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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/13/2022 in all areas

  1. Lister Native Date Format Allows the date format for "created", "modified" and "published" columns to be set within a Lister or Lister Pro instance. Why? Lister formats the "created", "modified" and "published" columns as relative time strings and doesn't provide an easy way to change this without writing code. Sometimes a value like "3 weeks ago" is not precise enough and you want to see an exact date/time in these columns, perhaps only temporarily before switching back to a relative date. Details An icon is added near the top right of the Lister that reveals a dropdown where you can select from a list date formats that you define in the module config. The Lister will remember your chosen date format the next time you visit the Lister. If you have Lister Pro installed then each Lister Pro instance will remember the date format previously set for that instance. Configuration In the "Date options" field in the module config, enter a list of date formats that are compatible with wireDate(), one format per line. The default date format used by Lister is "rel". You can also set a default date format for native fields which will apply to all Listers that haven't yet had a date format chosen from the dropdown. https://github.com/Toutouwai/ListerNativeDateFormat https://processwire.com/modules/lister-native-date-format/
    8 points
  2. @horstthank you! I just investigated the Modules that were running.. and luckily I found out what happened and that I was not the only one having the problem. -> The Cookie Management Plugin Banner works with an external API which stopped working weeks ago and therefore was causing the loading times. I deinstalled it and everything is working fine again. Other people were talking about load times of 20-30 here (last page): Thank you everyone! Definitely a big portion of luck to find what exactly caused this..
    3 points
  3. I added a config field for this in v0.1.1. Let me know if this wasn't what you were getting at.
    2 points
  4. Another possible way to approach it is to find both normal and repeater pages and then convert the repeater pages into the non-repeater pages that contain them. FieldsetPage is a kind of Repeater. // Function to get the root container page when the supplied page might be a RepeaterPage function getRootContainer($page) { if($page instanceof RepeaterPage) { return getRootContainer($page->getForPage()); } else { return $page; } } // Get your Page Reference field $f = $fields->get('page_selector'); // Get the templates that contain the field (including Repeater templates) $tpls = $f->getTemplates(); // Implode to a string for use in a selector $tpls_string = $tpls->implode('|', 'name'); // Find pages (including Repeater pages) where the field is populated // The check_access=0 is so that Repeater pages are found when $user is a non-superuser $items = $pages->find("template=$tpls_string, check_access=0, $f.count>0"); // An empty PageArray that will hold the results $results = new PageArray(); foreach($items as $item) { // Convert any Repeater pages to their root container page and add to the results $results->add(getRootContainer($item)); } // Now use $results as needed
    2 points
  5. Thanks a lot! thats is just my helper custom function function pre($data,$exit = false){ echo '<pre>'; var_dump($data); echo '</pre>'; if($exit){ exit(); } }
    1 point
  6. As a general thing to make your life as a developer easier I suggest looking into virtual hosts for local development. That way your local site will be at something like mysite.dev and you can seamlessly move from local to remote without any URL issues. You can use virtual hosts with any LAMP/WAMP/etc, and in particular Laragon will give you an automatic virtual host for every site without needing any configuration.
    1 point
  7. That's exactly what I was looking for - thank you. I think in most cases having an actual date time is preferable for most people.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Hi, welcome to the ProcessWire forums! I’m not sure I fully grokked you requirements, but I made you this monstrosity: function getTemplatesFromField(Field $field, array &$templates) { foreach ($field->getTemplates() as $tpl) { $fieldUsingThis = fields()->get('type=FieldtypeFieldsetPage|FieldtypeRepeater, template_id=' . $tpl->id); if ($fieldUsingThis->id) { getTemplatesFromField($fieldUsingThis, $templates); } else { $templates[] = $tpl; } } } $templates = []; getTemplatesFromField(fields()->get('nav_item'), $templates); var_dump($templates); That should print out all templates that contain the field “nav_item” inside their own fieldgroups or nested anywhere inside their FieldsetPage and Repeater fields. You could probably make something similar in SQL with an iterative CTE, but it’s going to be a bit of a pain because some of the data is stored in JSON columns and it’s hard to get from a repeater/fieldsetpage template to its field… Doing it in PHP should be fast enough, because all this info is loaded by ProcessWire anyway.
    1 point
  11. Basically something like this: image: atlassian/default-image:2 definitions: # Copy files and exclude the ones from .gitignore, # which includes logs and custom overrides out of version control. # Run latest migrations if existing. script: &deploy-script rsync --stats --human-readable --recursive --delete-after --no-perms --no-owner --no-group --exclude-from=$BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR/.gitignore --exclude="bitbucket-pipelines.yml" $BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR/* $SERVER_USER@$SERVER_ADDRESS:$APP_PATH; ssh $SERVER_USER@$SERVER_ADDRESS "php $APP_PATH/modules/Migrations/bin/migrate run"; pipelines: branches: main: - step: name: awesomewebsite.com script: - SERVER_USER=$USER - SERVER_ADDRESS=$SERVER - APP_PATH=$PATH - *deploy-script dev: - step: name: dev.awesomewebsite.com script: - SERVER_USER=$DEV_USER - SERVER_ADDRESS=$DEV_SERVER - APP_PATH=$DEV_PATH - *deploy-script So it's like a tad bit more fancy FTP upload lol
    1 point
  12. This is totally freaking awesome! Can't give enough thumbs up. Any plans to release this? Wannahave ? That would just be such a great help for keeping things in sync.
    1 point
  13. https://www.kaumberg.gv.at/ Hello everybody! Today I want to share a project that I've been working on for a year or so: The new website for municipal Kaumberg - a beautiful village near Vienna. To be honest, this project was way more work than I initially expected. The site has tons of content and the client came with lots of good ideas during the process of building this site. For example after we launched the site several organisations of the village realized that the system works great and is easy to use, so they wanted their own section with their own color scheme... Right now the system is maintained by several user accounts that populate content to the site. Some of them only in the news-section, others are allowed to publish to the sub-sites (eg for the fire department). Recently we won the 2nd price out of 190 cities in lower austria - where Kaumberg was by far the smallest one also having the smallest budget of the top rated cities! ### NOTE ### This system was built with scalability in mind. If you know any other municipals (preferable in a german speaking country) that could possibly need a new website using my setup write me a PM. If you are a marketing guru and know how we can sell this product to 100s of municipals, let me know. I know how to do that from the technical point of view ? ### HIGHLIGHTS ### CONTENT Custom multi-level menu for managing loads of content pages that also works well with keyboard navigation ? --- EVENT MANAGEMENT Events are managed via the PW backend and presented as calendar on the website plus can be downloaded as PDF calendar in A3 format for printing: --- CONTENT BLOCKS I've developed a new (private) module called RockMatrix for versatile, easy and fool-proof content creation for this project. This setup ensures that even non-tech-savvy users can create content that looks nice and works on all devices from desktop to mobile: --- SITE SEARCH Another new module that was developed for this project is RockSearch. I hate site searches that do work on the first sight but do not on the second. For example if they show older results on top of newer ones. Or if they do not index content that is not stored within a regular text field but for example as image description. On the other hand I did not want to use ElasticSearch because it seemed to be overhead to send data to another service that is already stored in the database of my PW installation... RockSearch shows results based on different weighing mechanisms, for exampe a search for the garbage collection schedule first shows results that are nearer to the current date than others (both future and past). That means that a date two days in the future will be shown above one that is 10 days in the past. Also results get different score based on where the term was found - matches in the site title get higher scores than matches in the body or in image descriptions or the like. Each content block is a RockMatrix block that has a render() method to define the output on the website and - for RockSearch - has a method called "searchIndex()" that defines the content that is written to the search index that is queried for every search request: This setup makes it super easy to add new content elements and to add them to the search index ? --- SUB-SITES The client can create sub-sites for different organisations of the village having custom color schemes and managing user access: News can be tagged to show up on different areas of the website: --- OTHER The site uses no cookies and can therefore be used without an annoying cookie banner. Page hit statistics are gathered by PageHitCounter and shown by RockHitCounter Some other little features are short-links for social media (eg https://www.kaumberg.gv.at/goto-1027 ) or the possibility for creating custom subdomains for sub-sites like http://araburg.kaumberg.at/ I'm quite sure I forgot lots of great stuff, but I hope you enjoyed reading this article nevertheless ? Looking forward to your feedback!
    1 point
  14. Thank you! All the same to you and to all of us! It will be nice to take a closer look for sure, thank you in advance.
    1 point
  15. I wish everyone a good start into the new Year. To round up this year I released v0.10.0. The library is runnable as intended in a ProcessWire Environment and fully testable in Standalone mode for developing. Symprowire Release v0.10.0 - Backpain I will publish a demo implementation next year. Hope it will be of use for some of you guys.
    1 point
  16. There are a few things I want to solve, atleast for me, with Symprowire. - poluted global state - dependency injection - clean separation of concerns - Raw PHP in Template Files - no standards in templating - testable code Due to the way ProcessWire handles his templating the global state could get pretty poluted with vars floating around and on top you will most likely add business logic to your template. I prefer a more concise and separated aproach. As a developer I do want to use libraries from the Userland with composer to manage my dependencies and not have to wrap them into a module with the added overhead. I need a Dependency Injection Container to have a nice and manageable way to use my Objects. I want to use twig as template language to benefit from template inheritance, autoescaping and all the other goodies it ships. I need proper Event Dispatching and Handling driven by Types as Subscribers. I want to be able to test my codebase. Symprowire will be niche and way too much for a light, few pages webpage, but it will give you a well structured way for accessing and rendering your data outside of the admin. Symprowire is more like an application framework but could replace the ProcessWire renderer easily and is flexible enough to just serve your templates. In fact, I pushed the new concept to the repo so you may have a look at the codebase. As of now, Symprowire will add ~ 7-12ms to your Request after resolving to a Controller action and gives you a proper Controller Resolver, Event Handling, Twig, Dependency Injection. Im looking forward to release 1.0 ?
    1 point
  17. @studioweb I had a deeper look into the page->name feature request and decided to not include the automatic translation of this field. As I suspected in my last post, there exists already a better solution for this ? If you install the module https://processwire.com/modules/process-setup-page-name/ and activate its option ›Update the name of existing pages‹, the name field will be updated in all languages whenever you change the corresponding field (normally title).
    1 point
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