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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/22/2022 in all areas

  1. Coming to an IntelliJ IDE (like PHPStorm) near you soon. Live Templates or snippets provide a short way to write repeating code. You enter an abbrevitation and the editor completes the code for you. Here is one example when I want to setup a new module: phpstorm64_aT7Nj2gxSv.mp4 @bernhard Has snippets for VSCode in his great RockMigrations module also, be sure to check them out, if you use VSCode. As I use RockMigrations in every PW installation I also add snippets for migrations: phpstorm64_fAD9MoUJLE.mp4
    1 point
  2. In general: Apache servers are case sensitive. A request for /directory/file will be treated as a request for a different file than one for /Directory/File. Search engine’s are case sensitive. They’re going to view /directory/file and /Directory/File as the locations of two different documents In processwire: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/23223-allow-upper-case-in-url/ https://processwire.com/blog/posts/page-name-charset-utf8/
    1 point
  3. Do the child pages also have the custom page class? So in your example the template "overview"? Because the child pages are pages of their own.
    1 point
  4. Any javascript errors in the Dev Tools console? Install Tracy Debugger and see if errors occur there
    1 point
  5. Thanks @Jan Romero - I am running the latest version from the modules directory, but I see that your fix was implemented since it was last updated - looks like it needs a version number bump here to force an update.
    1 point
  6. Are you on the latest version? That looks very similar to the error I mentioned above.
    1 point
  7. @Elchin, try: $results = $page->children("date<today, (date_end>today), (date_end=''), sort=-date, limit=12"); You can use "today" in place of your timestamp.
    1 point
  8. That result in a 500 server error. I changed it to the following and now I'm getting the proper time on backend's creation, modification, installation times etc. $config->dbInitCommand = "SET NAMES '{charset}', time_zone = '+02:00' "; Your DatetimeAdvanced module helped me with that ?
    1 point
  9. What happens if you set the following in site/config.php: $config->dbInitCommand = "SET NAMES '{charset}', time_zone='Europe/Athens'";
    1 point
  10. Just add another option to the selector, where you check for cases, where the start is before the searched date and the end is after the searched date. $selector = ""; // Start date inside $selector .= ", range=("; $selector .= "datefrom>=".$input->whitelist("datefrom"); $selector .= ", datefrom<=".$input->whitelist("dateto"); $selector .= ")"; // End date inside $selector .= ", range=("; $selector .= "dateto>=".$input->whitelist("datefrom"); $selector .= ", dateto<=".$input->whitelist("dateto"); $selector .= ")"; // range overspans searchrange $selector .= ", range=("; $selector .= "dateto>=".$input->whitelist("dateto"); $selector .= ", datefrom<=".$input->whitelist("datefrom"); $selector .= ")";
    1 point
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