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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/19/2024 in all areas

  1. Hey there, for the last couple days I've been playing around with Pico CSS after reading about it in @Jonathan Lahijani's post over here I'm really liking the framework and thought it would be a great fit for smaller PW Projects, so I've put together a small site profile as a starting point for people who'd like to try it out. This is by no means a production ready site, so just be aware of that when you install it somewhere ? @Juergen has generously offered to include native Pico support in his FrontendForms Module and already implemented the core functionality in his latest update, so I included a very basic contact form showcasing the new Pico2 framework option on the contact page. Also, I've added a few other 3rd-party modules in the download, these are currently @bernhard's awesome RockFrontend, because I don't think I could live without Latte ever again @adrian's Tracy Debugger because it's the first thing I install on every project @Robin S's really handy MinimalFieldset for the hero section repeater I've never actually released a site profile here so I hope it's ok to ship with these modules preinstalled. If not please drop me a line and I'll change that asap. Unfortunately I do not have a GitHub account so I'll attach a .zip file for now. Actually not 100% sure about the official procedure here ? If you have any suggestions for improvements, or if you encounter any problems during installation, feel free to leave a comment here. Also, people who actually know JS please don't hate me for the implementation of the theme switcher. At least it's working, and it actually doesn't flicker on page load like it does on the official Pico website ? All the best from Regensburg and if you're in Germany, happy holiday! Download: site-picowire-v4.zip
    5 points
  2. This week we've bumped the ProcessWire dev branch version to 3.0.239. Relative to the previous version, this includes 15 commits. This version is required if you decide to test out the new PageEditChildren module, which has also been released in the ProFields board today. I'm not sure it'll remain in the ProFields set of modules, as it's not even a field. But after spending multiple days updating ProFields modules to be compatible with it (also posted today), I thought it was best to keep them together for the short term. It's easier for me to support that way at least. Longer term, it may even become a core module. There's also a couple other modules in ProFields right now that I'm planning to move into the modules directory and GitHub. These most likely include TextBlocks, AutoLinks, and potentially FunctionalFields. These modules have not required much in terms of support resources in awhile, so may not need to be part of ProFields any longer. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
    4 points
  3. https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-core-updates-2.5.14/#multiple-copies-of-the-same-module
    3 points
  4. It does. To test I: Renamed the module directory Changed the version number in the module files to force an update Updated the module The update used the original module directory name, and didn't overwrite my changes in the renamed directory. So: renaming the module directory might work. It's slightly wonky — there were some issues — but it might work. Thanks, @adrian, for nudging me in the right direction; I knew about the mechanism, but thought it was only for forking core modules!
    2 points
  5. Hello everyone! I'm new to the forum and currently exploring a solution for our agency. I've had some limited experience with ProcessWire before and found it quite impressive. However, neither my colleagues nor my boss are familiar with it. I'm considering putting together a brief PowerPoint presentation for the team. Could anyone here point me to any marketing materials that could assist me in persuading my team to consider ProcessWire? Thanks in advance!
    1 point
  6. Hi @Ash and welcome to the forum! It sounds like ProcessWire should be a great fit for your requirements! IMHO you have two options Build a custom UI on the frontend Use the PW backend 1 has the benefit that you can build it however you want with all the tools and workflows you already know. It has the drawback that you have to build everything that is necessary (user registration, all kinds of security mechanisms etc). Basically you are building a mini-CMS for your clients and we already have a great CMS at our hands ? 2 has the benefit that it is a well established platform for content management, and what you are trying to do sounds like content management to me ? The drawback is that you have to first learn how the backend works and how you can customise it or how to develop your own modules with custom workflows. Which way is preferable depends on you, your skills and your needs (and your clients). Is design and a good UI/UX very important? It might make sense to build a custom UI. Is it more important to be cost effective? Do you want to build on a solid foundation? Are you willing to learn PW and also benefit from the knowledge for future PW projects? Then diving into PW backend development might be very worth it. I took the backend pill years ago and don't regret it ? I don't know what exactly you are asking, but the short answer is "yes". ProcessWire is great at working with data, either from the UI or also from the command line. And it has always been - see this ancient post from 2010, for example. Nowadays we even have an API for reading CSV files line by line, so an import script could be as simple as this: <?php while($row = $files->getCSV('/path/to/foods.csv')) { $p = new Page(); $p->template = 'food'; $p->parent = 123; // page id of parent $p->title = $row[Food]; $p->type = $row[Type]; $p->color = $row[Color]; $p->save(); }
    1 point
  7. Unfortunately I have no idea what could be the issue. The only thing that looks weird to me is the capital M in the template name Motif-sub-layout. I'm never using capital letters here, although I know they are allowed - so it might be totally only a personal preference and nonsense in this context. Just wanted to mention that this might be worth testing - maybe your local dev file system is not case sensitive and your remote one is, or similar? I don't know, but it might be worth a try ? Good luck! Other than that I'd try to revert as much as possible on the remote (maybe remove or uncomment almost anything in the pageclass) and try to see if it works at some point. If so, then jackpot, then you can add things back in and see when it starts to break.
    1 point
  8. Than can sometimes be the case, I agree - I've had that before. However that doesn't explain why, in this case, some templates work and others don't when being processed by the same code, nor why one page doesn't work when it uses the same template as other pages and the code processing it is identical. Nor why it works in dev but not live.
    1 point
  9. Perhaps it's not that it "does not get assigned" at all, but rather that it isn't assigned when your code expects it to be, because it hasn't been assigned yet?
    1 point
  10. @heybranThanks for letting me know, Brandon, I was unaware of that limitation - it's probably as you are a new user on the forum. I've edited the post to remove the quote. Did you manage to get things working via the web interface? Things have not changed much since the videos I linked were originally posted.
    1 point
  11. File Mover Allows the selection of files or images for moving or copying to a different field. The destination field can be on the same page as the source field or on a different page. Screencast For convenience in the screencast this demonstration shows moving and copying images and files between fields on the same page, but you can also move/copy between pages by following the same process. Usage In any Images or Files field, hover on the field label to show the File Mover icon. Clicking on the icon will reveal the File Mover buttons. If no items are yet selected you'll see a button labelled "Select items to later move or copy". Click the button to enter selection mode. While in selection mode, click one or more images/files to select them. When you have finished selecting items click the "Done" button. Note: you can only select from one Images and one Files field at a time before completing the move/copy step. In the Images or Files field that you want to move/copy the items to, hover the label to show the File Mover icon and click it to reveal the File Mover buttons. When you click the Move or Copy button the page will automatically be saved and the selected items will be moved or copied accordingly. There is also a button to clear the current selection if needed. If you hover on any of the buttons a tooltip shows the filenames of the currently selected items, in case you need a reminder. Configuration There is a field in the module config that defines which roles are allowed to use the File Mover module. If the field is left empty then all roles are allowed. https://github.com/Toutouwai/FileMover https://processwire.com/modules/file-mover/
    1 point
  12. @heybran Hello Brandon, welcome to the forums. There's a video in the opening post of this topic that shows you the basics. There's another one here. There's no need to SSH in and manually kick the cron script. Hope those get you started. Also, please could you edit your post above and remove the full-quote of your previous post - it's not needed and is something we want to discourage in these forums. Cherry picking relevant sections of a previous post for quotation is fine - but full-quoting whole previous posts makes your account look like a spammers.
    1 point
  13. There is also this free module. Didn't try it myself though.
    1 point
  14. Another possibility is to use different names for htaccess files for local development and for live servers. In your local httpd.conf you can set for AccessFilename something like AccessFileName .htaccess.test or AccessFileName .htaccess.local where you can define different settings for local development by keeping the .htaccess file untouched for online server settings.
    1 point
  15. Hi reno, I think it is doable with two hooks. One hook would return false for Page::viewable() for the ProcessPageList page. Another Hook can be used to redirect your users to a custom admin page after login. I've only used the second one in a project, but I think something like this should work: // This needs to be an autoload module public function init() { $this->addHookBefore('ProcessHome::execute', $this, 'rootPage'); $this->addHookAfter('Page::viewable', $this, 'viewable'); } /** * Redirect users with custom-role to another page after login */ public function rootPage(HookEvent $event) { if ($this->user->hasRole('custom-role')) { $this->session->redirect('custom-admin-page/'); } } /** * Don't give users with custom-role access to Pages page */ public function viewable(HookEvent $event) { $page = $event->object; $user = $this->user; if ($page->id == 3 && $user->hasRole('custom-role') { $event->return = false; } }
    1 point
  16. Anyone? I am no longer able to login via iOS using a Yubikey.
    0 points
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