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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/24/2021 in all areas

  1. After looking into the code, adding support for a parallel uploads limit wasn't too hard, I think. If you're willing to try, I've created a fork of the current PW dev branch and added that functionality. This lets you set a configurable limit for how many uploads happen at once, the rest is queued and processed as soon as others finish.
    3 points
  2. Click the icon after the "Console" in the title bar to see all the shortcuts
    2 points
  3. Yes and no. A large part of this module is not written by me, so I can't support any new features, I can only make it work as a Processwire module. That's why I didn't publish it in the module directory. It's also a powerful tool with the potential of wiping your site if it lands in the wrong hands, so I didn't want too much publicity. I don't work with PW so much anymore, and I'm becoming a bit rusty and can't afford to maintain too many modules. Nevertheless, I will do what I can to help if problems arise.
    2 points
  4. In addition to what @elabx suggested: have you looked into the browser's developer console to see if there is more information about the problem (console message, HTTP reply)? Is the file actually saved in the file system (/site/assets/files/[PAGEID]/ folder)? Also, it may be worth increasing the value for the max_input_vars setting in php.ini. I remember that I encountered a similar issue to yours because of that setting.
    1 point
  5. Do you see any errors on the log files? You can go on the top menu to Setup > Logs, and you can see if there are any errors there that might give a clue. Try uploading and checking if there are any recently updated log file.
    1 point
  6. Is the problem really related to the <p> tags? Any chances it's related to this: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/TextformatterVideoEmbed/issues/16 Ryan seems to have dropped the ball with this module. Might be time to start using this instead: https://processwire.com/modules/textformatter-video-markup/
    1 point
  7. Tracy's File Editor panel allows you to easily fix stuff. It doesn't have the file management component like this module, but it works for my needs when I am away from my dev machine.
    1 point
  8. I'm sorry.. I did not want to distort this forum topic, it is just that this fact caught my attention .. ProcessFileManager is an interesting solution to fix something in a hurry, you just have to apply a very good access control. Years ago, when I was traveling and I was using ICE Coder (https://icecoder.net/) in a project and it worked well for me, then when I return I uninstalled it.
    1 point
  9. Peoples' life change and lots of us pick ProcessWire for our own freelancing projects and others use it because the company they work for uses it. When freelancing is no longer an option in one's life and/or one needs to work in another team/company then it often happens that ProcessWire is no longer an option either. I don't think that this has anything to do with PW losing traction or not. Ryan has already stated a lot of times that he wants to drive ProcessWire forward for at least the next ten years and even more... As long as he is behind the project, ProcessWire will be pushed forward for sure. He has also stated so many times that he is not interested in marketing shares and the like. He is also not interested in "growing it" in this regard. We need to live with this, ProcessWire is his baby after all...
    1 point
  10. I've read those comments too, but more than worrying about Processwire loosing traction I've wondered what other tools those developers are using right now and why. As you know the tech/development stacks vary a lot depending from too many variables to list them all. To me Pw is healthier than ever, even though I'm FIRMLY convinced that pw lacks of marketing share because of "poor/dated" ui/ux design in term of presentation (I'm looking at you). This makes me sad and mad at the same time. Off-topic is over, thanks :)
    1 point
  11. @adrian Awesome, thanks for the fix adrian, you're my hero ? Didn't know about the OPT + Enter shortcut, that's handy indeed! I removed the snippet through the Console panel, that bit worked fine, I guess the problem was just the shortcut trying to load a snippet after it had been deleted. Anyway, thanks again!
    1 point
  12. Hi @MoritzLost - sorry about that - not sure how I messed up the keyboard shortcut. Should be working properly in the latest version. Note that I typically use the ALT/OPT + Enter to run snippets because it clears and runs in one action. Regarding deleting a saved snippet - did you do that from the Console panel, or directly from the file system? You should do it from the console panel so that it also removes the entry from its local storage so it doesn't try to load the snippet from disk.
    1 point
  13. Hi @Marvin, you can definitely have all kinds of relationships between pages in ProcessWire. The term “Page” is slightly misleading because it can imply a close connection to a web-page in your front-end. Instead, in object-oriented terms, you can think of pages as objects and templates as classes. To model the relationships between pages you can use page fields and the hierarchy of the page tree (a page will always know its children and parents).
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Doesn't sound like you're missing anything, and yes — the module should automatically redirect the user to the first branch configured for them. So far I've been unable to reproduce this issue. Just in case I installed a new ProcessWire site with only default site profile + AdminRestrictBranch + AdminRestrictBranchSelect, and everything worked as expected. Following the suggestions Adrian made above should give us a better idea of what's going on, but one more thing I'm wondering is that what version of ProcessWire you're running? The module should work on 3.0.123 and above, but I've only tested it on 3.0.165, so it could have something to do with that. It kind of sounds like AdminRestrictBranch::init() might run before AdminRestrictBranchSelect::init(), or the latter might not run at all; either would at least explain the error you're seeing. A simple way to test if this is happening would be adding some debug code (bd(), or just die() with some sensible message) in both methods and seeing which gets executed first (should be AdminRestrictBranchSelect::init()).
    1 point
  16. Awesome! Great to hear that! Sometimes you just have to stare at the code a bit of time until it clicks, keep on it! Let me know if I can help you with something else.
    1 point
  17. @elabx I studied PHP this weekend. As a result, I am starting to understand more and more of your code. I'm not quite there yet.
    1 point
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