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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/06/2021 in all areas

  1. ProcessWire 3.0.173 adds several new requested features and this post focuses on one of my favorites: the ability to hook into and handle ProcessWire URLs, independent of pages— https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.173/
    8 points
  2. Hi everyone, I'm not an expert, but I regularly make small to medium-sized pages either in static html or for wordpress (_s). I now use Processwire instead of creating static pages, because I can then maintain the pages more easily and I am also faster. I created a site profile with, which is the basis for my work. Since I like to work with sass, I use the sassify module and have created a small boiler for it. html-bones is my html base. And for this I have built in the osano cookie consent. Maybe someone can still use something of it, or there are suggestions for improvement. In fact, i am certainly not using every possibilities of processwire in the best effectivly way, but this basis is sufficient for the type of internet pages that i usually create. I usually don't accept more complex jobs at all, so as not to overwhelm myself. You can find the link to this profile here: https://github.com/eversthomas/processwire/tree/master/site-html5blank-sass And an example: https://processwire.end-linkage.de/ Greetz from germany Tom.
    5 points
  3. Another showcase ? $this->addHook('/rockgrid2/(.*)', function($event) { $name = trim($event->arguments(1),"/"); $grid = $this->getGrid($name); if(!$grid) throw new Wire404Exception("Grid not found"); if($event->config->ajax) $grid->json(); // send json and die() return $grid->debug(); }); When requested via AJAX you get gzipped json (as source for a tabulator grid), when requested in the browser you get a sortable+filterable grid of your data ? And tracy is always waiting for bd() calls for quick and easy debugging ?
    5 points
  4. Love the new URL hooks! The post doesn't mention what happens when a hooked URL or regex matches an existing page URL, but on testing it looks like the page URL takes precedence. That makes sense. In the blog post there are examples where trailing slashes are present and absent, and tests seem to show that the hooked URLs work regardless of whether a trailing slash is present or absent in the requested URL. But what if you want to enforce a trailing slash or no trailing slash and redirect accordingly as per real page URLs?
    4 points
  5. I'm getting a look at this thread linked from the PW Weekly, where it looks like this topic has been discussed. BitPoet has an example where named arguments are in the format like "{user}" (if I understood it correctly) and I really like that. It would provide for an option to have named arguments without having to specify what would be in it... just "any valid PW page name characters". That sounds useful. I'll add support for it, in addition to the named arguments support mentioned in the blog post. We can support that without interfering with other regular expression features by having it convert that to a PCRE capture group.
    4 points
  6. Thanks. Great addition. It's like routes in Laravel. Much needed
    3 points
  7. I never did like October ? ! I've fixed the code.
    2 points
  8. Oh my, this is excellent! A first use case I thought of was archives (eg. blogs) filtered by date: YYYY/MM/DD /** * This example merely displays back the selected date as a string, but it could be used to show date-based archives. * The following URLs are valid: * /YYYY * /YYYY/MM * /YYYY/MM/DD */ // Build basic date regex to eliminate very silly things (e.g. 2021/15/92) $dateRegexY = '(year:\d{4})'; // any four digits (could be narrowed, e.g. '(19|20)\d{2}' $dateRegexM = '(month:(0[1-9]|1[0-2]))'; // 01-09 or 10-12 $dateRegexD = '(day:(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1]))'; // 01-09, 10-29, 30-31 (will need further validation!) // Put it together $dateRegex = '/' . $dateRegexY . '(/' . $dateRegexM . '(/' . $dateRegexD . ')?)?'; $wire->addHook($dateRegex, function($event) { $date = $event->year . ($event->month ? '/' . $event->month : '') . ($event->day ? '/' . $event->day : ''); return $date; }); The possibilities are endless.
    2 points
  9. Great addition!! Kudos to @bernhard for bringing this on board!
    2 points
  10. +1. I am assuming there is something peculiar about options fields that makes this tricky, but it seems like this functionality was left unfinished some years ago.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. And it would be great if @David Karich could update Page Hit Counter to use it.
    1 point
  13. Just a tip - I replaced the "Page fields to search" setting in the PW core Page Search (ProcessPageSearch) module to use the search_index field. It seems like a great alternative when you want to have the admin live search find pages based on the content of lots of fields (not just title etc).
    1 point
  14. ProcessJumplinks could be modified to use this. Don't know if @Mike Rockett is still working on v2?
    1 point
  15. ? ? ? ? ? What a great addition!! Thank you Ryan!! ?
    1 point
  16. Herzzentrum Bonn The Herzzentrum Bonn (Heart Center Bonn) is part of the University Hospital Bonn (UKB) and consists of the cardiology and heart chirurgy clinics. Goals for the website were a clear content structure, friendly and personal communication tailored to the different visitor groups and easier maintenance and content updates. Concept, design and implementation by schwarzdesign. www.herzzentrum-bonn.de You can read more about the challenges, concept and implementation of this project in the case study on our website (German only). Notable modules used ProFields (especially RepeaterMatrix) FormBuilder ProCache UniqueImageVariations WireMailSmtp ProcessCacheControl ProcessRedirects TracyDebugger Development insights One thing to note is the central management of staff members. To represent staff members as well as the hiarchies and different departments, we created a layered template structure: person – Represents a single person and has fields for name, title, position, portrait, contact info etc. hierarchy – Represents a hiarchy level or department in the organisational structure. Has person pages as children. people – This is a singleton template which displays all team members sorted by hierarchy level. Has hierarchy pages as children. The central staff database is also used to display people throughout the site – for example, the experts on angiology on the angiology page. Most of the editorial content is created through a RepeaterMatrix field with different section types. The section type for people contains a simple page reference field, allowing the editor to select the people to display in a given context while still being able to edit their contact info in a central place. Another interesting content type are the track records on the homepage. Those are implemented using CountUp.js and a custom IntersectionObserver script to trigger the animation as soon as the section comes into view. Finally, we built a very flexible grid section which uses CSS grid to display grids with variable contents and row/column spans (see an example here). Screenshots
    1 point
  17. Thx RobinS for the idea about the getExtraMarkup hook! I slightly changed your version: $this->addHookBefore('AdminTheme::getExtraMarkup', function (HookEvent $event) { $config = $this->wire->config; $url = $config->urls($this); $config->scripts->add($url."lib/moment.min.js"); $config->scripts->add($url."tabulator/js/tabulator.min.js"); $config->scripts->add($url."Grid.js"); $config->scripts->add($url."RockGrid2.js"); $config->styles->add($url."tabulator/css/tabulator.min.css"); }); using the "before" hook makes it possible to use the config->scripts|styles->add syntax ? I'd love to get a $config->scripts->addAfter("/my/script.js", "/my/other/script.js") feature - but acutually I've always found a way to get the correct order by using proper hooks...
    1 point
  18. Hi @titanium, I don't have had time to install PHP 8 and test out all my sites and modules under it. I will do so with priority for WireMailSmtp. But it may take 1 or 2 weeks, sorry.
    1 point
  19. PHP 8 was released a few months ago. I can't get WireMailSMTP to work with PHP 8. The error message is: "Error in hnsmtp::send : cannot connect to smtp-server!" With PHP 7.4, on the other hand, it works fine. Was anyone already successful with PHP 8? Thanks in advance.
    1 point
  20. What we need is really easy ways to contribute and build motivation towards contributions. - slack/discord for real-time Comms - merging PRs in the Processwire repo instead of the weird closing the PR and copy pasting it in. I raised a PR years ago, got no feedback and was told it may have fine in via copy and paste. I closed the PR myself to reduce noise and haven't entertained the idea of contributing since. Unless this has changed, start treating it like a modern open source project - roadmap on the GitHub board - indentified maintainers on the GitHub repo - a backlog / causal kanban style agile setup - monthly maintainer video calls to go over backlog etc. Maybe anyone can join. Maybe video recorded. - a patron or way to donate to the PW project. This pot can be used to pay maintainers to work on critical features etc. E.g. through donations with have enough money to fund 1 week of work, what should Ryan / another maintainer take time off their normal work to work on. - key goals established for the core maintainer team. We should as a whole be marching the same direction. (Though obviously people can work on what they want, but has to pass review) - a plan that @ryan is comfortable with to slowly distribute the reigns. We don't want to move too fast and over burden the core. - some sort of backlog voting system, instead of posts on the forum. - Id really like to modernise the process around Processwire. That scares anybody larger than a sole freelancer away from the project. Bigger users mean more support. More pro modules being sold etc. - on that note. Can we have the shop not just be Ryan's modules but extended to other pais for modules. I don't like that they are strewn across the web. (And Ryan charge a fee.)
    1 point
  21. Long time no post. Here's my latest: https://maisliberdade.pt/ Mais Liberdade is a liberal think-tank in Portugal, promoting the values of liberal-democracy, individual freedom and free market economy. It's a non profit that gathers collaboration from people from multiple portuguese political parties, members of the european parliament, economists, professors, etc. During development, an announcement page was set up with a registration form for founding members. In that period of about a month, around 200 subscriptions were expected, but in the end we got over 6000 subscribers. This website features essays, events, videos and a free library that, at the time of this post is counting 400 books. The frontend was built using web components (Stencil js). Basic pages are built with a modular approach, I'm attaching a video of how they are created. The approach is a simple repeater with a custom block type selector interface. That selector is basically a modified version of FieldtypeSelectFile. I've hacked that module to expect a PNG to be available for each PHP file in the blocks folder, and modified the input field to generate a button grid after the select. This is lovely to use from the editor's perspective, but it's something to improve for the developer experience, because in the end this is a repeater, that has to contain all fields that each type of block needs, and for each of those fields I have to set it to show only if the blockType field equals X, Y or Z. With a lot of different block types this takes some planning and easily becomes hard to manage, but it's the best approach I found yet and the benefit for the editor's experience is well worth it. covered-compressed.mp4
    1 point
  22. If done correctly I think that could be a great plus for ProcessWire! And I'd be happy to be part of such an association ?
    1 point
  23. Another quick and easy one ? Place this in /site/templates/admin.php before the require(...) statement: $this->warning('Attention: We have planned maintenance starting 2021/02/11 from 10:00 AM - log out before that date to prevent data loss.');
    1 point
  24. I know some things I have struggled with in the past is exporting fields from one website to another to jump start a project, and option fields can't be imported in. I have to go to each of, say 20 fields, and manually copy and paste all options in for all of them. When I am working in a page backend in one tab, and have another tab open with the front end to see my changes, I can save the backend tab, and instead of staying where it is at, it shoots me to the top of the page. This isn't great. Would prefer it to stay there so I can tweak, save, tweak, save. Most other backend system I don't even need to hit save as changes I am making are live, but this is a step in the right direction! Also would be nice to have a way to not have to switch back and forth between tabs. Getting live editing would be even better! I even purchased the plugin for this and wasn't a huge fan of it.
    1 point
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