'rgba(255, 206, 86, 1)', 'rgba(75, 192, 192, 1)', 'rgba(153, 102, 255, 1)', 'rgba(255, 159, 64, 1)' ], borderWidth: 1 }] }, options: { scales: { yAxes: [{ ticks: { beginAtZero:true } }] } } }); </script> <?php return ob_get_clean(); } } I hope you enjoyed reading this and it will open up many new possibilities for you! Updates: permissions: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/17709-how-to-create-custom-admin-pages-aka-processmodules-yes-its-that-simple/?do=findComment&comment=174746 tutorial on file uploads: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/17709-how-to-create-custom-admin-pages-aka-processmodules-yes-its-that-simple/?do=findComment&comment=185261 snippet how to use NavJSON: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/17709-how-to-create-custom-admin-pages-aka-processmodules-yes-its-that-simple/?do=findComment&comment=216412
    59 points
  7. Hey guys, Thought I would share a quick preview of Designme. A module we (Eduardo @elabx and I) are building for visually laying out your templates/edit screens. ? This is a really quick, zero polish screen grab. FYI. Video #2 - UPDATE This new video shows the following features in Designme: Re-arranging fields via Drag & Drop Re-sizing fields via Dragging. Adjusting field settings - with live refresh. Working on "hidden" fields while Designme is active. Creating New fields. Deleting fields. Creating/Deleting Tabs. Dragging fields between tabs. Creating fieldsets. Tagging/Un-tagging fields. Fields without headers expand when hovered (like checkboxes). Live filtering of fields in the sidebar. Ability to adjust (all) Template settings without leaving Designme. Template File Tree Editing Template files source code with ACE Editor. Editing Multiple files with ACE Editor. (New Tabs) Saving files. Techie stuff Fields load their own js/css dependancies. *ready to use on creation (*most fields) Everything happens via Ajax to ProcessPageEdit (via module + hooks). Designme has a JS api that you can use. All actions trigger events. We would love any detailed feedback on what you see so far. If you are interested in testing Designme. Let me know below. ? Video #1.
    56 points
  8. Field dependencies are coming in ProcessWire 2.4, and I just wanted to give you guys a little preview of it. The development of this new feature is being sponsored by Avoine, the company where Antti works (he also specified how it should work). Field dependencies are basically just a way of saying that one field depends on another. It dictates which fields should be shown in a given context. In our case, it also gets into whether a field is required or not. This short video demonstrates how it works: (switch to the 720p and full screen version, as YouTube's default settings for this video make it impossible to see): // Edit @Adamkiss: Here's link for those on mobile: youtu.be/hqLs9YNYKMM The implementation here is done both client-side and server side. Javascript handles the showing/hiding of fields and the required vs. not required state changes. On the server side, it doesn't process any fields that aren't shown, and honors the required rules. A separate processing occurs both client side and server side, ensuring that the user can't make their own rules by manipulating the markup or post data. These field dependencies can be used with any Inputfield forms. That means you'll be able to use it not just in ProcessWire, but in FormBuilder, and via the API too. It's very simple to use from the API. All you have to do is specify a ProcessWire selector to either "showIf" or "requiredIf" to the Inputfield, and ProcessWire takes care of the rest: // show this field only if field 'subscribe' is checked $inputfield->showIf = "subscribe=1"; // show this field only if 'price > 0' and at least one category selected $inputfield->showIf = "price>0, categories.count>0"; // make this field required only if 'email' is populated $inputfield->required = true; $inputfield->requiredIf = "email!=''"; This feature will be in the 2.4 core (rather than as a separate module), so it will also be ready and available for things like module and field configuration screens.
    55 points
  9. Just wanted to share what I recently used to create forms in modules and in frontend using the API and Inputfield modules PW provides and uses on its own. I think many newcomers or also advanced user aren't aware what is already possible in templates with some simple and flexible code. Learning this can greatly help in any aspect when you develop with PW. It's not as easy and powerful as FormBuilder but a great example of what can be archieved within PW. Really? Tell me more The output markup generated with something like echo $form->render(); will be a like the one you get with FormBuilder or admin forms in backend. It's what PW is made of. Now since 2.2.5~ somewhere, the "required" option is possible for all fields (previous not) and that makes it easier a lot for validation and also it renders inline errors already nicely (due to Ryan FormBuilder yah!). For example the Password inputfield already provides two field to confirm the password and will validate it. De- and encryption method also exists. Or you can also use columns width setting for a field, which was added not so long ago. Some fields like Asm MultiSelect would require to also include their css and js to work but haven't tried. Also file uploads isn't there, but maybe at some point there will be more options. It would be still possible to code your own uploader when the form is submitted. Validation? If you understand a little more how PW works with forms and inputfields you can simply add you own validation, do hooks and lots of magic with very easy code to read and maintain. You can also use the processInput($input->post) method of a form that PW uses itself to validate a form. So getting to see if there was any errors is simply checking for $form->getErrors();. Also the $form->processInput($input->post) will prevent CSRF attacks and the form will append a hidden field automaticly. It's also worth noting that processInput() will work also with an array (key=>value) of data it doesn't have to be the one from $input->post. Styling? It works well if you take your own CSS or just pick the inputfields.css from the templates-admin folder as a start. Also the CSS file from the wire/modules/InputfieldRadios module can be helpful to add. And that's it. It's not very hard to get it display nicely. Here an code example of a simple form. <?php $out = ''; // create a new form field (also field wrapper) $form = $modules->get("InputfieldForm"); $form->action = "./"; $form->method = "post"; $form->attr("id+name",'subscribe-form'); // create a text input $field = $modules->get("InputfieldText"); $field->label = "Name"; $field->attr('id+name','name'); $field->required = 1; $form->append($field); // append the field to the form // create email field $field = $modules->get("InputfieldEmail"); $field->label = "E-Mail"; $field->attr('id+name','email'); $field->required = 1; $form->append($field); // append the field // you get the idea $field = $modules->get("InputfieldPassword"); $field->label = "Passwort"; $field->attr("id+name","pass"); $field->required = 1; $form->append($field); // oh a submit button! $submit = $modules->get("InputfieldSubmit"); $submit->attr("value","Subscribe"); $submit->attr("id+name","submit"); $form->append($submit); // form was submitted so we process the form if($input->post->submit) { // user submitted the form, process it and check for errors $form->processInput($input->post); // here is a good point for extra/custom validation and manipulate fields $email = $form->get("email"); if($email && (strpos($email->value,'@hotmail') !== FALSE)){ // attach an error to the field // and it will get displayed along the field $email->error("Sorry we don't accept hotmail addresses for now."); } if($form->getErrors()) { // the form is processed and populated // but contains errors $out .= $form->render(); } else { // do with the form what you like, create and save it as page // or send emails. to get the values you can use // $email = $form->get("email")->value; // $name = $form->get("name")->value; // $pass = $form->get("pass")->value; // // to sanitize input // $name = $sanitizer->text($input->post->name); // $email = $sanitizer->email($form->get("email")->value); $out .= "<p>Thanks! Your submission was successful."; } } else { // render out form without processing $out .= $form->render(); } include("./head.inc"); echo $out; include("./foot.inc"); Here the code snippet as gist github: https://gist.github.com/4027908 Maybe there's something I'm not aware of yet, so if there something to still care about just let me know. Maybe some example of hooks could be appended here too. Thanks Edit March 2017: This code still works in PW2.8 and PW3.
    54 points
  10. This is already old news to many of you here, but I finished writing up the full announcement today so figured I should post it (click the link below). Numerous upgrades and refinements make ProcessWire 2.4 our most friendly and powerful version yet! ProcessWire 2.4 is focused on listening to the feedback from of our users and answering with the best CMS experience for web designers/developers and their clients. Read the full announcement. For those upgrading from a previous version of ProcessWire, please read all of the upgrade instructions. Hope that you enjoy this new version! A huge thanks to Avoine for sponsoring the Field Dependencies feature new to ProcessWire 2.4!
    51 points
  11. I recently had to setup front-end system to handle logins, password resets and changing passwords, so here's about how it was done. This should be functional code, but consider it pseudocode as you may need to make minor adjustments here and there. Please let me know if anything that doesn't compile and I'll correct it here. The template approach used here is the one I most often use, which is that the templates may generate output, but not echo it. Instead, they stuff any generated output into a variable ($page->body in this case). Then the main.php template is included at the end, and it handles sending the output. This 'main' template approach is preferable to separate head/foot includes when dealing with login stuff, because we can start sessions and do redirects before any output is actually sent. For a simple example of a main template, see the end of this post. 1. In Admin > Setup > Fields, create a new text field called 'tmp_pass' and add it to the 'user' template. This will enable us to keep track of a temporary, randomly generated password for the user, when they request a password reset. 2a. Create a new template file called reset-pass.php that has the following: /site/templates/reset-pass.php $showForm = true; $email = $sanitizer->email($input->post->email); if($email) { $u = $users->get("email=$email"); if($u->id) { // generate a random, temporary password $pass = ''; $chars = 'abcdefghjkmnopqrstuvwxyz23456789'; // add more as you see fit $length = mt_rand(9,12); // password between 9 and 12 characters for($n = 0; $n < $length; $n++) $pass .= $chars[mt_rand(0, strlen($chars)-1)]; $u->of(false); $u->tmp_pass = $pass; // populate a temporary pass to their profile $u->save(); $u->of(true); $message = "Your temporary password on our web site is: $pass\n"; $message .= "Please change it after you login."; mail($u->email, "Password reset", $message, "From: noreply@{$config->httpHost}"); $page->body = "<p>An email has been dispatched to you with further instructions.</p>"; $showForm = false; } else { $page->body = "<p>Sorry, account doesn't exist or doesn't have an email.</p>"; } } if($showForm) $page->body .= " <h2>Reset your password</h2> <form action='./' method='post'> <label>E-Mail <input type='email' name='email'></label> <input type='submit'> </form> "; // include the main HTML/markup template that outputs at least $page->body in an HTML document include('./main.php'); 2b. Create a page called /reset-pass/ that uses the above template. 3a. Create a login.php template. This is identical to other examples you may have seen, but with one major difference: it supports our password reset capability, where the user may login with a temporary password, when present. When successfully logging in with tmp_pass, the real password is changed to tmp_pass. Upon any successful authentication tmp_pass is cleared out for security. /site/templates/login.php if($user->isLoggedin()) $session->redirect('/profile/'); if($input->post->username && $input->post->pass) { $username = $sanitizer->username($input->post->username); $pass = $input->post->pass; $u = $users->get($username); if($u->id && $u->tmp_pass && $u->tmp_pass === $pass) { // user logging in with tmp_pass, so change it to be their real pass $u->of(false); $u->pass = $u->tmp_pass; $u->save(); $u->of(true); } $u = $session->login($username, $pass); if($u) { // user is logged in, get rid of tmp_pass $u->of(false); $u->tmp_pass = ''; $u->save(); // now redirect to the profile edit page $session->redirect('/profile/'); } } // present the login form $headline = $input->post->username ? "Login failed" : "Please login"; $page->body = " <h2>$headline</h2> <form action='./' method='post'> <p> <label>Username <input type='text' name='username'></label> <label>Password <input type='password' name='pass'></label> </p> <input type='submit'> </form> <p><a href='/reset-pass/'>Forgot your password?</a></p> "; include("./main.php"); // main markup template 3b. Create a /login/ page that uses the above template. 4a. Build a profile editing template that at least lets them change their password (but take it further if you want): /site/templates/profile.php // if user isn't logged in, then we pretend this page doesn't exist if(!$user->isLoggedin()) throw new Wire404Exception(); // check if they submitted a password change $pass = $input->post->pass; if($pass) { if(strlen($pass) < 6) { $page->body .= "<p>New password must be 6+ characters</p>"; } else if($pass !== $input->post->pass_confirm) { $page->body .= "<p>Passwords do not match</p>"; } else { $user->of(false); $user->pass = $pass; $user->save(); $user->of(true); $page->body .= "<p>Your password has been changed.</p>"; } } // display a password change form $page->body .= " <h2>Change password</h2> <form action='./' method='post'> <p> <label>New Password <input type='password' name='pass'></label><br> <label>New Password (confirm) <input type='password' name='pass_confirm'></label> </p> <input type='submit'> </form> <p><a href='/logout/'>Logout</a></p> "; include("./main.php"); 4b. Create a page called /profile/ that uses the template above. 5. Just to be complete, make a logout.php template and create a page called /logout/ that uses it. /site/templates/logout.php if($user->isLoggedin()) $session->logout(); $session->redirect('/'); 6. The above templates include main.php at the end. This should just be an HTML document that outputs your site's markup, like a separate head.inc or foot.inc would do, except that it's all in one file and called after the output is generated, and we leave the job of sending the output to main.php. An example of the simplest possible main.php would be: /site/templates/main.php <html> <head> <title><?=$page->title?></title> </head> <body> <?=$page->body?> </body> </html>
    51 points
  12. https://www.baumrock.com/portfolio/individuelles-crm-und-controlling-tool/ I'm happy to share my biggest and most interesting ProcessWire project so far with you It's a 100% custom office-management solution that helps my client to keep track of all their contacts, projects and finance/controlling stuff. Conception was done back in 2016 and the software is productive since begin of this year. My client is very happy with the result and so am I. Some technical insights: Everything is done inside the PW Admin. I'm using the Reno Theme with some custom colors. In the beginning I was not sure if I should stay with the pw admin or build my own admin-framework but now I'm VERY happy that I went with PW Almost all of my custom Process Pages use my RockDatatables module - there are still some limitations but without it, this project would not have been possible For the charts I used Google Charts and chartjs - both play well together with the datatables and make it possible to display filtered data instantly: also my handsontable module was created for this project to have a nice and quick option for matrix data inputs: Lister and ListerPro were no options as i needed much more flexibility regarding data presentation (like colorization, filtering and building sums of selected rows): invoices are highly customisable as well and easy to create. PDFs are created by php and mPDF by the way: all data is dummy data populated via my Module RockDummyData have a nice weekend everybody
    50 points
  13. ProcessWire Dashboard Download You can find the latest release on Github. Documentation Check out the documentation to get started. This is where you'll find information about included panel types and configuration options. Custom Panels The goal was to make it simple to create custom panels. The easiest way to do that is to use the panel type template and have it render a file in your templates folder. This might be enough for 80% of all use cases. For anything more complex (FormBuilder submissions? Comments? Live chat?), you can add new panel types by creating modules that extend the DashboardPanel base class. Check out the documentation on custom panels or take a look at the HelloWorld panel to get started. I'm happy to merge any user-created modules into the main repo if they might be useful to more than a few people. Roadmap Panel types Google Analytics Draft At a glance / Page counter 404s Layout options Render multiple tabs per panel Chart panel load chart data from JS file (currently passed as PHP array)
    48 points
  14. NOTE: This thread originally started in the Pub section of the forum. Since we moved it into the Plugin/Modules section I edited this post to meet the guidelines but also left the original content so that the replies can make sense. ProcessGraphQL ProcessGraphQL seamlessly integrates to your ProcessWire web app and allows you to serve the GraphQL api of your existing content. You don't need to apply changes to your content or it's structure. Just choose what you want to serve via GraphQL and your API is ready. Warning: The module supports PHP version >= 5.5 and ProcessWire version >= 3. Links: Zip Download Github Repo ScreenCast PW modules Page Please refer to the Readme to learn more about how to use the module. Original post starts here... Hi Everyone! I became very interested in this GraphQL thing lately and decided to learn a bit about it. And what is the better way of learning a new thing than making a ProcessWire module out of it! For those who are wondering what GraphQL is, in short, it is an alternative to REST. I couldn't find the thread but I remember that Ryan was not very happy with the REST and did not see much value in it. He offered his own AJAX API instead, but it doesn't seem to be supported much by him, and was never published to official modules directory. While ProcessWire's API is already amazing and allows you to quickly serve your content in any format with less than ten lines of code, I think it might be convenient to install a module and have JSON access to all of your content instantly. Especially this could be useful for developers that use ProcessWire as a framework instead of CMS. GraphQL is much more flexible than REST. In fact you can build queries in GraphQL with the same patterns you do with ProcessWire API. Ok, Ok. Enough talk. Here is what the module does after just installing it into skyscrapers profile. It supports filtering via ProcessWire selectors and complex fields like FieldtypeImage or FieldtypePage. See more demo here The module is ready to be used, but there are lots of things could be added to it. Like supporting any type of fields via third party modules, authentication, permissions on field level, optimization and so on. I would love to continue to develop it further if I would only know that there is an interest in it. It would be great to hear some feedback from you. I did not open a thread in modules section of the forum because I wanted to be sure there is interest in it first. You can install and learn about it more from it's repository. It should work with PHP >=5.5 and ProcessWire 3.x.x. The support for 2.x.x version is not planned yet. Please open an issue if you find bugs or you want some features added in issue tracker. Or you can share your experience with the module here in this thread.
    48 points
  15. This week we have a new master/main version released after a full year in the making. With nearly 40 pull requests, hundreds of new additions and more than 100 issue reports resolved, this new version has a ton of great new stuff and we’ll cover most of the new stuff here— https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.184-master/
    48 points
  16. Dynamic Roles are a powerful access control tool for ProcessWire. They pick up where traditional roles leave off, and allow you to assign permissions at runtime based on any factor present with the user. Once a user receives one or more dynamic roles (at runtime), those dynamic roles then specify what pages the user can view, edit, or add children to. If traditional roles are a sledgehammer, Dynamic Roles are a scalpel, allowing nearly any finely tuned access control scenario. Traditional ProcessWire roles are limited to assignment of view/edit/add access on a per-template basis. Dynamic roles go outside those limitations and enable you to assign that access based on any factors present with a page (i.e. match any field values). Dynamic Roles assign new access, but do not revoke existing access provided by traditional roles. As a result, Dynamic Roles can be used together with traditional roles, and the two work beautifully well together. Though Dynamic Roles can also replace all situations where you would use traditional roles for access control assignments. If using Dynamic Roles to assign page-view access, you would typically want to use traditional roles to revoke view access from at least the "guest" role at the template level. Then use Dynamic Roles to assign view access to those pages in a more granular manner. This module directly affects the results of all page getting/finding operations by applying the access control directly to the database queries before pages are loaded. As a result, it is fast (regardless of scale), pagination friendly, and requires no further intervention by the developer other than configuring the dynamic roles as they see fit. Because it relies upon new features present only in ProcessWire 2.4.6+, it requires the current dev branch. Sponsored by Avoine Concept by Antti Peisa Code by Ryan Cramer PLEASE NOTE: This module is in pre-release state (like the PW dev branch it requires) and is not recommended for production use just yet. Though we do appreciate any testing and/or feedback that you are able to provide. While not required, this module benefits from ProFields Multiplier. If you have ProFields Multiplier installed before installing this module, it will make this module more powerful by making all of your access control selectors have the ability to use OR-group conditions. Depending on your access control needs, this enables you to accomplish more with fewer Dynamic Roles. How to install Make sure you are running ProcessWire 2.4.6 (dev branch) or newer. Download from GitHub (we will add this module to the Modules directory later). Place all files from this module in /site/modules/DynamicRoles/. In your admin, go to Modules > Check for new modules. Click "install" for the Dynamic Roles module (ProcessDynamicRoles). Click to Access > Dynamic Roles for the rest (see example and instructions below). Example and instructions Lets say you ran a Skyscrapers site and wanted a role enabling users with "portmanusa.com" in their email address to have edit access to skyscrapers designed by architect John Portman, with at least 40 floors, and built on-or-after 1970. Yes, this is an incredibly contrived example, but it is an example that also demonstrates the access control potential of this module. 1. In your admin, you would click to Access > Dynamic Roles. 2. Click "Add Dynamic Role". Enter a name for the dynamic role, like: "skyscraper-test-editor" and save. 3. Under "Who is in this dynamic role?" section, click "Add Field" and choose: Email => Contains Text => "portmanusa.com". This will match all users having "portmanusa.com" in their email address. 4. Under "permissions" check the boxes for: page-view and page-edit. 5. For this contrived example, we will assume the user already has view access to all skyscrapers, so we will leave the "What can they view?" section alone. 6. For the "What can they edit?" section: Click "Add Field" and choose: template => Equals => Skyscraper. Click "Add Field" and choose: architect => Equals => John Portman. Click "Add Field" and choose: floors => Greater Than Or Equal => 40. Click "Add Field" and choose: year => Greater Than Or Equal => 1970. 7. Click Save. Now users matching the conditions of your dynamic role will be able to edit the matching pages, but not any others (unless assigned by traditional roles).
    48 points
  17. The Module Blog for ProcessWire replicates and extends the popular Blog Profile. Blog is now in version 2. Please read the README in the Github link below in its entirety before using this module As of 20 December 2017 ProcessWire versions earlier than 3.x are not supported Blog Documentation is here (Work in Progress!) See this post for new features in version 2 or the readme in GitHub. To upgrade from version 1, see these instructions. ################################################## Most of the text below refers to Blog version 1 (left here for posterity). Blog version 1 consists of two modules: ProcessBlog: Manage Blog in the backend/Admin. MarkupBlog: Display Blog in the frontend. Being a module, Blog can be installed in both fresh and existing sites. Note, however, that presently, ProcessBlog is not compatible with existing installs of the Blog Profile. This is because of various structural and naming differences in respect of Fields, Templates, Template Files and Pages. If there is demand for such compatibility, I will code a separate version for managing Blog Profile installs. In order to use the 'Recent Tweets Widget', you will need to separately install and setup the module 'MarkupTwitterFeed'. Please read the README in the Github link below in its entirety before using this module (especially the bit about the Pages, etc. created by the module). I'll appreciate Beta testers, thanks! Stable release works fine. Download Modules Directory: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-blog/ Github: https://github.com/kongondo/Blog You can also install from right within your ProcessWire install. Screenshots (Blog version 1) Video Demos ProcessBlog MarkupBlog Credits Ryan Cramer The Alpha Testers and 'Critics' License GPL2
    47 points
  18. Last week I asked you what you'd like to see in ProcessWire in the next year (and years ahead), and we got a lot of feedback. Thank you for all the feedback, we've had a lot of great and productive discussion, and of course feel free to keep suggesting things too. Below is a summary of things based on what I thought was feasible from the feedback so far. I'm not suggesting we'll be able to do all of this in 2021, but do think it makes a good preliminary roadmap of things to look closer at and start working on some very quickly. I'll keep working to narrow this into a real roadmap, but wanted to share where we're at so far (consider it preliminary/unofficial): Flexible content or page building One of the most common themes has been that people want more content building options as an alternative to using a rich text editor at one end, and page builder at another. This is a direction that some other CMSs have been going in (like WordPress), and one that many would like to see ProcessWire provide an option for as well. But the needs seem to come from two different angles, and it points to us pursuing 2 directions simultaneously: First would be a flexible content block style editor in the core as an alternative to rich text editor that supports pluggable block types while maintaining best content management practices. If possible, we'd use an existing tool/library like editor.js or another as a base to build from, or potentially build a new one if necessary. To be clear, it would not be a replacement for CKEditor but an alternative approach supported by the core. Second would involve improvements to Repeater/RepeaterMatrix that enhance its abilities in supporting those using it for building more complex content page builders. Since many are already using it for this purpose, the goal would be primarily to better and further support this use case, rather than make Repeater/RepeaterMatrix a dedicated builder. Jonathan Lahijani and others have pointed out some specific things that would help achieve this and I plan to implement them. Admin theme improvements We would like to add additional flexibility to the AdminThemeUikit theme so that people can further customize it how they would like it. What directions this will take aren't nailed down quite yet, other than to say that it's going to be getting some focus (and this has already started). At the very least, we know people want more sidebar options and the ability to tweak specific CSS, perhaps in a preset fashion. Improvements to existing Fieldtypes and Inputfields Things like support for a decimal column type, more date searching options and additional input level settings on other types. Though these are specific feature requests and our focus is more broad, so we'll be going through many of the core modules and adding improvements like these and more, where it makes sense. Pull requests and feature requests People would like to see us expand our code contributor base by merging more pull requests in cases where we safely do it. We will also be narrowing in on the specific feature requests repo to see which would be possible to implement this year. External API There are requests for an external/front-end API that would also be accessible from JS. I support the idea, but have security concerns so am not yet sure if or in what direction we might take here, other than that I would like us to continue looking at it and talking about it. File/media manager and more file sharing options There is interest in an option for a central media/file manager so that assets can be shared from a central manager rather than just shared page to page. There is also interest in the ability for file/image fields to reference files on other file/image fields. External file storage Some would like to be able to have PW store its /site/assets/ and/or /site/assets/files/ on alternate file systems like S3. That's something we'd like to use for this site too. To an extent, work already started on this last year with some updates that were made, but there's still a long way to go. But it will be great for sure. Live preview and auto-save There are requests for live preview and auto-save features to be in the core. Currently they are just in ProDrafts, but there are now more options and libraries that would facilitate their implementation in the core, so I'd like to see what we can do with this. More multi-site features There is interest in ProcessWire natively supporting more multi-site features, potentially with the option of working with our multi-language support.
    45 points
  19. Table Use this for tabular data, like rate tables or other things that you might typically represent in a spreadsheet. Use it for situations where you don't need the full-blown flexibility of repeaters, as it's technically more efficient with far less overhead than repeaters. Something like the Events Fieldtype could be very easily re-created via a Table field, but the potential uses are far broader. But for the most part, think tabular data when it comes to the Table field. Multipliers This is good for when you need a range of values (whether text, textarea, numbers, dates, etc.). If you are using repeaters with just one field in them, you might be a lot better off with a Multiplier. Like the Table field, Multipliers are very efficient and low overhead relative to something like Repeaters. Use Multipliers when you need to repeat a single input multiple times, optionally with a min and max number of inputs. Lets say you are building an employee directory, and each employee has between 1 and 3 email addresses. Rather than using 3 separate email fields, you would use 1 multiplier field and specify min=1 and max=3. Repeaters These are infinitely flexible in terms of what they represent, but each row of values is technically a page in the system. As a result, with the flexibility comes significant overhead. This is really only an issue when the quantity of repeater items gets high, or when you have lots (thousands) of pages using repeaters. I recommend repeaters for setting up things like homepage carousels. For example, if you go to the Villas of Distinction homepage, there are 3 separate repeaters in use on that page, each holding a photo, title, description, link. The client can have as many items in each of those sections as they want. Currently it looks like the first repeater as 6 items, the 2nd has 2, and the 3rd has 6. The possibilities of what can be represented with repeaters is endless, but look for potential alternatives when dealing with large quantities (whether large quantities of repeater items, or large quantities of pages using repeaters). PageTable This is one of the ProFields that is available for free (thanks to Avoine sponsorship) on the ProcessWire dev branch. Meaning, it'll be available for everyone to use as part of the core in ProcessWire 2.5. And you can use it now if you don't mind running the dev branch. PageTable has all the flexibility of repeaters, but with lower overhead from the admin/input perspective. Rather than trying to bundle all the inputs on one screen, PageTable shows you a table of items and you click on the item to edit it in a modal window. This enables it to be a lot more efficient from the admin UI perspective. It's also more flexible than repeaters are in terms of where you store your items. PageTable lets you choose where they should live, whether as children of the page being edited, or as children of some other parent page you designate. They might be a little more work to setup than repeaters, but I think that most situations where you need the flexibility of repeaters may be better served by PageTable. PageTable still can't compete with the speed and efficiency of Table or Multiplier, but consider using PageTable anywhere that you might have used Repeaters before. Repeaters and PageTable are fundamentally different from the admin UI/input perspective, so you'd want to compare them yourself to see what suits your individual input needs better. PageTable involves more clicking to create and edit items, making Repeaters potentially faster for entering data rapidly. But PageTable will scale much further in the admin UI than Repeaters will, so I would personally favor PageTable in more situations than Repeaters.
    45 points
  20. Hello community! I want to share a new module I've been working on that I think could be a big boost for multi-language ProcessWire sites. Fluency is available in the ProcessWire Modules Directory, via Composer, and on Github Some background: I was looking for a way for our company website to be efficiently translated as working with human translators was pretty laborious and a lack of updating content created a divergence between languages. I, and several other devs here, have talked about translation integrations and the high quality services now available. Inspired by what is possible with ProcessWire, I built Fluency, a third-party translation service integration for ProcessWire. With Fluency you can: Translate any plain textarea or text input Translate any TinyMCE or CKEditor (inline, or regular) Translate page names/URLs Translate in-template translation function wrapped strings Translate modules, both core and add-ons Installation and usage is completely plug and play. Whether you're building a new multi-language site, need to update a site to multi-language, or simply want to stop manually translating a site and make any language a one-click deal, it could not be easier to do it. Fluency works by having you match the languages configured in ProcessWire to those offered by the third party translation service you choose. Currently Fluency works with DeepL and Google Cloud Translation. Module Features Translate any multilanguage field while editing any page. Translate fields in Repeater, Repeater Matrix, Table, Fieldset Page, Image descriptions, etc. Translate any file that added in the ProcessWire language pages. It's possible to translate the entire ProcessWire core in ~20 minutes Provide intuitive translation features that your clients and end-users can actually use. Fluency is designed for real-world use by individuals of all skill levels with little to no training. Its ease-of-use helps encourage users to adopt a multilanguage workflow. Start for free, use for free. Translation services supported by Fluency offer generous free tiers that can support regular usage levels. Fluency is, and will always be, free and open source. Use more than one Translation Engine. You may configure Fluency to use either DeepL, Google Cloud Translation, or both by switching between them as desired. AI powered translations that rival humans. DeepL provides the highest levels of accuracy in translation of any service available. Fluency has been used in many production sites around the world and in commercial applications where accuracy matters. Deliver impressive battle-tested translation features your clients can count on. Disable translation for individual fields. Disable translation for multilanguage fields where values aren't candidates for translation such as phone numbers or email addresses Configure translation caching. Caching can be enabled globally so that the same content translated more than once anywhere in ProcessWire doesn't count against your API usage and provides lightning fast responses. Set globally ignored words and text. Configure Fluency to add exclusionary indicators during translation so that specific words or phrases remain untranslated. This works either for specific strings alone, or present in other content while remaining grammatically correct in translation. Choose how translation is handled for fields. Configure Fluency to have buttons for either "Translate from {default language}" on each tab, or "Translate To All Languages" to populate every language for a field from any language to any language you have configured. No language limits. Configure as few or as many languages as you need. 2, 5, 10, 20 language website? Absolutely possible. If the translation service you choose offers a language, you can use it in ProcessWire. When new languages are introduced by third parties, they're ready to use in Fluency. Visually see what fields and language tabs have modified content. Fluency adds an visual indication to each field language tab to indicate which has different content than when opening the edit page. This helps ensure that content updated in one language should be updated in other languages to prevent content divergence between languages. Render language meta tags and ISO codes. Output alt language meta tags, add the current language's ISO code to your <html lang=""> attribute to your templates that are automatically generated from accurate data from the third party translation service. Build a standards-compliant multi-language SEO ready page in seconds with no additional configuration. Render language select elements. - Fluency can generate an unordered list of language links to switch between languages when viewing your pages. You can also embed a <select> element with JS baked in to switch between languages when viewing your pages. Render it without JS to use your own. Manage feature access for users. Fluency provides a permission that can be assigned to user roles for managing who can translate content. Track your translation account usage. View your current API usage, API account limit, and remaining allotment to keep an eye on and manage usage. (Currently only offered by DeepL) Use the global translation tool. Fluency provides translation on each field according to the languages you configure in ProcessWire. Use the global translation tool to translate any content to any language. Use Fluency from your templates and code. All translation features, usage statistics, cache control, and language data are accessible globally from the $fluency object. Perform any operation and get data for any language programmatically wherever you need it. Build custom AJAX powered admin translation features for yourself. Fluency provides a full RESTful API within the ProcessWire admin to allow developers to add new features for ProcessWire applications powered by the same API that Fluency uses. Robust plain-language documentation that helps you get up to speed fast. Fluency is extremely easy to use but also includes extensive documentation for all features both within the admin and for the Fluency programming API via the README.md document. The module code itself is also fully annotated for use with the ProDevTools API explorer. Is and will always be data safe. Adding, upgrading, or removing Fluency does not modify or remove your content. ProcessWire handles your data, Fluency sticks to translating. Full module localization. Translate Fluency itself to any language. All buttons, messages, and UI elements for Fluency will be presented in any language you choose for the ProcessWire admin. Built for expansion. Fluency provides translation services as modular "Translation Engines" with a full framework codebase to make adding new translation services easier and more reliable. Contributions for new translation services are welcome. Fluency is designed and built to provide everything you need to handle incredibly accurate translations and robust tools that make creating and managing multi-language sites a breeze. Built through research on translation plugins from around the web, it's the easiest and most friendly translation implementation for both end users and developers on any CMS/CMF anywhere. Fluency complements the built-in first class language features of ProcessWire. Fluency continues to be improved with great suggestions from the community and real-world use in production applications. Big thanks to everyone who has helped make Fluency better. Contributions, suggestions, and bug reports welcome! Please note that the browser plugin for Grammarly conflicts with Fluency (as it does with many web applications). To address this issue it is recommended that you disable Grammarly when using Fluency, or open the admin to edit pages in a private window where Grammarly may not be loaded. This is a long-standing issue in the larger web development community and creating a workaround may not be possible. If you have insight as to how this may be solved please visit the Github page and file a bugfix ticket. Enhancements Translate All Fields On A Page Compatibility with newest rewrite of module is in progress... An exciting companion module has been written by @robert which extends the functionality of Fluency to translate all fields on a page at once. The module has several useful features that can make Fluency even more useful and can come in handy for translating existing content more quickly. I recommend reading his comments for details on how it works and input on best practices later in this thread. Get the module at the Github repo: https://github.com/robertweiss/ProcessTranslatePage Requirements: ProcessWire 3.0+ UIKit Admin Theme That's Fluency in a nutshell. The Module Is Free This is my first real module and I want to give it back to the community as thanks. This is the best CMS I've worked with (thank you Ryan & contributors) and a great community (thank you dear reader). DeepL Developer Accounts In addition to paid Pro Developer accounts, DeepL now offers no-cost free accounts. All ProcessWire developers and users can use Fluency at no cost. Learn more about free and paid accounts by visiting the DeepL website. Sign up for a Developer account, get an API key, and start using Fluency. Download You can install Fluency by adding the module to your ProcessWire project using any of the following methods. Method 1: Within ProcessWire using 'Add Module From Directory' and the class name Fluency Method 2: Via Composer with composer require firewire/fluency Method 3: Download from the Github repository and unzip the contents into /site/modules/ Feedback File issues and feature requests here (your feedback and testing is greatly appreciated): https://github.com/SkyLundy/Fluency/issues Thank you! ¡Gracias! Ich danke Ihnen! Merci! Obrigado! Grazie! Dank u wel! Dziękuję! Спасибо! ありがとうございます! 谢谢你
    43 points
  21. I wanted to give you a little preview of a new module I've been working on recently: the Form Builder module. This module lets you create simple-to-complex forms and place them in your site without any need for development. In this video we show how we can create, publish and test a simple contact form in less than 5 minutes. Then we take a quick look at a more complex form (already produced). I recommend viewing the full screen + HD 720p version so that you can see it more clearly than in this small forum embed. (note: there's no sound, so no need to adjust your volume) More about the Form Builder The Form Builder has many options for the developer to customize output and create their own themes, markup, etc. But the goal here was to build something that could enable you (or your client) to publish a form in less than 5 minutes, so that's the focus of this video. This tool is literally easy enough for your clients to create and manage their own forms. Or from a developers perspective, it takes something that used to consume hours and makes it happen in minutes. Form results save in the database and optionally can be CC'd to you by email. Result entries and be viewed, filtered by date, and even edited in the admin. You can export results to a spreadsheet as well. I'm working on the ability to export to pages, though that isn't quite ready yet. How the Form Builder will be licensed This module will be individually licensed on a per-site basis for a small license fee. It will also be available for free personal use to established forum members. Basically, I want to see if I can substitute some of my client work to focus on ProcessWire instead. And in order to do that, I need to have an income (I have a family to support). So I thought that building a special tool like this would be a way to make a go of it. A lot of you have asked to make donations to the ProcessWire project, and while we still won't be able to take donations, you will be able to support the ProcessWire project by purchasing and using the Form Builder in your own client projects. So a lot of motivation for this module came from wanting to provide something really special for all that had wanted to support ProcessWire. After a few months of work, I'm pretty happy with how this module has turned out -- it's already saved me tons of time in my client projects. So I'm thinking and hoping you guys will really like it too. I look forward to your feedback.
    43 points
  22. Tracy Debugger for ProcessWire The ultimate “swiss army knife” debugging and development tool for the ProcessWire CMF/CMS Integrates and extends Nette's Tracy debugging tool and adds 35+ custom tools designed for effective ProcessWire debugging and lightning fast development The most comprehensive set of instructions and examples is available at: https://adrianbj.github.io/TracyDebugger Modules Directory: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/tracy-debugger/ Github: https://github.com/adrianbj/TracyDebugger A big thanks to @tpr for introducing me to Tracy and for the idea for this module and for significant feedback, testing, and feature suggestions.
    43 points
  23. You've been using MODX but now you've found ProcessWire. It’s totally amazed you and you can’t wait to get started. But…you are wondering where everything is. If this is you, read on… This guide is primarily aimed at those who are coming in from MODX and wish to know how to accomplish “MODX things” the “ProcessWire (PW) way”. This is not meant to be a full blown PW tutorial. It will focus on some key MODX concepts/tasks and how to accomplish those in PW. It will cover, whenever possible, both versions of MODX - Evolution and Revolution. The guide assumes that you’ve at least logged into a PW site and/or viewed a demo. The Table of Contents mostly reflects MODX terminology. Table of Contents 1. Manager 2. File System 3. Resources 4. Templates 5. Template Variables (TVs) 6. Template Files 7. Snippets 8. Modules 9. Plugins 10. Chunks 11. Miscellaneous 12. Examples - the PW way… a. Template Variables b. Snippets c. Modules d. Plugins e. Chunks 1. Manager In PW, the “manager” is referred to as the “Admin”. The default location of the Admin is www.yoursite.com/processwire. As of PW 2.3, you can rename the Admin to anything you wish during install. Just be careful to remember the name you use or you will be locked out! (If that happens, there are ways to get around it though). Logging into Admin, you will notice a tree just like in MODX. The Admin runs on jQuery UI and as you’ve seen, it is insanely fast! Don’t be fooled by its simple facade. PW is a really powerful CMS, highly extensible and very easy to use. Customising the PW admin is very easy. There are a number of custom themes available. It is also trivial to make yours. Custom Admin themes go into the folder site/templates-admin/. You can have only one theme at a time. On a related matter, if you wish to create a custom Admin page, it is easy to do so. See this thread for more info. 2. File System After installing PW, you will see two main folders; “site” and “wire” in your file system. Site is where all things related to your site reside. This is your playground and will survive an upgrade. Wire houses the Core. You will never have to go into that folder. 3. Resources In MODX, Resources can be many things (documents, etc.). There is no such term in PW. However, the most important “resources” you need to know about in PW are page and pages. Pages are a very powerful concept in PW. Page can refer to your website’s frontend pages, i.e. what can be viewable by your website users. I say can be for a reason. There are many uses for Pages in PW. This can be confusing to newbies but once you get the concept, you will appreciate the power of the system. Just because something is a Page does not mean it has to be viewable. It can have other uses such as a container that holds data for use by other Pages - in this case the Pages do not have to be displayed on the frontend. In fact, everything you see on the PW tree is a Page. That’s right; even the Admin and its components (Users, Roles, etc.) are all Pages! Still confused by Pages? Have a read here. Pages reside in the PW tree - you may have noticed . You can drag and drop pages to move them around. If drag and drop doesn’t work you probably have MySQL installed. Upgrade your MySQL and you are sorted. The root of your site is the uppermost Page in the tree. In the default PW install this is called Home. You can change the name to something else. The default PW install comes with a number of Pages pre-installed. Try editing a Page. All those Fields you see on that Page when under the “CONTENT” tab? They are not default Fields. They are all Custom Fields! Yes, not even the Title! The only required Field for a Page is “name”. You find this under the “SETTINGS” tab on the page edit screen. More about Fields below… Other related stuff: Menuindex: As an aside, if outputting something like a menu, unless you state otherwise, it will reflect the tree hierarchy. Show in Menu: This functionality is covered by the Page status, whether hidden or not. Hidden pages do not get output on menus (more about menus later) unless explicitly stated so using PW API selectors (see below). Menu Title: No such term in PW. You can name your menu items what you wish to name them. Very important: All Pages must be assigned a Template. 4. Templates In PW, Templates mean something slightly different compared to MODX and many other CMS. MODX describes templates as: That is not entirely true of PW Templates. In PW, the term Template is used in the sense of the English definition of the term: PW Templates serve as a pattern for the foundation of your Pages. By foundation, I do not mean the HTML or CSS. Rather, the Template servers as blueprint for your Pages. What is available to the Template is available to the Page that uses it. Templates establish a pattern for the Pages by the inclusion of Fields to the Template. A Template can have as many or as few Fields as you wish. You can create as many or as few Templates as you wish. You can easily change the Template a Page uses when editing the Page. See under SETTINGS. Note that if you have Fields on that Page that are not in the Template you are switching to, those Page Fields will be lost! PW will warn you about this when switching Templates though. OK, so how do you show “Resources to the world”? That will be the work of Template Files which we’ll look at in section 6. 5. Template Variables A powerful feature of MODX is Template Variables (TVs). If you loved MODX TVs you will absolutely adore the PW equivalent. In PW, TVs are known as Fields. You can define your own Custom Fields. In fact, you will need to create your own in most cases. This is because PW does not have any required Field except for “name”. It is perfectly reasonable to have a Page with only the name Field! Many people do add at least a Title Field for such Pages. In the default PW install, the reason you see the Title Field in all Templates is because it has been set as a “Global” Field under the ADVANCED settings of the Field (edit the Field to see this setting). There are many types of Fields to hold all sorts of data - images, texts, urls, passwords, reference to Pages, etc. You can call your Fields anything you wish. You can call the Field for your main content “body”, or “stuff”, or “content” or whatever you wish as long as you follow the naming convention, i.e. “[a-z], numbers [0-9], or underscores (no dashes or spaces)”. Fields are reusable across different Templates. The order in which they appear on your Page follows the order in which they are arranged on your Template. However, it is important to note that: The order in which Fields appear on your page and/or the inclusion of a Field on your Page does not mean that: The Field will be output on the Frontend. The inclusion of a Field on a Page does not automatically mean it will be output; PW does not make that decision for you. It only makes the Field available to you to use as you require. You can output all or none or few of the Fields on your Page. The order in which Fields appear on a Page does not mean the same order will be reflected when you output the Page. You make that decision. Also note that you are able to arrange Fields side-by-side on your Page (via settings on the Page’s Template) to mimic your site’s layout or for other visual/ease-of-use purposes as you edit the Page in the Admin. You can also give each Field a label and a description. These will appear above each Field when editing a Page. In most cases, the content of Fields will be saved directly to the database. In the case of file related Fields, the path to the file will be stored in the database. There are no direct equivalents of MODX TVs “@Bindings” (data sources). These are inherently built into the different types of Fields. Note that you cannot run PHP code within Fields (so no @Eval). This is by design. Fields are a very powerful and much loved concept in PW. Just Google "custom fields cms" and you’ll see what comes up tops. 6. Template Files So far, we've seen that you create Fields, add them to a Template you've created and edit a Page using that Template to input your content into that Page’s Fields. So far so good but how do you output the content to the world? You do this via Template Files. Template Files live in /site/templates/. You have to create your own Template Files. In MODX, a Template will have both system fields, e.g. body, title, etc. and custom fields (TVs). Rendering a Template is achieved by adding MODX tags to your Template. In PW, in order for the content of your Page to be seen by the world, its Template must have a Template File (or there must be some other Template File associated with a different Template that is dynamically pulling and outputting elsewhere the content of a Page whose Template does not have a Template File). This does not mean that all content within a Page will be automatically output by the Template File. No; in the Template File you can choose to render all or some Fields present in the Pages using that Template or none at all! You tell the Template about the associated Template File when you create/edit the Template. PW assumes that there is a Template File with the same name as the Template in /site/templates/ and will tell you if it does not find one. However, you have two other choices. You can either enter an alternative name for your Template File or tell PW you do not wish to have a Template File for that Template. This means that a Template does not require a Template File. Obviously, in such a case, you will not be able to directly output the content of the Pages using that Template. In some cases, that is exactly what you want . As you get to know more about the system, you will find out how powerful and flexible the PW Template system can be. For instance, you can use your Template as a controller. That’s beyond this guide but feel free to search the forums for more info. Template Files are typically PHP files with logic to dynamically output your content. In most cases, Template Files are HTML with PHP tags inserted to output your content. The PHP in the Template File will in most cases be PW API. Hence, you will see things like $page and $pages in Template Files. The former always refers to the current Page and the latter to any other Pages in the system. These are very powerful variables in PW and give you access to ALL information about ALL pages including their Fields and whether those are empty or not, etc. See below for more info about these variables and have a look the docs too. Note that Templates do not care about what’s in your Template Files. In fact, they won’t even check. All they want is for you to tell them if and how you wish your Pages' contents to be rendered. Your Template Files can even contain pure HTML (although that won’t be dynamic!)! Your Template Files can have references to other things related (or not related!) to the Page using that Template File. For instance, within your Template File, you can pull in the 10 latest “posts” from your Blog or the Children Pages of that Page. There are just too many possibilities to list them all here. Don’t let the PHP in Template Files scare you if you are no coder. I am no coder but I am able to use PW. You will only need to know at least some very basic PHP to use PW. The most important are: echo; foreach; and if… Anything else is a bonus in most cases. In addition, you will need to know how to use the two most important PW variables - $page and $pages. With these two, most of what you would have done in vanilla PHP is covered. They are easy to use and to understand and very much follow the jQuery concept. Check out the docs to learn more. 7. Snippets In MODX, Snippets are the method by which MODX allows you to run dynamic PHP code in any of your pages. In PW, the term Snippets does not exist. What!?! Not to worry; in PW MODX-like Snippet functionality can be achieved in two ways: Template Files: Most PW Template Files are essentially dynamic PHP code. That’s Snippets for you right there. PW Modules: PW Modules do what MODX Snippets do and more (see below). It’s just an issue of terminology. For instance, the popular MODX Snippet WayFinder has a Module counterpart in PW. This is the Module Markup Simple Navigation. However, you do not need to use the Module to create a menu in PW. You can do the same thing using PHP in your Template File. See the default PW install for a simple example. Check out section 12 of this guide for example “popular-MODX-Snippets-to-PW-how-tos”. 8. Modules MODX Evolution defines Modules as “a program that can only be executed from within the manager.” There are PW Modules that fit this definition, for instance, the Module Batcher which is equivalent to the MODX Revolution add-on Batcher. However, there are other PW Modules that are executed in the frontend, e.g. Markup Simple Navigation previously mentioned. In fact, in PW, a Module is PHP that extends the functionality of PW. Modules contain PHP classes that adhere to PW’s Module interface. 9. Plugins In MODX Plugins are PHP code that are set to execute during certain system events. In PW, although the term Plugin does not exist (except maybe in reference to Modules), MODX Plugin functionality is easily doable in PW. This is achieved via Hooks. There is one difference though. In MODX, Plugins are standalone code you can download and install. You cannot download and install PW Hooks. Instead, PW contains many methods that you may hook into in order to modify the behaviour of the method. In other words, PW offers the ability to hook into its processes/events and manipulate them before or after the event or even replace them, etc. Hooks are usually invoked inside Modules. However, Hooks may be attached from anywhere that you use PW's API, for instance in Template Files. The average PW user will not need to use Hooks. For more info about Hooks check the documentation. 10. Chunks MODX defines Chunks as “bits of static text which you can reuse across your site”. There is no equivalent term in PW. You can, however, easily create Chunks in PW. You can create Chunks as a Page that contains various Fields each of which can act as a Chunk. This means you can have Chunks of all sorts of data. You can then set the Page you create to hold your Chunks as hidden (not available to searches). The Page can also be assigned a Template without a Template File to further limit frontend access. It can also be created as a child/grandchild of the page Admin. That will limit access by User (e.g. login required to view it in Admin). Accessing the Fields of that Page as your Chunks using PW API is quite trivial really. Since you can use labels and descriptions to further define each of your Pages’ Fields, this makes it quite easy to describe what each Chunk is for and/or give instructions on how to use the Chunks. See this example for more info. You can also simply use text files to pull into your content as Chunks. Personally I prefer using Pages as Chunks when I need to. In MODX, it is usual for many Snippets to use Chunks (HTML + placeholders) to structure their output (i.e. tpl Chunks). You do not need to do this in PW. Code output can be wrapped in HTML right within the Template File. The important thing to remember is that any Field in any PW Page is available to any other Page and any Template File. Cross-referencing Fields and Pages is child’s play. Seriously; it is that easy. 11. Miscellaneous Tag Syntax: PW does not use a templating language (tagging syntax) like MODX does. See this article why this decision was taken. I agree 100% with the approach and have come to realise its many benefits over using a templating language. However, there are two Modules that allow you to use template language tags in PW. I have never used them so cannot comment further. They are here and here. Settings Page: PW has no settings page like MODX. Many settings are set in the /site/config.php. Other MODX settings equivalents are interspersed in various places including caching content on a Template by Template basis and in Modules. You can also store custom settings needed for your site in the /site/config.php. You can even use Pages to store your settings as mentioned in section 10 (Chunks). Modularity: PW is a very modular system. The whole of PW is made up of Modules (Core Modules) that accomplish different tasks. 12. Examples - the PW way… In this section I will show you equivalent MODX versus PW add-ons as well as how to accomplish various task using PW “Snippets” equivalent. a. Template Variables As previously mentioned, MODX TVs are PW Fields (although PW Fields are more versatile). Outputting the contents of your Fields is very simple. echo $page->name_of_your_field; This gives you the contents of the Field in the current page. Works slightly different for image fields though. For other pages echo: One page $pages->get(ID or PATH or NAME, etc.)->name_of_your_field; //note replace ID with ID of the Page you want, etc. Many pages $pages->find("selectors"); //this will return an array. You can then go through the array using foreach as shown in the examples below to output the field(s) contents MODX - output main content of Page //MODX Evolution[*content*] //MODX Revolution[[*content]] ProcessWire - output main content of Page //ProcessWire echo $page->content;//note; this assumes you have a Field called content in the Template of the current page. In ProcessWire you can find Fields of other pages like so $fruits = $pages->find("template=yumyum, limit=10"); foreach($fruits as $fruit) { echo "<li><a href='{$fruit->url}'>{$fruit->title}</a></li>"; } //find 10 Pages that use the Template yumyum and echo their url and titles in a list. From these examples, you can see the elegance and flexibility of TVs done the PW way. Since there is separation between a Template and a Template File, you can conditionally echo out the contents of Fields found in Pages. b. Snippets Common MODX Snippets and PW equivalent Modules 1. WayFinder: Markup Simple Navigation or code in Template File (see head.inc in default PW installation for a simple menu). 2. Ditto (Evolution) and getResources (Revolution): Functionality inbuilt in PW. Use $page and $pages variables + selectors to find anything, anywhere. 3. Jot (Evolution) and Quip (Revolution): Comments Module is part of the PW Core. It is not enabled by default. You will have to enable it in the Admin. See also the related Comments Manager Module. 4. eForm (Evolution) and FormIt and FormItBuilder (Revolution): There are various Form parser codes in the Forums. There is also a commercial Form Builder Module. It’s not expensive, is developed by PW’s lead developer and proceeds support the PW project. 5. MaxiGallery (Evolution) and Gallery (Revolution): Presently, there is no equivalent. However, it is quite easy to build a photo album. See this tutorial in the wiki. There is also an Images Manager Module (still in alpha though). 6. AjaxSearch: Ajax Page Search Module. 7. Breadcrumbs: Quite easy to accomplish using PW API. See default PW install for an example. 8. FirstChildRedirect: Very easy to do using PW API like this: $session->redirect($page->children->first()->url); in a Template File. 9. getField (Evolution) and getResourceField (Revolution): Inbuilt in PW $page and $pages variables as shown above. 10. GetParent: Inbuilt in PW $page and $pages variables. E.g. $page->parent. 11. getPage: PW has inbuilt pagination as part of the Core (Pagination Markup Module). See this article for a quick tutorial. 12. UltimateParent: Inbuilt in PW API as rootParent. 13. if (Revolution): Use vanilla PHP with PW variable and selectors in Template Files. 14. VersionX (Revolution): Versioning for text-based fields is coming in PW 2.4 (release date summer 2013). Support for maintaining separate draft and live versions coming in PW 2.5 (Winter 2013/2014). Currently, there is also the Module Version Control for Text Fields. 15. getRelated (Revolution): No out-of-the-box Module for this. Has been previously accomplished using PW API in various ways. Have a look in the forums. 16. importX (Revolution): Import Pages CSV Module. 17. phpThumbOf: Thumbnail functionality is inbuilt in PW. There is also the Module Thumbnails that further extends this functionality. 18. getValue and getValues (Revolution): Inbuilt in PW. You can get the value of any Page using PW API - $page and $pages. 19. getFeed (Revolution): RSS Feed Loader Module. 20. MIGX (Revolution): Repeater Module which is part of the PW Core. It is not installed by default. You will need to do that yourself. For more info see this tutorial. 21. Articles (Revolution): See the Blog Profile Module. 22. NewsPublisher (Revolution): See below under Plugins. Examples MODX Ditto [!Ditto? &parents=`5`&extenders=`summary` &tpl=`tplBlog` &orderBy=`createdon ASC`&display=`6` &truncText=`Continue Reading This Article` !] PW equivalent $items = $pages->get(5)->children("sort=date,limit=6"); foreach ($items as $item) { echo $item->title; echo $item->summary;//etc. } //this assumes you have a Field called summary on that Page The first line in the above gives you all information about the 6 child Pages of the Page with ID #5. It returns an array. In other words, a basket of various documents containing all the info about those documents. Next, you traverse the array using foreach. In layman terms, you rummage through the basket picking goodies! In order to wrap HTML around the code output, we do it like this instead (there’s other ways to do it as well!) echo "<ul class='articles'>"; foreach($pages->get(5)->children("sort=date,limit=6") as $item) { echo "<li><p><a href='{$item->url}'>{$item->title}</a><br /> <span class='summary'>{$item->summary}</span></p></li>"; } echo "</ul>"; In this example, we have asked PW to grab the child Pages directly within the foreach rather than creating a variable $items first. MODX getResources // Output a list of child Resources of the current Resource, using the 'myRowTpl' chunk: [[!getResources? &parents=`[[*id]]` &tpl=`myRowTpl`]] PW equivalent echo "<ul>"; foreach ($page->children as $child) { echo "<li><a href='{$child->url}'>{$child->title}</a></li>"; } echo "</ul>"; //You might want to limit the number of child Pages you are getting if they are many! MODX getResources // Output the top 5 latest published Resources beneath the Resource with ID '5', with tpl 'blogPost': [[!getResources? &parents=`5` &limit=`5` &tpl=`blogPost` &includeContent=`1`]] PW equivalent echo "<h3>Latest Posts</h3>"; $posts = $pages->get(5)->children("limit=5"); foreach ($posts as $post) { echo $post->body; } c. Modules 1. Batcher and Docmanager (Revolution): Batcher Module (covers most equivalent functions). 2. DocFinder (Evolution): Inbuilt in PW default install. d. Plugins 1. QuickManager (Evolution): Several Modules can do this, i.e., Fredi, Page Frontend Edit and Inline Editor Modules. 2. ManagerManager (Evolution): Same functionality can be achieved using Templates, Access Control and the Modules Page Edit Field Permission, Page Edit Per User and Page Edit Per Role. e. Chunks See this example. Btw, the PW Cheat Sheet is you best friend... Hope this has been helpful! /kongondo
    43 points
  24. Hi everyone, Here's a new module that I have been meaning to build for a long time. http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-admin-actions/ https://github.com/adrianbj/ProcessAdminActions What does it do? Do you have a bunch of admin snippets laying around, or do you recreate from them from scratch every time you need them, or do you try to find where you saw them in the forums, or on the ProcessWire Recipes site? Admin Actions lets you quickly create actions in the admin that you can use over and over and even make available to your site editors (permissions for each action are assigned to roles separately so you have full control over who has access to which actions). Included Actions It comes bundled with several actions and I will be adding more over time (and hopefully I'll get some PRs from you guys too). You can browse and sort and if you have @tpr's Admin on Steroid's datatables filter feature, you can even filter based on the content of all columns. The headliner action included with the module is: PageTable To RepeaterMatrix which fully converts an existing (and populated) PageTable field to either a Repeater or RepeaterMatrix field. This is a huge timesaver if you have an existing site that makes heavy use of PageTable fields and you would like to give the clients the improved interface of RepeaterMatrix. Copy Content To Other Field This action copies the content from one field to another field on all pages that use the selected template. Copy Field Content To Other Page Copies the content from a field on one page to the same field on another page. Copy Repeater Items To Other Page Add the items from a Repeater field on one page to the same field on another page. Copy Table Field Rows To Other Page Add the rows from a Table field on one page to the same field on another page. Create Users Batcher Allows you to batch create users. This module requires the Email New User module and it should be configured to generate a password automatically. Delete Unused Fields Deletes fields that are not used by any templates. Delete Unused Templates Deletes templates that are not used by any pages. Email Batcher Lets you email multiple addresses at once. Field Set Or Search And Replace Set field values, or search and replace text in field values from a filtered selection of pages and fields. FTP Files to Page Add files/images from a folder to a selected page. Page Active Languages Batcher Lets you enable or disable active status of multiple languages on multiple pages at once. Page Manipulator Uses an InputfieldSelector to query pages and then allows batch actions on the matched pages. Page Table To Repeater Matrix Fully converts an existing (and populated) PageTable field to either a Repeater or RepeaterMatrix field. Template Fields Batcher Lets you add or remove multiple fields from multiple templates at once. Template Roles Batcher Lets you add or remove access permissions, for multiple roles and multiple templates at once. User Roles Permissions Batcher Lets you add or remove permissions for multiple roles, or roles for multiple users at once. Creating a New Action If you create a new action that you think others would find useful, please add it to the actions subfolder of this module and submit a PR. If you think it is only useful for you, place it in /site/templates/AdminActions/ so that it doesn't get lost on module updates. A new action file can be as simple as this: <?php namespace ProcessWire; class UnpublishAboutPage extends ProcessAdminActions { protected function executeAction() { $p = $this->pages->get('/about/'); $p->addStatus(Page::statusUnpublished); $p->save(); return true; } } Each action: class must extend "ProcessAdminActions" and the filename must match the class name and end in ".action.php" like: UnpublishAboutPage.action.php the action method must be: executeAction() As you can see there are only a few lines needed to wrap the actual API call, so it's really worth the small extra effort to make an action. Obviously that example action is not very useful. Here is another more useful one that is included with the module. It includes $description, $notes, and $author variables which are used in the module table selector interface. It also makes use of the defineOptions() method which builds the input fields used to gather the required options before running the action. <?php namespace ProcessWire; class DeleteUnusedFields extends ProcessAdminActions { protected $description = 'Deletes fields that are not used by any templates.'; protected $notes = 'Shows a list of unused fields with checkboxes to select those to delete.'; protected $author = 'Adrian Jones'; protected $authorLinks = array( 'pwforum' => '985-adrian', 'pwdirectory' => 'adrian-jones', 'github' => 'adrianbj', ); protected function defineOptions() { $fieldOptions = array(); foreach($this->fields as $field) { if ($field->flags & Field::flagSystem || $field->flags & Field::flagPermanent) continue; if(count($field->getFieldgroups()) === 0) $fieldOptions[$field->id] = $field->label ? $field->label . ' (' . $field->name . ')' : $field->name; } return array( array( 'name' => 'fields', 'label' => 'Fields', 'description' => 'Select the fields you want to delete', 'notes' => 'Note that all fields listed are not used by any templates and should therefore be safe to delete', 'type' => 'checkboxes', 'options' => $fieldOptions, 'required' => true ) ); } protected function executeAction($options) { $count = 0; foreach($options['fields'] as $field) { $f = $this->fields->get($field); $this->fields->delete($f); $count++; } $this->successMessage = $count . ' field' . _n('', 's', $count) . ' ' . _n('was', 'were', $count) . ' successfully deleted'; return true; } } This defineOptions() method builds input fields that look like this: Finally we use $options array in the executeAction() method to get the values entered into those options fields to run the API script to remove the checked fields. There is one additional method that I didn't outline called: checkRequirements() - you can see it in action in the PageTableToRepeaterMatrix action. You can use this to prevent the action from running if certain requirements are not met. At the end of the executeAction() method you can populate $this->successMessage, or $this->failureMessage which will be returned after the action has finished. Populating options via URL parameters You can also populate the option parameters via URL parameters. You should split multiple values with a “|” character. You can either just pre-populate options: http://mysite.dev/processwire/setup/admin-actions/options?action=TemplateFieldsBatcher&templates=29|56&fields=219&addOrRemove=add or you can execute immediately: http://mysite.dev/processwire/setup/admin-actions/execute?action=TemplateFieldsBatcher&templates=29|56&fields=219&addOrRemove=add Note the “options” vs “execute” as the last path before the parameters. Automatic Backup / Restore Before any action is executed, a full database backup is automatically made. You have a few options to run a restore if needed: Follow the Restore link that is presented after an action completes Use the "Restore" submenu: Setup > Admin Actions > Restore Move the restoredb.php file from the /site/assets/cache/AdminActions/ folder to the root of your site and load in the browser Manually restore using the AdminActionsBackup.sql file in the /site/assets/cache/AdminActions/ folder I think all these features make it very easy to create custom admin data manipulation methods that can be shared with others and executed using a simple interface without needing to build a full Process Module custom interface from scratch. I also hope it will reduce the barriers for new ProcessWire users to create custom admin functionality. Please let me know what you think, especially if you have ideas for improving the interface, or the way actions are defined.
    42 points
  25. Announcing the current status, planned release, roadmap and preview of Padloper 2. Status Feature freeze. Full multilingual support. Only PHP 7.2+ supported. Support for ProcessWire 3.0 only. Backend support for modern browsers only (that support JavaScript ES6 modules). Current Work Finish work on admin/backend. Work on installer and uninstaller (including configurable availability of some features). Work on UI/UX improvements. Start work on documentation with special focus on technical documentation. Continue work on Padloper API and data/model component. Roadmap Please note that these ARE NOT hard and fast targets. The roadmap may have to be adjusted to accommodate technical and non-technical constraints. Q1 2021 Inbuilt support for (latest) PayPal (full rewrite, no external modules required). Additional work on Padloper API. Invite a limited number of early alpha testers (fully-priced product). Soft and closed release of Padloper 2. Q2 2021 Start work on relaunch of Padloper website. Inbuilt support for Stripe (no external modules required). Future Plans Support for more Payment Gateways. Support for order, customers, etc imports and exports. Support for AdminThemeReno and AdminThemeDefault. Separate fully-featured frontend shop module. Consider support for multiple currencies. FAQ 1. Have you abandoned this project? No. 2. When will Padloper 2 be released? First early alpha release is scheduled for Q1 2021. This target may change depending on circumstances! Access will be by invite only for this first release. 3. What is the pricing model of Padloper 2? Three licences: Single Site, Developer and Agency licences (12 months’ updates and VIP support). 4. How much will Padloper 2 Cost? No price has been set yet. It will cost more than Padloper 1. 5. Can we upgrade from Padloper 1? No. 6. Will existing users of Padloper 1 get a discount for Padloper 2? No, this will not be possible. Apologies for the earlier announcement. It was unrealistic and unworkable. 7. Can we pay for Padloper 2 in advance? No. 8. Does Padloper 2 render markup/templates in the frontend? No. Access to all data you need to build your shop’s frontend is via the Padloper API. 9. Can we keep sending you ‘Are we there yet’ messages? No, please. Preview Here is a video preview of the current state of the backend/admin of Padloper 2. Please note the following: This is early alpha. There are bugs! It even includes WIP/notes!! FOUC, misaligned things, etc. The video shows the near-raw implementation of Vuetify UI. The UI/UX improvements work is yet to start. What you see here is the development version. Some of the incomplete features may not be available in the early releases. Most of the features you see will be optional to install.
    42 points
  26. Something I've wanted in ProcessWire for a long time is full version support for pages. It's one of those things I've been trying to build since ProcessWire 1.0, but never totally got there. Versioning text and number fields (and similar types) is straightforward. But field types in ProcessWire are plugin modules, making any type of data storage possible. That just doesn't mix well with being version friendly, particularly when getting into repeaters and other complex types. ProDrafts got close, but full version support was dropped from it before the first version was released. It had just become too much to manage, and I wanted it to focus just on doing drafts, and doing them as well as we could. ProDrafts supports repeaters too, though nested repeaters became too complex to officially support, so there are still some inherent limitations. I tried again to get full version support with a module called PageSnapshots developed a couple years ago, and spent weeks developing it. But by the time I got it fully working with all the core Fieldtypes (including repeaters), I wasn't happy with it. It was functional but had become too complex for comfort. So it was never released. This happens with about 1/2 of the code I write – it gets thrown out or rewritten. It's part of the process. What I learned from all this is that it's not practical for any single module to effectively support versions across all Fieldtypes in ProcessWire. Instead, the Fieldtypes themselves have to manage versions of their own data, at least in the more complicated cases (repeaters, ProFields and such). The storage systems behind Fieldtypes are sometimes unique to the type, and version management needs to stay internal [to the Fieldtype] in those cases. Repeaters are a good example, as they literally use other pages as storage, in addition to the field_* tables. For the above reasons, I've been working on a core interface for Fieldtypes to provide their own version support. Alongside that, I've been working on something that vaguely resembles the Snapshots module's API. But rather than trying to manage versions for page field data itself, it delegates to the Fieldtypes when appropriate. If a Fieldtype implements the version interface, it calls upon that Fieldtype to save, get, restore and delete versions of its own data. It breaks the complexity down into smaller chunks, to the point where it's no longer "complexity", and thus reasonable and manageable. It's a work in progress and I've not committed any of it to the core yet, but some of this is functional already. So far it's going more smoothly than past attempts due to the different approach. My hope is to have core version support so that modules like ProDrafts and others can eventually use that API to handle their versioning needs rather than trying to do it all themselves. I also hope this will enable us to effectively version the repeater types (including nested). I'm not there yet, but it's in sight. If it all works out as intended, the plan is to have a page versions API, as part of the $pages API. I'll follow up more as work continues. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
    41 points
  27. ProcessWire 3.0.157 on the development branch continues the trend of core refactoring that’s been happening quite a bit in 2020. Rather than doing a rewrite every few years (like some CMS projects) we instead refactor parts as we go, constantly improving and optimizing the core. This works because the core design/architecture is right where it needs to be, even 10 years in. But there’s always still bits of legacy code, and code that can be improved. So in the context of ProcessWire, refactoring means incrementally rewriting code on the inside, without changing its behavior on the outside (other than making it faster and/or more secure). This has been happening regularly over the last 10 years, and will likewise continue happening over the next 10 years and likely beyond. This week the code behind ProcessWire’s core Database and PageFinder classes got a major refactoring. This is some of the most used code in PW, as it handles everything involved in taking a selector and converting it to a database query. But it’s always been a little bit of a pain point for me because it had to build queries in a way that I thought wasn’t ideal, in order to make it possible for lots of different modular parts (mostly Fieldtype modules) to contribute to the query and for PageFinder to put it all together. It was fast and secure, but still one of those parts that felt like a little too much duct tape to me. But considering how crucial the code is, I’ve always been reluctant to make major changes, since it all worked just fine. Spending lots of years thinking about it (on and off), a desire to work out any pain points, and having better tools available (like Phpstorm and Tracy) made it possible to finally massage out this pain point. Some work still remains to be done, but it’s mostly there and I’m feeling good about it. Stuff like this is key for the maintenance and longevity of the core, and involved a lot of time and effort, but makes very little difference to users, even if it makes a lot of difference to me in maintaining the core. It would make a boring blog post for sure—lots of work and changes, but no new toys to show for it. Nevertheless, it has that feeling of a good house cleaning, even if you can't see it from the outside. The scope of changes here means that there may actually be new bugs to work out, so to be on the safe side, consider 3.0.157 to be a little more “beta” than the dev branches usually are. Though I’m running it here on processwire.com and it’s working well. Beyond the fairly major updates to the Database classes, there are also a few new Sanitizer convenience methods that are primarily variations on existing ones, but useful ones for sure. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
    41 points
  28. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone! This week and next week are shortened here due to reduced school and work schedules for the holidays (as I imagine they are in most places), so there won't be a new blog post and PW version for today. With the kids home from school all day, work shifts to building stuff with legos rather than code. But there are still several interesting PW updates in progress and I look forward to writing about them in next week's blog post. The new version (3.0.87) and related blog post will likely be a day early next week (on Thursday) rather than on Friday. Thanks for reading and I hope that you and your families have a great and relaxing holiday!
    41 points
  29. ConnectPageFields Allows the connecting of two related Page fields so that changing one updates the other. Purpose of module An example: suppose your website is about movies. You have a template "movie" with Page field "actors". For each movie you add the actors that appear in the movie. All good, but what if you want to find results like... the 10 actors who have appeared in the most movies actors who haven't appeared in any movies since 1990 You cannot retrieve these pages with a single efficient $pages->find() query, and must load a large PageArray into memory in order to iterate or filter it. For the sake of making these types of queries more efficient you could structure your templates/fields so that movies are added to actors instead, but this may be a less comfortable workflow and can run into equivalent problems (e.g. "find the 10 movies with the largest cast"). The solution is to have a two-way relationship so that movie pages have an "actors" Page field and actor pages have a "movies" Page field. This module will keep these two Page fields in sync so that adding "Ryan Gosling" to "Drive" automatically adds "Drive" to "Ryan Gosling". Also, you can select the same Page field in both Page field A and Page field B. For example, create a "Related" Page field for related pages. Choose "Related" for both fields in a pair in the module config. Now when you add "Orange buffoon" to Related for "Donald Trump", "Donald Trump" is automatically added to Related for "Orange buffoon". Usage Install the ConnectPageFields module. If you haven't already done so, create the two Page fields you want to connect and add them to templates. In the module config select the two Page fields in a "Connected field pair" row as Page field A and Page field B. You can add rows as needed using the "Add another row" button. Troubleshooting Make sure you have set the "Selectable Pages" settings for each Page field correctly: The settings for Page field A should allow pages using the template(s) that Page field B has been added to. The settings for Page field B should allow pages using the template(s) that Page field A has been added to. http://modules.processwire.com/modules/connect-page-fields/ https://github.com/Toutouwai/ConnectPageFields Module config: Demo showing how changing one Page field updates the other:
    40 points
  30. This week I've been working on something a little different: developing a new site profile in ProcessWire. Actually, I should probably call it an application profile rather than a site profile, as it's not a website profile. Instead it's a profile for an invoicing application in ProcessWire. Though you would install and run it on a web server, but it would be an independent application rather than part of a website... perhaps something you run in a subdirectory, subdomain, or even localhost. This is something I've been wanting to build for awhile—ever since the invoice service I use raised their rates beyond my budget. So I thought I'd build a replacement that I could use, as well as share for others that might have a similar need. I think it might also be a pretty decent PW profile example in general, too. I'd originally considered building it as a Process module but decided not to for a few reasons. Though the biggest one is that a site profile enables the greatest potential for customization and expansion according to each person's needs. Since you can expand upon it by adding your own fields and templates, or editing existing ones, most can really tailor it to their own needs a lot more easily than they could if it were a Process module. Likewise, since the actual invoices (and invoice emails) are rendered from front-end pages, you can customize the look and feel of them to match your brand very easily. (This is something I always wished I could do with the invoice service I've been using previously) This invoice profile requires nothing other than the ProcessWire core. It has no 3rd party or Pro module dependencies. I've got it largely functional at this stage, though will be putting a couple more weeks work into it before releasing it. I'd like to build in the option for clients to pay an invoice with a credit card (via Stripe) for instance. Below are a few screenshots of the work in progress. First is the page-list which shows the current invoices in the system and their status. (click image to view larger) As you can see, there are also pages for Clients and Settings. The client pages contain all the information about each client that invoices can be created for. The Settings page is where you can edit your own company information, logo and billing preferences. Next is the invoice editor. Here we have a repeater for each line item in the invoice. We also have a repeater for payments. All of the totals add up automatically as you type (Javascript added via hooks). They are also calculated automatically at the server side, so that everything stays consistent whether working with the API or in the page editor. (click image to view larger) At the bottom of the invoice editor you'll see a collapsed input for "Invoice action". This is where you can select actions to apply to the invoice. The two we currently have are "Email invoice to client" and "Email invoice to another address". Next up is what we see when viewing the invoice on the front-end. This is just the output of a template file but it is optimized for printing, saving to PDF and sending through email. I've kept it intentionally simple but of course the logo would be replaced with your own and all markup/styles are fully under your control. (click image to view larger) What I plan to add next are payment options, enabling a client to pay by credit card right from the invoice URL or email. What do you think, is this type of PW profile useful to you or someone you know? I've initially built it towards my own client invoicing needs, but I'm curious what other features you would like it to have? Or do you think it's better to keep it simple so that people can more easily take it in different directions? Thanks for your feedback. Have a great weekend!
    40 points
  31. This new main/master version has more than 220 commits, resolves more than 80 issues, adds numerous new features, performance improvements and optimizations, and consumes HALF the disk space of our previous release— https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.200/ I've just merged the dev branch to the master branch so this new version is available now. I will add the 3.0.200 tag (which should trigger packagist and others) over this weekend or Monday.
    40 points
  32. I'm so glad I wanted to share that with you today. Since November 2017, all of the company's infrastructure is built on ProcessWire. Whether it is the showcase website or the millions of transactions recorded in the database as pages or all the custom modules to interact with the company's data. Just to say that I feel lucky to work all the day with what I love, and when I remember that I was demoralized thinking I had to learn Wordpress or I don't know what, because before ProcessWire I never worked with a CMS and it was becoming vital. Then I stumbled on ProcessWire (hooray!). And now, a new step for me appeared yesterday. I have a trainee for a month. And my task is to teach him how to work with ProcessWire! This make me really proud ! Have a nice day everyone and again, thanks to this community and this software! ?
    40 points
  33. In the last couple of weeks I’ve been to several cities in Spain, France and Italy. I’d never been to any of those countries before (or Europe for that matter), so it was an exciting trip. Though the goal was for my kids to broaden their horizons and experience other parts of the world, as well as spend time with my parents and family. We got back this week and have been recovering from jet lag (another thing I’d not experienced before). The 6 hour difference was no problem getting there, but coming back, it’s a little harder to adjust! Next week I turn 50 years old (ugh), and then the following week I’m back in Europe again, except this time in the Netherlands on a bike trip with a client, and without my kids and parents. I’m not sure I’ll be able to do many core updates during the 10 day trip but do expect to have internet access this time, so will at least be online regularly and hope to be here in the forums. After that trip, I won’t be traveling again for a long time, and the focus will be on getting our next main/master version out. I noticed this week that @Robin S is now beating me as our most prolific module developer, with 72 modules! Great job and thanks for all the great modules Robin S.!
    39 points
  34. Hey folks! I'm happy to finally introduce a project I've been working on for quite a while now: it's called Wireframe, and it is an output framework for ProcessWire. Note that I'm posting this in the module development area, maily because this project is still in rather early stage. I've built a couple of sites with it myself, and parts of the codebase have been powering some pretty big and complex sites for many years now, but this should still be considered a soft launch ? -- Long story short, Wireframe is a module that provides the "backbone" for building sites (and apps) with ProcessWire using an MVC (or perhaps MVVM... one of those three or four letter acronyms anyway) inspired methodology. You could say that it's an output strategy, but I prefer the term "output framework", since in my mind the word "strategy" means something less tangible. A way of doing things, rather than a tool that actually does things. Wireframe (the module) provides a basic implementation for some familiar MVC concepts, such as Controllers and a View layer – the latter of which consists of layouts, partials, and template-specific views. There's no "model" layer, since in this context ProcessWire is the model. As a module Wireframe is actually quite simple – not even nearly the biggest one I've built – but there's still quite a bit of stuff to "get", so I've put together a demo & documentation site for it at https://wireframe-framework.com/. In addition to the core module, I'm also working on a couple of site profiles based on it. My current idea is actually to keep the module very light-weight, and implement most of the "opinionated" stuff in site profiles and/or companion modules. For an example MarkupMenu (which I released a while ago) was developed as one of those "companion modules" when I needed a menu module to use on the site profiles. Currently there are two public site profiles based on Wireframe: site-wireframe-docs is the demo&docs site mentioned above, just with placeholder content replaced with placeholder content. It's not a particularly complex site, but I believe it's still a pretty nice way to dig into the Wireframe module. site-wireframe-boilerplate is a boilerplate (or starter) site profile based on the docs site. This is still very much a work in progress, but essentially I'm trying to build a flexible yet full-featured starter profile you can just grab and start building upon. There will be a proper build process for resources, it will include most of the basic features one tends to need from site to site, etc. -- Requirements and getting started: Wireframe can be installed just like any ProcessWire module. Just clone or download it to your site/modules/ directory and install. It doesn't, though, do a whole lot of stuff on itself – please check out the documentation site for a step-by-step guide on setting up the directory structure, adding the "bootstrap file", etc. You may find it easier to install one of the site profiles mentioned above, but note that this process involves the use of Composer. In the case of the site profiles you can install ProcessWire as usual and download or clone the site profile directory into your setup, but after that you should run "composer install" to get all the dependencies – including the Wireframe module – in place. Hard requirements for Wireframe are ProcessWire 3.0.112 and PHP 7.1+. The codebase is authored with current PHP versions in mind, and while running it on 7.0 may be possible, anything below that definitely won't work. A feature I added just today to the Wireframe module is that in case ProcessWire has write access to your site/templates/ directory, you can use the module settings screen to create the expected directories automatically. Currently that's all, and the module won't – for an example – create Controllers or layouts for you, so you should check out the site profiles for examples on these. (I'm probably going to include some additional helper features in the near future.) -- This project is loosely based on an earlier project called pw-mvc, i.e. the main concepts (such as Controllers and the View layer) are very similar. That being said, Wireframe is a major upgrade in terms of both functionality and architecture: namespaces and autoloader support are now baked in, the codebase requires PHP 7, Controllers are classes extending \Wireframe\Controller (instead of regular "flat" PHP files), implementation based on a module instead of a collection of drop-in files, etc. While Wireframe is indeed still in a relatively early stage (0.3.0 was launched today, in case version numbers matter) for the most part I'm happy with the way it works, and likely won't change it too drastically anytime soon – so feel free to give it a try, and if you do, please let me know how it went. I will continue building upon this project, and I am also constantly working on various side projects, such as the site profiles and a few unannounced helper modules. I should probably add that while Wireframe is not hard to use, it is more geared towards those interested in "software development" type methodology. With future updates to the module, the site profiles, and the docs I hope to lower the learning curve, but certain level of "developer focus" will remain. Although of course the optimal outcome would be if I could use this project to lure more folks towards that end of the spectrum... ? -- Please let me know what you think – and thanks in advance!
    39 points
  35. I have been spending some long evenings building PadLoper. It is my personal project to challenge myself as a developer, but also something I believe ProcessWire really misses: a solid eCommerce platform. I am happy to announce, that I am not very far away from public release, so I did create a little teaser site and email list for all of you that are interested: https://www.padloper.pw/ As many of you now, I also have bunch of eCommerce modules called "shop for processwire". Those remain open source modules, but I am not actively maintaining them (like I really haven't since 2012). All the code in PadLoper is new and it's totally build from ground up. If someone wants to maintain or develop shop for processwire further, I am more than happy for that. There will be some open source components coming from PadLoper also: at least payment modules, but I might also open source the shopping cart module. Padloper released 4th October, 2015: https://www.padloper.pw/
    39 points
  36. Sorry I'm a little behind with messages here, I'll be caught up by mid week. But I've got a good excuse. Yesterday Karena Savannah Cramer was born. She is our 2nd daughter (Hanna Ryan, age 3 is our first). We will all be coming home from the hospital hopefully tomorrow.
    39 points
  37. Menu Builder As of 29 December 2017 ProcessWire versions earlier than 3.x are not supported Modules Directory Project Page Read Me (How to install, use, etc..) For highly customisable menus, please see this post. If you want a navigation that mirrors your ProcessWire page tree, the system allows you to easily create recursive menus using either vanilla PHP or Soma's great MarkupSimpleNavigation. In some cases, however, you may wish to create menus that: 1. Do not mirror you site's page tree (hirarchies and ancestry); and 2. You can add custom links (external to your site) to. That is primarily where Menu Builder comes in. It is also helpful if you: 3. Prefer creating menus via drag and drop 4. Have a need for menus (or other listings) that will be changing regularly or that you want to allow your admin users to edit. The issue of custom menus is not new here in the forums. The difference is that this module allows you to easily create such menus via drag and drop in the Admin. Actually, you can even use it to just create some list if you wanted to. In the backend, the module uses the jQueryUI plugin nestedSortable by Manuele J Sarfatti for the drag and drop and is inspired in part by the WP Custom Menu feature. Please read the Read Me completely before using this module. For Complex or highly-customised menus, it is recommended to use the getMenuItems() method as detailed in this post. Features Ability to create menus that do not mirror your ProcessWire Page Tree hierarchy/structure Menus can contain both ProcessWire pages and custom links Create menu hierarchies and nesting via drag and drop Easily add CSS IDs and Classes to each menu item on creating the menu items (both custom and from ProcessWire pages) or post creation. Optionally set custom links to open in a new tab Change menu item titles built from ProcessWire pages (without affecting the original page). E.g. if you have a page titled 'About Us' but you want the menu item title to be 'About' Readily view the structure and settings for each menu item Menus stored as pages (note: just the menu, not the items!) Menu items stored as JSON in a field in the menu pages (empty values not stored) Add menu items from ProcessWire pages using page fields (option to choose between PageAutocomplete and AsmSelect [default]) or a Selector (e.g. template=basic-page, limit=20, sort=title). For page fields, you can specify a selector to return only those specified pages for selection in the page field (i.e. asm and autocomplete) For superusers, optionally allow markup in your menu titles, e.g. <span>About</span> Menu settings for nestedSortable - e.g. maxLevels (limit nesting levels) Advanced features (e.g. add pages via selector, menu settings) currently permissible to superadmins only (may change to be permission-based) Delete single or all menu items without deleting the menu itself Lock down menus for editing Highly configurable MarkupMenuBuilder - e.g. can pass menu id, title, name or array to render(); Passing an array means you can conditionally manipulate it before rendering, e.g. make certain menu branches visible only to certain users [the code is up to you!] Optionally grab menu items only (as a Menu object WireArray or a normal array) and use your own code to create custom highly complex menus to meet any need. More... In the backend, ProcessMenuBuilder does the menu creation. For the frontend, menus are displayed using MarkupMenuBuilder. Credits In this module's infancy (way back!), I wanted to know more about ProcessWire modules as well as improve my PHP skills. As they say, what better way to learn than to actually create something? So, I developed this module (instead of writing PW tutorials as promised, tsk, tsk, naughty, naughty!) in my own summer of code . Props to Wanze, Soma, Pete, Antti and Ryan whose modules I studied (read copied ) to help in my module development and to Teppo for his wonderful write-up on the "Anatomy of fields in ProcessWire" that vastly improved my knowledge and understanding of how PW works. Diogo and marcus for idea about using pages (rather than a custom db table), onjegolders for his helpful UI comments, Martijn Geerts, OrganizedFellow, dazzyweb and Mike Anthony for 'pushing me' to complete this module and netcarver for help with the code. Screens
    38 points
  38. The traveling over the last month or so is finally finished. In late September/early October my family traveled to Spain, France, and Italy for the first time. And the last couple weeks my wife and I were in Holland on a bike trip where we lived on a boat for a week and biked all over the Netherlands (~150 miles of biking), and got to see a large portion of it. Our forum administrator @Pete was also there, as was Jan, who maintains our website on AWS, so sometimes it felt like a mini ProcessWire meetup too. The trip was one from Tripsite, a company using ProcessWire for more than 15 years, and this trip was their 25th anniversary. There were about 30 other people there as well, several whom also work ProcessWire as editors. It was an amazing trip, and now I'm completely sold on bike and boat trips being the best way to experience a country. I felt like I was a resident rather than a tourist. I’m sorry there have not been a lot of updates here lately due to all of the travel, but now that it’s done, it’s time to get back to work on our next main/master version, which I’m greatly looking forward to. While there have only been 3 commits this week, there have been 25 commits since 3.0.241, so I’m bumping the dev branch version up to 3.0.242, to get the momentum going again. Thanks for reading, and for your patience while I catch up with communications and such, and have a great weekend! Below is a photo of Pete, Jan and Ryan on the boat in Amsterdam.
    38 points
  39. Hi everyone, I'm happy to present my latest project, which is a collection of guides and tutorials for web development with ProcessWire written by me. https://processwire.dev/ What is this? I have written several tutorials in this forum, and I wanted a central place to collect all my tutorials and put them in a logical order. processwire.dev is exactly that, a curated list of tutorials for different topics related to ProcessWire development. I have revised, updated and expanded most of my existing tutorials. There are also some completely new tutorials. Notable topics How to integrate Composer in your ProcessWire sites, and a general explainer for namespaces and autoloading. A two-part guide to using Twig with ProcessWire and adding custom functionality. How to create flexible content modules with Repeater Matrix fields and Twig. A general guide to performance optimization for ProcessWire. A starter guide for the "ProcessWire mindset" - how to structure your content. ... and much more! What's next? I hope this will be a useful resource to all of you fine people. Please note that these tutorials are very much opinionated, and they reflect my personal experience and development practices. So if you disagree with some of my conclusions, that's perfectly fine! I'm happy to discuss all my recommendations and approaches with you, so let me know if you have any feedback, suggestions or error corrections! I plan to expand this resource over time and already have some new topics planned. If you have suggestions for new topics, go ahead and post them here as well! Start reading now: processwire.dev
    38 points
  40. Happy New Year! Hope that you all have a great end to 2021 and start of 2022. No major core updates to report this week, just a few minor issue fixing commits, so no version bump today. The dev branch is getting close to 100 commits (and at 7 versions) above the master branch, and with even more improvements/fixes/optimizations than that. So we may try to get a new master/main version out in early 2022, as I'd really like to get more master versions out in 2022 than we did in 2021. Some portion of our audience does not use the dev branch where most of the activity happens, and so it might be nice to share more of that activity on the master/main branch. That's one of many things I'm thinking about as the New Year approaches and am certain 2022 is going to be a great year for ProcessWire and the community. Hope that you have a great weekend and Happy New Year!
    38 points
  41. » A more exhaustive version of this article is also available on Medium in English and German « First, we'd like to thank the very helpful community here for the excellent support. In many cases we found guidance or even finished solutions for our problems. So a big THANK YOU!!! We are pleased to introduce you to the new Ladies Lounge 18 website. The next ICF Women’s Conference will take place in Zurich and several satellite locations across Europe. We embarked on bold new directions for the development of the website — in line with the BRAVE theme. Ladies Lounge 18 — ICF Woman’s Conference website on Processwire ICF Church is a European Church Movement that started 20 years ago in Zurich and since experienced tremendous growth. There are already well over 60 ICF churches across Europe and Asia. ICF is a non-denominational church with a biblical foundation that was born out of the vision to build a dynamic, tangible church that is right at the heartbeat of time. With the growth of the Ladies Lounge from a single-site event to a multi-site event, the demands and challenges to the website have also increased. A simple HTML website no longer cuts it. Simplified frontend Our goal with the development of the new site was it to present the different locations — with different languages and partly different content — under once uniform umbrella — while at the same time minimising the administrative effort. In addition to the new bold look and feel, this year’s website is now simpler and easier and the information is accessible with fewer clicks. Some highlights of the new website Thanks to processwire, all contents are maintained in one place only, even if they are displayed several times on the website 100% customised data model for content creators Content can be edited directly inline with a double-click: Multi-language in the frontend and backend Dynamic Rights: Editors can edit their locations in all available languages and the other content only in their own language Easy login with Google account via OAuth2 Plugin Uikit Frontend with SCSS built using PW internal features (find of files…) Custom Frontend Setup with Layout, Components, Partials and Snippets Only about 3 weeks development time from 0 to 100 (never having published a PW before) Despite multi-location multi-language requirement, the site is easy to use for both visitors and editors: The search for a good CMS is over It’s hard to find a system that combines flexibility and scope with simplicity, both in maintainance and development. The search for such a system is difficult. By and large, the open source world offers you the following options: In most cases, the more powerful a CMS, the more complex the maintenance and development It is usually like that; The functionality of a system also increases the training and operating effort — or the system is easy to use, but is powerless, and must be reporposed for high demands beyond its limits. Quite different Processwire : You do not have to learn a new native language, you don’t have to fight plugin hell and mess around with the loop, you don’t have to torment yourself with system-generated front-end code or even learn an entierly new, old PHP framework . All our basic requirements are met: Custom Content Types Flexible and extensible rights-management Multilanguage Intuitive backend Well curated Plugin Directory Actually working front-end editing Simple templating with 100% frontend freedom In addition, Processwire has an exceptionally friendly and helpful community. As a rule of thumb, questions are answered constructively in a few hours . The development progresses in brisk steps , the code is extremely easy to understand and simple. Processwire has a supremely powerful yet simple API , and for important things there are (not 1000) but certainly one module which at least serves as a good starting point for further development. Last but not least, the documentation is easy to understand, extensive and clever . Our experience shows, that you can find a quick and simple solution with Processwire, even for things like extending the rights-management — most of the time a highly complex task with other systems. This is also reflected positively in the user interface. The otherwise so “simple” Wordpress crumbles when coping with more complex tasks. It sumbles over its apparent simplicity and suddenly becomes complex: Old vs. New — Simple and yet complicated vs. easy and hmmm … easy Our experience with Processwire as first-timers Before we found out about Processwire, we found CraftCMS on our hunt for a better CMS. We were frustrated by the likes of Typo3, WP or Drupal like many here. CraftCMS looked very promising but as we were digging deeper into it, we found it did not met our requirements for some big projects in our pipeline that require many different locations, languages and features. Initially we were sceptical about Processwire because; A. CraftCMS Website (and before UiKit also the admin interface) simply locked much nicer and B. because it is built on top of a Framework It was only later, that we found out, that NOT depending on a Framework is actually a very good thing in Processwire's case. Things tend to get big and cumbersome rather then lean and clean. But now we are convinced, that Processwire is far superior to any of the other CMS right now available in most cases. The good Processwire is the first CMS since time immemorial that is really fun to use (almost) from start to finish— whether API, documentation, community, modules or backend interface. Every few hours you will be pleasantly surprised and a sense of achievement is never far away. The learning curve is very flat and you’ll find your way quickly arround the system. Even modules can be created quickly without much experience. Processwire is not over-engineered and uses no-frills PHP code — and that’s where the power steams from: simplicity = easy to understand = less code = save = easy maintanance = faster development … Even complex modules in Processwire usually only consist of a few hundred lines of code — often much less. And if “hooks” cause wordpress-damaged developers a cold shiver, Hooks in Processwire are a powerful tool to expand the core. The main developer Ryan is a child prodigy — active, eloquent and helpful. Processwire modules are stable even across major releases as the code base is so clean, simple and small. There is a GraphQL Plugin — anyone said Headless-CMS?! Image and file handling is a pleasure: echo "<img src='{$speaker->image->size(400, 600)->url}' alt='{$speaker->fullname}' />"; I could go on all day … The not soooo good Separation of Stucture and Data The definition of the fields and templates is stored in the database, so the separation between content and system is not guaranteed. This complicates clean development with separate live- and development-environments. However, there is a migration module that looks promising — another module, which is expected to write these configurations into the file system, unfortunately nuked our system. I'm sure there will be (and maybe we will invest) some clever solutions for this in the future. Some inspiration could also be drawn here, one of the greatest Plugins for WP: https://deliciousbrains.com/wp-migrate-db-pro/ Access rights The Access-Rights where missing some critical features: Editors needed to be able to edit pages in all languages on their own location, and content on the rest of the page only in their respective language. We solved it by a custom field adding a relation between a page the user and a role that we dynamically add to the user to escalate access rights; /** * Initialize the module. * * ProcessWire calls this when the module is loaded. For 'autoload' modules, this will be called * when ProcessWire's API is ready. As a result, this is a good place to attach hooks. */ public function init() { $this->addHookBefore('ProcessPageEdit::execute', $this, 'addDynPermission'); $this->addHookBefore('ProcessPageAdd::execute', $this, 'addDynPermission'); } public function addDynPermission(HookEvent $event) { $message = false; $page = $event->object->getPage(); $root = $page->rootParent; $user = $this->user; if ($user->template->hasField('dynroles')) { if ($message) { $this->message('User has Dynroles: '.$user->dynroles->each('{name} ')); } // for page add hook… if ($page instanceof NullPage) { // click new and it's get, save it's post… $rootid = wire('input')->get->int('parent_id') ? wire('input')->get->int('parent_id') : wire('input')->post->parent_id; if ($message) { $this->message('Searching Root '.$rootid); } $root = wire('pages')->get($rootid)->rootParent; } elseif ($page->template->hasField('dynroles')) { if ($message) { $this->message('Page "'.$page->name.'" has Dynroles: '.$page->dynroles->each('{name} ')); } foreach ($page->get('dynroles') as $role) { if ($role->id && $user->dynroles->has($role)) { if ($message) { $this->message('Add dynamic role "'.$role->name.'" because of page "'.$page->name.'"'); } $user->addRole($role); } } } if (!($root instanceof NullPage) && $root->template->hasField('dynroles')) { if ($message) { $this->message('Root "'.$root->name.'" has dynamic roles: '.$root->dynroles->each('{name} ')); } foreach ($root->get('dynroles') as $role) { if ($role->id && $user->dynroles->has($role)) { if ($message) { $this->message('Add dynamic role "'.$role->name.'" because of root page "'.$root->name.'"'); } $user->addRole($role); } } } } } With the Droles and Access Groups Modules we were not able to find a solution. I thought it was hard to get absolute URLs out of the system — Ha! What a fool I was. So much for the topic of positive surprise. (Maybe you noticed, the point actually belongs to the top.) But while we’re at it — that I thought it would not work, was due to a somewhat incomplete documentation in a few instances. Although it is far better than many others, it still lacks useful hints at one point or another. As in the example above, however, the friendly community quickly helps here. processwire.com looks a bit old-fashioned and could use some marketing love. You notice the high level to moan with Processwire. There is no free Tesla here. Conclusion Processwire is for anyone who is upset about any Typo3, Wordpress and Drupal lunacy — a fresh breeze of air, clear water, a pure joy. It’s great as a CMF and Headless CMS, and we keep asking ourselves — why is it not more widely known? If you value simple but clean code, flexibility, stability, speed, fast development times and maximum freedom, you should definitely take a look at it. You have to like — or at least not hate PHP — and come to terms with the fact that the system is not over-engineerd to excess. If that’s okay with you, everything is possible — with GraphQL you can even build a completely decoupled frontend. We are convinced of the simplicity of Processwire and will implement future sites from now on using it as a foundation. Links & resources we found helpful API documentation and selectors API cheatsheet pretty handy, not quite complete for version 3.0 Captain Hook Overview of Hooks Weekly.PW newsletter a week, exciting Wireshell command line interface for Processwire Nice article about Processwire Plugins & Techniques that we used Custom Frontend Setup with Uikit 3 and SCSS, and Markup Regions Uikit Backend Theme ( github ) Oauth2 login modules In-house development Login with E-Mail Pro Fields for repeater matrix fields (infos, price tables, daily routines) Wire upgrade to update plugins and the core Wire Mail Mandrill to send mails FunctionalFields for translatable front-end texts that are not part of a content type (headings, button labels, etc.) Runtime markup for dynamic backend fields (combination of first and last name) Tracy debugger for fast debugging Textformatter OEmbed to convert Vimeo and Youtube links into embed codes HideUneditablePages thanks to @adrian
    38 points
  42. I've been working on a module to make it really simple to upgrade ProcessWire from one version to another. Especially as a way to make it easy to upgrade from PW 2.4 to 2.5, or to upgrade from one dev version to another. This tool supports upgrading between any branches of ProcessWire (currently we only have master and dev on GitHub). It will also let you downgrade your ProcessWire version, though no reason to do that. The module keeps up-to-date directly with GitHub, so it works as a long-term tool for every upgrade if you want it to. It works best if your file system is writable. However, if it isn't, the tool can still be used. It will still download the upgrade files to the server and then tell you where to move them. I should also mention that this module is somewhat inspired by a similar module Nico built awhile back called AutoUpgrade. So far I've used this tool to upgrade this site (processwire.com), the skyscrapers site, and the modules site (modules.processwire.com). Before releasing this officially in the modules directory, or suggesting it for production use, I'd like to get some help testing. If anyone has availability to help test this on non-production sites, your help is appreciated. It can be downloaded from GitHub here. As a bonus, it will also be a good opportunity to help test PW 2.5! Thanks in advance. What I'd really like to do as the next step with this is make it support upgrade by FTP. That would provide a nicer and safer solution for those that don't have writable file systems on their servers. This tool should be compatible with ProcessWire versions as far back as 2.3.4. I will also update it to support older versions than that if there's demand for it.
    37 points
  43. This module is improved and extended successor to Version Control For Text Fields. It handles everything it's predecessor did -- providing basic version control features for page content -- and quite a bit more. Download or clone from GitHub: https://github.com/teppokoivula/VersionControl. This module requires ProcessWire 2.4.1 or later, mostly because of the file features, which require certain Pagefile and Pageimage methods to be hookable. There's no sensible way around this limitation; for those stuck with < 2.4.1, Version Control For Text Fields will remain a viable option. What does it do? While editing pages, fields with old revisions available show up with a new icon in their header bars. By hovering that icon you get a list of available revisions and by clicking any one of those the value of that particular field is reverted to that revision. No changes are made to page until you choose a revision and save the page, which means that you can keep switching between revisions to get an idea what's really changed without inadvertently causing any content to change. The module also adds a History tab to page edit. This tab opens a view to the history of current page in the form of "revisions" -- each of which is a group of changes to page fields processed during one page save (similar to revisions in various source control applications). There are three actions you can perform on these revisions: adding comments, live previewing what the page might've looked in that revision and restoring the page to specific revision. One specific feature that has been a big thing for me personally is support for file (and image) fields, as the original version control module felt rather incomplete without it. I'm hoping to take this a lot further performance, stability and feature wise, but as it stands right now, it's already included here and should be fully functional. Watch the video preview here I prepared a little screencast outlining most of this: http://youtu.be/AkEt3W7meic. Considering that it was my first screencast ever, I'd like to think that it wasn't that bad.. but I might give it another shot at some point, this time planning a bit before hitting "record" Upgrading from Version Control For Text Fields For those already using Version Control For Text Fields, I've added something extra. If you upgrade that module to it's latest version, you should see a new checkbox in it's settings screen saying "Don't drop tables during uninstall". If you check this, uninstall the module and then remove it's files (this is required in order to install Version Control), your old data should be automagically imported to Version Control. Import has only been tested with limited amounts of demo data. Proper tests are yet to come, so please be careful with this feature! Update, 21.6.2015: as of today, this module is no longer in beta. While all the regular warnings still apply (making changes, including installing any new modules, on a production site should always be considered risky) Version Control has gone through pretty extensive testing, and should be as stable as any other module out there.
    37 points
  44. A module helping you to manage SEO related tasks like a boss! Automatically generates and maintains a XML sitemap from your pages. Includes a Fieldtype and Inputfield to manage sitemap settings and meta data for pages (Title, Description, Canonical URL, Opengraph, Twitter, Structured Data etc.) Multi language support for the sitemap and meta data. Configure default values for meta data on template level and let pages inherit or overwrite them individually. Map existing fields to meta data, reducing the need to duplicate content. Live preview for content editors how the entered meta data appears on Google. Live preview for content editors how the entered Opengraph data looks like when sharing a page with Facebook. Check out the README on GitHub for more details, including usage instructions. The module is currently released as beta and needs testing! Please report any issues on GitHub or in this forum thread, if you find time to give it a try ? Examples Here is an example of rendered meta data you will get from a single SeoMaestro field: <title>Sed dictum eros quis massa semper rutrum. | acme.com</title> <meta name="description" content="Si lobortis singularis genitus ibidem saluto. Dolore ad nunc, mos accumsan paratus duis suscipit luptatum facilisis macto uxor iaceo quadrum. Demoveo, appellatio elit neque ad commodo ea. Wisi, iaceo, tincidunt at commoveo rusticus et, ludus."> <meta name="keywords" content="Foo,Bar"> <link rel="canonical" href="https://acme.com/en/about/"> <meta property="og:title" content="Sed dictum eros quis massa semper rutrum."> <meta property="og:description" content="Si lobortis singularis genitus ibidem saluto. Dolore ad nunc, mos accumsan paratus duis suscipit luptatum facilisis macto uxor iaceo quadrum. Demoveo, appellatio elit neque ad commodo ea. Wisi, iaceo, tincidunt at commoveo rusticus et, ludus."> <meta property="og:image" content="https://acme.com/site/assets/files/1001/og-image.jpg"> <meta property="og:image:type" content="image/jpg"> <meta property="og:image:width" content="1600"> <meta property="og:image:height" content="1200"> <meta property="og:image:alt" content="Lorem Ipsum"> <meta property="og:type" content="website"> <meta property="og:url" content="https://acme.com/en/about/"> <meta property="og:locale" content="en_EN"> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary"> <meta name="twitter:creator" content="@schtifu"> <meta name="twitter:site" content="@schtifu"> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "BreadcrumbList", "itemListElement": [ { "@type": "ListItem", "position": 1, "name": "About", "item": "https://acme.com/en/about/" } ] } </script> <meta name="generator" content="ProcessWire"> <link rel="alternate" href="https://acme.com/en/about/" hreflang="en"> <link rel="alternate" href="https://acme.com/en/about/" hreflang="x-default"> <link rel="alternate" href="https://acme.com/de/ueber/" hreflang="de"> <link rel="alternate" href="https://acme.com/fi/tietoja/" hreflang="fi"> And some screenshots of the UI:
    37 points
  45. The Background Early in December 2013, the National Geographic Traveller India team at Amar Chitra Katha, called Pigtail Pundits over to help them build their website. Till then, the NGTI site was a poorly cobbled together, pale shadow of the publication in html and css, comprising, mainly content from the offline magazine articles. It was formatted too plainly, and didn’t carry the richness of imagery, gloss and character that you’d associate with anything from the National Geographic stable. The Brief NGTI had an ambitious remit for the revamped website. It will contain the offline magazine, in full, with each issue richly illustrated with some 35 odd travel stories and encrusted with glorious pictures The past issues of the magazine, some 15 of them so far, would have to be imported into the new system gradually It will carry have articles written exclusively for the web, by a separate editorial team It must have the ability for accepting photos from amateur travel enthusiasts, every day It must showcase the images from National Geographic Traveller in all its glory through on-page galleries and sliders It must have a workflow for the editorial to schedule articles into the future It must be fitted with rich tags to describe/ cross-tag the articles, the ability for browsers to comment and search ability built into it What’s more, it must come close in feel and richness to the National Geographic mother site in the US. That site incidentally, was in Beta at that time, and used some really fancy, jaw dropping scripts and effects. We were wondering as to what technology it was built on. But, there were a lot of challenges to tackle before we even reached to the front-end effects. To Drupal, or to Processwire? The Million $$ choice. We took on the challenge of the revamp. Thinking through and rationalising the different and varying content types in the magazine was our first task. We noted 13 different types. The trick was to winnow this down to just one content type that could fit all types of articles. Then, in fitting this content type into the system, we had to take a few calls. We argued that the system must have the flexibility to allow editors to embellish their articles - with drop caps, pull quotes, captions, guides and other style ornamentation that was singular to the National Geographic Traveller. In order to do this effectively, we would have pre-styled codes in the system that could be invoked using short codes as the editors saw fit. This was a whole sight better and more flexible than putting text into pre-styled boxes that would constrain the editorial. Drupal CMS was our first choice in putting this system together. We had worked with Drupal for several years now and we knew a thing or two about customising it too. The only challenge was to get a young team at Pigtail Pundits behind Drupal. The learning curve for Drupal was always daunting and that was a concern. We started work on Drupal in early January 2014. We cobbled together an internal team that would work on the project. After about a month into Drupal, we had almost everything ready for a demo to the client, save for styling. In early February, we had a rethink. We were working on some projects and testing out Processwire, internally in parallel with the NatGeo project. We found PW to be a fast, flexible, efficient system, without either the bloat and the learning curve required of Drupal. We had to take a call. Drupal, for all its goodness, still made heavy weather of its modules. Drupal optimisation alone required a lot of modules at the application level. Plus a few on the server - memcache, ably supplemented with server processing speed and memory in fair, generous helpings. But optimisation itself was just one of the many things that troubled us about Drupal. There were a heap of other modules, each adding weight and extra lumber to the ponderous system. Besides there was image heavy content. We had serious doubts as to the conditions under which the site would run well with Drupal, both immediately, and in the long run. We had to take a call. Time for a few seditious thoughts Could we now change the NGTI project to Processwire from Drupal? What would be the implications? For us, for NGTI? We had to grapple with a whole bunch of fallouts of this. How do we come clean with the client on this? Would that decision to shift hurt us? What if the client were to say no to the shift? What about getting our internal team that was already on Drupal, come to grips with Processwire? How long would that take? The reasons to shift to Processwire were clear. Speed, flexibility and scalability given the volume of content that was going to be part of the magazine and web editorial, the features we required, and the potential traffic on the NGTI site. The decision had to be made now. We decided to make an early switch to PW. And in retrospect, it was probably the best decision we took. We had to instil confidence in the client that this switch to Processwire was the right thing to do. If we relayed the news too early, it could have worked against us. We had to prove that PW was a better decision. So we went ahead and simulated all that we’d done in Drupal into Processwire without asking the client, or giving them a whiff of what we were up to. We worked in parallel on both the systems. It took us about 15 days to get everything in Drupal into PW. Mercifully for us the client was hunting for a design team that would do justice to the Nat Geo design pedigree and that took some time. Along with the fact that the new web editorial team was still being formed. We used this lull effectively to make the switch. Remarkably, our Drupal team picked up PW twithout any issues. It took them a week to grasp it and get going. That was a record of sorts as we’d folks who struggled with Drupal even after 3 months on a project, still coming to grips with techniques and modules. But PW was a cinch. The Processwire Miracle We put together the first cut of the site in Processwire. Rationalized content types for magazine articles were in One magazine issue was fed in so that we could slap on some styling Hannah code was used generously to style the content within the editor, without getting in the way of content, or trapping this into pre-styled text-area boxes. Magazine captions, guides, block-quotes, drop caps were driven by Hannah to facilitate the editorial hoopla Gallery and slider scripts were quarried for the demo The demo date was decided in early April. We showed off the system, its speed, and ease of use, live to the client. It was only after the demo that we told them that the system was not Drupal, but Processwire. They were already sold by then. The real intensity on the NGTI project however started in June 2014 when the designer Matt Daniels was brought in by NGTI. We were privy to the early designs of the Home Page, Landing Pages and Detail Pages. But were anxious as to how things would play when the entire design was complete. After all the design was not in our control. Luckily, everything went off well. There were a few challenges, and these were taken up and resolved. Javascript for the galleries, sliders had to be rewritten from scratch to conform to the design requirements Editorial came up with a list of how they wanted articles to be featured on the Home Page in blocks and we had to program this accordingly. We managed to queue the articles and then lop the old off, when the new were published Destination page required maps by default and then of city/ country being searched. This was programmed using Google APIs. Marketing came up with the need for ads - leaderboard and sidebar and we had to fit these in An Events Calendar was programmed from ground up, as per the design for Events The import of prior issues was debated, captured into excel sheets, reviewed, and reviewed some more. Scripts were written for import. Scripts were written to test the integrity of the data input before import. And everything came together in August, 2014. 6 magazine issues were imported before the launch was announced on August 14. The NGTI team went in and styled these quickly using the tools we had built for them. The final build had 20 different templates. In retrospect, we could have rationalised these too to fewer. But these came in bit by bit for the build and there was little we could do there as we couldn’t see the whole, before it arrived. The NGTI team was trained on the backend operations as part of the build itself, so by the time we had completed the site, they were up and ready to input. The project is still in beta for a few days. Optimization using just compression of CSS & JS works fine for speed. The site works like a charm now. Thanks everyone Thanks are due to Processwire and the amazing system and set of modules that are in place. Thank you Ryan Cramer. We don’t have to tell you how much we enjoy working with this system, after coming from Drupal and WordPress. Thanks to all the lovely folks on the PW forum who had answers to niggling issues we had. Key Tools, Systems used: Processwire 2.4 CMS with Foundation 4.0 framework Hannah Code for short codes in the editor for style application Event Calendar was coded ground up Form Builder was used for front end forms CK Editor, for text area editing with Image extra for description and tags ProCache - for server level caching Video Embeds and Images used field uploads Image Captions & Tags using image extra fields Scheduler, for advanced date publishing AIOM - for compressing JS and CSS for speed improvements MailChimp Integration for Newsletter Disqus Integration for Comments Integration of Facebook, Instagram, Google Maps via API Integration and customisation of Google Search Integration of DoubleClick and Adsense for advertising
    37 points
  46. Hi all, I have posted this in the VIP support forum of Padloper as well. Some of you do not have access to that board so posting here as well. Hopefully it doesn't count as spamming?! In June 2018, Antti announced that he was looking for a new product owner for Padloper. Sometime after, I had a fruitful discussion with him about my vision for the project if I was to take over. We agreed that commitment, motivation and a concrete plan were all important ingredients for the continued success of Padloper. I would like to officially announce that I am now the product owner and lead developer of Padloper. For those who may not know, I am the author and maintainer of several ProcessWire modules, both free and commercial. I am also a moderator in the ProcessWire forums. I would like to share with you a number of things regarding what’s going to happen next. This will be a long read. First, I would like to thank Antti for developing a great product. A lot of man-hours, dedication, passion and love has gone into making Padloper what it is today. Secondly, I would like to thank all users of Padloper. A great product is nothing without active users utilising it, putting it to the test, reporting bugs (even offering possible solutions) and proposing new features. So, thank you for helping make Padloper great! Support Thousands of hours have gone into developing Padloper. Although the code is well-written and easy to follow, Padloper is a big application with many moving parts. As such, it will take some time before I can fully grasp its inner workings. To make this transition as smooth as possible, Antti will help me with support for Padloper for some time. Currently, Padloper has a dedicated support forum. This is an arrangement between Ryan and Antti. The support forum works great as it allows the opening of multiple support threads to cover different issues. I have yet to speak to Ryan whether this arrangement can continue. However, given that I have other pro modules that I support in the open forums, it is unlikely that I will be requesting Ryan to let Padloper’s dedicated forum carry forth. A dedicated forum for one of my pro modules and open forums for my other pro modules will lead to confusion and questions from users of those other modules. Hence, Padloper support in the forums will move to the open forums. The disadvantage here is obviously the fact that support will be offered in one single (and maybe massive) support thread. To get around a ‘single thread support forum’, I am thinking of developing a simple online support queue system for all my modules. Meanwhile, support will continue in a new single thread and via email. Roadmap This list is neither exhaustive nor cast in stone. Its aim is to give an overview of my plans for Padloper. · Padloper 2 – a new major release · New backend for Padloper · Optional pro frontend module for Padloper · Documentation · New payment modules Let’s talk a bit about this list. Padloper 2 Release Padloper 2 will be a major release that incorporates a new, central backend shop for Padloper. This will be a new process module that pulls from the existing parts of Padloper (data models, etc) into one interface (more on this below). This version will also be extensible in the frontend, allowing for the plugging in of a new, optional, commercial frontend shop (full featured shop profile). Padloper 2 will not support the current ‘any page can be a product’ paradigm. Technically, products will still be pages. However, all products will utilise the same Padloper template. These will be invisible to the shop users themselves (e.g., hidden in admin tree). Only superusers will have full control of the Padloper system stuff. Support The current Padloper will continue to be supported until the new Padloper 2 is released. New features will be included in Padloper 2 only. Once Padloper 2 is released, legacy Padloper will only receive security fixes. All other support will cease. Upgrade There will be no upgrade path from the current Padloper to Padloper 2. Although their underlying architecture is the same, making sure that everything works in different setups and environments will be time consuming. However, for those who really need to migrate, if time allows and for an agreed fee, I could develop a custom script for the migration. Backend A new backend interface will be the major visual difference between the existing Padloper and Padloper 2. It goes beyond visual differences though. The new backend will be the single gateway for managing all shop-related features, both current and new ones. The backend will unify and include: · Easily add shop products. · Ability to add as little or as many custom fields to products as required (title, SKU, price, discount field, image/photo, description, categories, tags, etc). · Discounts manager (including auto start/expire discount codes). · Customers manager. · Invoices manager. · Taxes management. · Payment gateways manager. · Improved digital products management. · Stock management. · Manual order creation. · Graphical sales report. · Customer support. · Access-controlled shop editors/staff. · Dashboard for shop metrics. · Shop settings. · Product variations. · Import/export products as CSV or JSON. · Products search/filter. · Etc. Users will be able to turn off backend features that they do not need. This will enable a more streamlined experience for users. I plan to release Padloper 2 within 4 - 6 months, hopefully sooner. This is a major undertaking, hence the timescale. Please note that the first release of Padloper 2 will not include all of the above planned features. The idea is to build incrementally, adding new features in minor updates, focusing on stability, usability and security. Frontend Past requests have included the development of a full featured frontend shop. This is planned for Padloper 2. However, this will be an optional pro module priced separately from Padloper itself. The ability to build own frontend shops using Padloper API will still continue. For those who want a plug-n-play solution, this frontend shop will come in handy. The frontend shop profile will feature an ajax-powered shopping cart and a customisable ready-to-go theme. Pricing Model There are no plans to change the current prices of the 3 Padloper licences (Single, Developer and Agency). However, in order to continue to provide Padloper as a stable product with great features, it is also important that it remains a competitive and financially sustainable project. In order for this to happen and to also bring Padloper in line with my existing pro modules, the pricing model itself has to change. Starting from Padloper 2, the pricing model will shift to an ‘annual subscription’ model rather than the current ‘lifetime licence model’. I am fully aware that there are different opinions for and against annual subscriptions. However, I believe that this model is the most equitable approach that suits both the developer and the clients. The annual subscription will allow users (licence holders) to get 12 months of free VIP support for Padloper as well as future updates available within that time period. After the 12 months, users will be able to renew (online) their subscription at a discounted cost (worked as a fraction of the full purchase price) for a further 12 months (perpetually). Users will be able to continue to use Padloper for life even if they don’t renew their subscriptions. Upgrading current licences to Padloper 2 will be a paid upgrade. Current users of Padloper will get an attractive discount. This will be a time-limited offer (maybe a couple of months) that will start with the release of Padloper 2. New customers will pay the full price for Padloper 2. I hope the planned features are reason enough for you to consider upgrading to Padloper 2. Payment Modules I will be taking over as the maintainer and lead developer of the existing payment gateways (Payment base class, PayPal and Stripe). New payment modules are also planned. Payment modules will continue to be free. However, only ProcessWire 3+ support will be provided going forward. Padloper Domain and Future Downloads I have also taken charge of the Padloper domain. Within the next 12 months, purchase and download of Padloper will shift to processwireshop.pw. Please note that this is not the official shop for ProcessWire! It just bears a name that reflects its product offerings ?. Eventually, traffic to padloper.pw will redirect to processwireshop.pw. Feedback I would love to hear your thoughts about the upcoming changes and any feature requests you might have for Padloper 2. Whilst I cannot guarantee that any request will be implemented, I can promise that I will thoughtfully consider all feedback. Thanks for reading and thank you for supporting Padloper! kongondo
    37 points
  47. I've seen a couple of questions regarding namespaces and autoloading floating around the forum recently, so I decided to write a little tutorial. In general, I often see people getting confused when they try to wrap their head around namespaces, autoloading, Composer and the mapping of namespaces to directory structures all at once. In fact, those are very much independent, distinct concepts, and it is much easier to explain and understand them separately. So this guide is structured as follows: How namespaces work in PHP. How autoloading works in PHP. Conventions for mapping namespaces to directory structures: PSR-4. How autoloading works in Composer and ProcessWire's class loader. How to use the class loader in a ProcessWire module. Feel free to skip the sections you're already familiar with. Namespaces in PHP The purpose of namespaces in PHP is to avoid naming conflicts between classes, functions and constants, especially when you're using external libraries and frameworks. Nothing more. It's important to understand that this has nothing at all to do with autoloading, directory structures or file names. You can put namespaced stuff everywhere you want. You can even have multiple namespaces inside a single file (don't try this at home). Namespaces only exist to be able to use a generic name – for example, ProcessWire's Config class – multiple times in different contexts without getting a naming conflict. Without namespaces, I couldn't use any library that includes a Config class of it's own, because that name is already taken. With namespaces, you can have a distinction between the classes ProcessWire\Config and MoritzLost\Config. You can also use sub-namespaces to further segregate your code into logical groups. For example, I can have two classes MoritzLost\Frontend\Config and MoritzLost\Backend\Config– a class name only needs to be unique within it's namespace. You can declare the namespace for a PHP file using the namespace statement at the top: // file-one.php <?php namespace ProcessWire; // file-two.php <?php namespace MoritzLost\Frontend; This way, all classes, methods and constants defined inside this file are placed in that namespace. All ProcessWire classes live in the ProcessWire namespace. Now to use one of those classes – for example, to instantiate it – you have a couple of options. You can either use it's fully qualified class name or import it into the current namespace. Also, if you are inside a namespaced file, any reference to a class is relative to that namespace. Unless it starts with a backward slash, in this case it's relative to the global namespace. So all of those examples are equivalent: // example-one.php <?php namespace ProcessWire; $page = new Page(); // example-two.php <?php use ProcessWire\Page; $page = new Page(); // example-three.php <?php $page = new ProcessWire\Page(); // example-four.php <?php namespace MoritzLost\Somewhere\Over\The\Rainbow; $page = new \ProcessWire\Page(); The use statement in the second example can be read like this: “Inside this file, all references to Page refer to the class \ProcessWire\Page” How autoloading works Every PHP program starts with one entry file – for ProcessWire, that's usually it's index.php. But you don't want to keep all your code in one file, that would get out of hand quickly. Once you start to split your code into several individual files however, you have to take care of manually including them with require or include calls. That becomes very tedious as well. The purpose of autoloading is to be able to add new code in new files without having to import them manually. This, again, has nothing to do with namespaces, not even something with file locations. Autoloading is a pretty simple concept: If you try to use a class that hasn't been loaded yet, PHP calls upon it's registered autoloaders as a last-ditch attempt to load them before throwing an exception. Let's look at a simple example: // classes.php <?php class A { /** class stuff */ } class B { /** class stuff */ } // index.php <?php spl_autoload_register(function ($class) { include_once 'classes.php'; }); new A(); new B(); This is a complete and functional autoloader. If you don't believe me, go ahead and save those two files (classes.php and index.php) and run the index.php with php -f index.php. Then comment out the include_once call and run it again, then you'll get an error that class A was not found. Now here's what happens when index.php is executed (with the autoloader active): Our anonymous function is added to the autoload queue through spl_autoload_register. PHP tries to instantiate class A, but can't because it's not loaded yet. If there was no autoloader registered, the program would die with a fatal error at this point. But since there is an autoloader ... The autoloader is called. Our autoloader includes classes.php with the class definition. That was a close one! Since the class has been loaded, execution goes back to the index.php which can now proceed to instantiate A and B. If the class was still not loaded at this point, PHP would go back to the original plan and die. One thing to note is that the autoloader will only be called once in this example. That's because both A and B are in the same file and that file is included during the first call to the autoloader. Autoloading works on files, not on classes! The important takeaway is that PHP doesn't know if the autoloader knows where to find the class it asks for or, if there are multiple autoloader, which one can load it. PHP just calls each registered autoloader in turn and checks if the class has been loaded after each one. If the class still isn't loaded after the last autoloader is done, it's error time. What the autoloader actually does is pretty much wild wild west as well. It takes the name of the class PHP is trying to load as an argument, but it doesn't have to do anything with it. Our autoloader ignores it entirely. Instead, it just includes classes.php and says to itself “My job here is done”. If class A was in another file, it wouldn't have worked. This process has two main advantages: Since autoloaders are only called on-demand to load classes just in time, we only include the files we actually need. If in the example above class A and B are not used in some scenarios, the classes.php will not be included, which will result in better performance for larger projects (though this isn't as cut and dry, since autoloading has it's own overhead, so if you load most classes anyway during a single request, it will actually be less efficient). If the autoloader is smart enough to somehow map class names to the files they're located in, we can just let the autoloader handle including the classes we need, without having to worry about jamming include statements everywhere. That brings us to ... PSR-4, namespaces and directory structures As you see, namespaces and autoloading are both pretty limited concepts. And they aren't inherently linked to each other. You can namespace your classes without ever adding an autoloader, and you can autoload classes that are all in the same namespace. But they become useful when you put them together. At the core of all that autoloading talk is a simple idea: By putting classes in files named after their class names, and putting those files in directory hierarchies based on the namespace hierarchy, the autoloader can efficiently find and load those files based on the namespace. All it needs is a list of root namespaces with their corresponding directories. The exact way class names and namespaces are mapped to directory structures and file names is purely conventional. The accepted convention for this is PSR-4. This is a super simple standard which basically just sums up the ideas above: A base namespace is mapped to a specific directory in the file system. When the autoloader is asked to load a class in that namespace (or a sub-namespace of it), it starts looking in that folder. This "base" namespace may include multiple parts – for example, I could use MoritzLost\MyAwesomeLibrary as a base and map that to my source directory. PSR-4 calls this a "namespace prefix". Each sub-namespace corresponds to a sub-directory. So by looking at the namespace, you can follow subdirectories to the location where you expect to find the class file. Finally, the class name is mapped directly to the file name. So MyCoolClass needs to be put inside MyCoolClass.php. This all sounds simple and straightforward - and it absolutely is! It's only once you mash everything together, mix up language features, accepted conventions and proprietary implementations like Composer on top that it becomes hard to grasp in one go. Composer and ProcessWire's class loader Now all that's left is to talk about how Composer and ProcessWire provide autoloading. Composer, of course, is primarily a tool for dependency management. But because most libraries use namespaces and most developers want to have the libraries they're using autoloaded, those topics become a prerequisite to understanding what Composer does in this regard. Composer can use different autoloading mechanisms; for example, you can just give it a static list of files to include for every request, or use the older PSR-0 standard. But most modern libraries use PSR-4 to autoload classes. So all Composer needs to function is a mapping of namespace prefixes to directories. Each library maintains this mapping for it's PSR-4-structured classes through the autoload information in their composer.json. You can do this for your own site to: Just include the autoload information as shown in the documentation and point it to the directory of your class files. Composer collects all that information and uses it to generate a custom file at vendor/autoload.php — that's the one you need to include somewhere whenever you set up Composer in one of your projects. Bells and whistles aside, this file just registers an autoloader function that will use all the information collected from your own and your included libraries' composer.json to locate and include class files on demand. You can read more about how to optimize Composer's autoloader for production usage here. If you want to read up on how to set up Composer for your own sites, read my ProcessWire + Composer integration guide instead. And finally, what does ProcessWire do to handle all this? Turns out, ProcessWire has it's own autoloader implementation that is more or less PSR-4 compliant. You can access it as an API variable ($classLoader or wire('classLoader'), depending on context). Instead of using a static configuration file like Composer, the namespace -> directory mapping is added during the runtime by calling $classLoader->addNamespace. As you would expect, this function accepts a namespace and a directory path. You can use this to register your own custom namespaces. Alternatively, if you have site-specific classes within the ProcessWire namespace, you can just add their location to the class loader using the same method: $classLoader->addNamespace('ProcessWire', '/path/to/your/classes/'). Utilizing custom namespaces and autoloading in ProcessWire modules Now as a final remark, I wanted to give an example of how to use custom namespaces and the class loader in your own modules. I'll use my TrelloWire module as an example: Decide what namespace you're going to use. The main module file should live in the ProcessWire namespace, but if you have other classes in your module, they can and should use a custom namespace to avoid collisions with other modules. TrelloWire uses ProcessWire\TrelloWire, but you can also use something outside the ProcessWire namespace. You need to make sure to add the namespace to the class loader as early as possible. If either you or a user of your module tries to instantiate one of your custom classes before that, it will fail. Good places to start are the constructor of your main module file, or their init or ready methods. Here's a complete example. The module uses only one custom namespaced class: ProcessWire\TrelloWire\TrelloWireApi, located in the src/ directory of the module. But with this setup, I can add more classes whenever I need without having to modify anything else. /** * The constructor registers the TrelloWire namespace used by this module. */ public function __construct() { $namespace = 'ProcessWire\\TrelloWire'; $classLoader = $this->wire('classLoader'); if (!$classLoader->hasNamespace($namespace)) { $srcPath = $this->wire('config')->paths->get($this) . 'src/'; $classLoader->addNamespace($namespace, $srcPath); } } Source Thanks for making it through to the very end! I gotta learn to keep those things short. Anyway, I hope this clears up some questions about namespaces and autoloading. Let me know if I got something wrong, and feel free to add your own tips and tricks!
    37 points
  48. I hope that you have had a great week! I’ve been working hard on finishing up the LoginRegisterPro module this week and actually have it ready. But I’ve been told I have to get off the computer in 20 minutes, so so I think I’ll wait till Monday to release it. But I do have the new info page (which is kind of like last week's blog post) and new documentation page now online. The documentation page in particular is pretty comprehensive. In last week’s post there was a form to request more info once it’s released, so if you are interested in this module and haven’t filled out that form, please do. That’s how I’ll be sending out the introduction coupon code this time around, for those that want it. There have also been some core updates this week, but it was just a few commits, so not enough to warrant a version bump today. That’s actually a good thing, as no major new issues turning up means one step closer to merging onto the master branch. There will be a new master version before this year is done! Thank you for reading and I hope that you all have a great Christmas and/or holiday week next week!
    37 points
  49. A quick tutorial how to create file downloads using pages You will be able to create a new page using template "PDF" (or any you setup), upload a pdf file. You then can select this page using page fields, or links in Wysiwyg. The url will be to the page and NOT the file itself. This will allow to keep a readable permanent unique url (as you define it), unlike /site/assets/files/1239/download-1.pdf, and you'll be able to update/replace the uploaded file without worring about its filename. Further more the file will also have an id, the one of the page where it lives. Clicking those links will download or open the file (when target="_blank") like it would be a real file on server with a path like /downloads/project/yourfile.pdf. You'll be also able to use the "view" action directly in the page list tree to view the file. Further more you'll be able to esaily track downloads simply by adding a counter integer field to the template and increase it every time the page is viewed. Since the file is basicly a page. This all works very well and requires only minimal setup, no modules and best of it it works in the same way for multi-language fields: Just create the language alternative fields like "pdf, pdf_de, pdf_es" and it will work without modifying any code! Still with me? ok PW setup Download folder: Create a template "folder" or "download-folder" with only a title needed. Create pages in the root like /downloads/project/ using this template. Setup the template for the pdf files 1. Create a new template in PW. Name it pdf 2. Goto template -> URLs tab and set the URL end with slash to no. (So we can have /path/myfile.pdf as the URL) 3. Create a new custom file field, name it pdf. Set its maximal count to 1 under -> Details tab. 4. Add the pdf field created to the pdf template. Easy. 5. Create a new "pdf" page using the pdf template under a download folder you created earlier. 6. Give it the title and in the name field add ".pdf" to the end (could also leave as is) Template PHP file for the pdf files 1. Create the template file pdf.php in your /site/templates folder 2. add the following code: <?php // pdf.php if($page->pdf){ wireSendFile($page->pdf->filename); } Done. To see the options you have with PW's wireSendFile() you can also overwrite defaults <?php // pdf.php if($page->pdf){ $options = array( // boolean: halt program execution after file send 'exit' => true, // boolean|null: whether file should force download (null=let content-type header decide) 'forceDownload' => false, // string: filename you want the download to show on the user's computer, or blank to use existing. 'downloadFilename' => '', ); wireSendFile($page->pdf->filename, $options); } Simple and powerful isn't it? Try it out. Some thoughts advanced Create as many file types as you like. It might also be possible to use one "filedownload" template that isn't restricted to one field type but evaluate it when being output using $page->file->ext, or save the file extension to the page name after uploading using a hook. One last thing. You can add other meta fields or preview images to the template and use those to create lists or detail pages. It's all open to goodness. Again all without "coding" and third-party modules. Further more you can use the excellent TemplateDecorator to add icons per template and have a nice pdf icon for those pages. This as a base one could also easily create a simple admin page for mass uploading files in a simple manner, and create the pages for the files automaticly. ImagesManager work in the same way. Cheers
    37 points
  50. ProcessWire ProFields is new product that will soon be available in the ProcessWire store. It consists of 4 really useful new modules: Textareas (Fieldtype + Inputfield) Multiplier (Fieldtype + Inputfield) Table (Fieldtype + Inputfield) AutoLinks (Textformatter) These modules are currently in beta testing, and I'll be posting screencasts to highlight some of the features of each over the next week or so. To start with, here is a screencast for Textareas: This video includes sound (narration) and I recommend viewing it at a larger size than above (preferably full screen), and bump it up to the 720p resolution so that you can see everything in better detail.
    37 points
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