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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2024 in all areas
Hi all, I'm happy to share with you this website we launched two weeks ago for a Swiss movie in pre-production phase. The client wanted to have a blog to document the project and allow users to contribute posts through a form but also with a login to the admin which — once approved — gives them access to more options for their contribution’s content. Right at the beginning they came to us with scientific visualizations as references and thus I finally got to try D3.js. I’ve known about it for a very long time but never got a chance to try it out. It wasn’t easy but in the end I managed to get (what I think is) a pretty satisfying result. And here is a sample of the modules we used: - Fluency ⭐ - TracyDebugger - FormBuilder - RepeaterMatrix - AdminRestrictBranch - FieldtypeOembed - PageRenameOptions - MarkupComponents - Login Magic Link: this is a new one allowing to login with a link sent to the user’s email (inspired by this thread). It’s almost ready to share but I want to create a Process to have an overview of the generated links first Enjoy!6 points
Hi everyone. Padloper 009 is ready! The release has been delayed by issues with my site. It is currently offline as I work on upgrading it. I hit a number of issues which I am currently resolving. I am hoping this won't extend beyond two weeks. I request your patience please, thanks. Best.3 points
Maybe there is something for this already in the API, or elsewhere, but I couldn't find it, so here is my suggestion. The problem is that you can't simply copy the repeater using the API in the usual way: $page2->repeater = $page1->repeater; appears to work for page 2 but messes up page1 where the repeaters get duplicated. Instead you have to copy over each of the field values within each repeater item. So I wrote this. It seems to work, at least in my context. I placed it in init.php. (However, it would be better if the core handled this more intuitively ?) /** * Copies a repeater field to another page * Operates on the RepeaterPageArray object e.g. $page->repeater->copyTo($page2) * * @param HookEvent $event * */ wire()->addHook('RepeaterPageArray::copyTo', function ($event) { $repeater = $event->object; $repeaterField = $repeater->getForField(); $page = $event->arguments(0); if(!$page->hasField($repeaterField)) { $event->error("Field $repeaterField does not exist on page"); return; } $page->of(false); foreach ($repeater as $item) { $newItem = $page->$repeaterField->getNew(); foreach($item->getFields() as $f) { $newItem->$f = $item->$f; } $newItem->save(); $page->$repeaterField->add($newItem); } $page->save(); });2 points
I was browsing the requests repo and saw a request from @adrian that reminded me of a PW feature I had forgotten existed: from Page List you can open a page for editing in a modal window by long-clicking on the Edit button. This is quite handy for when you want to make a quick edit to a page. But as the request notes, it would speed things up if there was a "Save + Close" button in the modal. Until the request is actioned in the core I thought I'd try implementing it in some custom code, and it's also an opportunity to show an easy way you can add custom JS and CSS to the ProcessWire admin. The first step is to create the following files at /site/templates/admin-assets/admin-custom.js and /site/templates/admin-assets/admin-custom.css. The CSS is optional. admin-custom.js $(document).ready(function() { const $body = $('body'); const is_modal = $body.hasClass('modal') || $body.hasClass('pw-iframe'); if($body.hasClass('ProcessPageEdit') && is_modal) { const params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); const $save_button = $('#submit_save'); if(params.has('quick_edit') && $save_button.length) { $save_button.parent().append('<button type="submit" name="submit_save" value="Save" class="ui-button uk-hidden" id="save-and-close">Save + Close</button>'); } } if($body.hasClass('ProcessPageList') && !is_modal) { $(document).on('ajaxComplete', function() { $('.PageListActionEdit a:not([data-autoclose])').each(function() { $(this).attr('data-autoclose', '#save-and-close').attr('href', $(this).attr('href') + '&quick_edit=1'); }); }); } }); admin-custom.css /* Avoid Tracy debugbar appearing on top of modal */ .ui-widget-overlay.ui-front { z-index:40000; } .ui-dialog { z-index:40001; } /* Place modal buttons on the left rather than the right */ .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane .ui-dialog-buttonset { float:none; } The second step is to add the following hook to /site/ready.php One good thing about using a hook to AdminTheme::getExtraMarkup to add custom CSS is that the file gets loaded after any CSS files that are loaded by modules or the PW core, so you can override any CSS rules without needing to add extra specificity. // Add custom JS and CSS to admin $wire->addHookAfter('AdminTheme::getExtraMarkup', function(HookEvent $event) { $parts = $event->return; $config = $event->wire()->config; // JS file should exist at /site/templates/admin-assets/admin-custom.js $js_url = $config->urls->templates . 'admin-assets/admin-custom.js'; $modified = filemtime(rtrim($config->paths->root, '/') . $js_url); $parts['head'] .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='$js_url?m=$modified'></script>"; // CSS file should exist at /site/templates/admin-assets/admin-custom.css $css_url = $config->urls->templates . 'admin-assets/admin-custom.css'; $modified = filemtime(rtrim($config->paths->root, '/') . $css_url); $parts['head'] .= "<link rel='stylesheet' href='$css_url?m=$modified'>"; $event->return = $parts; }); The end result:1 point
I think you’ll find that you can only use “or” when you are referencing the same field.1 point
@Stefanowitsch in the 'Input' tab of the field settings, there is a 'Custom settings JSON' area. You can put it in the 'JSON text' field, or if you need to reuse it, create a file on your server add the above to the file and point to it using the 'JSON file' option.1 point
View at: https://okeowoaderemi.com I switched to Processwire 10 years ago and it's being my goto framework for maintaining my website and also developing for clients. Development I used the moduleTemplateEngineFactory and TemplateEngineTwig, Twig has always been my favourite templating engine, because of how easy it is, to use reusable code and have an easy way to inject content into the layout, it's almost like MasterPages in .NET (For the Oldies)1 point
I believe SearchEngine is able to index content within repeaters and add it to the searchindex field it creates. https://processwire.com/modules/search-engine/ It can also return JSON so it may be a drop in alternative or work side-by-side with the FieldtypeCache? Regarding repeater detection and indexing:1 point
Version 1.3.0 ist out! This version supports mail sending with Postmark mail sending service. Read the full changelog.md for more information about Postmark and what has been changed. If you have one of the Postmark modules as mentioned in the changelog installed, you will find a new configuration field inside the module configuration. Here you can select if you want to send your mails with Postmark or not. Selecting "none" means using the default WireMail class for sending mails. In order to work properly, you will need at least FrontendForms 2.1.57 installed (as mentiond in the changelog.md). As always, this is Beta-status, so please take care that everything works as expected. Happy testing! ? Jürgen1 point
Hey! A client wanted me to update their website to make it show dates in the form "1. - 3. Jän. 2023" instead of "1. Jän. 2023 - 3. Jän. 2023" It's a small change but not so easy to solve, especially if you want to make it locale aware etc... So I've created "HumanDates" library which is not a PW module but a standalone PHP class so that everybody can easily use it even outside of the PW universe: https://github.com/baumrock/HumanDates Usage is simple and the library can be used as a strftime replacement: // manual download require_once "/path/to/HumanDates.php"; // using composer // composer require baumrock/humandates require_once "/path/to/composer/autoload.php"; // create HumanDates instance $dates = new HumanDates(); echo $dates->format("2023-01-01"); // 1. Jan 2023 echo $dates->range("2023-01-01", "2023-01-03"); // 1. - 3. Jan 2023 If it is useful to you please let me know by giving it a star on github ? https://github.com/baumrock/HumanDates/stargazers PS: It will be available in RockFrontend in the next release simply by calling $rockfrontend->humandates() ?1 point
Ok. 1. We need to generate a unique token for a user and store it. The simple way to do that is to add a field to user page (login_token in the example). To make process easier we make a method for that via hook: // site/init.php $wire->addHook("User()::getToken", function(HookEvent $event) { $page = $event->object; if (empty($page->login_token)) { $page->of(false); $page->login_token = generateToken(12); $page->save(); $page->of(true); } return $event->return = $page->login_token; }); The genereateToken() function is yours to implement as you wish. 2. Now we can generate a link: $link = $page->httpUrl . "?user=". $user->id . "&token=". $user->getToken(); 3. Finally we need to handle those parameters and make user autologin: // site/templates/_init.php if ($userToLoginId = $sanitizer->int($input->get->user)) { $url = $page->url; $userToLogin = $users->get($userToLoginId); $tokenToLoginWith = $sanitizer->text($input->get->token); if ($userToLogin->id && $tokenToLoginWith && strcmp($userToLogin->login_token, $tokenToLoginWith) == 0) { $loggedInUser = $session->forceLogin($userToLogin); if ($loggedInUser) { $user = $loggedInUser; }; $session->redirect($url); } } We can then nullify user token if we want it to be only a one-time ticket. I rewrote whole lot of stuff, so might not work straight away, but surely you can fix it @szabesz)) Hope I am not missing something essential.1 point
No idea why my original code it wasn't working, I've given it another go and it's working now. $wire->addHookAfter("Pages::saveReady", function($event) { $page = $event->arguments(0); if($page->template == "repeater_variations") { $title = array(); $check = array(); $i++; foreach($page->variation as $variation) { $parent = $variation->parent->title; if(in_array($parent, $check)) { $this->error("Variation #$i had a duplicate ". strtolower($parent) .", the duplicate has been removed."); $page->variation->remove($variation); } else { array_push($check, $parent); array_push($title, "$parent — $variation->title"); } } $page->title = implode(", ", $title) . $parent_title; } }); Thanks for you help. EDIT: Silly me, it was because I wasn't making changes to the repeater when testing, there for it wasn't firing saveReady.1 point
I am sure it does. But the point here is that i made something because i wanted to try it with PHP and to do one thing very good. Not everything has to be a module. This script is not meant to be a swizz army knife. The point is to experiment, and share my findings so others could see have they could use PHP in different ways.1 point
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