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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/16/2022 in all areas

  1. Not a Drupal developer (unless a small course on D6 years ago counts...) so this is the best I can do. You've got this ? Honestly, my two cents would be to try to embrace Drupal properly before making decisions about whether you like it. In my experience every major platform has ins and outs, some of which may take a while to grasp. I'm sure there's a lot of good in Drupal as well; for an example it sounds like they have solid integrations with many development-oriented tools, from Symfony components to Composer, PHPUnit and Nightwatch for testing, etc. Silver lining: sounds like an interesting learning opportunity! As for pushing ProcessWire, that may indeed be hard, especially if they have a good flow with Drupal. In terms of sales Drupal likely has an edge as well: a lot of folks have the impressions that Drupal is the go-to system for "enterprise open-source" content management, which is can make it easier to sell to certain types of clients. Perhaps suggest doing some smaller or in-house projects with PW, and see where it goes? Pushing anything too hard, especially to other developers, has a tendency to backfire ?
    1 point
  2. Oh I see. Never mind. The password manager I am using in my browser decided that one of the configuration fields in the Session Login Throttle configuration page is where a username should go. Thus I accidentally saved a text value into the maximum number of seconds a user would ever have to wait field. Thanks autofill! Shouldn't this form field be constrained to an integer, or does it allow relative time entry?
    1 point
  3. I have been working with Drupal for a while just to find out if building a website "The Administrative Way" would speed up building websites compared to building websites "The Technical Way" with html, css, js and php. The thing with Drupal is that you have to work the Drupal system way with it's content types, articles, fields, blocks, entities, nodes and modules. With this you can make Drupal Websites without having to write code. Drupal is targeting non coders and with Drupal 9 it has improved on it's user-friendly interface for non-technical administrators. Drupal 7 was the most loved Drupal version and many Drupal users are against how Drupal 7 evolved into version 8 and now version 9. Drupal 8 was less accepted because of worse code readability, incompatible modules, spaghetti of files, far from logical, etc. What the community now hates to see ist that the Drupal that they have grown to love over the years, with Drupal 9 it is actually being steered towards "Enterprise". This is the reason that a group of Drupal coders have branched off from Drupal with the Backdrop cms, a Drupal fork. https://backdropcms.org/why-fork-drupal
    1 point
  4. Very much curious about what it is. Ryan has always surprised me in the past and looking forward to the new surprise. Gideon
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Hi Chris, I understand your point of view completely. In the next few days, I will manually integrate your work (by tagging you because I think it's normal). I'll keep you posted, especially if I make any changes later. If you're interested, I'm thinking of listing some revisions and general rules that we could implement for the translation. I'll need to go back over the details and make suggestions. Have a good weekend, Vincent
    1 point
  7. https://bluefox.studio/ What makes this project cool: We rebranded the clients logo, turning it into a 3D, Three.JS intro presentation The client can mange all aspects of the site via ProcessWire populating their impressive showcase Custom front-end design and UI and full content management across evey aspect of the site. Modular system for page content providing maximum flexibility on page construction. SEO module with global editing section across all pages. Global shared content modules.
    1 point
  8. Hi, I maybe just found a very strange bug. I'm using Processwire with a React front end and I setup it in a subdomain like so https://api.mydomain.com/ so just to avoid using api twice i changed the API endpoint into "v" using versions so my base api endpoint is https://api.mydomain.com/v/1/ Now, everything works fine except when I call a route with a GET parameter starting with "v", it cuts out the v from the slug, for example if I call https://api.mydomain.com/v/1/category/variety the get parameter I get it's "ariety" and this happens on all characters I put in the api endpoint, not just for one character This is the route I'm using 'category' => [ ['OPTIONS', '{slug:\S+}', ['GET']], ['GET', '{slug:\S+}', Blog::class, 'getCategory',['application' => 1]], ], and this is the function which receives the parameter public static function getCategory($data) { $data = AppApiHelper::checkAndSanitizeRequiredParameters($data, ['slug|pageName']); ... // $data->slug returns "ariety"
    1 point
  9. @tires, when redirecting to a login URL from a page that has restricted view access PW has a built-in option to include the ID as a GET variable. You can make use of this ID number in a hook after successful login to get the page that the user was trying to access and then redirect back to its URL.
    1 point
  10. As 1st of november the company I work for is going to be integrated into an another, bigger, one where Drupal is the main web driver other developers work with. This is something I have to adapt with, due to the fact that I'm the only one I know, and love, to work with Processwire for web development. I have plans to diffuse my knowledge with PW and convince to use it for all the sites we are going to develop, but right now I'm not very confident to be successful in the short/mid term. I've spent the last two days trying to figure out the mechanisms and the paradigms behind Drupal but the more I discover the sadder I get. Concepts likes regions, blocks and content types don't sound that bad, but bad and alien is their way to act together. Way more intricate and anti-logic as I'm used with PW, where its logic when working with data arises and shines. Moreover there are template files naming convensions, which you must stick with in order to build site pages and pay a good amount of attention to not reach to an "inception-like" structure, an announced mess. There is twig as template engine, which I don't know (yet) but that's the easy part I'm not worried about. Oh...and the design and UX of the backend sucks, IMHO. So, after this good amount of complaining I'm here to ask if some of you with previous experience with Drupal could give me some advices on how to grasp the basics and learn a workflow as similiar as PW can offer. Links, tutorials, modules and whatnot are very welcome from you (virtual hugs too ? ) Thanks in advice. Lorenzo
    0 points
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